Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #1

This alliterate talk show host not named Wendy Williams thinks she can strike out on her own and become a huge star and make millions. She thinks she can be the next Ellen. The odds are high though, that if she goes out on her own she will crash and burn and not be able to find any work after.


  1. Replies
    1. There’s talk this morning that she’s leaving “The View.”

    2. Please let this be her. The terrible toddler with a talk show talking about her father every day? Yeah well-deserved crash and burn incoming.

    3. I cannot stand Meghan McCain. She has no talent and is not likeable. I didnt care for her dad and im still mad at the political spectacle they made of her dads funeral.

    4. Lol I would LOVE for this to be that cow. Her show would be called "John McCain's My Daddy," and she'd have a 10-minute segment on each show about how he was her father. Every interview would end with "And what do you think about my father John McCain?" Her production company would be called Joy Behar's a Bitch Productions.

  2. I guess fit-throwing Meghan (McCain) didn't learn anything from the other Meghan (Kelly) who, despite being a narcissistic b!tch was actually more likeable.
    The leftist celebrities hate everyone on the right...even those that also hate Trump. Meghan thought she would be accepted because of TDS but she ain't.

    That said - the View is particularly offensive and brutal on conservative women. No one on the right will ever last too long there - Trump haters or not.

  3. what network is going to make this gamble?

  4. Meghan McCain is an incompetent fatass- only daddy’s senate seat made her relevant

  5. Dems hate her and young republicans despise John McCain, so her audience would be who exactly?

  6. Songbird's daughter?

  7. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Agree it's Meghan McCain. She should have learned from the Megyn Kelly fiasco. Right leaning viewers don't like Meghan McCain and liberals won't watch her either. Unless she can somehow convince Fox to put her on the air she's unemployable.

  8. Yes MM please go on to your own show and let everyone see how horribly obnoxious a narcissist can be when she runs her own show.

  9. I'm amazed the view is still on TV. It's really awful no matter who is on it.

  10. Fat ass know it all Megan

  11. Meliticus Bee- I assume you either don't watch The View or have a condition that makes you oblivious to Ana Navarro. She's very much a right wing Trump hater and I guarantee you, if Meghan leaves they'll be too happy to offer that spot to Ana who they love.


  13. When Trisha is wrong, she usually deletes the guess. What happened?
    This is McKKKain

  14. Her high pitched screeching drives me nuts.

  15. @Unknown...the one who commented to me since there are at least two different "unknown" posters ITT a rule I don't watch the view because it makes me vomit.
    but...Ana Navarro is a CNN "Republican"...which is far worse than RINO. She espouses literally nothing that is conservative or a part of the republican view. She is "republican" only so CNN can pretend (for themselves) they are unbiased, and they get bonus points for her being hispanic.
    The only "republican" credentials she has are that she worked part-time for a few months for Jeb!...because she was Hispanic.
    She may want and get the job but no actual conservative who has an opinion will ever survive there. The show is absolute cancer.

    Still - I can't stand Meghan McCain...and I despised her lying SOS father too. #notahero

  16. Yeesh, Meghan is an unlucky name this year.

  17. I'm shocked at all the folks who don't like her. Disclaimer: I don't care for her either.

  18. I think we can figure out WHO Meghan McCain learned her behavior from....daddy dearest. Daddy was NOT clean!
    She'll end up on a Fox shit show.

  19. Megan McCain. Theres ni success after leaving thr View because people think they know you so well in daytime tv. Even Joy couldnt get a job on Sirius when she left the first time.

  20. Anonymous11:03 PM

    "Daddy Got Me a Great Paying Job On TV."
    I would never watch M. McCain or Jenna Hager, either of them; I strongly protest nepotism.

  21. Anonymous6:43 AM

    @DarylsBigFan actually I think it's her Mommy bought her a new job. McCain was a kept man. The second wife came from money. McCain cheated on a sick wife and married his side piece. Back in the day the wives of the other politicians in Washington drove Cindy (the second wife) right out of Washington. They refused to associate with Cindy d/t the circumstances behind the marriage. So Cindy remained in Arizona while McCain catted around Washington as a Senator. When Meghan McCain gets on her high horse about Trump I always smile remembering the circumstances surrounding his second marriage.

  22. I think it's Loni Love. She's always talking about wanting her own show.
