Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #13

Apparently this A- list dual threat actress got word she was going to be victim shamed in an interview about some accusations she has made, so decided to bail.


  1. Victim-shamed = asked for specifics.

  2. Lucy Hale? Music and acting careers.

    1. I seen that Lucy Hale bim in a movie Dudes last night. Beautiful lil titties and nips on her. The buttockses lookin toned and firm too. I will keep my eyes out for more fapping content out of this pocket sized damsel.

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  6. olivia munn bailing on her today show interview

  7. Not exactly a blind here:

  8. A good beard never answers personal questions, she just smiles.

  9. Tricia, you suck at life. Are you EVER busy with anything else? The answer is NO-you are on here 24/7.

  10. So Sandy please get back to us regarding your plight to take some stranger down. SPOILER ALERT: You wont and are going to be in DEEP trouble.

  11. Oh goodie there he/she is again. Another low-rent entertaining psycho comment thread coming up... that's the sound of the Argentinian Medoc ...... ...................

    I'm ready when you are.

  12. Also, Tricia you suck at photo shop. You look like a meth whore with AIDS. Or ET or Carlton Gebbia. Your eyes arent that big, neither are you lips (just your big fucken mouth) and you dont have high cheekbones. Are you trying to look SEXY? You are MARRIED you dumb whore.

  13. No shithead I don't think I will be. But keep trying "Mr. CANADA" BWAHAHAHA dumb fucking bitch better not get too brave now girlie girlie you're only 5'2" and I've got 25 verified alts for you baby. That's VERIFIED alts. Now disappear for the day whore.

  14. It's like a troll version of the movie Split!

  15. Who's ever "verifying" those alts dont know shit. You are such a fucken liar, Sandy. Almost as bad as Tricia.

  16. And Kristin you're no stranger I've got about 500 e-mails from you, cocoa, Rue Scofield, kno won uno and a couple of others just sitting in outlook to prove to anyone questioning my intent or knowing who you are. don't have jackshit from any "Derek Harvey" so the alt Derek Harvey would never know my real name, you fucked up again and that's too, too bad for you. That's about 7 times in 2 1/2 years you fucked up.

  17. I looked at Tricias facebook and under friends I found you and your ugly ass pic. Not THAT complicated.

  18. I not pathological like you though am I? wanna try your luck? I kept all the e-mails because you NEVER had me fooled about you not being a troll, you being in the military and in Washington or cocoatellingme you moved overseas. All bullshit and I absolutely knew it was. But I kay-fabed you too bad. Kay-fabed is over now.

  19. Now if you don't mind you lonely pathetic damaged bitch I have way more important things to deal with today and the next several days than a complete fucking psychopath like you. Fuck off bitch.

  20. Well-lets just wait and see. CANT WAIT to reveal what a liar and fool you are with no results deriving from your insane accusations and conspiracy theories.

  21. Oh and there's one more alt, they will love reading about besides canopener, Kym Possible, raynicolet, Kristin, and Derek Harvey and all those alts. That one stays with me kay-faber until I need it. And for the TENTH TIME now, listenand learn to love it Kristin Walden, if you force me to deal with your psychosis, it's not going to be on this board understand little girl? You were warned 3 years ago, you didn't listen, you better now.

  22. Theres nothing to wait for-its all in your lunatic head. I'm just waiting for the rug to be pulled underneath you and watch you fall flat on your ugly fat ass.

  23. We should all email enty and beg for a moderator.

    1. Yes. Please. This nasty childish squabble is annoying. Can he not block people who have nothing but nasty things to say? What normal adult stalks someone on Facebook so they can harass them on an entertainment website?

    2. I tried to contact enty through luck.

  24. What the hell is happening! Is Derek Harvey Kristen????

  25. Hahaha good luck trying, you coming with a gun bitch? Better hold on to it tight if you do. Not go rub your lonely pussy and take your drugs junkie. I done with you on this board and you better think long and hard what's more important to you, this board or real life understand little girl?

  26. Or at least ask enty to verrify I am the one and only Derek Harvey and Sandy needs to be booted for deformation of character. Everything I say about Tricia is true-she's ugly, stupid and has no life.

  27. WE'VE GOT A WINNER!! CONGRATS!! and it's definitely not DQYDJ/Derek Harvey who only exists in a psychos drug addled mind.

