Monday, July 08, 2019

Blind Item #13

This is what I hate. Just like with Harvey, you are going to see dozens of people come out of the woodwork and say they were horrified, but yet they did nothing. An example. This long time A- list-ish actress who has a Golden Globe nom for a movie and an Emmy win for television and a Tony award for a play KNEW about the trafficking. Heard it from the trafficker herself. What did our actress do? Not a damn thing until after the guy was in jail and now says something should be done. You had your chance and only said something when it couldn't hurt you professionally. This is identical to when Harvey went down. People knew, but it was not in their best interest to say anything until after it couldn't hurt their career.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes she used to be married to the French Makeup magnet that is a client of his

  2. +1 Boozie, I think it is Barkin.

  3. Some #metoo liar.

  4. It's Barkin. She tweeted it yesterday.

  5. Almost everyone in Hollywood?

  6. @boozie. +1 it’s Barkin. She’s only speaking up now because she’s trying to implicate Trump who she hates. Anyone who knew and kept quiet, just stfu now. You are just as guilty.

    1. Silly talk. Trump is no pedo, he paid good money to experience the most skilled whores in the world, from Ivanna to Stormy.

      Also this:

      A lawyer for Trump denied any connection between the president and Epstein. A lawyer representing three of the alleged victims said that Trump was helpful in building a civil lawsuit against Epstein.

      “The only thing that I can say about President Trump is that he is the only person who, in 2009 when I served a lot of subpoenas on a lot of people, or at least gave notice to some pretty connected people, that I want to talk to them, is the only person who picked up the phone and said, let’s just talk,” said the lawyer in an interview with New York Magazine. “I’ll give you as much time as you want. I’ll tell you what you need to know, and was very helpful, in the information that he gave, and gave no indication whatsoever that he was involved in anything untoward whatsoever, but had good information. That checked out and that helped us and we didn’t have to take a deposition of him in 2009.”

  7. Kind of like publishing items about a current atrocious situation but not telling the police?

  8. Ellen Barkin, on her Twitter feed.

  9. wonder if her mega rich ex hubby was involved?

    1. Yes he was a client. They are divorced. He is now married to Selma what’s her face.

  10. Laurie metcalf just cause she fits.

  11. Ellen Barkin

  12. Barkin, and @gauloise I wonder the very same thing.

  13. Thank you for that, Count. ❤️I saw an uppity pic of Amber Heard this morning on DM,I thought hmmm she looks like she could use some discipline Count style, bring her down to earth ;)

    1. I would use my cock and a open hand to break that whore down and rebuild her as a human.

  14. Must be end of days. Third time I agree with @countjerkula. What’s going on today, he must have a ghost poster.

    1. Once yer no longer triggered by whore and stinky winker references, you'll find that i am quite smart.

    2. You are amazing

  15. Yeah, Enty, you must hate it so much you always go straight to the police with the stuff you know. Right?

    Oh wait, no, you post it as endless blind items in your site, at least half of which are made up.

    Put up or shut up, Enty.

  16. @sopadish-Mercury went into retrograde!

  17. Yeah but Enty isn't this exactly what you do? How many children have suffered under your watch while you posted about their abuse here instead of going to the police?

    1. Or made shit up for clicks? Entylawyer, you ain't shit and you can shove you the moral righteousness straight up your ass.

    2. can't possibly be the same @Unknown who was agreeing with me on the Revealed Blind re: Jessica Biel and the vaccine debate, could you? How many "Unknown" users are there on here? The one I interacted with on the Biel thread seemed reasonable. This one seems like a whiny shill. Are you REALLY the same user!? Inquiring minds must know...

      Friendly reminder: CDAN isn't alt-right. I am sorry if you are experiencing knee-jerk, visceral reactions to some of these blinds. However bad these feelings might be, I am sorry to tell you that triggering emotions are NOT substantive enough to warrant application of a harmful label to this website. Please refrain from spewing false narratives like that on here. In our current political landscape (when polite, respectful discourse between party lines is NOT ONLY discouraged - but actually OUTRIGHT DEMONIZED) a label like "alt-right" is lethal for web content providers...especially sites that publish salacious material that link powerful people to criminal activity. It sadly leads to automatic disqualification. For a site like this, where the goal is not only to discuss mundane gossip but also to expose the seedy and inhumane underbelly of the entertainment industry (and beyond), such a label could actually PREVENT justice coming true to life.

      Enty is equal opportunity, and has revealed more than just "a few" grossy Repugs over the years. Please stop ignoring this reality. For Epstein matters however, the cards ARE GOING to fall MORE in the coordinates of the Clintons. If this is upsetting or triggering for you, brace yourselves. Log off if you need to. TRUE PROPONENTS OF VICTIMS' RIGHTS AREN'T GOING TO CARE WHETHER THE PERPS ARE DEMOCRAT OR GOP...the cause for celebration is going to be that some TRULY despicable human beings will hopefully be tossed behind cold metal bars. 🤞🤞

      To those angrily insulting Enty...what makes you all think that Enty hasn't called in anonymous tips over the years!? Or, when possible - directly encouraged his direct sources to go public or report to authorities?! Calling him a liar when we have NO F**KING CLUE what he could be doing behind the scenes is irresponsible and premature.

      If charges are not filed against someone (and then publicized), it's not like we'd ever know whether Enty has made contact with any of the tens of thousands of law enforcement agencies in the U.S...or abroad for that matter. Kinda hard to submit a Sunshine Law request ahead of grand jury indictments or criminal charges filed here in the States.....js. ✌✌

    3. 8ch.loves Enty and CDAN. They are used as a reference quite often.

