Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Blind Item #13

The former Disney actress turned A- adult actress/whistle blower is receiving death threats. 


Tricia13 said...

Bella thorne

sandybrook said...

Bella Thorne?

Sketchy220 said...


dougal said...

Bella Thorne?

dougal said...

Bella Thorne?

arribaoabajo said...

Bella Thorne?

Anonymous said...

Hillary Duff. I'm not surprised when accusations are made against pedos it's threatens careers and bank accounts. People kill for much less.

HushHush said...

Bella Thorne

8ana8 said...

Bella Thorne

Samantha the 1st said...

No, the blind the other day, people were saying someone else, Jordan someone?

Bella was abused by a guy who boarded in their house.

I think Jordan accused someone at Disney.

It amazes me people till blame people for not going public. This is why.

Samantha the 1st said...

* still blame not till blame

Trapped said...

Bella Thorne keep talking young lady

Count Jerkula said...

Bella, I have good crystal, go out partying, girl!

Of course, I'd be too good of a patsy. Would be easy to set me up as her murderer, if she was found dead in a Holiday Inn Express room in my name, w/ her system filled w/ Liquor, Meth & Semen, and holes wrecked. I may have to pass.

Buddytesla said...

On what planet is Thorne A- actress?

Drewholtaus said...

She is a plus plus in porno world!

Collateral Justice said...

Pedowood is in cover your ass mode to the point of credible death threats with in your face witness tampering.
All it takes is a shit load of pedo-protectors who will do the dirty work.

That and a Pedo-Blackmail industry which has the dirt on most of the movers and shakers.
Sure, the low hanging fruit is being squeezed right now, but if the Clinton's walk free then your Hero worship of these sick F#cks is why Pedowood is dying.

I say we convict all on video (there is a shit load, working on the still's right now) for simple pedophilia and Human Trafficking. But kill the sick ones who murdered a human child to join the A list club.

Be it Hollyweird or a real Industry leader. Both are included.

OKay said...

Bella Thorne cannot possibly be considered an A- actress. Hilary Duff either, for that matter.

Collateral Justice said...

Gen-z99 quote: "Why? - end of innocence quote.
Because Pedo-Blackmail is an art form that requires Hollywood Insider skills.

That and why kill a witness when going after their loved ones is just as effective.

Blackmail is old school mind control yet is more lucrative than an old used up sex slave once they hit legal age. Blackmail has grease the wheels for hundreds of extras, err, I mean crises actors manipulating the optics.

Orange Man Bad
Pedowood Good

Give Moloch a hug, another pedo-protector is getting exsposed.

BRAD PITT said...

Bella will be suicided soon

Anonymous said...

I'm honestly worried about Bella Thorne. She's the type of girl they would overdose and leave in a hotel room.

Anonymous said...

Jordan Pruitt!! - ITS NOT BELLA THORNE

Anonymous said...

When they finally expose David Geffen to the pedo ring in Hollywood, then I’ll believe anything has really changed. DG was an investor in DEN. The child pedo network from the 2000’s. Watch “An Open Secret” ( on vinmeo for free) - makes you wonder how Leo escaped them all? DG and Leo are still friends. DG and Spielberg started Dreamworks together, No?
Someone posted a comment about DG going down via ties to Epstein on his Instagram page under the Beyoncé photo ..

postaldog said...

Is Bella Thorne A- list because of name recognition? Because it can't be her body of work.

texasrose said...

Bella Thorne is A list based on name recognition only, not as an actress unless instagram acting. Jordan Pruitt is former disney actress and whistleblower but certainly not A list. Could be either given how messed up ratings have been here for a while now.

Christina said...

I just looked at DG's Insta -- that comment is still up! It's on the photo with Beyonce. It goes: "Jeffrey Epstein leads right to you pally boy... You are going to be the next Big Macher to be arrested and prosecuted. Now way out. You have done much worse than Epstein." Yikes!

Unknown said...

I’ll tell you what. This administration has been hitting pedos hard from day one. We had a huge arrest with Epstine and I think there are some Hwooders going down within the next coming years. No wonder why hollywood is against him, they are scared shitless of being exposed and held accountable for their crimes

A.Claire said...

@Observer. You are correct.

Samantha the 1st said...

A. Claire I said Jordan the 1st day which everyone summarily ignored. Lol

longtimereader said...

She will be 'overdosed' and no one will complain. Don't f*** with the money.

Monkeyweather said...

Poor girl.
Not easy to break free, and even more difficult to defy the Satanist Cabal. She's brave. Kudos to her. Hope she heals and lives a good life


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