  28. In Florida, defamation is a false statement of fact, communicated to a third party, which is meant to hurt the plaintiff’s reputation or economic well-being.

    Florida is one of the few jurisdictions where criminal defamation statutes are still on the books. While Florida doesn’t specifically define criminal libel or slander, the state’s laws protect the financial services industry by making it a misdemeanor to defame companies in that industry. (It’s similar to states that have so-called “Food Libel Laws.”)

    Perhaps a statute still on the books from Victorian times, Florida still considers defamation to be criminal when the chastity of a woman is besmirched.

    The defamation statute of limitations in Florida is two years.

  29. The science of Internet trolls

  30. Try writing Canadian once in a while Kristin another way you gave yourself up. You're from Cleveland born and raised went to Xavier U got a Masters degree somehow got a job working with kids somehow and want to risk all that for this? You're the fucking moron.

  31. Am I suppose to write "eh" every other word?

  32. Except unless you've deleted every, single comment you've ever made on this board, it all can be verified and your IP address traced. so try it.

  33. It's called writing in ENGLISH. Something Tricia cant do....

  34. Then get someone to trace it and stfu.

  35. Try again bitch, you don't write nor have you ever written Canadian-style English with their correct ways to spell words. So you better give that one up right now Miss Mousey Ohio

  36. On the one hand, it's sad to know there are people as troubled as this crazy Tricia stalker. On the other hand, at least in the case the suffering psycho is a complete dickhead, so that makes it kind of cool.

    While I and other normal people are enjoying whatever tiny delights life gives us, this shithead worries about some stranger on the internet.

    Yes, it's frightening and yes it's completely unacceptable, but there's so much misery in the world... it's nice for once to see some of that pain visited upon a royal shithead like DQYDJ/whoever.

  37. Try bringing charges at me or you STFU? Then we deal OK? And you lose majorly big-time when that happens.

  38. Give me ONE example of my writing not "Canadian" style. Oh wait-you cant. You are ALL TALK.

  39. Hoepfully that chick in Ohio will. I am not able to cause I aint her.

  40. Give me one where you did, you can't because even when you were Riven you didn't. You're too fucking stupid to cover your tracks Masters degree and all. And you gave yourself away.

  41. Derek, let it go. You are wasting your life by being upset with someone on the internet that you don't even know. This is just the internet, man. Let it go! This can't be good for your blood pressure.

  42. Meanwhile - thanks for the Olivia Munn link. Except for popping in here, I've not had time for the news today.

  43. Not disappear little girl, I have really important things to do like celebrate a holiday to waste my time on a psycho like you. But if I have to, it will be dealt with I promise you that.

  44. YOU NEVER PROVE SHIT, SANDY. ALL TALK FOR YEARS NOW. Not ONE iota of proof to share. I have no need to cover my tracks, Nancy Drew. Pitter patter, lets get atter. Oh wait-you have ZERO proof. And you cant and wont cause you are a liar and so completely off-base.

  45. Try me baby, keep it up..

  46. Show me dem receipts and then we can play ball, fool.

  47. I'm showing my receipts to those that matter and nobody on this board has to see shit from me and especially on this board kay-faber. Those that matter will see what I have that matter when I decide those people in charge need to see said receipts and proof of said receipts. Understand that Miss MA Degree?

  48. As I said you are wasting your time and energy and are gonna look like a fool. But keep us updated when nothing happens.

  49. And yeah the BI is Olivia Munn good job, forgot she's dual threat didn't forget she's a beard.

  50. @Buddy - someone who wants to make and wear a skin suit out of Tricia.

  51. I just don't understand what Tricia ever did to make someone so hostile.

  52. Well, this went swimmingly, didn't it, children?

    @Sandybrook is this the person you cited as Derek and all those others. Quick Google search got this.What a homely chick.

  54. Oh look a brand new alt created just for me. I know what she looks like I've known since 2016 you stupid bitch.

  55. I think she is pretty,Tricia. Jealous she has an education?

  56. Once again Kristin sweetie I've been kay-fabing you all along for the most part, that's what kay-fabing - - is fooling fools. And remember I've got one more alt they will just love reading even better than the 2 psychos Derek Harvey and canopener oops 3, Kym Possible too.

    1. How does this psycho work with children at a hospital?

  57. You are talking in circles and still providing no proof. PS you prob are getting an email now from Tricia saying "Sandy, shhhh! I just posted that-I wanted to show her identity so she knows HOW I FEEL WAAAAAH"

  58. Tricia, why did you bother HAVING children?

  59. Such pathetic losers the two of you are.

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  61. It will be epic when Sandy and Tricia turn on each other.

