Sunday, July 07, 2019

Blind Item #2

The always jealous, always controlling former A- list mostly television actor finally landed another role. It films out of the country and he used the opportunity to cheat on her because he is a horrible pig. He knows he can yet again, talk her into staying.


  1. And again we ask the question: “at what point do we just assume they have an open marriage and she stays with him for other reasons than sex?”

  2. And I think the Count may just have it!

  3. How could anyone want to screw up being married to Megan Fox?

    1. Fox is a loopy broad. She is basically an obsessed fan. BAG could bang crackwhores 3 at a time in their marital bed and she aint leaving. If he wasnt so self centered, he would pimp her out and make the big bucks.

  4. Please. He was a hoe when she meet him and he will continue to be a hoe until the day he dies.

    BAG that is.

  5. Sounds like she's on board with the plan.

  6. I'm probably wrong, but this doesn't look like Brian Austin Green per his IMDB. He's filming 90210 right now and before that, he finished filming Cross 3, which looks like it was filmed in the US.

  7. Timberlake doesn't have anything in IMDB as an actor either.

  8. I’m on the BAG train, as 90210 is filming in Vancouver. and for those of you asking how Megan will come back, please remember that BAG started grooming her as a teen and he was in his 30’s so she likely doesn’t know that she can leave and is in an abusive relationship.

    1. How did he groom her? Bimbo had BAG posters on her walls as a kid.

    2. @Count, ew at BAG posters. He was always the back of the spoon used to scrape the grease off of the Peach Pit fryer table.

  9. Werent there blinds that she was stepping out on him? (Megan Fox/BAG)...?

  10. Megan Fox screwed her career by referring to her producer/director(?) as 'a little hitler'. Think exec. producer Spielberg got wind and blackballed her.

  11. It's always been understood in Hollywood marriages that when one half of an acting couple shoots on location, having sex with someone else doesn’t count as cheating.

  12. timberlake would never be described as a former A list mostly television actor

  13. I think this is Matt Smith from Doctor Who and Lily James

  14. Agreed with the Matt Smith/Lily James. She's doing really well at the moment and there's been blinds before about him being jealous and cheating as "punishment".

  15. Brian Austin Green, the geek from 90210?

    Isn't or wasn't Megan Fox a movie star?

    Why would she need him or like him let alone be codependent on his affections?