  18. What about Kathie Lee Gifford, and/or Patricia Heaton?

  19. Pot/Kettle. YOU knew, Enty. You had more receipts than anyone as to what was going on - what did YOU do about it? Speak on that before you call out someone else.

    And, um, I notice you're only calling out this actress AFTER it's all been made public. Hypocrite.

  20. Barkin could have said something, but it would have been for naught. Nobody needed Barkin to tell them Epstein is a pedophile and a predator. Why single her out?

  21. ...besides the fact that EVERYONE knew. Authorities knew. Law enforcement knew. Helen Keller fucking knew. Money, blackmail and favors prevented Epstein from being held responsible, and they're going to KEEP doing that.

    And you'll revel in every dismissed charge, and every too-small consequence. The only thing you love more than some awful fuckwad getting in trouble is when they then wiggle their way out of paying the piper. Nothing gives you a bigger chubby than that.

    So, again - your calling out "actress" is just shitty.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. 1) The site has to publish as many Epstein-related, or child molestation in general, blind items as possible today, because it's likely to experience a peak in traffic. It happened two years ago, after the exposés on Weinstein or Spacey. There's likely a bunch of occasional readers or newcomers who have heard the news and come here, because they expect some outrageous dirt that traditional media can't print.

    2) Enty has to give the illusion that he was well informed about Epstein before the arrest, hence the reprints yesterday of a few (very generic) blind items involving Epstein and published in the last few months. This weekend, he had time to work on "fresh" material, which is published today, with enough scope to suggest that he knew how Epstein's ring worked and how it is supposedly part of a huge trend of pedophilia all over the country (and if you want more, stay tuned tomorrow or pay for the podcasts).

    3) The site has taken lately a rather subtle but definite alt-right bent. Every negative blind item involving Trump was silently removed after the 2016 election (stuff about his affairs, Melania being an high-end escort he got as a gift from mobsters, etc.) and the targets now are most of the time liberal figures, especially Trump opponents. Now, it would be tempting (and easy) to publish more blind items on Epstein and Bill Clinton, but it could also look like blatant manipulation, so the site will mostly focus instead on artists who had some ties with Epstein (expect more blinds about Woody Allen) or on Prince Andrew, as his involvement with Epstein is actually quite documented. Putting emphasis on random accomplices also serves the narrative that there would be nothing to tell on Trump and Epstein, which is exactly what the site would like everybody to believe.

    The truth is that any investigation on Epstein and the people who have been involved with him should be thorough and honest, regardless of political sympathies. These are perverts and criminals who have destroyed the life and the innocence of many children, period. The priority shouldn't be to protect one side while blaming the other but to keep an open mind and to push for a real examination of the whole case rather than the travesty of justice that took place a decade ago.

    1. @Angela, which negative 45 blinds are you referring to that allegedly got "removed"??? Sorry but not sorry, hun...I call B.S. You are full of steaming hot manure. SHAME ON YOU for lowkey trying to discredit this site. You shills always show your true colors when these political blinds are posted. Like clockwork. Every. Damn. Time.

      It's too convenient that a bunch of unfamiliar newbie posters would come here in the wake of a HUGE scandal involving powerful politicians from BOTH SIDES OF THE POLITICAL SPECTRUM only to cry wolf claiming this site leans more favorably to one side of the axis over the over. Hopefully no one who regularly posts here is buying into this whole "OMG CDAN is like totes ALT-RIGHT NOW!!!" narrative that some shill accounts are pathetically trying to push. It reeks of OBVIOUS attempts to discredit Enty and CDAN in general, simply because some of your left-leaning faves may get exposed for the pervs they truly are. In case you didn't realize, or are too dense to comprehend...PIECES OF SHITE EXIST TO THE LEFT OF CENTER, AS WELL AS TO THE RIGHT. If you can't stomach seeing your faves exposed for the terrible humans that they are...then kindly show yourself to the address bar and type in CNN, FOX, etc. and head over to the comments section of your favorite echo chamber vaccuum of choice.

      Long time poster here, so let me spell it out for anyone not 200% as to the truth....Enty and CDAN are EQUAL OPPORTUNITY when it comes to shining a light, center-stage, on EVIL. ✌✌

  24. @Angela The truth is we shouldn't even be mad at enty because he has proven time and again he knows shit all about real pedophilia in Hollywood. His track record for predicting this stuff is TERRIBLE.

    And subtle alt-right bent? Try blantant. Bizarre that blinds concerning De Niro and Clooney being pedos were nowhere to be found here until they started speaking up against Trump. Blinds about James Woods, once a fixture, disappeared in 2017. Anything that can paint the Clintons in a negative light is found here while Enty keeps his mouth shut about Trump. Check who follows him on twitter- all Trump supporters.

    This site is a guilty pleasure and some small blinds he gets right but no one should expect anything from enty here.

  25. And it goes without saying that anyone who was involved or protected or knew about Epstein should be prosecuted with the full extent of the law.

  26. THANK YOU Enty(s) for always being right and posting the truth about this horror. Keep it up!

  27. @Unknown

    In retrospect, the site also knew very little about Weinstein too. It was the usual hearsay that everybody had heard about him, except that it focused a lot on Gretchen Mol relying on his casting couch to get major parts. That's also why it was a shock to read the exposés in the NYT and the New Yorker. It wasn't just the casting couch and the grudge if an actress wasn't willing to sleep with him, the really shocking stuff was the rapes and the way he behaved just like a predator.

