Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #4

You know things are looking bad for you when this alliterate kiss ass website even starts in after the alliterate former actress turned royal. 


  1. Just Jared and markles.

  2. You know things are really bad when you sleep in a little and Enty is already up and posting blinds. LOL

  3. Anonymous7:44 AM

    So apparently according to the deep dark web, Markle was yachting with the royals as blackmail bait but parlayed her hand into a marriage? That’s some Machiavelli shit right there.

    1. Sparkles was a Hollywood hooker for treasury sec minuchin too

  4. She's laughing all the way to the Bank of England.

  5. @Duh - do you really think that's uncommon though? Men of power have been marrying whores for centuries. The dick wants what the dick wants.

  6. How are things bad for her? Let all the dirt come out. Her life is pretty sweet.

  7. Actually, Markle's old friend Lainey Gossip is also going after her. That's pretty big news, since Lainey was the one who basically dropped repeated hints that two of them were dating, at Meghan's urging, and then finally broke the story.

    Lainey is an old friend of Meghan's from Toronto.

  8. Here's the Lainey link if anyone's interested.

    Lainey has always been Meg's biggest cheerleader, and still lets Meg off the hook at the very end of this piece, but even so - this is an Et tu Brute? moment for Meghan.

  9. What's "starts in after" mean? can someone translate from Yankish to Englishish?

    1. Goes after someone in a negative way..

      Ex: I thought Joe only hated Karen but then he statst in after her sister!

    2. Starts.. Not statst orwhatever that word is..

  10. Wow Markle blinds every day all day.....sigh

  11. Oh look, Meg has just struck back by posing with her baby at today's polo match.

    It's a giant fucking baby. There's no way that kid is 8 weeks old. Born on May 6? No.

    1. He is perfectly normal for 8 weeks. In fact, he looks like he's in the 50th percentile for 2 month olds. He is smaller than my family's babies. We get big babies who morph into skinny kids. It is what it is. Pretty soon, his head will be held up by himself and he will morph from tiny infant to baby. He will start smiling and respond to what Mum and Dad are doing. If Harry is gone, he will get wiggly when he hears the door open and hears his voice. Mum is doing the right thing just as Kate did. She is home with a new baby feeding and staring at this miracle.

      Don't be mean about someone's baby. It's unkind and is not necessary. All is normal.

  12. I want to see how the RF gets out of this one!

  13. @Sarton starts in after = goes after, attacks

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    @Nutty she looks like she's about to drop that massive newborn.

    1. Archie is no longer a newborn. He is an infant and on-track as to apparent weight and length. He is still curled up into Mum's bosom.

  15. That kid looks like he's ready to get a drivers' license.

  16. Enjoy motherhood MM. It's the best.

  17. Anonymous8:38 AM

    She looks so awkward holding Archie. Oddly it's like she hasn't had eight weeks to learn how to hold a baby. By now it should be natural even for a first time mother. She looks more pregnant today than she ever did during her bump clutching days with Archie. Even better I wonder how the royal family is going to explain two children about five-six months apart in age.

  18. Idiot Harry could had his choice of women.

    For some reason, he wanted to select even more abysmally than his "dad" did.

    Which, until now, didn't seem possible.

  19. Soooooo this brings up a question. In the yachting world, once you've had a baby, you're done I presume? Especially if they see you had a giant baby. So she can't go back? Just curious how that goes.

  20. Anonymous8:44 AM

    @Max if she had a "husband's knot" put in after her delivery she should be good to go. So tight that even Flashy Vic and his tough standards would approve.

  21. hahahahahahahahaha!

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  25. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Being that the royal family likes to dine on human beings from time to during their luciferian rituals, one wonders if they are just biding their time with Megan because they might be having her for dinner during a scheduled holiday.

  26. The baby does look a bit large for his age. And I agree that she looks awkward holding him. Maybe he's a baby body double? Although I don't know, even if I were holding a stand-in baby I'd still look more comfortable than she did.

