Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #2

The idea for this serial woman beater is to give a bunch of tickets away to schools and shelters to try and make it look like someone is interested in spending hundreds of dollars on tickets to his concert tour. The shelters want no part of him.


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      He should have tried DAWN, deaf abused women’s network. They don’t mind tone deaf screeching.

  2. Can't he just fill these arenas with L'il Wayne's kids?

  3. He's probably looking for new prospects. Guy is flat out human garbage.

  4. I hear Rihanna's going. She still thinks she can change him.

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    It must seriously suck that you have to live your life always having to cover your tracks

  6. LOL @ Lucky...
    Lil Wayne is the grossest human walking the earth. If he was a nobody, he wouldnt even be able to rape himself into fatherhood

  7. Chris is in the closet. the sooner he admits he is gay the sooner these beatings will stop. We ALL know, Chris. stop the women bashing, you demon.

  8. Chris brown. Why does he still have a career?