    I agree with you on many things, but my first message wasn't about preaching to the choir, it was mostly a warning to newbies here who may think they have reached a major source for gossip in the entertainment industry. It is not.
    Look for the trends, like the reveals that get published one week later except that there's almost never any confirmation outside of the Entry universe, or the way some guy (I won't even discuss his status as a lawyer) who lives in LA has magical connections that bring him direct access to the truth about Epstein in NY, or Meghan Markle in London. And Oman. And France. And many, many other places around the world.
    Or look for the recent "celebrity guests" (apart from the Robert Downey Jr impersonator). The site has actually published for months blind items allegedly written by a former child actor raped by producers, known as "Dancing Boy" but it quickly turned into a blog documenting the sexual fantasies of a delusional person who really needed some help rather than a place to describe his wet dreams.

    1. @Angela...why are you here if you feel so negatively towards the content of this site? Seems fairly easy to head back over to #woke Twitter...or the comments section of CNN.

      There is no "alt-right agenda" here, period. Anyone claiming to the contrary is upset at the disproportionate amount of times their favorite politicians or royals are written about on here.

      Trump has been the subject of many negative blinds on here, but apparently not to satisfactory quantity, thus these whiners and shills flooding the comments in protest.

      Evil knows no bounds, and ANYONE born on this planet is capable of being terrible...friendly reminder.

  28. @Unknown and Michael Stipe the same week he complained about Trump using his music. Any anti trump sentiment on the facebook site is removed and the commenters kicked out of the group.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Well you know where the Huff Po, Slate and the oh so many numerous other Trump derangement sites are, if you really can't abide even a little deviation from the progressive Borg mind.

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  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. @TwoDots... you're right, I should probably leave. Sometimes I enjoy the lighter blinds and the community can be fun but I'm hoping that maybe entylawyer might shape the fuck up and stop posting exploitative pedophile blinds. Honestly, the political bias or whatever doesn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that child molestation has been made a fun guessing game here. Constantly. Everyday. This site has entered seriously morally icky territory for me.

    1. I agree, pedo blinds are horrible. I would much rather read some teen incest blinds or physical abuse blinds. Maybe Charlize could scald her boy's pecker w/ boiling water to convince him his junk is evil and he'd be better off as a girl, or Stallone beating a non virgin daughter w/ a belt until he draws blood, then makes her jerk him off.

    2. 😂🤣 I'm going to hell anway, I'm sure so screw it, I'm gonna laugh and say that was damn funny!! Charlize, lol, probably has done all BUT the scalding, I'm sure. Poor Damn kid won't know what way is up, and she'll probably just end up tossing him in the deep end of the pool. I can't recall, she adopted her kid right? Why didn't she just adopt a girl? Or, was this the plan all along?! She has some cat lady crazy in her for sure!

  34. This whole exchange has brought a tear to my eye.
    From count right on down to Angela, heed these words newbies.
    And yes, unknown, you'll be called (the dreaded!) "shill"

  35. To clarify, my comment wasn’t supposed to be directed at any individual, it’s more directed at multiple posters, with the cynical posts increasing in frequency, and it can get frustrating to see these daily. That being said, my comment came off as harsh, hence it’s deletion; and apologies if offense was caused.

    I hear you on the right-leanings - honestly that’s why I don’t follow a couple of the podcast guests/contributors, or have much interest in what they have to say.

    I hope the Epstein stuff sheds light on all the associated Scumbags, irrespective of political leanings. We’ll see though; don’t have that much faith currently.

    Co-sign on Ellen Barkin, was on her Twitter yesterday.


    1. No offense taken. You have a point.

      And +100000 on Epstein. Whoever was involved deserves the pokey.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. But, but, butt, N.T. also regularly claims celebrities have been KILLED, KILLED, I say, I say KILLED for knowing 2 much about/ threatening to reveal pedophilia/human trafficking in high society. According to this very site, nobody in the biz can ever die without it meaning they were offed by rapey pedo 's assassins. Surely it this is true, Entertainment liar can be a lil bit more sympathetic about people keeping quiet until abusers are already outed, right? Especially since he himself fabricates/sells rumors of rape and pedophilia to a creepy fan base with no concern of doing what's right?

  38. Oh yeah, & count jerkula needs to die very soon. His concubine tootsie mummy whatever too. Bye now.

    1. @we stone them: right back at ya. I hope you get asshole cancer and it spreads to yer eyes, cunt.

  39. You have to admit that Chester looks just like POdesta and it kind of even rhymes. He looked as much like John as Chelsea looks like Webb lol

  40. @tiny: some lez on lez abuse would be good too. Like Vaginefeld doing dry finger crams into Portia's balloon knot for getting tipsy and embarrassing at parties or Ellen Paige smackin her woman around for checkin out dick pics

  41. so what if Enty posted all his Epstein blinds. He was right and should be acknowledged for it.

    And if "alt right" means not bashing President Trump in every story, well good for Enty. Jesus Christ, there are about 9 million other places you can go to that bash the President for everything.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Yah. ENTY is full of shit for sure and his stuff should be taken with a grain of salt, but, he has always seemed to be an equal opportunist when it comes to the political spectrum. There are tons of super liberal posters here as well as center/ right/ and alt right. I'd say it is fairly representative. But, yah. These posts and the comments have me cracking up. Like others pointed out, if celebrities are being offed left and right for knowing about pedophilia, how can ENTY try and take the moral high ground with this "blind."

