Thursday, July 25, 2019

Blind Item #3

The alliterate former actress hates doing the royalty thing unless there are A listers in attendance. She bailed on a commitment she was going to do with her husband that is really important to the family. No A listers means no show.


  1. Replies
    1. If you are gonna marry a whore, marry a classy one like Melanie that has goid taste. Not south los Angeles compton trash

    2. Who is Melanie? Your mom?

  2. The always predictable Meghan Markle.

  3. Grifter Megs. Terrible human being.

  4. There it is! the MM blind!

    I wonder if she really is an insufferable as she seems. My magic 8 ball says 'most likely'.

  5. Does this really need to be posted as a blind item?

  6. So she didn't want to go with him to the Children's Hospital?!! What a witch.

  7. I'm sure she's insufferable and icky.
    But can we believe that Enty has an in with the royal family? Spoiler: no.
    So although this is highly *probable* I call it that Enty totally made it up.
    But, he's richer than me so obvs doing something right.
    Hmmm. I should start making shitup

  8. What kind of site is this. No mention of Rutger Hauer death? Oh yeah let's discuss. Kim K's ass waxing. Shameful.

  9. +1 Spider Rico,
    He's skipped several high profile deaths for the sake of fitting in some Kardashians and housewives.
    But if you give it a few I'm sure he'll have something on the red scarf almost-suicide of jeffrey Epstein.

  10. Is this woman even remotely aware of what she signed up for? Yea, this marriage will last lol

    1. Think it is clear her agenda has always been, get in, get famous, get some kids, get the money and get out. She is socking away the dough with her pay for play activities, was caught photographing the interior of Kensington Palace for future use, is probably stockpiling all the secrets dimwit Harry has told her for future insurance and blackmail. Why should readers of this site be surprised? Trouble is she meased up with that baby so she is screwed.

  11. @ simon, she knows exactly what she signed up for. She's a grifter and climber. She reached the pinnacle!

  12. Don't the royals hate doing the royalty thing too? Like don't they get excited when they can interact with Hollywood stars instead of boring diplomats. Just from watch the crown, it seems the royals are suffering 24/7 because they didn't get to choose to live in their bubble, they were forced into it.

  13. Can we just do a MM free month as well? I'm tired of hearing about her.

  14. My Goodness but how narcissistic and maniacal to think you can bend and change the Royal Family to YOUR ways and agenda after hundreds of years of a status quo established by them and their relationship with the British people. She is killing that very institution in acting like she is better than it, not going to do it, but she forgets she has a stipend and life BECAUSE of the Brits in their entirety. They have expectations of heir monarchy and the Charles-Camilla already bugged them. Many have zero interest in following them POST Elizabeth's death. Meghan needs to realize Diana was TITLED royalty herself and still ostracized by the establishment. She is such an idiot. Then again maybe secretly Harry thinks Diana wouldn't mind the whole house coming crashing down.

  15. And this is exactly why they will be forced to "act"....and get rid of her - to avoid the bad press that will eventually result in the royals losing public support.
    Me-again may hope that they pay her to leave...but plane crashes happen all the time. Sadly, this time it will have to involve the whole fam for it to be plausible - and Harry is completely expendable.

  16. Lol she said she wanted to change the monarchy. She certainly is.

  17. She gotta go. It's not like she was an A-lister. She was on one show that PATHETICALLY jumped the shark end of season 3. She's a CLIMBER and a whore. Whores are fine, but she's mutton dressed as lamb

  18. I have no idea whether or not this blind is true, but it is becoming extremely noticeable that Markle comes out of “maternity leave” for glamorous events like TTC, the Lion King premier & Wimbledon - and stays out of sight for “boring” stuff like visiting a children’s hospital. I think she is every bit as insufferable as she seems...and then some.

  19. I am wondering if this the Military Event that had been on the calendar for 11 months - PH is the lead patron, taking on the role after PP resigned.
    If so, I really hope both of them were/ are called to "tea" with the Queen.

  20. Honestly it's a bit of a joke calling her Princess or HRH- I mean yesterday she was a b actress. What a fool she is, she hit the jackpot and behaves this way. When the Lion King cast was nervous about how to greet her recently I thought- maybe PRince Harry but her, I wouldn't feel nervous for a second greeting her, she really is a nobody and I hope the Queen gives her a heavy talking to or Harry will have to but it seems he is so in love he is blind to this stuff. She'll be pregnant again very soon, if not already.

  21. I wonder how long she will be married....

  22. This is what happens when Royals try to become "woke." Harry is an idiot, but, to be fair, he gets all the money from British tax payers and none of the responsibility as does MM. Blinds like this make me so happy the US kicked out "royalty" in 1776.

