Monday, July 29, 2019

Blind Item #13 - Reader Blind Item

I could never hope to summarize this, so will just leave it as is.

Heres an oldie that links to a well known living UK Christmas music single God botherer who dislikes Auntie Beeb to a Dead Dirty DJ.
Lets call him 'Live Doll'
When Rutgers home Country de-criminalized the worst form of pron, Miss Contrary Mary. W. had to do something.
She did the first thing we'd all do...send a crack team composing of an A-list grannies favorite pop singer and an A-list DJ and TV personality to investigate. Of course...
They went to the Country with 'FordLong Lord' to 'sample' the availability of the pron.
I wonder what they 'found' and 'came across'.
You all know the Dead Dirty DJ.
But why has no one ever brought this up this 'fact finding trip' to Live Doll?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Cliff Richrdvfor the UK with the Xmas song(21st Century Xmas?)

  2. Jimmy Saville and Randy Andy for two?

  3. something something Do They Know It's Christmas something something BBC something something

  4. Bob Geldof for the Christmas guy?

  5. This sounds just like Cliff Richards. Good call Tricia.

  6. Jesus this reads like a dancing boy blind.

    But yes, Cliff Richard and Saville.

  7. Flashy Vic, help!!! Translation! This blind is more British than the name Alister Gordon Lethbridge-Stewert ( Brig.ret.)

    1. I read this in a Sasha Baron Cohen / Ali G voice lol. Maybe it helped !?(maybe not lol)

    2. 🧐 say wot? 😆

    3. That post was complete gibberish until I tried that lmao

  8. Thanks @cc423
    So Saviile and Richards went to Oman at some point for underage sex?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Reader blinds should be written in English.

  11. What country legalized snuff porn?

    1. In Holland you can own underage shit.

    2. Can own it in the US also, as long as it was produced before a certain date. I think 1986, but it has been a while since i read articles about it.

  12. Christ , I don't know why they bothered with the false names.

    Live Doll: famously Christian and ancient closeted gay pop singer Cliff Richard who had an early big hit called Living Doll.

    DJ: Savior.

    Ford Longlord: the happily now late devout Roman Catholic peer, child killer devotee and pious wankstain, Lord Longford.

    Mrs W: Anti porn campaigner Mary Whitehouse (who had an upmarket soft core jazz may named after her)

  13. Heres an oldie that links to a well known living UK Christmas music single God botherer (Cliff Richards MistleToe and Wine)who dislikes Auntie Beeb )they got tipped about his CP house raid and got a helicopter) to a Dead Dirty DJ (J SoVile).
    Lets call him 'Live Doll' (single Living Doll)
    When Rutgers home Country (Sweden) de-criminalized the worst form of pron (Bestiality), Miss Contrary Mary. W. (Censorship campaigner Mary Whitehouse) had to do something.
    She did the first thing we'd all do...send a crack team composing of an A-list grannies favorite pop singer (CR) and an A-list DJ and TV personality (JS) to investigate. Of course...
    They went to the Country with 'FordLong Lord' to 'sample' the availability of the pron.
    I wonder what they 'found' and 'came across'.
    You all know the Dead Dirty DJ.
    But why has no one ever brought this up this 'fact finding trip' to Live Doll?

  14. Savile not Savior, for fucks sake you bollocks brained Autocorrect!!! And you still spelt it wrong!!

    Rutgers home country: Netherlands.

  15. "well known living UK Christmas music single God botherer who dislikes Auntie Beeb" = Bob Geldolf = Live Doll (Live Aid)
    Auntie Beeb= BBC
    Dead Dirty DJ. = Saville
    Miss Contrary Mary. W. = Mary Whitehouse, famous English censorship Maven
    Grannnies Favourite Pop Singer = Cliff Richard
    A-list DJ and TV personality Guessing this is Saville again

  16. John the peon,
    Thanks for the DW reference. LOL.

  17. Jimmy Savile for the "dead DJ"

    "Auntie Beebs" must be the BBC?

    Mary W. - no idea.

    Guessing Mr. Richard for the singer/Live Doll?

  18. Oh Geldof? Maybe Live Doll refer to Live Aid? No idea. We don't get a lot of UK gossip over her. Geldof is a non entity in the U.S. although he's uber UK famous.

    Granny's fave = Cliff Richard?

  19. I am understanding "god botherer" as atheist, Geldof is an outspoken atheist.

  20. Do these reader blinds help some people appreciate Enty's writing style more, btw?

  21. A "god botherer" is what some people call a Bible Thumper or a proselytizing Christian.

  22. It's Cliff Richard - he literally has a song called 'Living Doll'

  23. God bothereris the opposite, Gauloise, someone incessantly bothering God by praying to him all the time.

    As much as I'd love to see the despicable Geldof get his arse handed to him sometime, he has fuck all to do with this one.

