Monday, July 01, 2019

Blind Item #4

This former tweener actress turned A- list adult singer is hoping that she can get some new tracks because of her siding with the new owner. She should hope so, because there are not any women who want to work with her now.


  1. Demi Lovato? Is Scooter her manager?

  2. I think it's odd that people think ordinary contract laws shouldn't apply to pretty girls like Kesha and Taylor Swift.

  3. Taylor has easily ten times Scooter's fortune. She could have bought the company herself. I wonder how much her Dad's stock went up? I have a problem with any company signing their rights away in a long term contract. At the least they should be able to renegotiate as adults.

  4. Demi, the news popped up on my screen right after I read this

  5. TayTay has plenty of money...why didn't she buy the rights to her songs herself?

  6. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Having assets, liquid assets, and disposable cash are different things. Seems clear that Tay-Tay did not have the cash flow to purchase the songs.


    She’s getting a lot of backlash over this. She should stay out of it for her mental health’s sake..

  8. Swift didn't have the chance to buy her master's, BMG told her so could only have them if she re-signed per album. BMG selling to her enemy on borrowed money makes a mockery of their attitude towards their biggest star. Also makes Enty's claim her relationship with Kloss is still genuine a joke. The money came from the same people who back the Kushner's. Interesting to note every single female act supported Swift, from Adele,Bey,Ri-Ri to even f***ing Cher but no major male act did.

  9. Emmie-- great point! Demi needs to stay in her own lane for her own health.

    I guess bc of flashbacks to Paul McCartney being screwed out of Beatles catalog, I feel bad for Taylor. Just bc things CAN be done, doesn't mean they should. She was still under-aged when she signed that contract. Im not saying it wasn't legal, but give her a fair shake at buying them back.

    Im not a fan of Scooter, and he's not a fan of hers. I imagine she's having nightmares of him accepting contracts for her songs to be played in beer and jock itch commercials.

  10. Scooter doesn't have $300 million either. Obviously has backers,Taylor knew the company would be sold once she left,if Scooter didn't buy it, someone else would. She wouldn't have her rights no matter what,unless she bought them. Or possibly a deal with her new label? It's not unheard of for that to happen.

  11. @longtimereader: Yeah, nice pic of KK, Kushner, Scooter & Gael sitting on a sofa at KK/JK’s wedding.

  12. What is the backstory with Taylor and Scooter?

  13. Isn't Scooter the predatory creep that got Selena messed up by coercing to sleep with him. Wasn't he the one causing all her mental anquish because he pimped her out to broker deals and such' I though I read that here. Scooter got her and bieber involved in that Hillsong church doing god knows what. Taylor would hear that bullshit from Selena and she tried to call him out but he got Kanye, and bieber to bully her. Selena needs to defend Taylor if she has the mental strength to do so.

  14. Tay Tay makes me roll my eyes but I hate that this can happen to artists. Made me sick when Paul McCartney lost his rights. There should be something that protects these folks in a case such as this, like first right of refusal or such.

  15. lol Taylor Swift spends years getting the rubes to worry about her friends, her enemies, and her frenemies. Then someone she's not fond of does something perfectly legal and we're supposed to give a shit?

    Taylor, use your #empowerment to make #gooddecisions. And also perhaps #dealwithitwhentheworldisntperfectforyou.

  16. Her father owns stock in the company and she says he did not tell her. She should have bought the company problem solved

    1. Just because he’s a shareholder, it doesn’t mean he can tell her. Big Machine has been looking for a buyer for a while. They weren’t gonna let Taylor buy or walk away with her masters because then they wouldn’t get top dollar.

  17. It's not like she passed on buying her masters and chose to play victim here. She was not given the opportunity to do so. This is about her former label manager intentionally screwing her over. If you read his response and read her post it's clear that even had she offered to buy the label, he would have passed on her bid.

  18. Demi Lovato, the whole sh!tshow going on over there. Guess Tay Tay finally found something that daddy couldn't buy her.

  19. To be fair, Tay Tay has had a pretty smooth ride to the top thanks to her daddy's dollars. She didn't have to suck dozens of d!cks just to make new albums like many other successful female musicians. They're supportive of her, but there's definitely a sense in their posts of "that's right rich b!tch, welcome to our world, being a female musician sucks."

  20. Moonagedaydream6--that stinks! I cant believe the music industry has gotten away with making so many hopeful, new artists sign away their song ownership all of these decades. It's not just an asset to them, it is their creativity, and it just sits so wrong to me that they wheel and deal it like non-creative entities. All new artists should at least get co-ownership W/ first chance buy out of other party. In return, if they need or want to sell, they have to offer to label first. Experienced artists can fend for themselves in contract negotiations based upon what they need or value most, but the new artist contracts for multi-albums where they lose ownership are brutal.

    That catalog represents her teens and 20s, how many top tens? How many Grammys?, And she doesn't get ownership bc of pettiness? It's a damn shame.

  21. Is it true that the new song which Tay Tay released didnt get to the top of charts? So all her support of pride month couldnt ensure even one week at the top? And now her old songs have been taken away from her? No one is listening to the new songs, and the old songs are gone? How will she survive on her 300 million fortune? Damn you world, why cant you be fair to mega rich people for once?

  22. This happened to Metallica, so they managed to buy their back catalog somehow and started their own label to keep them under.

    Seems she might need some advice from those guys.

  23. Why is unfair business practice any more acceptable just bc Taylor has money?