  43. Can someone please name a prominent right figure that enty has run a big nasty blind on in the last year when he hasn't had to (I.e. Big news story)? Jon Voight, maybe?

    There is a pattern here of celebrities being slaughtered as soon as they're branded liberal or are especially anti-Trump. But prove me wrong- as of 2017 and 2018, which one of enty's unfaves is a prominent right celebrity/politician not publicly busted?

    And most of the liberal posters here seem to be long-time readers from back in the day when enty was more bipartisan. Newer regulars seem to almost always lean right. But hey! Prove me wrong here too. I'm open.

    1. @Unknown...I am baffled by your inquiry, which I have quoted below:


      Uhh...come again?! What exactly are you asking here? There have DEFINITELY in the past year or so been Blind Items either revealed or strongly suspected via the comments section to be right-leaning individuals, including Trump, Trump's kids, Jared Kushner, Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, James Woods, Clint Eastwood, Arnold Schwarzenegger, John Wayne, and (yes) even Jon Voigt, just to name a few of the top of my head. Not sure if these examples would meet your ridiculous criterion of "it MUST be a BIG NASTY blind item run randomly for no reason!" though, LOL (nice job at setting yourself up for some inevitable goalpost moving later, though! 😂🤣😂).


      Question @Unknown....have you EVER CONSIDERED the possibility that what you are falsely attributing to some malicious political bias might be EASILY explained by reviewing simple statistics and demographics? Seriously....please ponder my points below and let me know your thoughts:

      1. The majority of Blinds posted here relate to Hollywood/showbiz types. Reality tv celebs. Television hosts or actors. Blockbuster film stars. Models. Well known directors or producers. The occasional stage/theatre legend. Musicians. Recording artists. And so on...

      2. The VAST MAJORITY of the aforementioned Hollywood/entertainment industry types SELF-IDENTIFY AS BEING LIBERAL (It is factually correct to state that the overwhelming political current running through Hollywood skews to the left, with many celebrities or power players loudly declaring their allegiance to the U.S. democratic party)

      3. Only a FRACTIONAL MINORITY (at best) of Hollywood/showbiz entertainers currently self-identify as being conservative.

      4. When the overwhelming majority of celebs and/or Hollywood power players comprising the pool of possible CDAN Blind Item subjects share common traits ad nauseam...GUESS WHAT HAPPENS?!? Those demographics and trends WILL BE REFLECTED in the output of Blind Items accordingly. (Over 90% of Enty's blinds are about American born this indicative of some "discriminatory preference" for gossip about U.S. citizens over stars from elsewhere? Of course not...but according to @Unknown's logic, this sort of pattern implies an inherent "bias" 🙄🙄).


      Enty and CDAN are equal opportunity in terms of calling out scum loudly regardless of political affiliation. Always have been, and always will be. The political bias you are accusing the site of having simply has zero basis in reality. I am a long time reader here, and can attest to this. It seems to me that you hold a strong, burning desire to silence or shut down narratives that are triggering for you, or that challenge ideas or opinions that you personally hold. In essense, you are prejudicial and non-inclusive to philosophical and political thought diversity in online forums or public spaces. You also are triggered when politicans you adulate and place on a pedestal are called out for committing heinous crimes, and feel a need to discredit the source to salve your own ego rather than place yourself on the CORRECT SIDE of the issue - defending the VICTIMS. Sounds like a personal problem...

    2. The sections I quoted were omitted for some reason, but I'm sure you can figure out which of your posts I was referring to @Unknown.

  44. The intelligence level here slays me. Does it occur to anyone that the information Enty uses for his blinds he gets from those in the know, which in some cases is LE or other legal types? All lawyers have LE contacts or know people that do.

    And the TDS lunacy...not everything corrupt has to do with DJT, no matter how much you hope and pray that it does. And if you dislike Enty and his content, please leave it for us that enjoy it to enjoy it in peace!

  45. E, you're a fool and you've obviously spent zero time here. Eff off.

    Yes, I'm waiting for the Spielberg pedophilia reveal and the Clooney "HE KILLED A BOY BY KNOCKING HIM OFF A CLIFF" reveal and all the other bullshit things Enty has alleged. Those two are the more ludicrous, along with the Beyonce/Jay-Z surrogate uterus farm and the INSTANT CANCER SHOT and of course, Devonte Hart.

    Notice that none of those blinds has ever been revealed. Why? Because even Enty knows that sometimes, there's too much bullshit for his readers to swallow. Maybe he thought we were all stupid and ignorant enough to fall for the INSTANT CANCER SHOT or UTERUS FARM blinds, but sadly, some of us managed not to fail high school biology (the level, at best, the blinds aspire to).

    And yes, since people are asking I GET PAID BIGTIME!!!!! BY $$$MEGHAN MARKLE$$$ to post here, and yes, the entire British royal family is in fact Reptilians.

  46. Okay, I'm pretty neutral on Trump and enty and pedophilia and whatever. But E, while I am admittedly not the most informed on these matters, that makes no sense to me. Why would LE or legal types give enty actively sensitive info on open cases and have him trumpet it to the world on a gossip blog? That makes no sense to me- wouldn't people in the know prefer him to keep this info quiet so they can go and arrest the sucker? Or at least work on a case and expose before the person gets word?

