Saturday, July 13, 2019

Blind Item #4

A member of the police force told this former cable star how long he would have to get ready for the police visit so he could get rid of all evidence tying him to the case.


  1. I don't know any of these answers. I hop to the comments to see what everyone else says, primarily Tricia, proven knowledgable many times over. If we all promise to ignore/not get triggered by Dereck, can we go back to the way it was? This is the very reason I gravitated here from Blind Gossip.

    1. Me too. Comment there take a looooong time to get posted!

  2. Pro tip: If there is a criminal case pending and you have things tying you to it, don't wait for the police to tell you to delete that shit. Whoever this is must be dumber than a box of rocks.

  3. well however did this needs to be fired. must have cremated the dog and flushed all the meth

    1. they have septic tanks in NC. maybe check that for drugs or animal remains

  4. The dog killer. If the dog were alive,all he needs to do was tell the police where it was. It doesn't need to be public.

  5. Everything about this story makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. May both of these “adults” rot in Hell.

  6. Thomas Ravenel?

    Only speculating!

  7. I've always said Eason will go shit-pants one day, take Jenelle hostage and get into a shoot-out with police [and that the kids will be taken away - again - prior to this].

    This might be awful, but I kinda hope it happens now. They're the two least-redeemable people on the planet.

  8. If someone helped people get away with murdering a family pet, or helped people who are abusive and have NOT changed one iota, get little kids back on an isolated property, that person should be summarily dismissed and charges brought.

    ...In a nicer world than this one is.
