Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blind Item #13

I'm not so sure the guy acting in the job is any better than the guy who recently quit. The one who is acting in the job used to get money to defend the rights of bar owners to traffic underage girls from the Philippines to US territories. The bar owners would change the age on the passport to make it look as if the girls were legal. They weren't. They were forced to dance naked for men, have sex with men, and in many cases be subjected to violence by the men. The bar owners said they needed to make sure the supply of women didn't stop so they spent a ton of money lobbying. The acting guy was one of those lobbyists.  


Tricia13 said...


Tricia13 said...

Acosta *

sandybrook said...

Until Scalia is approved acting is Pete Pizetta?

sandybrook said...

Pat Pizzella not Pete Pizzetta

MDAnderson said...

Patrick Pizzella replacing Alexander Acosta as Secretary of Labor

sandybrook said...
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Unknown said...

fuck these disgusting wealthy pedos! Imagine the good they could be doing in the world yet they choose to abuse children to get their revolting kicks

Amartel said...

So he represented them as an attorney? So what?

Count Jerkula said...

Enty/Fugazi Enty. Whores is the entertainment industry he/she is in?

Tink said...

This could be about Justin Theroux ‘s new bar?

cc423 said...

Ugh Pizzella sounds AWFUL.

justme again said...

Wray, Comey

BayAreaGirl said...

@Amartel, no, the blind says he lobbied for them. Probably to pass laws that would make it easier to traffic the girls.

I think Enty is referring to Preston Gates’ work in the Northern Mariana Islands

TommyWantsHisMommy said...

swamp creatures everywhere.

James Howlett said...

I had a friend who was an English teacher who went to get a wife in Philippines. The story is so disturbing. He was a little messed up to begin with, what he saw there broke him forever. He's still using drugs to escape those memories. To sum it up, he went for one wife, something happened and he had to get another. He has a series of unfortunate events surrounding that place. The business card for the place made it seem proper. Sexual tourism exists and it will never go away.

KnitWit said...

A guy at work bragged how he married a Thai women he met on vacation. He had to pay her parents $3000 to marry her. He was born in Italy but a Canadian citizen. Short, greasy, bad black hair piece. Creepy guy. At the time I worked for a Fortune 100 company in USA.

Tricia13 said...

BREAKING: Top FBI agent Salvatore Cincinelli, who investigated the finances of the Clinton Foundation, has reportedly committed suicide on a crowded nite-club dance floor

Austin Police were instructed by the FBI to “not release any details of the death to the media”

How odd.

Collateral Justice said...

“not release any details of the death to the media” @Tricia13
All video was seized and destroyed. I can see entering the data as evidence, but to delete the videos? Why?

Also of note, most of the bar patrons/witnesses were law enforcement who could have incriminating evidence on their personal phones.

Savedangel61 said...

Tricia13 said...


Anonymous said...

Interesting. True Pundit had published his death two days ago. Everyone else today. And he was buried on the 17th. His sister is on trial for murder for hire of her husband. I have a feeling this is less to do with the Clintons than a crazy family. And I am no fan of the Clintons. Still, not cool for the FBI to restrict freedom of speech.

Nawlins Jim said...

Epstein found injured in his jail cell tonight.

Sd Auntie said...

IKR@ Nawlins! crooked guard or self inflicted? knew the lil guy would try to off himself!

James Howlett said...

You basically pay a bar tab.

Freebird said...

Supposedly he tried to off himself. 🙄
WHAT A LOSER!!! Can't handle it, ya little wuss? How do you think all those innocent little kids felt? Nope! You don't get to take the easy way out. NAME NAMES & do your time, you sick freak.

Sophia S said...

Looks like he's next to be suicided:

Swen said...
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Count Jerkula said...

The one he intended to wife had a cock and he found out liquored up, after 45 min of making out & getting a bj, huh? Wtf else would he need drugs to cope with?

Count Jerkula said...