    It's Cliff Richard, Jimmy Savile, Lord Longford, Mary Whitehouse, Netherlands and Auntie Beeb is the name give to the BBC by the late Kenny Everett.
    It's from two old common nicknames for the BBC, 'Auntie' due to its constant snooty preachiness and nagging, and 'The Beeb'. I just call them cunts.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. What the fuck did I just read?

  26. Christmas music = Cliff Richard

    grannies favorite pop singer = Cliff Richard

    Dead Dirty DJ = Jimmy Savile

  27. @Flashy Vic, thanks, Cliff makes more sense with the time period involved.

    I guess what the blind saying there has been smoke around Cliff for a long time, but charges are always dropped, but this is the smoking gun of the link of Cliff and Saville.

  28. @Flashy Vic, thanks, Cliff makes more sense with the time period involved.

    I guess what the blind saying there has been smoke around Cliff for a long time, but charges are always dropped, but this is the smoking gun of the link of Cliff and Saville.

  29. Ugg comment moderation has returned!

  30. I think it was Copenhagen in Denmark where they went, but perhaps they visited the Netherlands too.

  31. Has anyone else enjoyed Yepthatsme's sterling work on this site this evening?

  32. "I could never hope to summarize this, so will just leave it as is."

    The shade, Lol.


    Hello Cliff.

    Hello Jimmy.

  34. Flashy Vic has got this blind correct. It's *very* British, which is why it probably confused the non-Brit regulars.

  35. I enjoyed trying to translate this blind (thanks, Reader!), But especially enjoyed the cdaner deciphering squad comments! Well done (with a major help from our UK players).

  36. Mary Whitehouse may have been a wolf in sheep's clothing the whole time.

  37. One of the most skin crawling and weird photos you'll ever see.

    From right to left: Heavyweight boxer and wife beater Frank Bruno, chil raping necrophiliac and probable mass murderer Jimmy Savile. Oh and the other guy shaking hands with Bruno? Why that Peter Sutcliffe, you may have heard of him from his serial killing spree as The Yorkshire Ripper.

    Both Sutcliffe and Savile are from the same part of Yorkshire. And yes there has been talk of Savile and Sutcliffe before.

  38. Wtf did I just read. Only Cockney rhyming slang is worse, and at least when you eventually figure it out there's a logic there

    Kudos to all who could guess on this one

  39. @Flashy Vic and @Sarton Banger have got it. If you live in the UK, and born pre millennial, you’ll recognise the terms used and the people in the blind instantly. it’s just a wonder they didn’t add Wimbledon warbling and his photo to the god bothering and living doll reference. Cliff Richard was known for releasing awful records, eg Mistletoe and Wine, Millennium Prayer, each year for people to buy for their grannies for Christmas.

    Lord Longford was another god botherer and campaigned to get the Moors murderer child killer Myra Hindley released from prison. My grandfather knew Frank Packham aka Lord Longford and said he was as crazy and dangerous as a box of snakes. He called himself as a moral reformer, but those morals were rather twisted.

    Mrs Mary Whitehouse was yet another god botherer who hated what she called the permissive society. I wasn’t around in the early years or her campaign, and she become pretty much a standing joke. Both Longford and Whitehouse were anti homosexual, and Cliff has been closeted for decades. Everyone knows about the eccentric pervert and child rapist Saville these days, but sadly there were many people who knew about when it was happening and covered it up. They are all tied to the BBC who covered up Saville’s behaviour, dismissing it as rumours. Whitehouse constantly attacked the Beeb, Cliff Richard famously fell out with them and Lord Longford had friends in high places there.

  40. Cliff Richard - a Christian (aka God botherer), had a very famous song called “Living Doll”. So it’s obviously him...and Jimmy Saville.

  41. Cliff"Kitty"Richard also sang Into the Country( as well as Living Doll)so I think that's why the word country is capitalised in the blind. Good old Lord Longford was a supporter of Myra Hindley too.

    1. You beat me to it mentioning kitty

  42. In the country not into oops

  43. I was totally lost but learned something I guess.

  44. Mary W = Mary Whitehouse, who was a campaigner to clean up UK tv back when I was growing up. she would object to tv shows she thought were immoral.
    Living doll god botherer = Cliff Richard
    DJ = Jimmy Saville
    Aunty Beeb - BBC - that's the UK nickname for it.

  45. Lord longford is the other guy.

    Being english helps with this one.

  46. Class Wikipedia photo for Frank Pakenham, 7th Earl of Longford. Ch-ch-ch check it out. Looks like he stuck a wet finger in a light socket. lol

  47. Class Wikipedia photo for Frank Pakenham, 7th Earl of Longford. Ch-ch-ch check it out. Looks like he stuck a wet finger in a light socket. lol

  48. So this means Cliff, Jimmy, and Longford went to the Netherlands and screwed a few animals?

  49. I'll start here...
    Why the F did the writer of this blind use a "chan" spelling of porn?
    Why couldn't he just say PORN...why pron?

