Monday, July 15, 2019

Blind Item #1

This permanent A++ lust politician was interviewed by the FBI on Friday in regards to the wealthy pedophile.


  1. Replies
    1. Epstein wants five year plea to give up all the names. Doubtful he will get it?

  2. "Lust" lol. Can he still claim executive privilege?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Where upon he promptly lied his ass off and claimed in a hoarse voice...I did not have sex with underage women on that island...

    ...and technically, he isn't lying.
    all three things had to be in concert for that statement to be true..

    What "is" the definition of "women"....?
    What "is" the definition of "on" the island?

    This is how slick willie gets out of being a slimey lawyer...
    If they were underage...they aren't women
    If he was on the plane, on the way to the island....he wasn't on the island.

  5. Bill Clinton. Hillary has enabled his behavior for decades and should also be held accountable.

  6. Yep, Clinton. Also, I am super suspicious that James Patterson (the author) found out a bunch of nasty about Clinton when Patterson wrote his book about Epstein in 2016. I initially found it strange when Patterson and Clinton came out together a couple months ago with "their" new fiction book. I imagine Clinton did Patterson the "favor" in return for Patterson's silence.

  7. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Bee is right. Clinton will squirm his way out of anything using lawyerese. Remember that depends on what the definition of

    1. Normally true, but I don't know if you noticed, Trump wants nothing more than to put those people in jail, as he had been saying all throughout his election. Trump will make sure that happens

    2. MAGA delusions

  8. Gross. I have never read a Patterson book and never will. He did some stupid shit years ago where he incorporated someone I worked for into a book as part of a fundraising scheme. Gross. He is in deep and knows much, for sure. There is so much more to this story but alas....

  9. MelRose... she didn't such accept his behavior she engaged in the same behavior. She flew out to pedophile island over 30 times.

  10. Interviewed? Sure. He was just making the right threats/greasing the right palms to make sure “Clinton justice” wins meaning Epstein walks and their lives go on...trafficking and all.

    1. Sadly ,you are probably right. It is utter -depravity.

  11. @drewholtaus I don’t even believe that. That came out like the first day. No way his lawyers would be offering up plea deals without understanding the case evidence against him. Jack P. Said that but it’s pretty unlikely they would be offering himself up on day one.

    1. Who is he gonna incriminate that is higher up? Prince andrew...dont know

  12. ...and upon hearing the hoarse denial...
    FBI investigators blinked at him
    blinked at each other
    and shrugged..."well, he said he didn't do it".

  13. Either Clinton. Or Chelsea.

    No worries, Bill will just hold up traffic at some airport while he chats with Loretta Lynch.

  14. @drew....
    I agree - the offer prolly didn't happen but they DID offer to put his townhouse and one plane up for bail so he could go home on house arrest.
    ...that way, he'd have the chance to start sending checks and hitmen...

    I believe the offer was denied
    but there is a theory....that the NYC power outage was related to this story.
    just a "conspiracy" theory...which have notso coincidentally turned out to be true.

  15. "A++lust" 👏👏👏

  16. Ahhhh the circle Roy Moore can only dream of running with. Poor Roy. No private jets or super fun islands for him - just running around his trailer in the woods in his tighty whities striking out with 14 year olds.

    1. Super fun island?
      We must have different ideas of fun. Mine tend to not involve dragging children from their homes (and mothers -ya know “separating families”- with the promise of a better life; then raping and enslaving (and doing frankly, unimaginably dark things , to them. You are of epic proportions in the obtuseness of your comparison.

  17. There are lots and lots and lots of people involved here.
    Though trafficking of underage girls and boys is obviously a huge crime....what were the participants blackmailed into doing after they did what did on video?
    Aside from being a hebephile and a rapist...Epstein wasn't doing most of this stuff for his own enjoyment...exactly.
    A lot of people - even aside from the kids - have already died for this.

    Are the secret service agents that went to the island...the same ones on the "Clinton bodybag" list?
    how many others have been offed?
    why do people keep hanging themselves from doorknobs, committing suicide by taping themselves to their sister, stuffing themselves in garbage chutes, throwing themselves in front of trains in the middle of the night, beating themselves up and heaving their own bodies down staircases, zipping their own dead bodies into duffel bags...

  18. @MeliticusBee bwahahaha at "slick willy". Totally lifting this. I shall now ONLY refer to Clinton as Former President Slick Willy. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  19. @Thorne
    that's the best you can do?
    28 year old DA feels up 17 year old girl 35 years ago, "proof" provided with doctored yearbook turns out to be fake....
    compares to
    human trafficking of untold numbers of MAPs? videotaping heinous sexual encounters of heads of state for blackmail purposes, disappearance of untold number of children...lots and lots of dead people.

    where is the outright accusation for the TDS crowd here?

