Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Item #3

This not very good actress from a probably jumped the shark almost network show hit the casting couch for her latest movie. She says she was given a piece of advice from this current A/A- list mostly movie actress who was in the same position. Casting couch your first few movies while you are on the show/immediately after until you find your movie groove.


  1. Gross. For some bizarre reason (probably because so many famous women have voluntarily done the casting couch to get roles), #MeToo pretends that women like this woman and her mentor aren't as much of the reason why this sex-for-roles dynamic remains intact in Hollywiod.

  2. The girl who plays Veronica on Riverdale?

    1. @gal: I thought the whole premise of Riverdale was to jump all the sharks while flipping a great big bird.

      But you’re probably right.

  3. This is not a #metoo situation, where bimbos are being forced to give up the pussy, this is a situation where the bimbo is throwin the pussy around to try and get work.

  4. Bleu: Because the women (and men) on the couch want it this way? Really doubt that.

    Wish people would stop conflating #MeToo with casting couch every time a casting couch is mentioned. Rapists will rape and pigs will try to get sex they shouldn't be asking for.

    Think actors feel like they can say no? If not then that's a coersive environment. Saying "yes" in that context is not a free will yes.

    It's not what people mean by #MeToo though, and muddying that water is a way to undermine victims' voices.

  5. I thought demanding sex for movie roles is why everyone's mad at Weinstein. Hmm. But if the only way you get movie roles is to give it up then isn't that still a problem?

    1. He wasnt offering a movie role when he cornered that broad and jerked iff into a plant.

  6. It's sexual harassment when your boss grabs your ass, drops his robe, asks you to shower with him or her...Just because it's showbiz doesn't change that. They just get away with it.

    But Weinstein is also accused of what anyone would call rape.

  7. Why do people keep bringing up the #metoo movement when it clearly has nothing to do with this blind. If she gives it up that's clearly on her but if someone takes it it's on them. Simple as that.

  8. The way "me too" movement works is the women want to decide who uses and takes advantage of them them, they don't want it decided by the men. It has nothing to do with the using/taking advantage of women.

  9. Count, this is exactly a #metoo situation.

  10. What it is not is sexual harassment.

  11. No, #metoo is when the producer/director/whoever demands sex. This is a bimbo told by another bimbo, to fuck everyone in sight to try and get work.

  12. So he sexually assaulted a plant, and grossed out a girl

  13. Quid pro quo is prima facie sexual harassment. I think some folks here are confused and seem to think hostile environment r assault are the only forms. If your boss or prospective employer only hires or promotes women that sleep with him, that’s sexual harassment.

  14. Same goes if he/she only hires men that sleep with him/her.

  15. @ Honey Bunny. What you say is an oversimplification. Sure, it is is somewhat on her of course. I get it. But you think she just said I like fucking for roles. It is how it is in some circles. If someone dangles your dream for a few hours of compromise, a lot of folks would consider it. You need to fix the system and hold accountability for those in power saying this. It would be like a woman in any work place not wanting to lose a job and succumbing to pressure. She may be slightly less culpable but it is still the power structure that is allowed to continue this way that needs the greatest reckoning and blame. Do away with the male producer being able to even ASK and then you never put a potentially vulnerable or insecure woman in the mix to have to say yes if she feels the need. This, plus, the threat of 'ruining' or blacklisting you if you do NOT do it all stacks the deck for a woman to walk into it willingly (so to speak) and there are many nuances to the decision to do so

  16. If the people are throwing themselves at the person, then it isnt harrassment. It is only harrassment if a party is unwilling.

  17. Anonymous9:29 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Rose got paid for fucking Weinstein. That makes her a whore, not a victim. She had no complaints until the money was gone.

    1. Dont forget goopy palrow, Jennifer lawrence, gretchen mol and tons more...

  19. Anonymous9:40 AM

    If you voluntarily spread eagle to get work, then it shows your true character and your non-existent boundaries;and therefore, you cannot play the victim like Rose, Asia, Sienna etc etc at a later date. Rose got pissed off because NYT didn't acknowledge her. Well, Rose, Argento, Sienna, etc voluntariy gave it up to many industry men for roles. So all these opportunistic, Narcissistic
    And simply fucked up women/actresses may kiss my ASS. You guys are the ones who makes it worse ... Damn hypocrites.

    1. At least sienna has some talent. Not so much for Asia etc!

  20. Reinhart/lopez - although everyone on Riverdale is a terrible actor.

  21. @Honey Bunny and obviously this was a bad blind to make this example of since it all seems so divisive on the actresses part but you get my point... about the bigger picture and problem.

