Sunday, July 21, 2019

Blind Item #1

Apparently that showrunner with the pedophilia sketch decided he wanted a little more controversy in his life so created this.


  1. First let's legalize Homosexuality, then let's legalize Pedophilia. And the Amerikaner sits quietly there and let it be or else he'll be a homophobic racist. Greetings going out to Hershel Shekelstein and Anshel Holzrose.

    1. Homos and ped0s are not the same, Einstein.
      GetTF out here with that nonsense. Don't you know it's the Sabbath? At least save it for monday

    2. There are a lot of straight pedophiles around. I did not know that pedophilia is related to sexuality.

  2. Omg gross haha
    But for real, this isn't a literal daddy, it's a gay male thing.
    So not Schneider.

  3. That's a video game!

  4. It's a fucking dating simulator for Switch and shit

  5. Guy in the beach chair seems a bit young to be a "Daddy" but is that a bear at the BBQ?

    1. Yes Samantha, thats a bear at the BBQ you are correct.
      It may indeed be a dating simulator but if it is, it's for guys like the daddy bbq'ing and looking to eat some Twink meat

    2. It just occurred to me that grilled twinkies for dessert might be part of that agenda. You will note the twink(ie) as well as the penis shaped appearance of America’s well-known treat.

  6. A game? It says "comic book," so maybe that is the companion book to the game?

  7. I am curious about this video "game" now, but is it X rated? If so, thassa no.


    Here's the blurb for this particular book:

    "Oni Press presents Dream Daddy, a comics series based on the acclaimed Game Grumps visual novel video game!

    "Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator invites the player to Maple Bay, where they play as a single Dad new to town and eager to romance other hot Dads. The comic series tells five standalone stories, each focused on different Maple Bay Dads, their kids, and their relationships with one another. Dive into entirely new stories featuring the backstories and adventures of your favorite Dads, told by game co-creators Leighton Gray and Vernon Shaw, along with the comic industry's top indie talent like C. Spike Trotman, Josh Trujillo, and Kris Anka!"

    It is indeed a book inspired by a dating simulator video game(which is a popular genre in Japan) that happens to be in that case about gay adults who already have children. If you have played one of those games, you know that's mostly dialog (you have to listen to your date and pick answers that they want to hear), and no explicit sex.

    The showrunner with the pedophilia sketch is supposed to be Dan Harmon (the Dexter parody), who's running Rick & Morty. The show had a Comic Con panel two days ago, so Enty was reminded to please his 4chan friends who had started the smear campaign on Harmon. You know, 4chan, the place where they actually exchange nude drawings of underage girls.

  9. The video game isn’t X rated. It’s a cute dating sim. It takes place in a neighborhood with a bunch of single dads you can romance. They are all adults.

    Honestly. It’s way less gross than most dating sims because many of those are focused on teenagers or younger dating. These are all adults. Just all adult males.

    Also, the games creators are on the Wikipedia and aren’t show runners of any kind. This is real dumb.

  10. Melissa, you're totally wrong. The book even received an award at the famous Avignon Film Festival ;)

  11. Thanks for the info Angela.

    I've seen some 'romance genre' games but never bought or played any.

    I've seen stills from them and it is a bit like an interactive comic book ("you choose the responses"), so I can see how it would be easy to make a comic book series to go with it.

  12. Maybe the image isn't to be taken literally per the blind itself. *shrug*

  13. Remember when Dan Harmon's totally normal friend, Justin Roiland, uploaded a drawing of an anatomically-correct ten-year old boy to his twitter?

    1. Remember when we weren't even fucking talking about that?

  14. codyave I'm surprised if that is on archive, or is that part of its Wayback machine?

    Even 'drawn' child porn can be illegal you might wanna delete that.

    I'm not copying and pasting it though.

  15. Im just laughing at the ginger with the dad bod in the corner.

  16. Pedophilia sketch reminds me of Buck Henry's infamous "Uncle Roy" sketch in the early days of SNL.

    Talk about things that could never be aired today, lol.

  17. Thank you Angela, awesome write-up, now I want to play this game.

  18. Dan Harmon - and before poo-poo'ing this as "made-up 4chan conspiracy" as was suggested above, watch the videos yourself.

  19. its by the game grumps youtube channel

  20. Angela (the man) is Dan Harmon (the pederast).

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Male on male comics aka manga are all the rage in Japan. It's not gay males reading it, instead it's teenage and young adult females. I guess where it's unnatural for men to be affectionate over there the young female population like seeing two men being affectionate towards each other. Btw being gay and being pedo are not the same thing and saying so is ignorance at its best.