  27. Megan ————new blind everyday

  28. The DM is leading with "2 month old Archie", which they keep repeating in the article.

    They're egging on their rabid commenters to say "That baby is clearly not two months old!"

    Let's see if they can get to 20,000 comments like they did yesterday.

    At any rate, Prince Harry needs to sit down with a sympathetic journalist and explain the whole thing. We wanted a child so badly, fertility problems, yadda yadda.

    They're laughingstocks.

  29. Here for the comments

  30. @Hi cee, please tell me you are being sarcastic. I can't always tell with this site.

  31. Megan married the gay one folks... so theres that

    1. do tell!! i thought harry was a tranny

  32. OK so my son was 10 pounds 10 oz/ and yes I delivered vaginally. ABSOLUTE strangers would ask me about that in public. He looked six months old at two weeks. Came out clean as a whistle and moving his head around, it was quite surreal. LUCKILY my ob gyn was a third generation doctor who hardly did c sections.... His father invented the stitching post delivery. lol

  33. MM's life is absolutely no picnic, especially since she suffers from a mental illness. She wants to be loved, she is despised. She wants to be admired, she is ridiculed. She wants to be important, she isn't.

    She's the walking 'be careful what you wish for, your wish might come true'.

  34. momo- your baby sounds like Jessica Simpson's ginormous pumpkin she recently cracked out - massive baby of 10 lbs 11 oz, almost an 11 lb baby.


    So. What. What happened? How is that possible?

    Also - saw a link how they are looking to grow their family quickly - she can't possibly be trying to sell an early pregnancy could she?? What is she going to have two plastic babies?

  35. the MetaData of the oic was not bleached. the original photo was taken 5/8/2019 two days after the birth!!!??? the photographer transmitted the photo on 7/6/19. twitter @wizkid101uk has snapshot receipts posted. Also Prince William's watch and the clock match the tume on the MetaData of 10:58PM 5/8/19.

  36. What's all of this speculation regarding the metadata on the photo? Can someone explain? All I know about metadata is that my work email apparently scrubs all metadata attached both to the emails themselves, as well as to the documents attached to the emails. I work in BigLaw, and this is apparently critically important from an IT standpoint. Beyond this, my knowledge is extremely limited as I am not an IT professional. Anyone mind explaining it in layman's terms and also explaining this situation with Me-Again Sparkles? Thanks in advance ✌

  37. @Yummy: The photo that she’s trying to pass off as the ‘Christening Photo’, was actually taken on 5/8/2019, the same day that they presented ‘Archie’ who was 2 days old. Why would you take a ‘Christening Photo’ 2 months before the actual event and then photoshop the entire thing? Because she’s a lying con who has something to hide, that’s why.

    1. Thanks for explaining, Aquagirl. That DOES seem very odd. I wasn't sure I believed the speculation that she was using a surrogate, but perhaps she was? I really don't get what the big deal is with celebrities being ashamed to admit they use surrogates sometimes. Same with the celebs denying they use fertility drugs or in vitro. The "trend" with celebs all having sets of fraternal twins (boy and girl) reeks of scientific intervention, yet so many celebs deny it. Angelina. Jlo. Mariah. Etc.

  38. Archie does look a bit big for his age, but y'all need to stop with the plastic baby comments. Also was surprised Lainey called Meghan precious she is always so pro Meghan. Archie looks so much like Thomas Markle with Doria's lips and going to have Harry's red hair-bet curls-can't wait to see how cute he gets.

  39. How can you tell about Wills watch?

  40. But just because you "knot" the doorway doesn't mean the hallway is still tight. Or does the Dr also tighten the vaginal walls too?

