Saturday, July 27, 2019

Blind Item #4

It took all of a week for the alliterate former actress to forget the royal intervention about how you treat people to wear off. Apparently this week she went to a shop during business hours and had a security team shoo everyone out because she didn't want to have to interact with anyone. 


  1. Let the hate flow.

  2. This is what happens when you fall for a whore.

    1. Theres no business like. Ho business. Like no business i know...

  3. Why is she so awful and why do they allow her behavior?

  4. I don’t think there’s been a ‘Royal Intervention’.

  5. Article today where anyone on the grounds of their property cannot address them. Not allowed to speak to them. And just a short time ago she was just a third rate actress. Now she actually believes she is above everyone else. Certainly never going to be the “people’s princess.” Can’t wait for the divorce.

  6. I would never have heard of her if it weren't for Harry. I don't watch any tv. My first thought when they became an item was that chick had to dye her stache every other week.

  7. I hate her. I hate her so much.

  8. Poor James Hewitt. Must be so embarrassing for him. Even though Harry got the moron dna from tramp mommy.

  9. she doesn't even come out looking the worst in all of these stories, she's just a relentless nobody whore, who got lucky and now is abusing her fortunate position

    the person who comes out really looking half retarded is Harry - what the fuck is wrong with him?

  10. But she buys mostly buys vegan shoes, so it's all ethical

  11. Do your shopping online, then, you cow.

  12. Megan's princess days are numbered.

    Apparently she can't be taught to toe the royal line.

  13. she is not skinny anymore. too self conscious.

  14. So Chubs requires 40 empty seats around her at all times? She is playing Harry’s insecurities like a fiddle.

    One of their neighbors should invite her father over for a barbecue.

  15. Lol, she is a porker these days.

  16. Anonymous10:28 AM

    MM causing yet another disaster for her PR staff. They do earn their money. Between the halfwit prince's gaffs and Duchess Difficult's rude behavior. Express has an article that MM has a visit scheduled with the Queen up at Balmoral next week. She gets to have one of those Come to Jesus moments with HM explaining to MM that the disastrous PR must end and not be repeated. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when this occurs.

  17. So I always read all these blinds with a healthy dose of skepticism and have been neutral about Meghan Markle as a result. I did a quick google search and the Palace actually confirmed that this did happen even though they are claiming this was done without the couple's knowledge(i don't know if I believe that). This doesn't look good for either Harry or Meghan and will contribute towards turning the public against them, especially Meghan who will be seen as the instigator since she is the foreigner/new addition. The British public have a huge fondness/protectiveness towards Harry, him being Diana's youngest and more mischievous son. He also never gave off the vibe as being 'uppity'.
    I don't want to pile onto Meghan so it's possible that she had a difficult pregnancy/suffering from postpartum blues and kinda wants the public to leave her alone(she has also gained ALOT of weight) or the fame has gone to her head.

  18. If there were any way I could ban everyone from where-ever I was shopping I would do that thing 100% of the time and never ever feel bad about it.

    1. Perhaps if you are ELVIS and earned the right through a lifetime of entertaining the world ...( he used to close down movie theaters and stores.) or if you are the Queen, although she is gracious enough NOT to do it.

  19. MM has a long and storied history behaving the quintessential mean girl. Her bff from childhood described in detail when Megs didn't get her way she would ruthlessly freeze a person out until she got her way plus everything she demanded. Opening her legs for dipshit Harry only gave her a platform to finally treat everyone as peasants.

  20. Every one of you commenting about how appalling this behavior is, are doing so from your plebian place in the world and really wouldn't know what it's like to be recognized and hounded constantly.
    Carry on, peasants.

  21. She'll be in the tower before Christmas. Off with her head!

  22. She has got to aggravate the RF to no end. How many times do you need to be instructed and/or reprimanded before they really do give up and shun you? Im wondering if they're going to allow her to come home from Balmoral until she goes through a Lord G approved Duchess bootcamp and passes with flying colors. This is NOT a stupid woman, just a woefully self-absorbed, clueless to the bigger picture,foolish one.

  23. "Every one of you commenting about how appalling this behavior is, are doing so from your plebian place in the world and really wouldn't know what it's like to be recognized and hounded constantly.
    Carry on, peasants."

    Thought you were more democratic than that, for some reason.

    Also: How do you know none of us knows, even peripherally.

    But yeah, it's a peanut gallery, but you didn't know that?

    1. I don't understand your comment? But that's ok,
      You do realize you weren't even a part of my OG post, right? Lol
      So I'll assume you know how this feels and agree that It's pretty weird to judge MM for wanting space.

  24. If privacy is that important, she needs to realize that stores would likely open early for her. Cannot understand why she just wouldn't hire a stylist to comb through the racks on her behalf.

  25. The way to shop if you don't want to be bothered is to go AFTER hours, and shop behind the locked doors. Give money or something to make it worth their while.

    When you're new to a position, family, firm, whatever, in this case all three, and bad press is hounding you, you don't do things like this unless you truly do not care what others think of you.