  23. @Mel Pas If I were a gay celebrity, I would think twice before coming out. My situation would change from a ton of "he has a beard, he's actually dating his male publicist" rumors to a ton of "he's admitted he's gay, how long before we find out he's actually a pedo?"

    People here are obsessed with the existence of a (liberal) gay mafia that's into satanic stuff and child sacrifices during large Eyes Wide Shut parties where they play songs by Enya. While I suspect that when something disgusting happens, it's usually in a much more mundane and private setting.

  24. I don’t understand any of this. Can’t we go back to shitting on sparkles? It’s been like 2 days w/o a blind, I’m in withdrawal.

  25. Oh my god once again enty embarrassingly makes up a story because he's desperate for content just like how he has no clue about anything Kpop and it's blatantly obvious.

  26. Im moving to Dream Daddy Island and gonna bag me a husband....

  27. this is a comic book not a video game and was displayed along with their extensive collection @comic com.

  28. While it's true that pedos and gay men are not the same, people who are pedos often call themselves gay. Brian Singer for instance. It gets confusing

  29. Fuck off Yochanan, seriously. Two entirely different things you’re talking about.

  30. Yeah, most pedo's seem to be boys and girls.

    It's likely that those with dysfunctional sexual selection are more likely to really wander off target.

  31. I see the traffic is running low again, enty.

    This is nonsense.

  32. ⬆️is the hag living on the peninsula around the bend on Daddy Island.

  33. @Unknown

    This is indeed nonsense.

    All the blind items about Dan Harmon were about him being interested in little girls. He doesn't draw, he's a writer. The book series (there must be six or eight volumes) is an adaptation of a dating sim video game between gay dudes in their 30s and 40s. There's no sexual content in the game, given that even Nintendo, which has very strict guidelines over games they accept, approved this month the game for the Switch.

    So, basically, Enty saw some drawn-up cover art for a book, thought that his most moronic readers would assume that "Dream Daddy" was about pedophilia between mature men and little girls, and connected one of the usual suspects to the book.

    Next time, Entard, add a fake NAMBLA stamp on the "Dream Daddy" artwork to make it a little more convincing. Because this job is otherwise bush league.

    Unknown, you may be onto something. I guess that Epstein being arrested isn't the kiss of life Entard had expected for the traffic. According to Alexa, there was a bump in the overall rankings that started on July 7-8 (Epstein was arrested on the 6), but the effect has been vanishing since July 16, and, at the top of the peak, the site didn't even get back to its ranking from three months ago.
    ("Alexa rank" section)

    1. @angela. i emailed this to Enty. i am not part of 4chan and never will be. i took the picture and sent it to him enuff already. sheesh

  34. Pedos also describe themselves as straight. Epstein for example.

  35. @Angela, I assumed that this is what the whole Bohemian Grove thing was about too. Compared to the Weinstein scandal or even the Singer stuff earlier this year, this whole Epstein thing has brought this website very little increase in traffic. I suppose the moderation doesn't help matters.

    I kind of get the sense this place is dying a bit.

    1. I’m sure summer doesn’t help. People are outside, playing with their kids, doing fun stuff.

  36. @Sd Auntie

    The "James Gunn is a pedo" campaign started on 4chan, where Mike Cernovich asked the people from the alt-right message boards to find something incriminating on James Gunn, who was posting a lot of anti-Trump messages on Twitter. They scrubbed through something like 25,000 tweets and presented their "discoveries", mostly terrible jokes about dead babies that he regarded at the time as edgy, as evidence of his obsession for little children. Of course, after that, they found a few other questionable connections, but the origin of the campaign, as shown in the early messages, wasn't that they had any suspicion, it was that they wanted to smear Gunn using their most common weapon, child molesting accusations.

    As Gunn was fired, the method seemed to be working, and Cernovich and the rest of the gang decided to focus on Dan Harmon, another vocal Trump critic. But they used the very same methods, which made it a little too obvious for the rest of the world, and the attempt failed. They also had Patton Oswalt, Michael Ian Black and Sarah Silverman as the next targets.

    Last summer, Enty published blind items on James Gunn and Dan Harmon like crazy.
    The Feds and Disney had found evidence that Gunn was a kid diddler, a few exes were ready to testify that he has asked them to act like little girls during sex, etc. Of course, Disney had nothing on Gunn, and he was actually rehired by Disney for GotG months before the announcement was made (at a point where Enty was desperate to make new blind items about Warner having second thoughts about working with Gunn on the Suicide Squad given what they had also found on him). There was also a ton of reveals on Gunn and Dave Bautista (who had taken Gunn's side), but nothing in line with how the actual story developed.
    The Dan Harmon saga was similar with a long blind item about him being invited to direct voice sessions for Monster House, as he had co-written the original script, and using this as an opportunity to make child actress record their lines sitting on his lap. Nothing in the blind item made remotely sense, given that Harmon had zero creative control on the script (he was a nobody when he wrote it) and that he wasn't involved with the project after his original screenplay was bought. They wouldn't hire a writer to direct a voice session 18 months after he stopped being involved with the writing.

