Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blind Item #13 - Direct To Video Part 2 - A Reader Blind

No one successfully guessed the characters of my previous blind. Let me open up the story and give you a better understanding of the network.

As a director of low-budget slashers, LP works with a lot of amateur, non-union talent and crew. One of his former casting directors was a key figure in the network. Let's call him MR.

In the mid-2000s, MR, a 40-something tradesman started a small photography business taking professional photos of amateur child athletes at county sports events and meets. Quickly, he developed a following from parents, and soon grew the business to include portraiture and portfolios, often renting out a nearby hotel meeting room as a studio.

Like so many predatory photographers, MR disarmed parents, built their trust, and developed close relationships with the models. As the relationships built, so too would the lewdness of the photos. As a ploy to have models shirtless or in minimal clothing, he would repeatedly claim that he had potential contracts with swimsuit company or underwear companies, and needed to shoot the models accordingly. When the occasional parent or model would grow suspicious of the photo shoots, including the risky poses and MR’s strict ownership rights to the photos, he would promise opportunities of even bigger contracts and networking opportunities.

The auditions never came, the gigs never arrived. Sure, every now and again he would find a small part for a model, including local commercials or independent films from the likes of LP, but they were few and far between. However, his prices were reasonable, and he would even eat the sitting fees for parents who didn’t have the means.

MR recouped the costs by secretly selling the photos to a devoted audience of perverts. Even more lucrative were his workshops where select customers were invited to predatory week-long summer camps under the guise of “amateur photography workshops.” Photographers from across the globe would fly to MR’s workshops to partake in group and one-on-one photo sessions with his roster of underage models. In many cases, students of MR would fly back to their communities and establish businesses similar to MR’s, under the guise of a sports photography or model agency business.

One student was FH, a respected, suburban professional from a Great Lakes state. He was a frequent attendee and emulated MR’s model to a t, establishing a successful sports photography and portraits business in his midwest suburb.

Another student was EG, an attendee from a southern coastal state. On return from his first workshop, EG established a model agency, which included acting as a middle-man for MR in the hopes of finding new talent. MR made numerous trips to the state to photograph the new acquisitions.

Little did he know, but EG was being monitored by the authorities. He was arrested for luring and taking lewd photos of minors. Not long after, MR went down too.

The events garnered a few tepid media pieces from their respective local media, and minimal national coverage.

Not long after the arrests, FH abruptly deleted his social media accounts and shut down his photography business and website. He now maintains a low profile in his sleepy suburb.

LP also remains free. This year alone he produced three films.


  1. Most of these people are too vague to even venture a guess.

    1. Lloyd -Troma Entertainment is the king of low budget slasher /horror films. And is extremely creepy IRL(he was an acquaintance of a film festival producer I worked with)-that said know not much of his casting rolls -he’s pretty prolific.... and extremely creepy ,so I could see it.

  2. Tricia, please learn to write a proper sentence. Just one or two in a row. I would be extremely impressed.

    1. Or you could just bore off DQYDJ

  3. @Tricia - haha "Low budget". I've seen a few Troma films and what I think you meant to say was "they used the money they found under the sofa cushions". LOL

    1. Haha. Probably so! Checked the page -about 3 he produced,1 which he directed as well๐Ÿคท‍♀️..dunno

    2. Lloyd owns Troma, and is the driving force behind anything they do.

      I'm actually extremely familiar with this guy, and I believe you are absolutely right. I still haven't read the original post, but Lloyd is a very creepy man. He undoubtedly has underlying mental issues, and I've seen a very odd interaction between him and a kid.

      In a documentary on the filming of one of his films, I'd seen them interview a model who was extremely unhappy with Lloyd. She was brought in for a scene where she had to beat up a special person with her bare tits on camera.

      It was Lloyd who gave a start to directors like the infamous pedo James Gunn, director of marvels Guardians Series, and South Parks Matt and Trey.