  41. This thread is surprisingly quiet for an MM one.

  42. @Nutty I suspect Lainey was ghosted, after serving her purpose, like the others.
    She used to be such a Kate fan labeling her affectionately as “Princess Catherine” in every article, and only started changing her tone after MM’s royal advent. I remember the last blind item she ever posted was the “didn’t offer a ride”, before M and H were even married, which was clearly mean-girl gossip fed directly from Markle in order to push the agenda of a humble Markle and an evil entitled Kate.

    Perhaps Lainey has tried since to contact the Duchess and was swiftly blocked, or maybe she’s just tired of groveling?

  43. Anonymous7:28 PM

    @LadyMaryCrawley the husband's knot is only for the doorway. The hallway would be up to the patient with her keigel exercises. I wasn't an OB/GYN nurse during my career but during my rotation through the delivery room I had several old OB docs explain and show me the procedure. My original post was more a tongue in cheek response to the question.

  44. Regarding the "husband's knot"...I'm a doctor, and I am absolutely horrified whenever I hear that an OB/GYN has done this to a postpartum woman, especially since the stitch is often made without the woman's consent. These extra stitches often cause chronic pain and really don't do anything to enhance the experience of sex for either partner.

  45. If we're going to have far-fetched stories about the Duchess of Sussex, let's have a funny one (from the "Daily Squib" - online satirical journal a bit like "The Daily Mash" or "Cracked"). The story is obviously fake because it mentions milk from virgin she-asses (and of course the she-asses would have needed to have had little donkeys to give milk).

    I think there are some cases where people have taken joke/satirical stories and treated them as true. Blind Gossip did an April Fools' Day joke back in the day to the effect that Brad Pitt was transgender though BG did do a "solved" saying BP had always been a boy but over the last few years there has been the whackadoodle "transvestigation" conspiracy theory. So please, the Duchess of Sussex may have to learn a few social niceties but please don't think she actually bathes in donkeys' milk.

  46. that baby is at least 6 months old

  47. Anonymous7:35 AM

    @Yummy the big deal is UK law is archaic and the aristocracy can't admit they use surrogates because children of this method can't inherit hereditary titles and property. If Harry and Meghan admitted Archie was from a surrogate he wouldn't be seventh in line to the throne nor could be accorded a title later in life. UK courts also confirmed that a child born of a surrogate belongs to the surrogate for 42 days until time she can allow the couple to "adopt" their own child. We recently passed the 42 day period which surprisingly now the public is accorded glimpses into Archie's appearance. Personally I don't think they had physical possession of Archie until very recently. (MM's posture holding Archie in photos yesterday show she hasn't been around him since birth.) My theory is the surrogate held up the process probably demanding more money than the original amount. I've lost all respect for the BRF for their complicity in allowing this farce to continue. They've dug a hole now let's see them dig themselves out of this nightmare.

  48. So, can someone sum up what the conspiracy theories are?

    That MM used a surrogate for Archie? That MM was actually pregnant but gave birth way earlier than they said? That she's actually pregnant now? So confused.

    Interesting Lainey is old friends w/MM - I wondered how she would get access to that kind of scoop.

  49. I believe that she used a surrogate.

    Re: Lainey—she’s good friends with Jessica & Ben Mulroney—that’s how MM met her. I have a feeling that maybe MM is ghosting JM.

  50. Anonymous9:50 AM

    +1 Aquagirl in the belief she used a surrogate. Your guess is as good as ours when it comes to the other questions. You can't try to anticipate what a narcissist says or does. They have their own twisted version of the facts.

  51. @chigirl yes I'm sure she used a surrogate. It would of been nice for her to admit it, for several reasons. But she didn't and now looks all the more foolish.
    Unfortunately,and be aware, some here thinks there is NO baby at all. None.
    Yes, it's bizarre.

  52. Whoa. I see the crazy in MM - but never thought of Harry that way. Totally bizarre.

    Thanks for explaining, Aquagirl, Ann, and Rosie!

  53. I can't believe how Meghan looks 8 months pregnant now! And how could she have possibly held the baby for 3 hours during that polo match in such an awkward position?? This is all so odd