    It is nothing but a stretch to say that Enty wanted to accommodate a few good guys (or should I say proud boys?) notoriously active on 4chan or at least to publish for weeks and months without checking material that they had provided to him.
    Also, I don't expect him to deny any tie to 4chan or QAnon, given that it would lose him a large part of the crowd here.
    And finally, around March or April, there was a blind item on Ryan Adams and Judd Apatow that turned out to be a mere rephrasing of an op ed published hours ago on Breitbart.

    Anyway, I don't know what you would regard as offensive to you when I wrote that "Enty was reminded to please his 4chan friends who had started the smear campaign on Harmon". Because there's evidence that the campaign was started on 4chan and it's obvious that the blind items on Harmon were supposed to make the campaign more believable.

    1. i am aware of all that u said. and i am in no way a fan or affiliated with 4 chan. This Morty crap is a tool being used to desensitize tween males. and will spread the message about their not so subtle agenda.

    2. Oh, I totally mistook this whole situation. I thought you, sdauntie, found a picture of this video or game in a rental shop and sent it to enty saying look at this crazy thing I found! And he made a blind from it. And everyone was saying, no, it’s not really pedophilia, it’s a Japanese sim game, enty is dumb! And then Angela did a deep dive and sd auntie said Angela, I actually sent him the pic, give it a rest. But now Angela is saying the pic was not of the video game but was of her post and you’re an informant? Ok, just making sure I have it all. Carry on.

    3. close @EA. i WAS @Comic Com and strolled into their spacious comic book display and sent the picture. that's all.

    4. Ok, sometimes hard to tell and I suspected wires got crossed here.

  37. @Unknown

    Less dying than rotting, I'd say.
    In 2017, when Enty noticed that the traffic was starting to decrease after everybody had read it for details on Weinstein and Spacey (even if Enty's BIs on Weinstein were tame and generic compared to what Ronan Farrow was able to unearth), the Spielberg and Geffen saga appeared almost out of thin air as a sequel of sorts. It was basically "And if Weinstein was just the beginning? On Part II, we'll have Spielberg and Geffen, and this time, it's kids!"
    In 2019, scrutiny over Bryan Singer may have helped the traffic (and the paying podcast subscriptions) a little more, and Enty also took advantage of the Miami Herald pieces on Epstein to write a few blind items on Epstein's liberal connections. But I guess that Epstein isn't a subject that many people are that comfortable with. Outside of Prince Andrew, which wouldn't be a big loss to the world if evidence was found on him and children, people have a nagging fear that the investigation could unearth incriminating material on leaders of their own party (regardless of the affiliation).
    And the moderation definitely doesn't help.

  38. Yah. Look, I do actually enjoy a fair amount of this website and the community here. The gossip can be fun. The people here can be fun. I'm not even trying to bash enty or this place before people jump on me. But this site's influence has waned a lot in the gossip sphere since the early aughts (while gaining in certain other crowds, tbf) and I think since about 2018(ish), there's just been a lot less traffic in general here. Honestly, for most of 2019, this site has been pretty quiet.

    Idk- I don't think any event is going to gain enty the traffic he wants unless Weinstein 2.0 actually happens and I don't think it will. The blog site model, just in terms of tech, is also super out-dated.

  39. @Unknown

    You're right about the blog model. There's also the fact that CDAN would have issues to sell expensive ads. Basically, Blogger, which hosts the site, acts as the middleman between the blog and Google (part of the same group, of course), with the advertisers more or less unaware of where their ads land provided that people see them and click on them. If Enty wanted to capitalize a little more directly from the traffic, advertisers would hesitate being featured on a site that features a lot of posts that can be regarded as slander, as it wouldn't do much good to their image, or that wouldn't bring premium customers to them.
    Meanwhile, a celebrity blog such as Dlisted (where Michael K is a terrific writer) might get a little less traffic but would be more palatable to advertisers.

    A more obvious source for income would be the Patreon subscriptions to the exclusive podcasts that started a year ago. According to this page, Enty would have something like 3.8k paying subscribers who pay at least $5 a month. Which represents around $20k/m, less of course the production costs for the podcast, mostly the hosting servers. It may be more than the site itself, and it would be a factor for Enty trying to appeal to a smaller, more committed group of people willing to pay for the podcast.