  62. I am hoping this Kristin chick really goes after Tricia and puts her behind cuffs AGAIN. Or sues -and hubby has to pay out ad leaves her stupid ass on the street and takes the kids. Leaving her with no money for internet. Cant wait.

  63. It would be epic if we didn't have to see this shit every day.

  64. You wont soon...Promise. I will have no one left to bicker with because they will have to follow court orders to not go on this site and Tricia will be busy with mandatory counselling that will be quite time consuming I imagine.

  65. What is happening? Enty, please get a moderator.

  66. Lol, @Count. Thank you for the levity and earnest review.

  67. I wonder if Kristen could sue this site? The would be Poetic Justice for encouraging a lunatic like Tricia to spend her life here 24/7...

  68. If anyone is going to get sued, it's going to be you, Derek. Go seek help, you wack job!

  69. Alts? I got Carol Alt and Christine Alt. But that’s alts I got.

  70. Ive done nothing illegal. It is not illegal to post someones mugshot and location on here. It is illegal to wrongly accuse someone of doing something they are not (Poor Kristen!) to their employer. But we dealing with dumb and dumber here so...

  71. If Enty ever gets a moderator, he'll just use it to shield himself and the site from valid criticism. Kind of like how he plays the 'industry shill for abuser(s)' card and has his cult members trained to say the same whenever anybody criticizes the sloppy, unethical and toxic way this community handles sex crimes, outing prostitutes, and private medical information like miscarriage and abortion. Fuck Enty, who has probably never had consensual offline sex with a sober woman without having to pay for it. Happy 4th!

    1. You just described half the males here with that last sentence

  72. And wait. Sandy you get emails??
    I want some emails. Preferably just ladies. And no buttholes. Send those to count.

  73. Rosie are you the less butch looking lesbian?
    Bitches be running wild at the Pedriatric Hospital in Oh-nobody wants to live there -always “High”-o

  74. I've been outted. I'm so sorry, Sandy. I just have such a crush on you. And I'm so jealous of Tricia. I'm so sorry. I'm begging for your forgiveness. ;-)

    1. C’mon babe where’s your Madonna,David Bowie avi... oh right. I get why you never posted as you ☝️
      Good Call.

    2. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  75. I'm literally on my knees...begging...or whatever else you might want.

  76. It puts the lotion in the basket...

  77. I sometimes wonder if this whole thing will somehow , someday make national news and all of us will be testifying in court.🤔🤔🤔🤔

    1. Only way I can get attention is by being an asshole,sick,freakish ,stalker.Otherwise I wake up looking like this with my dirty ,greasy hair ,2 shades of blue and report yo the Cincinnati Pediatric Hospital.
      And that’s no fun at all.

  78. It's ok, Kristin. I was once like you, but I'm taking my medication now and I admit how in love I am with Tricia. Thanks to years of therapy and shock treatments, I can finally admit it. I LOVE HER! I am her slave. I accept that now. I only wish I could look at her beautiful face and yell "NAILED IT".

  79. Lol, Derek doesn’t fucking work in a children’s hospital, he’s committed to one. Treat day in the asylum where he has phone access. Well done Derek, you’re just as balanced as ever. 👍🏼

  80. Thank you, TwoDots! I appreciate it. I hope Kristin and DontQuitYourDayJob can find the peace that I have. Better living through chemicals.

  81. Gosh, Count-respect to you for respecting women who respect themselves.
    Flashy, respect for your eloquence and respect to other posters.
    Tricia, always been respectful to other posters.
    Vita, the same.
    Anyway, my two cents.

    1. It’s a daily effort. Mostly I rely on those kids at The CCPH who make me feel like less of a loser. I watch them for 10 minutes and then start in on my stalking duties.
      Also ,I’m ugly inside and out; underprivileged kids can’t tell the difference.

    2. But my work pic is hotter than most mug shots and Xmas sweater shots

  82. Tricia, go care for your children. WE ALL KNOW YOUR WRITING STYLE.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A mugshot is but a mere moment..: I LIVE looking this this👈😨

  84. this place is so much better when Derek is committed. And btw, that mugshot from 9 years ago (for trespassing and disordorly conduct, I mean, THE HORROR) really isn't all that bad. She definitely isn't ugly. But I bet you are, since you never let us see what you look like, you wack job.