  4. Lol, Thia. Yeah, Troma makes Asylum look like Merchant Ivory.

  5. Geez, just check out this profile on him. Creepy to the max.

  6. But they were highly entertaining schlock.

  7. wow, can't believe demented Derrick still thinks anyone gives a shit about his petty little vendetta against Tricia. Dude, you're fucking pathetic. You look down on her for spending too much time on here, yet think somehow you spending just as much time stalking her isn't way more pathetic than her pursuing a hobby she enjoys. You're wrong. Not one person has agreed with you in the weeks of your life you've spent her stalking her. Not a single person. That should tell you something.

    What a miserable sad pathetic life you must have to be able to spend this much time to stalking someone on an internet forum.

    Remember, suicide is always an option, not all life is precious and no one will miss you.

    Or just shut the fuck up. either way show a little self respect and stop making yourself the forum laughing stock.

    1. Stfu Akbar.
      Exactly zero people agree with you either, but no one says to try suicide.

    2. @Akbar...ignore them and they will go away. What they want is attention.

  8. Tricia and Sandy stalking some random girl is even more pathetic but I will just leave it at that.

  9. No one guessed because no wants to get a migrane trying to follow your wordy items

  10. I actually thought Donald Farmer is a good guess, but I guess I was wrong. David DeCoteau also does Lifetime or LMN channel movies as well.

  11. fwiw Cannibal Women in the Avacado Jungle of Death is one of my favorite films. Don't think it's TROMA, but it's close. Bill Maher a starring role. Could all be connected. Just saying.

  12. I don't think an item about Lloyd Kaufman and Troma on this site concerning underage creepiness wouldn't mention or refer to James Gunn, who worked for Troma for a long time.

    1. Had no idea about Gunn(a little about Mahers) connection there.. interesting ๐Ÿ‘€

  13. No Derek, you're still way more pathetic. And don't lie, we all know you won't just leave it at that. You'll continue your stupid little crusade that no one gives a shit about because without it you'd have to sit there reflecting on just how fucking pathetic and demented you are.

  14. This was by a reader, not enty. Probably why it didn't mention Gunn.

    I don't believe a lot of the more salacious blinds here but this seems really plausible. How awful. :/

  15. Or I could just DOXDOXDOX and Enty would see Tricia also doxes and I am not a chick from Ohio that Tricia is obsessed with and all will be fair in the world---isn't that right, Trasha? Own up to your actions, bitch.

  16. Hey! I am a chick from Ohio! And I've been reading CDAN for many, many years and have never once commented. And in all these years, I actually LOOK for Trisha's comments because she is knowledgeable and entertaining - as is Sandy, Nutty, and many others here. This message is to Trisha: YOU ROCK! Keep Doing YOU!!

  17. And another thread gets derailed by this nut.

    PLEASE, can we block his/her IP address?

  18. Shut up, Trasha. You didnt win Miss America.

  19. The "Great Lakes" student sounds like Frank Sheldon and Fox Island.

  20. Tricia you are going to look like such an asshole if whomever runs this site checks on IP addresses. PLEASE, ENTY. PLEASE DO SO.

  21. @ DontQuitYourDayJob instead of targeting innocent commentators on a website...want to figure out ENTY actual name for us and his relation to the stars for us?

  22. And before anyone has a total cow-no I did not use Trasha's pic -it is Carlton from Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Tricia's doppelganger. The ugliest housewife to ever exist. But I bet she is a better mother.

    1. The ugliest Housewife is definitely Danielle Staub.

  23. Congratulations, Tricia You have spent another 12 hours on this site again today. Your husband must feel so proud of what you have become as a mother.

  24. Hey Rosie, sorry to burst your bubble but I've had plenty of people agree with me. So go choke on a dick!

  25. Another Tricia fan here. I’m clueless about this stuff so I appreciate the help as well as the positive attitude and humor. And ignoring the trolls seems to work pretty well!

