Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #13

Apparently this A- list dual threat actress got word she was going to be victim shamed in an interview about some accusations she has made, so decided to bail.


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DWelsh said...

jesus, who cares lol

Jennacheryl said...

DontQuitYourDayJob most of us are going to need you to please refrain from posting other readers personal information on the site. I'm sorry for whoever hurt you, but cyber bullying is quite an unattractive trait. Please stop taking your pain and low self-esteem out on Tricia13 and the rest of us. We don't care that you are jealous of Tricia, we all are. She's led an interesting life.

Tricia you rock, thank you for sharing your stories with us.

Lapin said...

You go, Enthusiasm, get the last word in on this ridiculous dumpster fire.This whole thread is so ridiculous and creepy that I’m almost tempted to click on you, almost. You show up at wierd and convenient times...enthusiasm quotes, are you real? Are you there?

Asking for CDAN friends...

TwoDots said...

Derek you’re fucking unbelievable. “Proud” to be bullying someone? You just spent this thread doxxing Tricia, for absolutely no reason. You talk about hateful, trashy bitches - you illustrated all of that in this thread.

Go seek professional help - you absolutely need it.

Wanda said...

Bella Thorne?

sandybrook said...

Oh my and I thought I was the best troller of trolls on this site!! I tip my cap to this one, much, much better than I could ever hope to be. How are things on Klayboldt Avenue Apt. 4 today Kristin sweetie? got a cookout to head to on this great holiday? No? Didn't think so, have a nice day smoking your meth then baby.

Pepperoni10010 said...

errmmmmmm. ok.

twounstable2 said...


squirrelmistress said...

i think we all got tabbed

idiotslayer said...

I vote for that, especially if they get rid of obnoxious garbage that hasn'nt managed to get beyond the anal stage like Jerkoff

LakeLadyinVA said...

I can’t even keep up.

Tink said...

Could be Olivia Munn she bailed on an interview, but is she A-?

lutefisk said...

Marcie/SexyJesus/Canopener/Amanda's Wig/etc. lost it when she never received her Amber Tamblyn book. She started attacking Enty, then moved on to readers. If you all stop responding she will disappear again for a few years.

Count Jerkula said...

Typical Democrat approach, wet the bed in fear and pray for a nanny state

Count Jerkula said...

Same person, but i thought it was kympossible. I wish i had her address to send her an Amber Tamblyn book for V-day.

Unknown said...

This site has completely gone off the rails. Oh my god.

Count Jerkula said...

Yeah, Dena, its like i am having a flashback. I hope some betches do a run in swinging steel chairs.

lutefisk said...

@Count, also Kympossible. She took it very personally when she didn't receive her book and has focused all of her energy on trying to sabotage the blog. I think she feels she should be in Tricia's place and that is why there is so much resentment. When she is ignored she retreats.

lutefisk said...

Vita said...

I remember all of those user names, but never witnessed a meltdown by one of them (usually just piggybacking some sniping when DH was riled up). Ive seen this Amber Tamblyn book mentioned a couple of times, but could someone give details, please?

Also, is it confirmed that DH and Kristen are one in the same, bc I just can't believe they are

Vita said...

Lutefisk- thanks, you answered most of it while I was typing!

Guesser said...

@Vita,I'll try and make it brief. Years ago the site was ad free. Enty wanted to drum up some 💲 and asked for donations. A gift for a certain amount was the Amber Tamlyn poetry book,signed. Apparently,not everyone got their book. These days people have a go find me or pantheon account,in those days internet was free,blogs as free. But an uprising occurred,and I noticed Amber is never mentioned on the site. Trolls became common. It seems a lot of them are the same person. I have a lot of questions about Derek being Kriten. I thought @sandybrook already IDed Derek,for one thing. Plus,he gets sloppy with his alts,and forgets which one he is! I don't doubt he has many alts,and probably Kristen does as well. But unless it's for cetain, the site should not be used for doxxing. Innocent or unstable people don't deserve e harassment. I've been harassed by someone that was clearly the same person,but would not Id them by their alt or real name,which I knew. Tricia13 handles this well. I wouldn't for that long. Sorry if I rambled too much,is your picture coming up?

Lindsay said...


lutefisk said...

@Vita, hopefully that clears up some of her rants.

cheesegrater15 said...

Jee Zus

Thia said...

WOW. Now that the acid Heather slipped into my tea has worn off, I reread this mess.

DontQuit and all the alts Sandy listed are actually some chick named Kristin who works in a hospital in Ohio who is all Single White Female over Tricia13.

