Monday, July 01, 2019

Blind Item #2

Despite what the PR releases say about the casting of the villainess role in that remake of the animated classic movie, the producers are still gunning for that legendary entertainer and celeb spawn for the part.


  1. Didn't Enty say on his podcast that this was Liza Minelli?

  2. The Little Mermaid / Ursula / Liza Minelli

  3. Oh and Melissa McCarthy is part of the answer.

  4. LIZA would be awesome

  5. Anonymous8:22 AM

    A drugged up and loaded Ursula would be a fun watch.

  6. Liza is who blinds have hinted at, Melissa is the name being publicly hinted. Lizzo did a fun social media push (but that usually backfires)

  7. They are all auto-tuned to death so they might as well cast the ghost of Nina Simone
    Can you imagine what Liza sounds like slurring her words through some song? Autotune.

  8. Given the ridiculous amount of CGI they used on Will Smith as the genie, they could CGI the hell out of Liza Minelli and make it work.

    Melissa McCarthy could probably pull it off too, but I'd rather see Minelli just for shits and giggles.

  9. As long as they keep LiLo far far away from it

  10. Another blind that makes no sense at all. First, this was already reported in the trades that MM was cast in the role. And what is this ‘trying for that legendary entertainer’…..? Liza is pretty much known to be broke and desperate for work. Remember when she played a supporting role in Arrested Development?? It is not hard to get Liza at this point…all it would take is a phone call. Whether she would be in good health to do it, that is the question. Again, another BS blind

  11. WGAF? It's just going to be another CGI garbage character anyway, it's not even a f*cking puppet. Just let the programmers do whatever and get one of those anime voice actresses to do the lines.

    Like anyone nowadays really gives a sh!t about Liza Minnelli. She's legendary all right, because she was famous so f*cking long ago that it seems like a myth.

  12. There was a ton of blind items a couple of years ago about Liza (with a Z) being close to death.

    A month ago, we get this blind about her being the first pick for the part. Which would unfortunately sell close to zero tickets, as her latest credit was six years ago (Lucille 2 on the fourth season of Arrested Development). Apparently, either she got better, or it was a different Entern on the case.

    A few days ago, we hear that Melissa McCarthy (who is, at least, someone the target audience has heard about in the last five years) is being considered for the part. So, what do we get? A new blind item about the producers still wanting to work with Liza Minnelli. Which is basically the equivalent of "No, I didn't make that story out of my ass, no, no, producers really want to hire Liza because she's hot with the 15-20 crowd. Trust me!"

  13. If she was billed as "Dorothy, of Wizard of Oz' daughter" and drugged to the gills (do octopus' have gills?) so as to perform - it would be great!