    Now, it's possible enty reported something to LE and got ignored but then that beggars the question of how he knows all this stuff in the first place.

  47. @Krab, the Kubrick is in charge of a pedo ring and De Niro teleporting from the set of Taxi
    Driver in NY all the way to LA just to molest set-girls that didn't exist with Polanski blinds were pretty stupid too. Notice how these have all been quietly dropped.

  48. Don't forget how that kidnapped girl last October who was held hostage by that boy that kidnapped her and killed her parents was a victim of some elaborate child trafficking scheme according to ENTY when it first made headlines.

    And, agreed. Most "blinds" occur only after the said celebrity/ politician/ event appeared in the day before/ day of in the DM/ Page 6 or some other news or interview article. To me a blind would some random celebrity not in the news paper and what/ who he/ she was doing on the DL when they haven't been heard from in awhile.

  49. @YummyBoogers

    All the deleted blind items can still be viewed on AGC webpages, along with the links to the original pages which are deleted. These are the only links for CDAN that lead nowhere. Most of them were quickly revealed, and the reveal pages have also been deleted or emptied.

    The Melania blind is available on the AGCWP August 2016 page (August 4, Entertainment Lawyer #10)
    Then, there was a bunch in July 2016. A Mr. X blind claiming that a presidential candidate had a habit of using speed (revealed to be Trump in August), an Enty blind involving Hope Hicks and Corey Lewandowski. And another Enty blind from July 26 about Omarosa's "former employer" offering her for favors with business partners. But he wouldn't use her for himself, as "he is more the Nazi type".

    People on Datalounge noticed a few months or years ago the disapperance of these blinds (and a few others) here. And it isn't AGCWebpages that made them up, the site has an agreement with Enty, who doesn't allow other sites to copy content from here.

    Of course, here are the links (even if I fear that too much publicity about this may result in Enty asking the archive to delete them there too).

    Also, in January 2017, there was even a blind about Jon Voight, another former mascot for the site, having a barely legal teen as a "date" for the inauguration, who was forced to call him "Daddy" while they were having sex. As for James Woods, who suddenly stopped being a regular blind guess, it was one of Voight's final appearances on this site. The blind was also scrubbed later.
    A short blind from April 2017 about Trump and Kellyanne Conway? Also scrubbed.

    And to answer your question about "why are you here if you feel so negatively towards the content of this site?"
    Because of morons like you. After asking me for these missing blinds, it took you just two lines in your opening paragraph from your question to call me full of shit, either because you're too stupid to assume I may have actual evidence before making accusations or because you're afraid that the reputation of CDAN, that you regard as an ally and a source in your political fight, would be harmed if anybody just dared to challenge the claims that its content is genuine, so you had to bury this with more attacks to move the debate to another place.

    The fact is that this site was at one point trying to get traffic with anti-Trump blind items. Whether they're true or false is actually beyond the point. Some of them were actually posted well after the inauguration, so there is no unannounced rule by Enty to stay away from gossip about the current president. A few months later, either because the writer(s) had realized that most of the readers were Trump supporters or because of requests from the site owners, they were deleted and the site turned into a relay for QAnon and 4Chan material, with, for instance, a totally insane story about the Clintons having a pill that gives brain cancer, which they used on Ted Kennedy and John McCain.
    So far, they're still archived at "Blind Item Rehash" but I fear that, by giving them publicity, Enty will get them removed there too.

    So, who were you calling full of horse manure?

    1. @Angela....I am afraid you are still the one seemingly stuffed dull of horse manure. Here's why I say that...

      I dutifully clicked on approximately 30 different CDAN blind items listed as revealed during July 2016 and August 2016 via those ACG webpages you provided URLs for. I clicked on the Trump related blinds, as well as other random blinds related to other celebs.

      You won't believe what happened, when I did that... 😂😂🤣🤣 ALL OF THE CDAN LINKS POSTED TO THOSE PAGES ARE BROKEN LINKS. Hilarious, no?! Even ones not related to Trump in ANY WAY. The CDAN blind item links about Demi Lovato...Bethenny Frankel...Tom Cruise...Sarah Hyland...Kat Graham...Candace Cameron...Blac Chyna...Lady Gaga...even a blind about Hillary Clinton and Huma...ALL WERE BROKEN LINKS, INACCESSIBLE, AND THEREFORE *MUST* HAVE BEEN REMOVED BY ENTY IN A GOP-BIASED COVERUP. Right?!?!?! 🙄🤣😂 Right @Angela?

      Seriously Ang, go click through those links you sent. None of the blinds I tried linking to worked. It's not just limited to Trump related blinds. (Yikes, I about awkwardddddd).

      Friendly suggestion...instead of peddling baseless conspiracy theories by jumping to BROAD, ASSANINE ASSUMPTIONS about why these links are broken, why don't you consider asking around or reaching out to the CDAN admins about these blinds next time? In 2016 the site was still using the other interface that was declares a monumental fail (and which Enty ditched in 2017, returning to blogger). Wouldn't be surprised if these links may have been affected when the site reverted to blogger. I'm sure there is a FAR SIMPLER and inherently FAR LESS exciting reason for these blinds to no longer link...unless you think that Trump paid for Hillary and Huma's blind items to be deleted as well, of course! 😉✌ Good night!