  22. @ count Jerkula I am not saying I know what Rose McGowan is or did or didn't do but saying compensation makes you a ho is unfair. Civil suits ARE just that..... (and payoffs just civil suits in disguise very often) where we put a price tag on assault etc. It gives a victim SOME degree of justice and repercussion for the perp. Look at the OJ civil trials and the families. It makes them no less families of murder victims. You are being way too literal and black and white about an issue that is anything but. If you are NOT going to get legal comeuppance from a Weinstein the least thing you can get is some money to ease the pain AND to show he was somehow in the wrong.

  23. She didnt have a civil suit and get a jury award, she negotiated a price for her cooter. Then she complained about others who wouldnt speak up for her. She could have spoke up for herself, but she chose cash instead. She is a hypocrite and a whore.

    1. I agree with you @count but its still not fair that an actor/actress has to undergo these initians to provide for themselves.This doesn't just happen in HW but other industries as well.Imagine studying 5 years and paying huge money for that degree only to be told it won't get you the job unless you fuck/kill someone.

    2. Anyone expecting life to be fair wastes their money on 5yrs of education.

  24. It’s a stretch, but- Jennifer Aniston and Lily Reinhardt? Link being Cole Sprouse.

    1. The only person on task. Thank you lol

  25. That was part of my point Honey Bunny. Why bring it up at all. Someone brought up #metoo right out of the gate. Then they try to say women aren't being raped, they're just trying to get work by trading sex, then crying rape if they don't get the job. It's really a sneaky way to try to undermine victims. And just because they're not being physically forced doesn't mean it's not coercive or illegal.

  26. I knew more than one very talented, gorgeous person who got nowhere because they wouldn't do the casting couch. Doesn't seem all that fair. Who else has to do that to have a career?

  27. Sexual harassment laws came into being partly because this did used to exist in other types of careers. A secretary's boss might expect them to do what he said (sexually) or be fired. It might not be easy for a woman in those days to find another job. The same type of inequity still exists in Hollywood. But it happens to male actors too. One of the people I had in mind in my example was male.

  28. 1000s of talented people fall off the turnip truck in Hollywood every year. Gotta do something to make yerself stand out.

  29. And if they dont know the deal before they arrive, they deserve to be chewed up and spit out.

  30. There is a huge power imbalance in Hollywood and a never ending fresh supply of young victims. It would be very difficult to eradicate the system going on.

    Maybe decentralizing Hollywood could help. There are other platforms now at least, for talent.

    But the big shiny roles that lead to Oscars...probably will always have a HW type playing gatekeeper.

  31. Unfortunately, there are a few thick-as-pig-shit misogynists who post on here who don't seem to realise that the overwhelming majority of women in the #metoo movement aren't actresses or work in the entertainment industry.

    This has been pointed out time and time again, but the usual suspects still downplay rape and sexual assault.

  32. The actresses are the only important ones. No one cares if a personal assistant or a sound editor or wardrobe girl gets raped. That shit aint getting retweets.

  33. Someone from Riverdale. Camila Mendes? I think Lili is a better actress, so maybe it's her. She has a movie coming out also.

  34. Sadly Jerkula is entirely correct and Bleu has it backwards.

    The hollywood system continues because the predators have the power. full stop.

    Welcome to the rest of your life.

  35. +1 Count.

    And I suppose you all think J Law is a "me too" situation also???? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Yah. Right.

  36. The highest priced whores are always the best liars who have been known to pimp out their own children for power, fame or money. Blackmail and extortion is also in there for the really big bucks but we all know Hollywood runs on control freaks who suck the life blood out of children and immature adults.

    Only the best of the best whores can be successful actors, as history can prove.
    The problem is our culture worships the best lying whore money can buy.

    Pound-Me-Too was deflection for the rampant Pedophilia that controls not only Hollywood but the DC Swamp. Since contributing to the delinquency of a Minor is not considered Chemical Enslavement since roofies are a popular tool for the DNC/RINO/Pedowood crowd.

    Say, are sexualized children committing suicides en mass yet? They can only cover up the real suicides under "accidental" Drug OD's for only so long.

  37. Anonymous3:42 PM

    One of my bf's from high school is in LA. Drama degree from a top ten school.
    He's had several agents out there. But as he said at a reunion, there are "things he won't do" to move higher.
    He does just enough to keep his equity card.

    I gave away my TV several years ago. I don't like what these actors have to do, to get a role. It just ruins the viewing experience for me.