    And a look at the charts there shows a few interesting tidbits.
    – There was a bump in both the Twitter and YouTube subscriptions in early July. It was massive for YouTube as Enty started to make podcast excerpts available for free around July 5, but both Twitter and YouTube kept on growing around the day Epstein was arrested
    - Previously, there was a major bump in Twitter subscribers around the New Year (Bohemian Rhapsody effect? the Meghan blinds going viral? the New Year reveals? a change in accounting for Twitter or Graphtreon? fake accounts rented to look more important?)
    - The subscriptions peaked in January 2019. By June, Enty had lost a third of his paying subscribers (3650 vs 5480), which is, in biz parlance, suggests a disappointing retention rate.
    - Figures for the first two thirds of July hint at a number of subscribers that has remained flat compared to June, even with people being on vacation. Epstein was indeed beneficial to the finances of the whole operation.

    I don't have access to the archive of podcasts, but I'd bet that Enty, when he's out of the blind items factory and is supposed to give names, must constantly make a lot of teasing for MASSIVE scoops based on "new information", that will actually rehash again and again the same tired stories and lists taken out of Wikipedia and assorted sources. At some point, people expect more, something in line with the outrageous and concrete content from the blind items, which Enty can't definitely provide. Else they unsubscribe and leave.

  40. @Sd Auntie
    So, you're reporting me to Enty for accusing you of being in 4chan, something I've never said or thought?

    For the record, "tween males" (or male tweens) are not the main audience for Rick & Morty. The funny thing is that Rick & Morty tends to have a large share of its fanbase that's made of very creepy young male adults, people who adhere to Rick's cynical and narcissistic take on life (as he's supposed to be a superior mind) and fail to see that the show wants the audience to feel some unease at his views. These are the people who blamed evolutions of the show over new female writers and had them doxxed to make them leave the show Or those who got angry at McDonald's when they couldn't get samples of Szechuan sauce, which had been revived for a stunt campaign related to the show.
    Why is it funny? These fans match the profile of the people who would campaign against Harmon for criticizing Trump, forgetting that his writing is a large share of what makes the show work. The campaign had Rick & Morty fans trying to get Harmon fired, and they failed to see that if they had succeeded it would have been the end of the show.

    1. I'm not reporting you to anyone. i have more important things to do. do not assume a mandated reporter is affiliated with 4chan that's all.

  41. It seems Melissa is Harmon's agent or an obsessed fan girl because over analyzing a blog and trying to spin it all around it takes a good paycheck or being that obsessed.

  42. dan harmon? not sure of him but i saw a super revolting cartoon snippet that someone like him made, of a person stabbing a boy in the intestines, and then putting his sex organs inside the hole of the boy where the intestines used to be... soooooooooo beyond disturbing and not an ounce of comedy to be found

  43. nice try @Yochanan, what are you, a muslim trolling?

    There is exactly 1 jewish country on the planet, same country where homosexuality is legal, accepted, gay adoptions, IVF and gay pride pared are held.
    There are 55+ Muslim countries on the planet: name 1 where everything of the above is legal....

    Nice try Abdul, now go back & crawl into that camel's arsehole you came out of.

  44. To make it clearer...

    Dating sims are a genre in video gaming, that originally started in Japan. They're quite cheap to produce, there was a ton of them on the web a few years ago, when the websites were made in Flash. They're basically interactive visual novels with a few strategy elements and mini games. Usually, the main character is male, he must work to make money, then to pay for clothes, presents, dinners, etc, that are used during dates, where he progressively learns things about a few women he's interested in. If, at a few key moments, he makes the right answers, the relationship level rises until it gets to the committed relationship point.

    If you played a Japanese game such as Persona, there's always a dating sim component, as the main character can date a few girls from his high school. Of course, one major factor in these games is the writing quality.

    Two years ago, a small studio released "Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator", in which the playable character is a gay widower, who raises his daughter as a single dad, and gets back on the dating scene, as he can choose another divorced or widowed male of the same age, his own "dream daddy". I didn't know about the game, but it turned out that it was a hit, because gay people found the characters endearing and loved that the game was more about relationships than sex.

    As it is popular, the writers and artists developed a series of comic books with new stories involving the characters from the video game. They have just been collected in a single tome, which is the picture posted by Enty.

    The game and the books are about single males who have a child and are in their thirties or forties. The dating is between "dad"-aged gay males, not between a teenager and a man old enough to be their father. It is intended for the middle-aged gay male gaming audience, who turned up to be a bigger crowd than what everybody had assumed until the game was released.