  23. Meh. I still think if you do not like what someone says, even if calling out ENTY, ignore it. That simple. The only issue I have is doxing people which is never ok.

  24. I totally agree with both your statements @J

  25. Megan is starting to look like a future divorcee.

    Truly doesn't understand nor appreciates the circumstances she forced her way into.

  26. she ain't no diana, that's for sure. she may be just the opposite.

  27. The daily mail has a blurb about Kate wanting a fourth child so as not to be on the forefront of more royal duties. She would rather be knocked and breastfeeding than doing her royal duties. So spare me the outrage over MM not wanting to do the same. It seems like royal life is an endless amount of insufferable obligations but when the black american actress complains it is an affront but when the former commoner classmate complains it is hardly a scandal.

  28. lmfao at "she's killing the institution" Yes, an American bi-racial woman is way worse than the pedophile prince Andrew, his crazy ex fergie, Charles' divorce from Di. But yes MM is the one that will take down the monarchy.

    1. +100000 @ mimsey. dont blame the portly Pedo Prince Andrew. he is such a stellar Royal. blame the trailer lady from LA.

  29. @JT well then poor Kate gets screwed by Meghan who SHOULD be sharing these duties. As much as may WANT to do it it is is part of their job description. If the bad behavior etc continues, they ENSURE the death of the monarchy as commoners love Kat/William compared to his dad or Meghan. Few royals are left that folks are dying to see. I get it is tedious but it is also what pays your ASTRONOMICAL bills, homes, wardrobes, travels. Lots of folks work SH*T jobs they hate for mimimim wage where they barely make ends meet. You may hate shaking hands and smiling for the cameras and showing up but you get the best of medical/spas/homes/international access. Your kids get amazing educations and options open to them. They write their paths. Get over yourself. I am sure Kate thought as hoping Meghan would help her and there is NADA because the latter is so selfish. Still they need a reassessment and pep talk or else this whole thing dies once and for al and no one GIVES a shit who they are or pays for their handbags and homes.

  30. Enty is a good person and y’all don’t pay his bills or buy his bacon, so how about if MM blinds bother you, don’t read them.
    Easy peasy, you won’t be bothered and neither will we.
    Also Megs is a horrible person, end of.

  31. Prince Harry at the Invictus Games trials Thursday the 25th.

  32. HM Queen Elizabeth II is the one who wants Kate to be at Home with her children, as HM didn’t have that luxury and she wants a closer parental relationship for her Great Grands, as she saw what happened to her own kids, when her Royal duties forced her to not be a big part of her children’s early formative years.
    There are plenty of others who can do the Royal grind, while Kate stays Home with her children.
    Earn that scratch, MegBots

  33. Harry might have gotten the looks but definitely not the brains.

  34. @kiki71, I seriously doubt Kate thought Meghan was going to be some sort of relief to her royal duties. She is married to the heir. how the fuck did MM screw Kate? Kate was digging her nails into Wills at university for the chance to be a royal. Not just any royal, but future queen. So fuck off with that stupid logic of MM being some sort of help to Kate as if MM doesn't have a husband, child, household, and her own royal duties to look after. If the crown is too heavy then let Wills divorce and marry the chinless blueblood bitch. I can't stand the hypocrisy of everyone berating MM but not the others when they make the same gaffs.

  35. talentless, barely-actress, two bit hooker - what did Harry expect when he married her?
    That she'd be a lady? He got exactly what he paid for.

  36. Curly- how the heck do you know if Enty is a good person? And I will comment, read or not, you have no say in it. Only a complete moron would blindly believe all these blinds. And by the way Enty does get paid by us coming here, that's why all the advertisements. He/she wouldn't get paid for these companies advertising here unless the said companies want to advertise here and they do because of the traffic coming to this site and that means us.

    And once again, if Enty does not go to the authorities with info she has in some of these blinds Enty is as guilty as the perpetrators.

  37. Anonymous11:12 AM

    The halfwit and his ho gotta go. If they don't ship them off to Africa they will destroy the monarchy. People are already voicing support for a republic after Liz is dead. I hope the Queen gets off her duff and cleans up this mess because Charles is too incompetent.

  38. JT - the key point is that however they 'feel' about it, they do it anyway. That's why it's called royal duty.

    Drew - MM is not from Compton but where someone is born does not determine a person's worth.

  39. HRM has quietly placed a framed photo of Harry & Meghan in front of the photo of William & Kate, on an end table, or so reports claim (a maid could've done it.) If so, this is a subtle way of saying, she supports them.

    After all, she's a grandmother, and what grandmother wouldn't want her grandkids to be happy.

    They also tend to look at things long term, so maybe whatever issues might be there, the family hopes it will work out.

  40. 99% of these Meghan blinds are ridiculous. Not buying it.

