Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Blind Item #3

A new record will always drop way down the charts if program directors are told not to play it because the foreign born rapper won't play ball. It isn't even about payola. It is about her revealing truths about what happens inside recording studios which the industry wants kept quiet.


  1. Her recent songs are also awful and just not good so that could also be a part of it.

  2. revealed secrets ? meaning what miley blowing producers?

  3. She didn't reveal anything we didn't already know. Maybe her music just sucks.

  4. I have literally only heard 1 song of hers.. that sufficed

  5. All that electronic equipment and wires, cords and knobs and stuff. Sounds like a non-awesome place to fuck.

  6. Nicki is officially a "has been" - her 15 minutes of fame are finally over. Cardi B is next.

  7. Barbie Dreams from Queen was the only saving grace for that Album. Haven’t gotten around to listen to MEGATRON yet, but I don’t think she is gonna have another pop hit for a while.

  8. Nikki had a near decade long run but now must play theatre's instead of arenas or end up in Vegas.

  9. Did anyone else see Chris Browns new album ‘Indigo’ debuting #1 on Billboards album chart?

    What a joke. Anybody that supports that monster should rot

  10. enty is a nicki stan? yuck

  11. Nicki has long been cancelled.
    Didn't she marry the convict / teen rapist??

  12. She cancelled her concert in Iran or wherever. Tried to claim it’s cuz of how they treat women. Yeah...right.

  13. Barbie dreams sucks it's a horrible rip off of the Biggie song. If she would shut the fuck up about being Barbie she might be halfway decent.

  14. Freebird, it was Saudi Arabia.

    And to be honest, music sucking never stopped it from being played on the radio. At least not the shit I've heard.