  20. The pedo ring that Epstein was a part of is run by Mossad and the CIA to blackmail pols. The FBI has all this info already from Weiner's laptop so its not like anything new will come of this. The CIA will sweep it under the carpet (a carpet of bodies) just like they do everytime the pedo ring is exposed (the Franklin Coverup)

    Dont stress it, the story will be buried (literally) in a few months

  21. He was on the plane with the girls so once again his wording is tricky. Oh Bill

  22. Clinton
    Another person with barbell on the neck that don't exercise at all
    Too many dead ppl around the Clintons, too many to kill this time

  23. The blind is bullshit. That's not to say that Bill Clinton wouldn't be interviewed at some point, but the investigation has just started.
    Do you really believe that a couple of hours after being arrested, Epstein would namedrop Clinton, just to save his ass? That's a big asset to play, and he wouldn't play it that early.
    And do you really believe that the FBI would then interview Clinton so quickly? It takes time to build a strong case, not three or four days. Because, if someone knows they're investigated, they have ample time to get rid of any evidence and to build a legal team based on the questions they were asked about.
    The priority would be for the federal and local authorities to get testimonies by the victims, and to analyze the documentation they've seized, which will take months.

    That's how the legal system works, except in the imagination of simpletons who want a political figure they hate to be put in jail by the end of the month and will be very happy to read this (which is exactly why it's been written and posted here). And if there's no official news soon, they'll assume that, like Qanon may say, some "Deep State" magically protected Clinton.

    Also, why didn't Clinton give Epstein his famous brain cancer pill to get rid of him? Epstein makes for a more embarrassing figure than John McCain, one of his famous victims...

  24. @Angela

    Plus, everyone knows Epstein's closest friend is Donald J. Trump, so you'd think they'd start small rather than going for the big guns that knew Epstein, like Bill Clinton. Those would be interviewed last, so that the small-time players can help give evidence and testimony that the bigger names can't explain away.

    Just like how Robert Mueller's investigation of collusion nailed smaller members of Trump's cabinet, before the bigger fish were arrested and jailed later for their crimes.

  25. If this is true, it would have to be Donald Trump. When they searched Epstein's Manhattan apartment, the FBI found that he had fourteen different phone numbers to contact Trump. That seems like a man that doesn't want to miss Epstein's call. Also, Trump is the only politician who has actually been accused of raping an under age girl he met through him. There has also been at least two occasions where Trump and Epstein had a "party" where they were the only men and the rest were underage girls, once at Mar A Lago and once at Epstein's Manhattan apartment.

  26. Bonby Haud, Trump literally backed an accused child molester, Roy Moore for the Senate in 2017.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Stephie said...
    "... (snipped)... Roy Moore for the Senate in 2017." end partial quote.
    It's not like they pulled a Jussie Smollett circus with the Big Top final featuring Christine Blasey Ford of the MKUltra alumni.

    As if the Pedo-Protectors are sitting on their hands hording Soros money. They got over time with that gig alone.

  29. @Momo--That's some juicy shit there. I thought Patterson had some dirty laundry of his own.

  30. LOL!!!! "The investigation just started". HAHAHAHHAAHAHA
    Epstein was arrested in 2004 for pedo shit. The investigation started back then, they found out all that nasty shit and buried it and slapped him on the wrist.

    They had all this stuff 4 years ago with Weiner's laptop. SO WHAT? NOTHING WILL HAPPEN GO BACK TO SLEEP

    Wikileaks revealed the pedogate shit in 2016. NOTHING HAPPENED

  31. @Stephie
    While the great Pedo round of 2019 will never be Trumps fault, Barry Obama and his husband are linked directly to Epstein.

  32. Angela said...
    "The blind is bullshit. (snipped)" end partial quote.
    Hit a tender spot eh?
    Blind hero worship is how emotionally charged parents pimp out their children.

    For the crumbs of fame and fortune.
    How sad for next of kin to rejoice ones passing.

  33. and good...I went out for a while and the "orange man bad" TDS crowd got here.

  34. @stephie: those 14 numbers were attributed to bill Clinton, not Donald trump.

    1. Why bother. Facts ,Logs, Whitewashed servers,many dead people , sworn testimony by victims -means nothing compared to TDS🙄

  35. @Stephie, let it go. The woman recanted her accusation against President Trump. He will be your President until 2024. Do you think for 1 second that if there was any fire to that smoke Hillary and her minions would not have used it 2016 or since then? They had nothing and that is why they fabricated the Russia bullshit.