The username Kirstin is not DontQuit, but rather someone who knows DontQuit's actual identity and is screwing with him/her. And it's clearly working. Well done, whomever you are.

So, who the hell is the username Derek Harvey, but that doesn't read like DontQuit. More gaslighting? Although not as well done as Kristin. haha

What a hot mess. Enjoy your 4th, US folks. Off to read reveals.

Vita said...

!Lindsay -- Jealous of your mindblown emoji, it sums it up perfectly!

Guesser, Thia & Lutefisk - sorry you had to go through something similar! I dont get it, but I dont think there is sense to be made. I also dont think publicly poking the bear(s?) ever works, but this one is way over my head. At least I get where Amber fits into it all! Hope to see you in the reveals, if not, have a great day!

Lo Key says stop with the censorship already! said...

It's like 2014 all over again. And 2013.

cheesegrater15 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BRAD PITT said...

Dear Olivia Munn

While i agree that Tarantino is a sicko i think you are very selective when you condemn people.
Your friend Aaron Sorkin wrote a career revival for Rob Lowe after what he did to those kids in Georgia, why don't you condemn that?
Your friend Jeff Daniels splits hairs for Woody Allen, why don't you condemn that?
If you're going to condemn bad people condemn them all , don't pick and choose

- Yours Hopefully
The Dogs in the Street

Guesser said...

I should make it clear that @Derek or his alts were not the one(s) who was trolling me, but someone else everyone knows. Trolls be trolling.

JJCore27 said...

Thank you to the people who explained all this craziness! Does anyone know WHAT this Derek/Kristin(??) person is so mad at Tricia about? I'm a casual reader and last night I got sucked into reading the wild roller-coaster in the comments above. Aside from the weird drama between those people, you all seem sweet and it was nice to see some sane comments amongst all the mean ones. ��

Count Jerkula said...

Good throwback link, Lute. Lotta was a fun poster, and i always get a kick out of the fucked up comments i post. Iirc, Katie Cunningham was a pro-foreskin, anti-breeder. I wonder if her opinions have changed?

Count Jerkula said...

Guesser, i dont think anyone got the book

Anonymous said...

Don’tquityourdayjob obviously has no life and is your classic internet troll. Go find something productive to do with your life. Go outside enjoy the day, ride a bike, go on tinder and find some fun. You probably live in your parents basement XD To be honest, Tricia you seem like a very nice person.

Anonymous said...

I bet you seriously get off on this XD

Guesser said...

@Count,probably not. Someone would have owned up to getting one. If someone did,they should let us know.

Vita said...

JJCore27-- if you clicked Lutefisk's link, you know as much as I do about why "Kristin" is so ticked, but I've never been able to catch the origin story for the derek/tricia feud. In my years of on and off following of the site as a casual lurker, ive seen some of the flares. However, it always seems to be attacks based upon guessing first or time spent...nothing that would seem to warrant the personal vitriol. So, I keep thinking I missed the root. Then, within the past week, people supposedly in the know have declared that Kristin (and those aliases) is ALSO DH & DQYDJ. My brain cant process that, so rejects it until I see proof. Im not the best source, but no one else around. Cant help gossiping on a gossip site, right?
Anyway, welcome and hope you get as sucked in as the rest of us!😁

sh!t4bra!nz said...

All of you people going back and forth with nonsense are losers with zero,and I mean ZERO, life. LORDT.

lutefisk said...

@Count, I think Katie Cunningham was in the Rejected Carebear group. I had to block all of them on facebook. They trolled all of the CDaN groups on facebook, then much like Derek or whoever we are dealing with posted all kinds of personal information. Katie lived in Queens and liked to go out drinking. She seemed lonely and sad. Anyone who resorts to outing people with families is just really, really sad. How unhappy must you be to have that consume your life?

@Vita, I was trolled by others, not Derek/Canopener. I was never important enough to get the big time stalkers :D

Valorious said...

Whoa. Just... whoa. This Derek/many other avatars needs to be reported? That's some serious, stalking bullshit. I couldn't look away, but what is going on here? This is not fun anymore.

EponymousAnonymoud said...

Lol. This is something else.

Count Jerkula said...

Nah, Lute, Katie wasnt wasnt in that group.

lutefisk said...

@Count, I think she was. I just checked the list of people I had blocked and she is one of them. Maybe she wasn't part of the Rejected group but she was definitely a stalker. It takes a lot for me to block someone. She was going through facebook profiles and posting personal information.

lutefisk said...

Maybe I am confusing her with Katie Sheehan? One or both were trolls.

James Howlett said...

Wow this was sad. I need a Valium.

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