    BAD move when your spot in all three depends largely upon what others think of you.

  26. "Why is she so awful and why do they allow her behavior?"

    They can't *force* anyone to listen.

    A 'royal intervention' could be as simple as tea and advice, or a word from an advisor.

    It's sad if MM carries on ignoring royal advice. They know the job and she does not.

  27. This is the third big "keep the plebs away from me" story in 10 days.

    First was "keep the seats around me empty and don't let anyone take photos" at Wimbledon. That was blamed on an overzealous security person, not the Duchess' fault.

    Then was the meeting for the Windsor neighbors, telling them never to greet Meg and Harry should they see them out in public, never to ask about Archie, and never to pet their dog. That was blamed on an overzealous palace factotum, not the Sussexes' fault.

    Now the emptied shop, Michael Jackson style. I wonder who this will be blamed on.

    Her security people must be so embarrassed.

    1. Actually it is number 4. Remember the list of rules given to the cast of the Lion King about precisely how they should kiss their royal arses before they met?

  28. BTW, for those commenters who are asking "Why doesn't the BRF do something?", we are discussing this on my blog at the moment. Click my profile name to access.

  29. I know it wasn't personal. I'm in a bad mood and touchy today.

    But I do join in the gossip so I felt proximal.

    I don't judge her for wanting space, but I do think it's self sabotage for her not to listen to the wizened advisors, if for no other reason than to make them feel their jobs are secure; once the staff resents you at the Palace look out. Sarah, even Diana, felt their wrath.

    These stories are coming from someone she ticked off in the Palace interior in my opinion.

    "I don't understand your comment? But that's ok,
    You do realize you weren't even a part of my OG post, right? Lol
    So I'll assume you know how this feels and agree that It's pretty weird to judge MM for wanting space."

  30. Here we have examples of dumbshits at the very top and very, very bottom of the social ladder.

  31. Honestly who does this cheap bitch thinks she is? She was a z list actress who sucked dick to make ends meet and just because that dim prince was dumb enough to take her out of that life she thinks she's some hot shit? Nobody gives a fuck about her without Harry,so people wouldn't even have looked her way while she was shopping at the store. Kate gets more attention than her and I've never heard about her pulling these kind of gauche stunts. That's what you get when you let trash get some power. Trash it's what she was and trash it's what she'll always be.

  32. Does anyone have a link to the shopping story? Thanks.

    1. It is from Radar so take it with a big lick of salt: :)

  33. Given that Prince Charles was having an affair while he was engaged to Diana, as well as his well documented cruel treatment towards her during their marriage, in what way was she a "tramp" @J?

    Opps! Silly me. I forgot you're a hypocritical misogynist. Your comment no doubt works on the same PoV where it's only "rape", "sexual assault" and paedophilia if the victim is male..

  34. The PR effort is relentless to infer that MM is a Diana for the next generation, yet her actions belie this.

    The Balmoral intervention cannot come soon enough.

  35. Seven - Elvis lived on reverse time, he was up all night. He used to buy out a cinema or go to the dentist AFTER hours. Always at night time.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Eponymous -

    I could only find shopping stories that said she had an online shopping "addiction." Nothing about closing down a shop. Hmm.

    If you just type her name, what comes up currently are stories about the 'behavior list' allegedly told or sent to their neighbors. Their neighbors are all experienced with royals so it was odd. The Palace said it didn't come from PH and MM but a well meaning estate manager. Or something. Who can keep up?

    1. I couldn’t find any stories about her closing down a shopping establishment either. Maybe soon to come. Thanks for being a second set of eyes.

  38. Harry seems to be thoroughly 'whipped

  39. Cork it, Viking Song.

    Go shower your husband with carnal delights.

  40. A lot of sites have the rules for neighbors story. Not sure if it *came from* there.

    Are we allowed to talk about or link to other gossip sites here btw?

  41. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Express site has a significant news article. It appears the Sussexes have disappeared from Prince Charles & Camilla's Clarence House job offerings website.

    "Prince Harry and Meghan in shock split with Prince Charles...PRINCE Harry and Meghan Markle have stumped Buckingham Palace aides by appearing to now split from Prince Charles and Camilla after already dividing the royal family by breaking away from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - and Kensington Palace. The American and the Duke of Sussex are no longer listed on the recruitment page of Prince Harry’s father Prince Charles’ website. Prince William and wife Kate however, remain there. One family friend said of Harry: “He wants to control everything and everyone he’s involved with. How he’s going to pay for it is another question.”

    Most amusing is the author calls MM "The American" not even by her name. I think things have heated up.

  42. @momo I watch LOTS of TV, and I'd never heard of her either.