    My husband is a small business man and has 5 phone numbers- farm business, personal, farm house, townhouse, beach house. So, it is not hard for me to imagine a businessman of the President's stature having many more.

  36. Epstein had numbers for Trump, but he's not alone, by any means:

  37. @Collateral Justice

    Yeah, it hit a tender spot. Brain activity. You should try to do it sometimes.

    There's simply no way that such a complex case that took nearly 15 years just to be reopened would result in developments so fast that the investigators would be in a position to confront a former president not even a week after Epstein was arrested.
    And there's simply no way that such an interview would have be kept a secret by the FBI and Bill Clinton, except from this blog.

    Enty just writes what the people here want to read. That the Epstein investigation will expose the Clintons and every liberal celebrity. But even if it were the case (and if Epstein hadn't ties with politicians on both sides), it would never happen so fast.

  38. @Lucky13,no one believes Epstein and Trump are close friends,except you. Regardless of how people feel about Trump, he has not associated with him for years,before Epstein's first arrest. @Angela,the current case was being investigated for years,it was only allowed to proceed because the Federal charges were finally allowed to be brought.

  39. "No one believes .... except you". That's schoolyard rhetoric to silence somebody who disagrees with you. An independent investigation will establish what's true, and it will take time if it's balanced and thorough. Regarding the speed at which justice operates, may I remind you that there were promises that Hillary Clinton would end up in jail due to her e-mail server? Is she closer to jail compared to two years ago? No. Same for Bill. If he's implicated in some capacity, it will take months before a case is built against him and he starts getting interviewed.

    And the current case against Epstein was reopened due to a campaign that the Miami Herald started around 2014-2015, mostly due to the work of one of their reporters, Julie K. Brown. Her articles were the ones that broke the story and forced justice to reexamine the first deal. That was after Brown's exposés that Enty started to show interest in Epstein to make it part of his Pedophile Connected Universe. It took time for her articles to get national attention and to cause justice to try to get a do over, but it's definitely her work that ultimately gave authorities no choice but to arrest Epstein. Her articles were not partisan.
    Of course, people will try to weaponize the case, and credit the arrest to the work of somebody independent but who will definitely establish that either Trump (if you're a Democrat) or the Clintons (if you're a Republican) were in deep cahoots with Epstein. But it's very likely that no one at this stage really knows what kind of crap will emerge and which camp will be the most hurt.

    Still, it was a shock to me to hear that two Clinton campaign chairs, in Kentucky and Oklahoma, are now in jail for child's sex trafficking, and I find it very disappointing that this didn't get more attention.

  40. @Angela,stating a fact is not schoolyard rhetoric,no one has described Trump and Epstein as best friends. Most places will give credit to the work of the Miami Herald,but it is clear the Feds have been working on this for a while. Your last sentence is very telling, maybe it means more than you think.

  41. @Simon, you are wrong. The 14 numbers belong to Trump. It's a simple Google search.

    @AbbyRock, since your husband is a small business man, it makes since he would have five numbers for people doing different types of business with him would need. Trumps's phone numbers included his personal body guard and other people who were not involved in his business. Also, I'm guessing you don't find it at all suspicious that Epstein had 14 different phone numbers to contact Trump and yet he was not doing any actual business with Trump.

  42. Those two state campaign workers were from trump’s campaign not Clinton’s.

  43. I highly suggest everyone ignore @Angela. She is a legit tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist TROLL. Last week, she and I sparred after she falsely accused Enty of purposely deleting Trump related blinds in bid to "appeal to alt right users". I apparently humiliated her when I successfully disproved her cries for wolf, because she never replied to me after I exposed her for the liar and conspiracy peddler that she is 😂😂 So beware...

