Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #2

I have talked about three sides set to do battle in regards to the permanent A list "singer." Well, a part of one of the sides has stayed the past few days with the person most likely to be side number three. Will there be a joining of forces? It is an interesting development.


  1. Can someone please translate this?

    1. Legal battles over her conservatorship..etc.Her Father,Mother and I think Kevin Federline.Sam Lufti in there somewhere as well

    2. Oh ok! Thanks Tricia ⭐️⭐️⭐️

  2. Everyone wants a piece of Britney.

    So sad.

  3. A family member not her parents and Sam Lufti

  4. Poor Brit. I hope she will be OK. Been working since childhood and just wants a normal life.

  5. I love Britney so much my heart is breaking watching her mental health decline and no one cares to help her. She never had a childhood and now everyone is pulling her a piece of her money and I’m scared she’ll end up like Michael (killed for $ then a cover up) team Britney forever

  6. Hope it was her sister suckin off k-fed to join forces.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I just want to welcome @"KOOTCHI" and say they have a really nice name! Welcome KOOTCH!

  9. Jamie Lynn has been in the news a lot. So maybe it's Jamie Lynn and Kevin

  10. If this is Brit, Kevin has nothing in the game except children whom are in it. But he can't do shit with this. Control of her conservatorship does NOT involve K-fed people. Get with it

  11. I thought this was the Kardashians/ Kanye West, Scooter Braun- no idea on the third.

  12. I just hope that Lutfi isnt worming his way around the restraining order by trying to influence one of these three parties. The guy is bad news

  13. Of course its Britney. "Permanent A List Singer" will forever be Brit's moniker from Enty. The question is actually who this is, more so, coming into the FreeBritney battle. So.... who stayed with who, if Britney isn't a side and is instead the subject?

  14. Britney needs to fake her own death and go live on Tupac's island, this stuff is crazy.

  15. I thought Enty mentioned on the podcast that the third side was Jamie Lynn’s husband. So he’s hanging out with Lutfi?

  16. Dad, mom and Jamie Lynn for the 3 sides. I think mom has stayed with Jamie Lynn or vice versa and their the two that may team up. No way Federline can be involved and I don't think any of them are stupid enough to let Lufty in.

  17. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I don't understand the total lack of legal protection for this woman.
    She is the major wage earner, and has been for almost two decades.
    Why isn't she hiring top-notch legal protection for herself???
    Start valuing yourself, Britney. Start appreciating yourself.
    There are people who will help... but you have to believe that you DESERVE IT.

  18. @DarylIsBigFan - She CAN'T hire top-notch legal protection for herself. She has tried in the past and was shut down because the judge and her team said she wasn't "well enough mentally, to hire her own lawyer" and Britney had the BEST lawyers. This is what the #FreeBritney movement is about. This poor girl has had literally no rights for years now. They have complete control over her and it's so sad.

  19. Lmao, DarylsBigFan..... that's the whole point: she has no basic human rights. She cannot hire a lawyer, she cannot represent herself or hire anyone else to, she cannot sign documents, because she does not count. Her father speaks for her and decides what's best for Britney, never Britney herself. Hence the entire issue.
