Saturday, July 20, 2019

Blind Item #4

The mogul has made clear using a donation, who his favorite pick for President is. Tick tock until the mogul has to do some fast talking vis a vis the island, the pedophile and the airplane. Will the candidate give the money back?


  1. Is approval off comments?

  2. Geffen donated to Buttigeg

    So Buttigeg is probably on the side of the pedophiles.

    1. Hasn’t seen that article. Good find.

    2. How did he accuse all gays of that? Are all gays part of the gay mafia? Regarding trump... what evidence do you have of that? Another reckless and idiotic statement. Grow a brain Andre!

  3. I guess we are not moderating comments now.

  4. The candidate doesn't have to have anything to do with Epstein for the 'mogul' to have a big-tie problem. All that's involved here is the candidate's decision whether or not to give the money back. For what it's worth, and I'm a Conservative, I seriously doubt Pete has anything to do with Epstein. He seems like a really sincere guy. Geffen is probably only backing him because he's gay.

  5. I'm with Mary, other than deciding whether or not to return the money, a candidate has zero control or responsibility over who donates to him or her.

  6. I am with Mary. Pretty much the main backers from that article of Buttegeig are all pretty much gay and out in Hollywood except for Gwenyth Paltrow, Larry David and John Stamos.

  7. Hmmm I must check the no moderation. I thought my last two were today.

  8. Guess I am just dull. Maybe they take the weekend off.

  9. Until Geffen gets accused of something and the general public actually becomes aware of it, nobody will refuse his donation. And we can't guess they have heard any rumors about him either

  10. @sandybrook David Geffen has made a lot of enemies over the decades, especially among the musical acts who feel he cheated them of the career they should have had. I don't doubt that there are many stories about him. This is the guy who sued Neil Young for delivering albums that were "musically uncharacteristic of his previous records."

    However, the pedophile accusations are a different matter. The only concrete source is that David Geffen was an early investor, along with Bryan Singer (but also Microsoft, Dell and some venture capital firms) in Mark Collins-Rector's DEN and that Geffen went to a few of the parties. Geffen says he didn't witness anything illegal there. Some actors sued Mark Collins-Rector for assaulting them during DEN parties, while some of them also accused Bryan Singer of abusing them, but no direct accusation was made at Geffen. Maybe he was there, maybe the the stuff happened only at parties where Collins-Rector had a close circle of friends.
    The only other source about Geffen and child molestation is basically this place, and the myriad of alt-right sites that are happy to amplify Enty's claims, as Geffen is gay, Jewish and liberal, which is basically the jackpot for them.
    You may also notice that "one of the most powerful men in Hollywood" hasn't done anything to get this site taken offline, while the child molestation stories about him here started two years ago. For a man who, according to Enty, doesn't hesitate to have possible informants killed (the Mark Salling "murder"), it's weird that Geffen wouldn't be able to contact a few people at Google to ask them for a favor about a rather popular website. He could be unaware of the existence of the site, or he might not be interested in a series of fake stories.

    Anyway, there was indeed a real change two years ago here. The previous Singer stories were about Singer, then they started to involve Geffen more and more, as if he were the real target, while there are no public connections existing between Singer and Geffen outside of DEN. And it also resulted in this totally insane series of blind items about Leaving Neverland, that basically tried to turn the anger of the Michael Jackson fans on Geffen, accusing him of being responsible for producing the documentary. With the sole evidence being he's friends with Oprah.

    After all, we have a ton of shoddy blind items about Netflix or Elon Musk that serve an obvious agenda, Enty's reasons for attacking Geffen may not be as high and mighty as they're supposed to be.

    1.'re still peddling false, baseless conspiracies about some alleged "alt-right political bias" here at CDAN, I see...despite how I embarrassingly refuted your claims and proved them to be inaccurate, no less.

      Question: Don't you tinfoil hat wearers have more important issues to contend with this weekend, Angela? I mean....isn't today the anniversary of what you loons refer to as the "staged" moon landing?!? 😉✌

  11. Angela most people with power and money have lots of enemies, it comes with the territory. The pedo stuff may be true, but it isn't mainstream news for him yet, when/if it is, everyone will donate his contributions somewhere. Yeah I know all the agendas from this blog, mean-spirited and usually bullshit. For years. Different tone now though.

  12. Buttegieg is BFF with Zuckerberg. Therefore, Geffen is the money man!!!

  13. Butttgig is gay and hates gay rights so why are any of these people supporting him?

  14. Where is Mark Collins-Rectum these days? Hopefully in prison...didn't he and Singer corrupt some young former child star? Brock something or other...

    Geffen is garbage. Can't wait for his day to fry on the sidewalk!! ✌

  15. Ok not defending the mogul, pos, but dont most people in a power position donate to all candidates? Across all aisles

  16. I read this as Bernie Marcus, the owner of Home Depot, and his donation to Trump.

  17. steven spielberg has been at the absolute heart of hollywood for decades

    all the abuse, all the cover ups

    people think he didn't know anything ?

  18. Jack Dorsey maxed out on Tulsi Gabbard. Doubt this blind refers to that, but crazy things are happening, so ?

  19. Sherlock Holmes has Moriarty
    Batman has the Joker
    Superman has Lex Luthor
    Bond has Blofeld
    I have YummyBoogers.

    All right, I definitely agree that it's a huge letdown. I can't help thinking that I do deserve better, like a mastermind nemesis. Even the Roadrunner has at least Wile E. Coyote.

    Anyway, I'll gladly take your toilet paper sticking to the heel of my left shoe, if it means that the time you spend focused on me prevents other people from suffering you.

  20. Buttigeg... HAHAHAHAHA, can you not say it without laughing? COME ON!

  21. So Angela is the paid pedophile defender then? Kinda makes sense now.