  41. When has "Kate" ever complained or shirked duty or tried to change the script, though?

    Only thing I can think of is, she's photographing her kids herself rather than a royal photog doing so. But she's also been very involved w/photography lately.

    Kate shows a creative side in other ways, such as her elaborate garden display at the garden show (it was a small 'world' not just a patch of flowers.)

    MM is brand new. Even in a regular non famous non royal family, if it's a large family the newest bride will be inspected more, by the siblings and other family, until she's accepted.

    In this case the public is doing that.

    The Queen had 4 kids why shouldn't the future King (William, it could be his wish as well.) I doubt that would mean Kate would 'stay home' forever after. She will be Queen Consort one day.

    There are many things different about Meghan. She was born and raised in the USA, she is older than PH, she's a divorcee, and she is biracial. All those differences when only one would've been enough for some to dislike her becoming part of the RF. Yes things seem stacked against her. The British public does not tend to like CHANGE, perhaps least of all in its royal family.

    The press would've been just as negative about Diana had the public put up with it, but it became clear they wouldn't. Diana wooed the public. MM comes across (accurately or not) as looking down upon them. Simply being active in charity work does not make everyone a Diana, or everyone would be. Making people feel at ease is a real gift, and a vital part of being an active, public-greeting royal.

    MM's people skills, or lack of, will save or sink her.

    JT said -

    "The daily mail has a blurb about Kate wanting a fourth child so as not to be on the forefront of more royal duties. She would rather be knocked and breastfeeding than doing her royal duties. So spare me the outrage over MM not wanting to do the same. It seems like royal life is an endless amount of insufferable obligations but when the black american actress complains it is an affront but when the former commoner classmate complains it is hardly a scandal."

    1. Sorry but what has her race have to do with anything. The majority of people i know don't care about that. The race card is being played far too often re MM.

  42. And when a sitting US president visits.

    Diplomacy means no matter what one's personal feeling one greets and is polite.

    Picking and choosing events which are glamorous and on trend with Hollywood politics is what an actor would do, not what a royal might do.

    "I have no idea whether or not this blind is true, but it is becoming extremely noticeable that Markle comes out of “maternity leave” for glamorous events like TTC, the Lion King premier & Wimbledon - and stays out of sight for “boring” stuff like visiting a children’s hospital."

  43. elfbaus - the event in the blind is Invictus? Did MM not go?

    Isn't that the event that MM first approached PH about, claiming to be so interested, and wishing to help him with it?

  44. @samantha --- royals are outdated and I don't see the monarch holding much interest after the queen dies. I welcome the republic. I bet the queen thought a black american would ensure the relevancy of the royalty but she did not fathom the amount of racism and hatred still left in the world. If MM was white, no one would care about her antics because she is married to the spare. Even knowing MM's yachting and such, the queen gave her blessing thinking this was going to keep the public wanting more instead of questioning whether powerless monarchs are more of a drain on the public rather than a beacon of a once powerful empire. The more the press and gossip blogs treat MM like shit, the more people will want to forget about queens and kings.

  45. Maybe she needs a lecture from Prince Philip. I bet he'd put her in her place, then order a hit.

    But seriously, we all know she should thank her lucky stars she gets to live a rather lavish lifestyle because she would never have this if she never met Harry. She'd be on the last season of Suits and casting couching for any role.

    We know it, but she forgets.

  46. Hey "JT", QE2 will lock your happy ass in the tower if you don't stop by playing on the internet!

  47. What happened to Nutty Flavor? She used to post on all of the MM blinds!

  48. I think it was appropriate to come out of mat leave for trooping the colors, which is a celebration of QE2. MM wanted to stay on mat leave for the meeting with DT. Fine. I don’t like the guy either. BUT, you come off mat leave again for a children’s movie premiere? Come on, now you’re fucking with international on diplomacy to your own damn country. What a short, shortsighted view in the first MONTHS of office.

  49. The DM article was based on an expert believing that is what Kate is going to do. It's not something Kate told anyone, the DM even didnt use the usual "sources say". Who knows if she will have another but her kids seem well loved and who would blame her? As for Enty, there are lots of blinds I skip over because they don't interest me. Like reality ones or KK ones. I don't whine. I just click on the ones I like. He's got a little for everyone.

  50. Re the DM article about Kate and a fourth child - I don't believe a word of anything a "royal expert" has to say - not this guy, and not that ridiculous woman Katie Nichol who claims to know exactly what's going on in the Sussexes' lives. They just make stuff up and run with it - nobody really knows what's going on, and the Royal Family aren't likely to deny every little thing said about them, which is how they get away with it.

    As for people who visit here to snark about what Enty does and doesn't post - if you don't like it, move on. Simple! Leave the rest of us to enjoy the site as we have done for many years.