    1. I look like this Wendy.
      The plainest ,most boring face Ohio has to offer. And says it all. OHIO.
      Poor parents of those kids whose kids are patients at my hospital

  85. and on here 24/7 like the white trash cunt you are.

    1. I love Madonna.
      Like A Virgin was a great song. Till step brother came along.

  86. lol yes Derek, we're alllllll the cunts, not you

    1. Lolol. funnier still Derek is me and I it and many others. Kristen Walden (Wiglet)

  87. Isn't your husband ashamed of the amount of time you spend here and not with your children? I bet he beats you.

    1. Derek I asked you to use the non basic work pic I had!
      Damn . You are worthless.

  88. Replies
    1. C’mon Krissy - we all want you to beat is some more with your —insanity😂😂😂😂😂

  89. Replies
    1. Im drunk again if she's not
      I gotchuu booo

  90. Tricia, put the bottle down and go back to school. I saw on your fb people keep asking you when your classes start? LOL and you lying and making excuses. " a few months..."

  91. What happened ... I was at a work mixer at TGIFs and gig separated from my sober coach.
    Upside is now I scored some street heroin!


    I would say more likely meth...

    1. I tried to model myself after the pic... but I still look boring basic and from Ohio

  93. I just emailed your hubby through fb btw ---good luck. I mentioned you inviting strange creepy men from this site to come visit you...


  95. I'd get off the computer and get a job Tricia. Your ass will be thrown on the streets soon.

    1. DQYDJ/Wiglet/Kristen / omg 😮
      I forget how many people I harassed you need a make over

    2. That pic... those brows? What was I thinking?

  96. DontQuitYourDayJob - I think you meant to say you look like a :D


    all the things you are not?

  98. Wow. Ok. Reveal day should be fun. WTF?

    1. I’ll be here farting and passing gas of all kinds.
      I learned how to save it up for big events like this.
      Hospitals train in in such matters

  99. Well you KNOW Tricia will be here-she has no life.

  100. This is why we can’t have nice things...

  101. Lololol! So gay Canadian Derek is a basic white bitch from Cincinnati that lives in what looks like a Soviet-era bloc. I thought OTs made decent money. Certainly enough to afford better. What are you driving? A used Yugo?. Jaysus, no wonder she comes up with all these alts. Does the kid’s hospital know she’s playing on her phone, stalking a woman whose life she covets, while supposedly working for them? They say living well is the best revenge and Tricia has that in spades. Go away now, Kristin, you bother me.

    1. That’s “Wiglet” I’ll have you know.
      But yes -basic as the day is long. Ugly has a new meme—-Me!👈

  102. Its fun to count how many she guessed first (Spoiler alert-ALL) and how many she guessed wrong (usually 75 percent). Seeing all 20 or so reveals put perspective on the lack of life she actually has.

    1. Yes we can see from all the reveals how accurate she is. I meant to thank her for helping me drag myself away from my Backstage,Help Wanted Ads to realize that❤️

  103. This is "living her best life"? All Tricia defenders are the same-delusional assholes.

    1. Madonna I loved you so circa 1980 when anyone gave AF !Please don’t let me (Kristin Walden)or Dericks and my alters take away from that —-desperation 🙄

  104. anyways this is boring-looking forward to the REAL Kristin getting justice.

  105. Ohmygod- I’ve either started drinking again or someone has dropped acid in my tea. This shit is embarrassing for the party involved in this lunacy. Wow.

    1. Sorry for the inconvenience over the past 7 years. My baaaad.I was Kristin “Wiglet”
      As well as about 50
      Other names you now ,know me as.

  106. Exactly Heather Bee! Another beautiful illustration of DH’s “charm” 🥴

  107. Okay, dude. I don’t know any of these folks. You are seriously melting down.

  108. Heather, did you drop acid in my hot tea too?

  109. Thia- we all got the acid! 😂

  110. I never care about ratings but to call trash box Olivia an A even a minus is really pushing it. I think referring to former cut throat worst actress professional bearer/idiot ho box who thinks of herself talented kind of like the other actress who appears to be her secret role model.

  111. I inhaled too many drugs again from work.
    Promise to stop obsessing over posters here... and staking their FBs ,families etc. cuz, my bosses won’t like that.
    So I’ll settle being a nobody,ratchet bitch, because that was clearly my vocation in life.