  50. Pizzagate was never debunked, it was deflected by a shooting (exact same as Dunblane)

  51. If the Clintons gave Ted Kennedy brain cancer, then they actually arent all bad. Color me shocked.

  52. Yah. There is this one YouTuber who does conspiracy type stuff and gets quite a lot views and quotes ENTY as proof of the matter asserted. Which is why ENTY's legitimacy should be questioned and called out from time to time. Because people really DO believe in ENTY and believe in some of the nonsense he is pushing.

    I don't think ENTY cares too much though. He is making $$ telling stories and getting clicks. Immoral, yes. Smart and moneymaking, also, yes.


  53. Ellen Barkin

    Replying to @EllenBarkin
    Epstein’s pimp girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, a very well-connected Brit socialite cannot just walk free. This woman is his pimp. She pilots planes to and from the island. I know because she told me. She is a sex trafficker.

    5:52 PM - Jul 7, 2019

  54. def Barkin - but she was married to Ronald Perelman one of the wealthiest people in NYC. There's a reason she couldn't speak back then.

  55. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Barkin. The only thing she's ever done in her life was **** the right ****. She would be there pimping the kids out if she thought it would get her something. Whatever she gets she deserves.

  56. Whistleblowers are rare for a reason: it can get you harassed, threatened, harmed or killed. You can lose everything you built up in your career and savings.

    Accusing people of never helping...unless people are inside LE on a case (who wouldn't be here spilling), how can they know anything of the kind. The day it goes public is long after investigation began. We have no clue who told what or when.

  57. Barkin is brave to speak out even if now is the first time. She gains nothing by it. Her tweets about men, about Weinstein, about Terry Gilliam, surely are not endearing her to the Hollywood power players. They'd side with Weinstein and Gilliam and probably are in private.

    That's why I hate to see #metoo (which was a movement before it got picked up on twitter) insulted. It still takes guts to speak out. This stuff has been status quo since dinosaurs died.

  58. @YummyBoogers, noticed that you are conveniently avoiding Angela but okay. I am a fair minded woman. I looked up the names you gave me on here. I'm being generous and defining past year as 2017 on, when the shift in this site started.

    Found nothing on Eastwood, one blind on Kusnher faking his relationship, nothing on John Wayne from 2016 on, nothing on Woods from 2016 on, only one blind on Voight hitting on waitresses in 2017 (nothing about them being barely legal like he used to write), nothing on Schwarzenegger since 2016, absolutely nothing on Huckabee-Sanders, nothing on Rubio since 2016, nothing on Paul Ryan and let's see the stuff I found on Trump:

    One about Prince Andrew petitioning him about sex crimes, one about Tiffany Trump's boyfriend spilling info to the press, one about Donald Trump Jr. hitting on the Olsen twins but being shot down (which to be fair, they were hinted to be underage), one about Trump having sex with Anna Nicole Smith, one about Trump being on diet pills, one about Ivana Trump having her love rivals harassed by the authorities, another one about Trump and Anna Nicole Smith cheating, and then some blinds about tabloids kissing Trump's butt. Not all flattering but a fair cry from rape, murder, trafficking, and pedophilia. Angela already pointed out the deleted blinds.

    If you would like to continue this discussion, you may. I don't see how I'm shutting down conversation by pointing out my perspective. You are free to believe what you want, as am I. Perhaps, I'm not the only one triggered and emotional here, as you say.

    And quite frankly, while I still firmly believe this site to be alt-right leaning and biased, I don't really care. That's one of my beefs but not my primary one. If enty was running nonsensical blinds that never panned out about Clint Eastwood or John Wayne being a pedo purely for clicks from a liberal audience, I'd be just as irritated. The way this site treats serious topics is striking me as increasingly more and more irresponsible.

    1. @Unknown, the blinds I've referred to weren't limited to reveals but also included blinds where the popular guesses were right leaners. One was pretty damn salacious and commenters had it narrowed down to either being about Eastwood or Wayne. Don't think that one was ever revealed.

      Trump's had plenty of embarrassing material on here, and if you think the majority of CDAN commenters regard him as being this upstanding, exemplary human being - I feel confident in saying you'd be incorrect in that opinion. Evil comes in many shades. It's not a one size fits all. The fact that Trump hasn't had pedophilia/rape/trafficking blind items written about him here could mean that either HE HASN'T PARTAKEN IN SUCH ACTIVITY...or that HE HAS, BUT HASN'T BEEN CAUGHT FOR IT, YET. Who knows. I believe 100% that Melania was a high class escort/call girl who he wifed up. I'm inclined to believe what the lawyers who represented Epstein victims regarding Trump's willingness to assist sans subpoena by offering info to help with the civil claims. The dude may be brash, callous and completely devoid of couth, but if this is true - then I feel it was very respectable what he did to help the child rape victims of Jeffrey Epstein. I can set aside reservations I have about his personality to say that. In other words, I can set aside my personal opinions for sake of victim's rights. Not everyone is able to, apparently.

      I think people who are so hell-bent on demonzing Trump have a SUPER DIFFICULT time coping when people whom they respected and placed their faith into (i.e. Bill and Hillary Clinton) end up being a monumental letdown by revealing themselves as being of FAR WORSE CHARACTER than it reflects back on the individuals as being very poor judges of character. It also is never fun to admit one was wrong and got duped (ego bruising and whatnot). Hell...I know I don't like it when it happens to me!

