Sunday, July 28, 2019

Blind Item #2

Don't believe the hype. This cable network isn't changing the name of an award.


  1. Mtv? video van guard?


  3. But The Simpsons is deleting its Michael Jackon episode from streaming services and other reruns.

  4. lol @ The Simpsons taking a stand over a decade later. That episode will remain on YouTube in perpetuity.

  5. The politics of removing MJ is sad. The man was brilliant.
    So many pedos.
    This last assault on MJ had HUGE politics, including Geffen
    and Oprah. She is such a narcissist that when the timing became
    right for HER, she exposes him with NO direct personal experience
    with Michael. She is just the voice to ensure $ keeps 'comin.
    Remember when she was his "best friend"?
    The pedo politics are in overdrive to protect Geffen.
    I had personal experience with MJ and he was a kind man.

  6. People who spent time around Sir Jimmy Savile also referred to him as a kind man, until after his death and we found out what a monster he was.

  7. Brilliant talent and debauched mind sometimes co-exist.

    A psychopath is good at hiding in plain sight.

  8. Damn, I did buy it. (To be fair, that was days ago, before I saw this.) So THIS is how MTV tries to garner back attention to its failing award show and network? That's even more pathetic than the revived "TRL."

  9. "...(snip)... I had personal experience with MJ and he was a kind man." @Nicole

    Did you supply him with underage boys to rape? Or was it a one time thing because you did not deliver the goods?

    Serious question. Because too many have the video/stills to keep a lid on it at this stage.

    Psst, his dick is big enough to damage prepubescent ass by the way.