  43. Honestly not to be a downer or realist @Ann but if there is a further widening between Harry and William/Charles’ households at this juncture it will be in line with what Charles wants for the future of the monarchy- a pared down set of royals with the only visible ones being those directly affecting the succession - eg Charles and Camilla, Will, Kate and kids, then George and Wife, and so on. Sorry Beatrice, sorry Eugenia, sorry Prince Andrew, Fergie and rest of the lot, after QE2 I expect you’ll get the boot in terms of appearances. So it’s an awkward transitional phase right now made all the more bizarre by meg’s nonsense but I can see the skeleton of what Charles has said he wants the RF to look like going fed, and frankly, what it sounds like what most of England wants as well. Harry, Meg Archie and No Name Dog will be not making royal appearances in 5 years time and will be FT private citizens.

    1. Oh LAWD let it be true (as a taxpaying Brit this I pray for)

  44. @J - Diana was no tramp. She was in a cruel marriage to that douchebag, who cheated on her with a tramp. You're just another piece of garbage.

  45. LMAO @Rosie - who the fuck is 'hounding' her? Nobody gives 2 fucks about her, that was evident when she sent her goons after some innocent guy who was taking a selfie at Wimbledon - and not her picture.
    She's probably the most detested celebrity in all of the realm, bitch, so take several seats. At least peasants like us aren't blinded by a mediocre nobody talentless d-list actress and ex-hooker, like the easily impressed simpleton you seem to be. Go chase a shiny object, troglodyte.

  46. BS on this particular blind until one of those evicted so 'The American' could shop alone comes forward with the story. Because you can bet your life they wouldn't be keeping quite about it.

  47. I honestly doubt that she’s going to Balmoral. That was initially a story that her PR put out that HM was going to do something ‘special’ for MM’s birthday.

    I also don’t believe that she went shopping. If she did, maybe her clothing would a) fit her properly and b) flatter her.

    Definitely believe the ‘neighbor’ ruled as the cast of TLK was also given rules.

  48. @EmeraldCity, not sure those removed from the store would have known it was for Meghan.

    They could have been asked to leave because of a "VIP customer" or something similarly anonymous.

    Lots of VIPs in London, including Middle Eastern royalty, Russian oligarchs, etc.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Anonymous5:29 AM

    @Eponymous that's a great angle I hadn't thought about. Makes sense since Harry's been knocked down into minor royal status that Charles would begin the parring within his own family. From the comments I don't think many in the UK will miss either Sussex.

  51. She lacks manners. You do not cost a store owner sales by running all the customers out. You go in quietly try not to disturb anyone and shop. Kate has been seen doing it. If you treat people kindly they will respect your space. Kate even takes the kids to the park and walks. She politely waves at the people and they leave her alone.

  52. Oh,Libtard.
    If you didn't care you wouldn't of spent thirty minutes foaming at the mouth to write all that nonsense.

  53. It occurs to me that this extreme demand for privacy (concealing birthplace and time, concealing name of godparents, neighbors not allowed to greet and ask questions) all began around the time "Archie" was born.

    What's that old line? "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808).

    There's some sort of major lie about "Archie" - use of surrogate, lack of Royal DNA, much earlier birthdate than publicized, or lack of a child entirely - that they are putting a lot of energy into covering up.

  54. @Rosie, 30 minutes? Exactly HOW slow are you? I wrote 5 sentences which took me about a minute to type, with a perfectly dry mouth.

    Your assumption that, that would take me 30 minutes, says nothing about me, and everything about you.

  55. I don't think Rosie's a b.

    Eponymous angle about the royal payroll quietly being pared down makes sense to me, too. I have heard in the past that Charles is likely to cut a lot of ballast, Sarah being first to go. I wonder if that will prompt Andrew to remarry her.

  56. The black and white christening photo showed a child who was completely different from the baby in the colour christening photo. The baby she was wrangling at the polo would have boiling hot pressed up against her voluminous dress on a very sunny day. He would have been sweating, red faced an crying at being held so uncomfortably. But he literally didn't move. A doll? Certainly there is huge mystery around this Archie.

    1. Mystery around baby, mystery around baby's mother.
      "Meghan" is not the child's mother. He wasn't the mother of the doll h and Harry were being photographed with at first either.

  57. Sociopath. She is a Narcissist too. Literally Rachel, Meghan whatever your name is doesn’t give a fuck. She will play the black card and then a martyr as long as she is never held accountable for her behavior. The real problem is Harry was dumb enough to marry this VHR (Valley Hood Rat). Her mother Doris is a felon and her dad has been iced out for fear of him spilling the beans. Always the victim.

  58. What would be the point of a doll, though? They will have to show a kid at some point - or a mannequin on a skateboard?

    I heard Doria = felon was a lie. She's a yoga teacher, but a felon? Where does that come from?

  59. MXJ what were the rules?

  60. Ah well, "Meghan" can do whatever he wants now that his fake pregnancy is over and done with.

  61. So it seems while her sister is money and publicity hungry she may have had a point all along

  62. Surrogate I can believe but why publicize a DOLL?

    Again, what do people propose they will do (if there is 'no baby') in a few years? Wheel a mannequin on a skateboard for those traditional 'first day at kindergarten' photos?