    On the other hand, Enty claims that there is something salacious about the book, but he has clearly made up the facts about it, as a quick web search would have shown him what was the concept of the series. It's not about enticing tween or teen girls to have sex with mature men after dreaming about a daddy. If you accept the idea that a middle-aged gay male can still take care of kids, there's very little "controversial" about the series, and Vice had described what it was two years ago:

    I searched for controversies related to the game, there were complaints about some characters, gay or trans, being a little stereotypical, and threats about a fan-artist who had drawn female versions of the seven datable characters, because people thought that there were gender stereotypes on the image.

    So, it is puzzling to have the series associated with "that showrunner with the pedophilia sketch" (most likely Dan Harmon in Enty lingo) while the main artists for the game and the comic books are all known, and have no connections with anybody in television production. It's also defamatory to associate the book with pedophilia. And it's just fucking stupid to hint that it promotes sex between teenage girls and older men, while there's nothing of the sort in it.

  45. Who wrote the comic? (I've tried to read all, and keep up, but...)

    It's the comic book, a specific issue of the comic book, that is pictured.

    Or maybe it's a poorly chosen illustration and not meant to be literally connected to the blind?

    Or maybe someone sent in a fake blind?

    1. read what i wrote, @samantha. Rick and Morty at Comic Con with large booth and tons of comics. DUH

  46. Samantha, we don't need any extra fake blinds sent in here- Enty has plenty on the daily.
    What used to be fun and benign, innocent blinds, has slowly turned into extremely cancerous, even slanderous- potentially dangerous, blinds.
    So there are people here who remember when it was "an A list actress cheating on her husband with another woman" and "an A+ actor who's starting to transition"
    ...has now turned in to big nasty vomit inducing child rapes, red scarf murders (several recent high profile suicides) and oh! this alcohol poisoning in Costa Rica? An A-list actor is behind that, dontcha know?
    I know you didn't ask. But I've got time and feel it's my duty (I don't feel that) and so wanted to write this-
    Just take what you read here with a grain of salt. And enjoy the community while we wait, in hope, that it returns to the reasonable and silly gossip we used to love.

  47. Neither Enty or any supposed moderators here have ever heard of Dream Daddy much less seen any gameplay to know how totally absurd this is. I don't know about any "dark twist" to it, unless you count the twins and if you know what I'm talking about you know how stupid this blind is. Or does two dudes flirting while jogging because one has a baby in a carrier strapped to his chest as pedo behavior? If the comic book is anything like the game, and pardon my language, this blind is dumb as fuck.

  48. @Penguin

    The "dark twist" was apparently an abandoned and unfinished storyline in the game, with some dialog that can be found if you analyze the files. It was never playable.

    Anyway, if the site is that desperate for fresh pedophile gossip, it may give people hope for one thing...

    The return of Dancing Boy!!!!!!

  49. Rosie - yep I do, but thank you for the context/background, and the caveat.

    I don't take any of it too literally. Gossip is gossip, it's someone else's perception/judgment, usually from outside of the fence.

    It's human nature to be drawn to gossip though, it's never gone out of style.

  50. Sd Auntie please don't "DUH" at me.

    Why would I want to scroll back and read after that DUH.

    Frankly I don't care that much what the solution of the blind is.

  51. Wow, I get it... It was confusing due to the various delays, but I finally get it.

    So, Sd Auntie went to Comic Con this year, and was at a booth for a publisher, Oni Press, that had both this book and Rick & Morty comics.
    Auntie, correct me if you're wrong, it looks like that you feel that Rick & Morty is a dangerous show (and comics series), "used to desensitize tween males".
    As the artwork you saw looked like some disgusting pedophile publication, you decided not to browse the actual content (which was a rather harmless gay romance comic book between grown up characters), you just took a picture of the cover and sent it to Enty. As it was the same publisher, the people behind Rick & Morty and Dream Daddy must be the same, right?

    Besides your guts, Auntie, do you have any sort of evidence? Were the Rick & Morty and the Dream Daddy comics side by side? Was the look of the cover similar to the Rick & Morty cartoon? Did the booth have other types of comics or were these two the main attractions there? Did you see Dan Harmon at the booth at some point?
    Or, more simply, what was your original fear or your belief and what did Enty add to your report when he wrote this blind?

    1. @angela. i was in the Rick and Morty nook, took the picture with no commentary. it was just a look and see. it was hot in there with tons of people and really do not have time to research due to my 12 hour a day job. i have seen you tube stuff about these guys and quite frankly it is really disturbing.

  52. Thanks for your answer...

    So, it was Enty who stated that it was Dan Harmon who had created this, just because you had sent him a photo without any commentary. Interesting...



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