      It's just frustrating, because I see right through a lot of the complaints. Any time a political blind is peppered where the popular guesses are of left-leaning affiliation the whining starts up. The whataboutisms, and the distract/deflect tactics that fail to address the true issues at hand cloud the pathway to identifying truly horrible people who deserve to be behind bars. It's like everyone knows to set aside political preferences here but a select group of die-hard Clinton loyalists, and when those users have their hissy fit, we all have to step in and lasso them back in. It gets old! *sigh*

      Like I've said before, bad people come in many shades of gray. If Bill Clinton is found to have engaged in underage rape alongside Epstein, then he will rightly be declared the bigger POS if compared to Trump. However, Clinton being declared a POS rapist doesn't absolve Trump of his own icky past behaviors, nor does it automatically equate to Trump being worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. Hopefully this makes sense. Its late, and I must put myself to sleep.

      Oh and @Angela's links/claims ended up being bogus, baseless conspiracy theories.

  59. @YummyBoogers, ah I see you addressed Angela. Redact that part of my comment then. The rest still stands.

  60. So let's do blinds that were implied in the last year, shall we? @YummyBoogers

    Did a google advanced search for Clint Eastwood on AGC Gossip in the past year. Found nothing. Nothing on John Wayne. Nothing on Schwarzenegger. One about Jared Kushner being bought into Harvard. Two about Voight, never revealed. Nothing about Woods. Nothing about Huckabee-Sanders. Nothing about Rubio. Nothing about Paul Ryan. A couple unflattering blinds about Trump but nothing to do with rape, pedophilia or murder.

    And AGAIN, this isn't my primary issue. If none of those people are involved in anything un-toward, good for them. If my "faves" are involved in what enty is saying or not saying or whatever, then they can burn in hell. But this site has a long history of using tragic deaths AND horrible happenings for clicks, picking up new stories and dropping them the second they are no longer convenient for them (hey, enty, when is McKlellan going to go to jail for molesting boys), giving nonsensical stories like some people outlined above and in general, peddling creepy shit after creepy shit that is never proven true. And he has the gall to get mad at someone else for not speaking up.

  61. @YummyBoogers, okay- you know what? Let's call a truce here. And link me to that salacious blind when you have the time- I like gossip. I'm here for a reason after all. :)

    Look, I'll fully admit that I belong to the left side of the spectrum but I'm not actually a huge Clinton supporter. I think that the chance Bill did something with Epstein is pretty big and if he belongs behind bars, then so be it. If Trump's never done something terrible to that degree, good for Trump.

    I'm a critic of this site and I think it may be best if I remove myself from here or at least take a break. I don't believe all the horrible reveals enty has done over the years are true, for various reasons that have nothing to do with my political leaning or who my faves are, but hey... I support victims. I support their right to be heard. If someone needs to be taken down, so be it.

    Obviously, it's not necessarily fun to have huge venting sessions like this and it's not exactly fun for me to write, believe it or not. But I do actually respect where you're coming from.

    1. @Unknown, sounds like a deal & thank you. Same back to you. The blind I was referring to was one of the Old Hollywood blinds, about a western star (married, family man type) implied to be superrrr heteronormative who had some hidden kinky onset habits he would engage in with (I wanna say) super young, male set assistants while filming? Or maybe it was with male, bit player co-stars. Popular guesses were Clint and John Wayne. I wanna say this was posted within the past year or two, and I don't think it was revealed.

    2. John Wayne had a fetish for Mexican broads. And if Clint wasnt into pussy, he never would have been able to put up w/ Locke.

      I wouldnt put it past Roy Rogers.

    3. Off topic, but....didn't Marlon Brando also have a fetish for Latina women? Apparently Brando had some truly captivating dickmatizing abilities. I'm only just now learning about how he basically ruined several women's sex lives forever with his prowess. Rita Moreno called him the "lust of her life" and said that no one could ever live up to Brando in the sack after they parted ways. Rita's in her 80s now and still keeps a framed photo of Brando during his 'Streetcar named Desire' heyday displayed in her house. Rita has even gone on record as saying that sex with Elvis Presley was like "amateur night" after having been intimate with Brando. Crazy stuff! All of us girls should be lucky enough to score ourselves our very own Marlon Brando during our lives! 😊

  62. yanks are a tiresome lot. Always bringing everything down to either left or boring and predictable. You know, there's a whole world out there, outside of your precious USA. Honestly, the dumbest nation on the planet.

    1. Dumbest nation on the planet? The USA owns the planet via our dollar and our military, and we are smart enough to let the locals pretend to have sovereignty.

  63. Count.. Your micropenis embedded in your oodles of flab isn't going to break anyone down, much less Amber Heard. I'm assuming you have the requisite short-fingered vulgarian hand size to accompany your disappeared cock?

    Are you going to pinch Amber? Call her mean names? Tell on her to her Mommy? Show her pictures of a cock that counts! Are they still selling those Milton Berle Memorial dildos with the extra large veins? Have you tried ebay?

    Do tell. I'm all ears. Amber would have her way with you in 90 seconds

    1. Calm down, Amber, its all fantasy. I dont have enough money to pay your rate then teach you a lesson. Even if i had that much cash to spend on whores, i'd rather put a 20y/o no name whore on retainer for 6months than have some hag pushing 40 for a night. Save that anus for Elon.

  64. Count & yummy boogers +1 million

    So the same 'liberal progressives' or whatnot, however they wish to be called, who rant about Trump because they're so upset that they're mouthpieces are caught up in pedophilia, are also the ones who defend, mollycoddle and protect an entire religion that worships a pedophile? You don't say...