3k for a thai? She better have been young and hot. I'm talkin like under 24 and under 100lb.

Swen said...

@Tricia13 So odd this isn't being reported by the mainstream press. It's amazing how the FBI can suppress news

Count Jerkula said...

Chances are the kids loved it, until the money was spent. The whore regret always sinks in when the money is gone.

Redhead66 said...

Yup Epstein found injured, on suicide watch. The Bill was questioned last Friday by FBI. Epstein has to be take out.....

Thorne said...

hE kNoWs HoW tHe SyStEm WoRkS sO hE cAn DeStRoY iT.

Isn't that the argument we're sold when shady people get high government office now? Still waiting on Trump to stick it to the lobbyists amd donors, btw.

James Howlett said...

Nah, he would have probably liked that surprise. He used to get fucked up and sing Celine Dion with a gun to his head. He was basically the neighborhood crazy who was paranoid schizoaffective, or at least played the part. Book smart for sure. Street smart not so much. I saw through his shit pretty early on. He was trying to scam all the time. He's probably dead now. His memories were eating him away, and you can't scan forever. I could spend a whole day talking about the shit he would tell me. He lived in third world countries from 1989-2000 so he probably caught something. It would explain Celine Dion.

James Howlett said...

Do an exchange from USD to Bhat. That's actually overpayment. Life is cheap. Listen to Henry Rollins tell his story about the Thai zoo and the cab driver.

Acad said...

@KnitWit. The guy who paid $3000 for his Thai wife might not have necessarily been buying her. A lot of cultures have either the wife or husband pay the spouse or family a dowry before marriage. There are many cultural reasons for this, some good and bad. For example, in the past there was no spousal support for a woman if a man decides to divorce or abandon his wife. Or the death of a husband can leave a wife penniless. The payment of a dowry to the wife/wife's family before marriage is actually meant to be used (in some cultures) as a sort of insurance for the wife if the marriage goes south. It is also meant to be invested wisely. In other cultures, it is also meant to show that the man can actually provide for his wife and isn't some penniless scoundrel. There are also some cultures where payment of dowry's have really negative foundational systems and beliefs. I personally think the Indian dowry system where the woman pays the man/man's family to marry her is misogynistic and reflects the lower female standing in Indian culture but I could be wrong. I'm sure many non Indian men would prefer that system.

Hummingbird7008 said...

ENTY- report this to the authorities!!!!!! Do something.

Count Jerkula said...

I think that is coming when he has 4yrs as a lame duck, Thorne.

Count Jerkula said...

Bride price is exactly buying her.

Dowry is to make up for the 30cents on the dollar that broads arent worth.

Sd Auntie said...

feel sorry for these brides. they get the bottom of the barrel men. hope they learn about DV shelters and outreach programs when they get here.

Sd Auntie said...

calm down hummingbird. probably a tip from insiders. PI is very corrupt and Duerte is too focused on fighting drug dealers and gays but gives a pass to female human trafficking . attracts lots of tourists and their cash.

Anonymous said...

The problem in D.C. is that all of the people who are capable of running a high level Agency are corrupt. That's why we have to #Draintheswamp.

Freebird said...

Fuck off if you really think little kids like to be molested.

peawry said...

Quebec resident here ... and ahem... Celine is a Goddess

Count Jerkula said...

Bottom barrel in America is better than high on the hog in dumpwater 3rd world countries like Thailand & Canada.

Samantha the 1st said...

"Chances are the kids loved it, until the money was spent. The whore regret always sinks in when the money is gone."

Kids don't love being abused.

Abusers hone in on kids who lack guidance and attention, and the kids love those things and compartmentalize the rest, because...they are kids and have no clue what is happening to them.

Those compartments typically bust open decades later, and that won't be a fun day.

Count Jerkula said...

Enty didnt approve my other comments, but werent the kids willing participants and paid? I think the only issue is age, not consent.


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