    1. I also will try to look less like a brunette jack-o-lantern 🎃 👍

  112. YOU HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS, Dont Quit (i agree with your sentiments though), Tricia and Sandy. Go volunteer! Ive never seen such nonsense.

    1. Not since I switched my alter B. Crazy shit I knows it, dawg

  113. There's a whole lot of wacky--and not in a good way--on this post. Someone has severe mental issues and needs help

  114. This happens every time we get the semi annual reveal days. Pity we made up for a couple of minutes. The Count sounds like The sanest one here. See you at the 200 comment finish line. And for what its worth,I am against doxxing, if you feel someone is a threat,deal with it outside the comments please.

    1. Fuck You Derek and I never doxxed you. You shouldn’t complain granny.

  115. Wasn't Canopener the one who stalked Enty claiming they had a relationship?

  116. IDK what brought all of this on But this is some sick shit @Entry this is disturbing and @Tricia and @Sandybrooks I'm sorry this psycho is apparently stalking you. Stalking is serious and something needs to be done. NOT OK!

  117. wait, so Derek Harvey is actually a girl named Kristin from Ohio? Damn this is crazy

    1. Kristin Walden /“Wiglet” At you’re command ! (Was in the military ) before I was discharged and became a jealous,stalking fined here.
      I have a million other obnoxious alts like Derek Harvey, kno won uno, DQYDJ Can opener,Riven, MalibuBorebee...Yep.
      I have that much down time in between my Pediatric patients!

  118. No-asshole, Wendy. Can you not tell by the writing style that is Tricia?

  119. The truth will unrAVEL-Thank god. Soon will be NO MORE TRASHA AND SANDY. Two lunatics with NO LIVES.

    1. You’re my True North.
      You had me at ... wait let me figure out how many ants we use.? Can’t lolz

  120. Tricia-you suck at trolling. Learn to read and write.

    1. I feel pretty oh ... so pretty.... I feel pretty and witty and-gayyyy! And I pity anyone that had to wake up
      As you today lalallala lala la tada

  121. No, I'm pretty sure you don't

  122. Hi TTM-I know I am your least fav person in the world but that Tricia lunatic thinks that Kristin chick is bullying her. When I am proud to say, I, Derek Harvey am. Do you believe me? It is Tricia that is the one being a complete creep-posting under her name by Sandys encouragement.

    1. If you are Derek, you used to be fine before everything went south. There's no way that's Kristin, why is someone digging that up eleventy thousand years later?

    2. I miss the real TTM. Not the one whose Avi was just stolen by me

  123. You know Tricia the one that is here 24/7? Mother of the year, Tricia?

  124. It is Sandy and Tricia doin it-NO CLUE.

  125. If you have ANYWAY of getting ahold of her I suggest you please let her know what is going on. They are set on getting her fired thinking In am her.

  126. And I would LOVE more than anything for the tables to turn and them bein the ones getting in shit-they deserve nothing less.

  127. This shitw is crazy. My kid has an appt at Cincinnati Children's at the end of this month and if I see you, I'm telling your boss to get your crazy ass away from my kid.

  128. I dont get why DontQuit has a problem with Tricia being here 24/7. Why does it bother you if she has "no life" other than CDAN. Other people spend their time on instagram and facebook just as much. Why dont you troll them?

    1. Because she guesses so quick and doesn’t look Ohio basic bitch?

  129. Cause she is a liar and a bitch. Harassing innocent people.

  130. Tricia looks like Tan Mom meets Annie from The Gypsy Sisters.

  131. Anyways I am goin to bed-congradts tricia-you have spent another 14 hours on this site.

    1. I told you I want edit approval.
      God that’s awful , look like you’re in line at a Soup
      Kitchen. Where’s the ugly shower curtain you sewed ? Less of your face in that picture. Thank God for small favors

  132. @myles - no clue, you are correct - there is nothing weird about Tricia or her use of this site, there never has been. I think she's got a better internet connection and gets them first or something.

    This thread... holy crap you guys. I don't think exposing real life people profiles is a good thing.

  133. Happy 200!Happy 4th!🗽💥 Good night!

  134. Oh, Enthusiasm, once again the cherry on top of one weird-ass sundae!

    So, try get some sanity-restoring sleep, All! Reveals are on their way!🎆🎉😁