    For those who are curious.. after I called B.S. on @Angela's deranged claims, she tried to rebut by directing me to a 3rd party, non-CDAN affiliated site that posts direct links to revealed blind items posted at various gossip sites (including CDAN). She gave me links to revealed blinds from July 2016 and August 2016, and stated that the Trump related blinds from CDAN all had "broken links" which therefore meant that Enty *MUST HAVE* deleted them out of pro-Trump, political bias 🙄🙄

    Welp, I went to the pages she directed me to, and clicked around on various CDAN blinds listed on the page - the Trump blinds, as well as the others. Guess what?! There were over 30 CDAN blinds listed on these webpages for NUMEROUS DIFFERENT celebs and politicians (ranging from Demi Jessica Simpson...Tom Cruise....and including Hillary and Huma) with BROKEN links to CDAN. In other words...Angela was baselessly claiming that *only* Trump blinds were suspiciously inaccessible via CDAN, when THE TRUTH was that there were a SLEW of blinds for DOZENS of different celebs (including Hillary) that weren't working! Embarrassing for Angela, right? 😉

    I respectfully suggested that Angela reach out to Enty's site admin about these broken links to see if perhaps they were broken due to the transition of the site from WordPress (pre 2017) back to Blogger post Weinstein-Gate in late 2017. However...Angela has pointedly ignored me since I exposed her for the lying, shrill TDS sufferer that she is, and never responded. I suggest everyone ignore her just the same. She's a waste of time.

    For those interested in a good laugh, these are those webpages Angela claimed contained proof of Enty's "political bias" 😂😂. G'night! ✌

  44. I would LOVE to see Bill and Hill locked up. My God that would be amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  45. @Tricia13, though I don't post often, I have always enjoyed reading your answers. That said, I can't help be offended with your recent post which I assume was regarding my answer (if not I apologize). Everything I posted was based on easily verifiable facts but you chose to disregard them suggesting anyone who speaks badly about Trump has TDS. It seems you are the one ignoring facts, logs, ignoring testimony by victims, etc. I once loved Trump but then I learned the facts. Btw, this is not an endorsement of the Clintons,

    1. @Stephie, pretty sure Tricia was referring in a more broader sense (as well as directly to folks like @Angela, who obviously DO have Trump Derangement Syndrome - see my above post for more insight).

  46. Has anyone given thought to the possibility that Clinton is not the answer? It seems if it was everyone would know.

  47. Slick Willy might be guilty as hell but he has zero chance of every being charged with anything serious. The most I can see him being nailed for is obstruction.

  48. Angela is one crazy dude.

    1. @Angela is a dude? Welp...hopefully he won't go postal on me since I misgendered him in my reply. Totally unintentional, Angela!

  49. @Guesser

    Regarding my last sentence, I introduced one mistake, which is one of the few times I've done so deliberately.

    The campaign chairs that are in jail for sex trafficking of minors are indeed from Oklahoma and Kentucky. But they were from the 2016 Trump campaign, not Clinton.
    Ralph Shortey (Oklahoma) is serving 15 years after pleading guilty to soliciting prostitution from a male minor.
    Tim Nolan (Kentucky) accepted a plea deal with 20 years in prison. It's disputed by local Republicans that he was the campaign chair. What's not in dispute is that he forced a 16-year-old girl to have sex with him. He was taking advantage of his position as a court judge to ask women, almost always in a vulnerable position (living in a shelter) to make them have sex with him, and a few of them were juveniles.

    This definitely proves nothing about the Trump campaign. The point that I was trying to make (and that you indeed made) is you assume that these cases would have meant a lot if they had been about Clinton supporters, and that my relative lack of concern about these cases was "very telling" But, they are actually Trump campaigners. Are these two guys just "rotten apples" not representative at all of everybody else or do you want media to have the same scrutiny over the whole Trump campaign that you wanted over the Clinton campaign a few hours ago when I gave you incorrect information?

  50. Ooooh stop making sense... you'll upset our indigenous population of Trump supporters, who can only be happy if they make kiddie touching a partisan issue.

  51. @stephie

    Epstein's black book was a phone list of every number he could get of people he might wanna contact - ever
    I have numbers in my old phone list that were never actually given to me...that I got from somewhere else...
    does that make them "guilty" for associating with me

    wanna guess how many Bill Clinton numbers Epstein's black book had?
    I'll wait.

  52. @YummyBoogers, thanks for your response. I only see comments as a list and can't tell who responds to whom. I appreciate you tagging me and letting me know.

  53. Yes, I'm a dude. And I find it hilarious that, with the amount of stuff I've posted over the years, nobody has ever managed to find anything else about my identity to accuse me. For a crowd of supposedly talented blind item guessers, you can't find anything in real life.

    A person casually mentions that two Clinton campaign heads are in prison for sex trafficking of minors -> "It is very telling, it means more than you think" (ie. there was a bunch of sickos in the campaign, mainstream media try to bury it, and Democrats are hypocrites)
    A person casually mentions that two Trump campaign heads are in prison for sex trafficking of minors -> "This person is sick with Trump Derangement Syndrom"
    See the difference in treatment? Meanwhile, I mentioned the states where it happened, it would have been quite easy to find info through Google.