  51. @JT Every time someone screams "racism" w regard to Markle, it's a given that that person will not be taken seriously. It's not that she's "black" as she *occasionally* claims to be, it's that she's a piece of shit.

  52. Hey Hummingbird after reading this site regularly for 10 yrs and having once complained about a blind and Enty immediately fixing his mistake, I think I can safely say he is a good guy.
    Bless your sweet heart for the mention, and hope you enjoy a wonderful evening

  53. OMG you think Enty is a chick? That’s hilarious 🤣

    Quote from HuffPost interview with Enty in 2018

    Who writes for Crazy Days and Nights besides Enty?

    I have been writing the site from day one. One guy. If there is ever any other contributions, they are named, whether it be Mr. X or Himmmm. Even accounting for those two, I would guess that I have written about 99% of the approximate 60K posts.

  54. Get out of here with the racism assumption on MM. she’s done one fucking year and can’t be arsed with commoners - GF clearly thinks her talent is on par with A++++ listers. Kate’s put in her time, for years. Three kids in, a decade down the road MM can tire of public duties. Until that point - She can fulfill those fucking duties and stop wasting taxpayers money on Christian Dior maternity mumu’s.

  55. @Tillie: Nutty is focusing more on her own blog, which incidentally, is great. It gets tiresome to constantly be harassed by other commenters on MM blinds. We all have a right to our own opinion, but for some reason, anti-MM’s constantly get called out by other commenters.

  56. RE: MM’s Royal duties. She was not welcome at any of the events involving the Trumps. She’s made a lot of negative comments in the past plus she’s a loose canyon, and nobody needs that during a huge event such as the Trump visit. Simply put, she was not invited.

    As for future public appearance, she is not fit to represent the BRF. Look at her last few outings: Trooping was a disaster, she made a fool of herself at Wimbledon—showed up in jeans, had rows of empty seats around her, and had her security tell the people around her to not photograph her (which they weren’t.) She goes to Wimbledon again with Kate & Pippa & leaves right after Serena’s sets. Can’t be bothered to stay and watch the men. Shows up at the Polo, looking like someone who had just escaped a psych ward, in a very unflattering tent dress. Nobody speaks to her, so she wanders around aimlessly in the parking lot, carrying ‘Archie’ and talking to herself. She shows up at the Lion King, wearing an ill-fitting dress, and makes her famous comment to Pharrell: ‘They don’t make it easy...’ BTW, wonder what’s going to happen to that $3 million that Disney donated. I don’t see the BRF sending her to an ‘official’ event, based on her bitchy, crazy-assed behavior.

  57. Anonymous7:04 AM

    +1 Aquagirl. What MM hasn't realized with her faux public meltdowns is that makes it easy for the BRF to haul her ass in for treatment. Whether that's rehab for the drugs/alcohol or therapy for her mental illness. She's destroying her own credibility. The polo match was acting. She was making a statement but her plan is going to backfire spectacularly.

  58. Correction I complained about a post, not a blind. Just wanted to stay honest, because I can’t edit
    Happy Friday y’all

  59. Such vitriol for one woman. A little common sense is needed in this thread. MM is still on maternity leave and likely did not attend for that reason. Some of these blinds may be true or none of them may be true. Regardless of her past or how she landed PH, I see a woman trying to navigate her way through an extraordinarily difficult situation with the press constantly biting at her heels and a blood thirsty public that cheer her every mistake and misstep. If Wallis Simpson could not bring down the BRF then neither will MM. So glad we don't have this in the States.

  60. "RE: MM’s Royal duties. She was not welcome at any of the events involving the Trumps."

    The Trumps were the guests of the royal family. Guests have no say on which FAMILY members can be anywhere.

    It looks bad to pick and choose, and she is no longer MM actress/blogger but MM Duchess, and has to behave as one.

  61. MM is sketchy at best. Nothing to do with her race, everything to do with her behavior. Heck, I feel the same way about the dude Bea is know, the white guy. He's the male version of this trainwreck. The cries of racism are laughable, and nobody even listens to that anymore because it is so overused. Her actions are simply setting her up for a bigger fall, which I will enjoy immensely. The more the race card is played, the screechier the sycophants get, and the more insults that are sprinked into the defense posts, the closer I know she and her minions are getting to losing their $#!+ entirely. I had her figured out from the day she wore ripped jeans during their first public appearance together. Didn't know her name, race, and didn't care...the signs were all around. Some of us aren't as dumb as we look, and people yelling about these posts are wildly entertaining.

  62. This has become the “dump on Meghan” site. Buncha prejudiced buffoons. If people were to decide if she was to be liked, or not, this site is a sure fire hate group towards her. She has MILLIONS of followers who DO like her...for the ones who do not, jealous much?