  26. +1 Unknown

    Is this about the Leprauchan movie director? Was it a blind on here about him and his casting director?

  27. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Team Trisha here. Time for all 4chan stalkers to fuck off back to 4chan.

  28. She claims I am some chick from Ohio. I am a dude from Toronto. She is trying to get that Ohio chick fired from her very professional medical job (jealousy much?) even though I have already said 1000 times I have no affiliation with her. AT ALL. She is also a huge hypocrite and liar. She doxxes ALL THE DAMN TIME. SHE DOXES INNOCENT PEOPLE. She is just brain-dead so she doesn't get there is a difference.

    ALSO SHE IS A COMPLETE WEIRDO. She took her kids on a boar ride past Epstein Island and submitted that as her Reader photo for Reader pics. Is that a fucken SAFE IDEA? She also invites weird men like Sandy to come visit and stay with her and her children. Inviting COMPLETE CREEPY STRANGERS from the internet to stay with her? THATS FUCKED UP. She is a piece of trash.

  29. I've been reading CDAN since 2008 but not really commenting much at all. Tricia, you are one of the reasons I've stuck around. Your comments are informative. You add real value. Thank you for being a part of this community.

    1. @V thanks so much:) I enjoy being here and I’m not going anywhere despite the egregious, and incessant attempts to get me to. I’m not going to be intimidated or bullied by a deranged person(s) who doxxed,stalks and literally posts under a million alias’ so they can converse with themselves (ie above) That said,Enty needs to work on a lot but I’ve informed him and he knows ,so we’ll see. ps-as I’ve said several times already Sandy was invited here as a joke (he doesn’t travel ) so there’s that, and my kids and I boat off Epstein’s island all the time as it’s in our hood,so to speak. In In the pix I submitted-we are flipping it off,which is why I submitted it.

  30. Anyone that defends that behavior is fucked in the head. No arguing with that.

  31. It is NOT Lloyd Kaufman, just from the last sentence. Troma lost a ton of money on Poultrygeist, a horror comedy that went much over budget in 2006, as the production was plagued with misfortunes. Since then, he's done very little on his own. A few shorts, negotiating the rights to their catalog to allow another company to make a sequel or a remake of one of their famous titles. But he's running on fumes at this point, and he is definitely not in a position to produce three films on a single year.

  32. Why does anyone here continue to engage this troll? That is exactly what they want--so why keep it up?

    Seems like they want the comment section closed--don't help them!

  33. @Angela, it says on his IMDB page that he's producing two movies + a short this year. Never said they had to be significant movies, lol.

  34. Been reading this blog for years. This is my first comment. All I want to say is that I love Tricia, Sandy, Count, Brayson (where did he go?) and all of the regular commenters that make this site fun.

  35. Family fun time with Tricia...NICE. Pervert.

    BS Tricia-you said "when are you going to come visit, Sandy" and I said "this is not your private social media account converse about nonsense on your OWN time". And Sandy said "Shut up blahblahblah she did invite me on facebook already..."

    Swear on your childrens life that what I said is not the truth. Go ahead, pervert.

    You doxxed that Krisitn chick so STFU pervert, lying hypocrite. FUCKEN PERVERTED WOMAN. Yuck.

  36. Is it just me being paranoid or is someone trying to sabotage the comment section?

  37. What do you mean, InkBlot?

  38. Tricia, I am Dont Quit-its obvious-I have the right to change my name I wasnt trying to converse with myself. I am also Derek Harvey END OF STORY. Not everyones WHOLE IDENTITY AND PATH IN LIFE is centered around this site-like yours is. I dont need to take selfies and send in pics of my family like you try (key word TRY) to appear not crazy.

  39. Personally, I would have enjoyed seeing a picture of Tricia's boar ride past Epstein Island.

    Team Tricia here, so suck it. All the socks you use do not matter, because the level of unhinged cringe is the same in every post. It's obvious you're the same person every time.