    Just because it is a reader blind doesn't mean it should be free from editing. Seriously reads like someone's mouth is full of marbles.

  50. So...wait? Bestiality porn is worse than child porn?
    I was pretty sure child porn was the worst kind.

    1. Snuff porn worse than kiddie porn. Bestie is only bad if the dog isnt consenting. I have never seen a horse or donkey look like it wasnt happy.

  51. What is this all meaning. A old woman did not like porn or she did secretly? Some men went somewhere to see porn? I dont even care who the blind is about just trying to understand what it is about.

  52. Maybe to you, @MeliticusBee, but not to those of us from the UK. This blind is so glaringly obvious that the person who originally typed it might as well have used actual names.

  53. Child porn is by far the worst, Bee, bestiality is fucking awful but there's nothing as vile as kiddie porn.

  54. Something about Cliff Richard, after that I lost track. He's always been shady and self-righteous.

  55. What language is that?

  56. @Empi,Mary Whitehouse was well known for campaigning for morality in the Seventies especially. Knowing what we know about Saville now, one has to wonder if she knew this back in the day, or was a part of it. There was a song about her wasn't there?

  57. CJ you're joking right? Animals can't consent, and they don't show injury or emotions always either. Survival instinct.

    1. The german sheperd w/ the fat broad was whimpering and hating it same as i would have been. That was o viously rape.

      The horse was fine with it. Stallions and bulls get semen collected all the time. 1000+lb hooved animals in captivity generally aint fuckin, they gettin artificially inseminated. If it is a Brazilian broads mouth or an artificial vagina, they dont care.

  58. Not all Christians are called 'god botherers' unless the person means to do that as a bit of extra pejorative/snark, usually at a specific person. But they're not (automatically) synonymous.

    The idea I think, is that the person in question/being insulted is so obnoxious about the shouting, scolding, proselytizing and preaching, that they even 'bother God.'

    "a Christian (aka God botherer)"

  59. Some of the loudest campaigners for morality have deep seated personal issues - or maybe more people do than anyone realizes and theirs is discovered for existing in a public person. Margaret Sanger was a virulent racist.

  60. Maybe they have a flatmate who snoops on their hard drive with word searches? No idea.

    "Why the F did the writer of this blind use a "chan" spelling of porn?" (pron)

  61. OK here is the Cliffs on the reader blind. Others correct or add if you feel.

    Person A - someone publicly religious, who had a hit Christmas-themed song

    Person B - A DJ and Tv personality, who is now deceased

    Person C - A Lord of the realm (in the UK.)

    Person D - a woman, a busybody


    Person A gets the nicknames God Botherer and Live Doll in the blind.

    Person B gets the nicknames Dead Dirty DJ, and A List DJ/Tv Personality in the blind.

    Person C gets the nickname FordLong Lord in the blind.

    Person D gets the nickname Miss Contrary Mary W. (Mary Quite Contrary is a children's rhyme; someone who annoys others.)


    Where - a country that decriminalized porn, "Rutgers' home country"

    What - an investigation into porn

    "Mary W." sent the other 3 people to investigate porn in The Netherlands and instead the 3 partook of said porn. As in, the blind claims, personally participated in it.

    Then the blind asks why no one has ever asked Person A, the singer, about any of this. (The others are apparently dead?)


    "Lord Longford was another god botherer and campaigned to get the Moors murderer child killer Myra Hindley released from prison."

    I saw that movie! Jim Broadbent played Lord L. I didn't remember the guy's real life name.

  62. Cliff Richards.. and......

  63. Cliff Richard
    Jimmy Savile
    Mary Whitehouse
    Lord Longford

  64. @Flashy yes I have indeed been enjoying Yepthatsme's sterling work on the site this evening. Had a giggle each time!

  65. Australians rule because the understand get the British and the Yankee references.
    This one was s doddle.

  66. This isn't really a blind, it's quite well known. I believe Gyles Brandreth was also a member of the team, though I've never heard any suggestion that he's a wrong 'un, just an irritant.

  67. I figured this out straightaway, being a Brit, and an older one at that.
    Does this mean that bestiality has been legalised in The Netherlands?

  68. By the way, Cliff Richard is a satanist like the rest of them, although being a Christian is his 'schtick.'

  69. Cliff Richard famous for his Christmas hits. Jimmy Savile for DJ/TV personality

  70. Jesus. I grew up in England and this makes no sense to me.

  71. orangesoda I put it through a decoder ring. The results are above if you scroll up.