    1. @Angela, I see you had time to reply to my question seeking confirmation of your gender. Any possibility you'll find time to respond to the conspiracy theory you've been peddling regarding Enty's so-called "alt-right agenda" and his "deletion or scrubbing of Trump blinds" (that I have successfully disproven)???

      Just curious....I've been anticipating your reply since last week. ✌

  54. @MeliticusBee, turns out you don't have to wait long because I happen to know the answer to how many of Bill's numbers appear in the book. Back in 2009 Epstein's former house manager tried to profit off of selling the black book. Unfortunately for him the FBI was notified and he was charged with obstruction of justice. Since then several websites have published the redacted contents of the book and it actually reveals how many times Bill and Hilary's phone numbers appear. The answer is zero.

  55. @Angela,If I was wide awake I might have picked up on it, I thought it referred to the Arkansas case don't remember the location of the other.(Hillary Campaigners). They did elevate their status in the reports,though. Tens of thousands of people can be called campaigners, so I wouldn't necessarily do guilt by association. So put a feather in your cap on that one. Hillary Clinton has her closest aide married to a convicted repeat sex offender,no one seems to think much of it.

  56. @Angela,If I was wide awake I might have picked up on it, I thought it referred to the Arkansas case don't remember the location of the other.(Hillary Campaigners). They did elevate their status in the reports,though. Tens of thousands of people can be called campaigners, so I wouldn't necessarily do guilt by association. So put a feather in your cap on that one. Hillary Clinton has her closest aide married to a convicted repeat sex offender,no one seems to think much of it. Also,I will not ever support your excuses for doxxing, it is always wrong on a public forum,and in somecases,illegal.

  57. Trump must be guilty because he associated with Epstein 15 years ago - please. MSM is trying hard to link them but spend very little time looking at Clinton links. Epstein, spacey, podesta, weinstein, Spilsby, weiner, Duke, alefantis etc etc.... Say what you like about conspiracy theorists, without their efforts much of this would remain in the dark. Find the truth wherever it may lead and please don't take articles from controlled media as gospel.

  58. Angela "Yes, I'm a dude"

    Interesting. Why do some males choose female user names online?

    It ticks me off if men do that to try to make it sound like women put down rape victims or #metoo -- and a lot of those fake female user names do that.

    I'm not saying you do Angela. I don't remember. I don't care about anyone's RL, only if they are trying to act like bots because they hate women.

    I'm not talking about trans women of course or drag queens, who have another reason to choose a female name.

  59. Clintons have always been scum. I wouldnt be surprised if Hillary loves the taste if 14y/o pussy, too.

  60. Still waiting for a reply from Clinton fanboy syncophant, @Angela, regarding his peddling of conspiracy theories here....😂😂

  61. @Stephanie
    wrong - I have looked at it - have you?
    the answer is 31 Clinton numbers in the black book...
    26 trips on lolita express, 31 numbers in black book
    now tell me how come that is irrelevant and still means orange man bad.

  62. Yaccub said...
    MAGA delusions

    MAGA delusions are almost as bad as the constant "impeach Trump" mantra I have heard daily since 2016

    Bill Clinton, Dubya, Obama, and Trump aren't going anywhere. It is unlikely that sitting or former Presidents will ever see jail time for anything, the most we can hope for is that bad ones are removed, or not voted for again.

  63. Count Jerkula said...
    Clintons have always been scum. I wouldnt be surprised if Hillary loves the taste if 14y/o pussy, too.

    I have always been amazed how liberals don't even attempt to defend Bill or Hillary, they know they are scum and just do not care.

    1. Hillary always got the Great Vag Hope pass. If a man had a porn whore intern, he would have been drummed out of politics.

  64. Wow... I need to justify picking a female alias, even if I'm male, straight and found it funny a decade ago to pay tribute to the poster of a terrible sex comedy I haven't even seen? Meanwhile, people like Astra Worthington post straight on undiluted white supremacist rhetoric here, but I'm the problematic one?

    That shows a very weird sense of priorities.

    1. @Angela...I see you are still unwilling and avoidant when it comes to providing a thoughtful and substantive response to my compelling comment disproving your false conspiracy theories above. I shouldn't expect more from a tinfoil lover though, I suppose...right?! Lmao 😂😂

  65. @MeliticusBee, I wouldn't have mentioned the book if I hadn't read it. In fact, this is it:

    Maybe I'm missing his name so if you find it please let me know what page it's on.

  66. Stop assuming everyone's gender! Didn't you all learn anything from last months non stop Pride propaganda?



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