  65. calling the US 'dumbest nation on the planet' is just wishful thinking

    Kindly Sir RJ Anderson, where art though hail from?

    1. Unknown: all these foreigners got dick envy for Uncle Sam and it manifests in jealous comments like that.

      I mean you wanna talk about a smart nation, start with the country that bought Alaska for $7mill and the Louisiana Territory for $15mill. Current conservative value estimates are $37billion and $1.2trillion. Even if you adjust purchase prices for inflation ($131mill & $254mill) those were steals.

  66. Anybody remember the blind about Spacey's trial getting dismissed because of the victim's cellphone? Or am I hallucinating?

  67. Angela......I am a lifelong democrat and daughter of a pedophile. So when ENTY does not go to the police , I understand why. In the west, where the judges , police etc. are complicit, you know they do nothing.Or even worse ,target the whistleblower. Or even worse, jail the victim as in the Franklin coverup decades ago.Western pedophilia is systemic.......which means there is cover for the pedophiles. Same with catholic church....only moved pedophile priests , so they could go on in a new environment. So, re. being a democrat, I appreciate what Trump is doing. WE have got to get past party labels and work together for the women and children and the world.

  68. Have gone through a few popular websites and online newspapers this morning..The only ones who are not headlining this news are democratic. So Bill and Hill have to be in the cross hairs. Have read that she is in Ireland which does not extradite. Huffington Post / Politico / Democratic Underground = CIA. Not headlining. Daily Kos has a post and the comments which are meant to disparage are hilarious in their desperation.

  69. I thought this stoopid website was just for funsies.
    Y'all aren't making consequential decisions based on what you read here, right?

  70. My immediate thought is that if all of the assertions are true, Epstein has mere hours to live...

  71. Count, wanna know something ironic? I'm not even American!

    Of course there are lots of stupid Americans, just like there are lots of stupid people from other nations.
    You can't deny the US' strength and superiority in many fields, no matter how much you might hate them. Especially compared to the pitiful offerings the much admirable Old World is currently contributing.

    It's like that British ambassador trashing Trump as incompetent, while Teresa fucking May couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery and has Britain falling apart at the seams. Or Macron calling Trump 'divisive' while Paris has been burning every weekend since November.

    If there ever was a truly incompetent potus that'd have been surely Obamination. Traitor, liar, backstabber, divider in chief, coward, weakling, war monger, parasite and most incompetent, useless piece of shit the American people have ever elected.

  72. YB: I read Brando's autobiography. He had a live in nanny and he said he was about 3 at the time. He said she'd sleep (as in slumber) in his bed with him, nude. He said he tried to re-create that feeling of security in every relationship with a woman as an adult (words to that effect.)

    So that's where his fascination began. It was that type of 'look' they didn't have to be any particular ethnicity otherwise. I think his nanny was Pacific Islander.

    Moreno allegedly tried to commit suicide over Brando. She couldn't live with or without him at that time. She later married a doctor and had a stable relationship with him.

    1. Samantha, thanks for the insight! I hadn't heard this about Brando. This definitely provides context to his ongoing preference toward women with darker hair and more olive skintones, etc. Maybe I'll check out his autobiography.

      I also want to read Mickey Rooney's autobiography, even despite how raunchy and crude he was in his descriptions of his love life with various famous actresses ( a little butt plug like Rooney managed to land legendary beauties like Lana Turner and Ava Gardner is BEYOND ME 😂😂). With Brando, he was a man-whore but it's at least understandable WHY women may have flung themselves at him, or had a hard time resisting him if he advanced on them...Brando in his prime was TEH SEXXX 🤩😍 Rooney???🤢 Not even for one milisecond of his lifetime, haha.

  73. YW, YB.

    Brando's book was worth reading imo. Shelley Winters' first book also. She had a fling with Brando btw. She's an entertaining storyteller.

    Then his ex Anna Kashfi also wrote a book.

    I was just thinking about Rooney the other day. Something brought to mind his description of his alleged encounter with Joan Crawford. "She was very professional" he said.

    Ava was brand new to Hollywood and I think was so sheltered she had no idea how gorgeous she really was. IIRC she thought she'd be married once and forever.

    Both women had bad luck with men imo.

  74. (I meant Lana Turner and Ava Gardner both.)

  75. @ Unknown

    Did a google advanced search Clint Eastwood AGC Gossip

  76. Eastwood isn't a pedo. He's just a typical celebrity who doesn't think twice about upgrading to a newer, younger, prettier model but they've all been legal. Woods is not what I would call a pedo; he is a guy that wouldn't worry too much about whether a girl was 17 or 18 but he isn't banging 10 year olds. We are overusing the term too much these days. Trump is probably in the same category as Woods. None of these guys are rapists. When Trump said that you could just grab them by the pussy if you were rich and powerful - who honestly didn't already know that was true? Most of the women who say "well you couldn't grab me!" are not the women guys like Trump want to grab. Most aspiring models/actresses/trophy wives, you could. You think Trump doesn't have slutdar to know who will likely be receptive to that? Of course he does.

    Do I think they all would "mind their own business" if they learned a powerful guy was into children? Absolutely. I think 99% of people would not report. It's easy to say you would report a crime until you're in the position of knowing it would probably get your killed to report. And if not killed, that you'd wind up poor and your career destroyed. Then, instincts take over and most people are every man/woman for themselves. We all want to survive.