    Did she steal your boyfriend or something? Rhetorical question I don't want an answer to. Get help. Be well.

    1. Thank you Jimbonius:) flipping the bird feels great ๐Ÿ–• whilst doing it to assholes! My kids ,I and my Grotesquely overweight hubby as seen below๐Ÿฅด had a blast ๐Ÿ˜‰

  40. She's fucken hideous and her husband is fat as fuck.

  41. C'mon Tricia-deny you didnt send Sandy and sincere invite. Do it. You can all go visit Epstein Island together-family FUN TIME!!!!

  42. Psycho, pervert, trash.

    1. Was this one directed at me? I need to know if i should be outraged.

  43. ****DROPS MIC*****
    That's how you do it folks. Goodnight and good luck, cunt.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Holy shit. I thought I had a handle on what crazy was and then you came along and smashed that fucking paradigm shift

  44. Enty is approving these comments? What is wrong with you, Enty?

  45. @Unknown Troma has never done many slashers, and the timing would also be wrong. MR started his photography business in the mid-2000s, and it would be the time Troma more or less ceased operation as they were out of cash. Kaufman has to pay out of his own pocket to complete Poultrygeist. Just check his filmography. Between 1996 and 2006, he made four or five feature films as a director. After 2006, just one. He's producing stuff, or they sometimes put his name in the credits to get attention, but you can't seriously say that a 5 or 10 minute short that will end up on YouTube is a "film".

    The narrative doesn't fit either. Kaufman and Troma operate in New York (where there's no outage of legitimate agents and casting companies), they almost never use children, and all the extras are basically fans who work for free. That's also how they cast parts in their projects. Very casually, with unpaid friends for all the background parts. Just look at the credits for any film released by Troma, there's a bunch of assistants and actors who get a collective credit for being casting directors, not a single person who would be a "key figure".

    Now, about the blind item itself, one of the puzzling things is that the producer/director, LP, has almost zero involvement with the rest of the story. He worked with a casting director who turned up to be a child molestor. Did LP know anything, is he connected to the rest of MR's activities, etc.? Is there any reason for which he shouldn't be free?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. At the end of the day this is just a gossip website about people we will never is going to be just fine.<3 <3

  48. I don't know. I think Tricia's pretty hot.

  49. What happened to the commenter named Vita? That person was really sweet and nice. I miss that.

    1. Same :( So much hatred here now thanks to the ever demented Derek/DQYDJ/Doxxingqueen

  50. @InkBlot, this is what happens when you feed trolls. Tell them the comments may get shut down if the doxxing continues and they will go into overdrive. If you cannot IP block or spend the time moderating then the only good policy is to totally ignore them.

    Unfortunately people like to talk back to them so they have a reason to come back every day. Other times it is the same person talking to themselves trying to get others to join in. They have a name for that on 4chan.

  51. Poultrygeist should have been one 90 minute movie. The rest should have stayed on the cutting room floor

  52. I am so tired of people going after Tricia. She is nice. She knows what she is talking about. I have been reading this site since it started (well within a couple of months anyway). Why do you care if she posts? Are you in love with her and hoping she will notice you? Don't think that is working.

    Anyhow, have to add that I met the guy who did Toxic Avenger. Someone I worked for put money into that film and made a fortune. Lloyd Kaufman was weird as hell. I would not drop the soap around that one.

  53. If you mean that's how you give even MORE attention to the person you say shouldn't have it, then yes. Well done. Impressive!

  54. That's how you do what? Make yourself look like a psycho Derek/Kristen/Unknown/Wiglet/DontQuitYourDayJob/etc./etc./etc. You go on and on about how Tricia is always here but forget that you are here to, but not to actually guess, to stalk her. It's PSYCHO PSYCHO PSYCHO

    This site is so much better when you go away for months on end, shouldn't that be happening again soon?

    Yes Enty, figure out how to block I.P. addresses!

    also team Tricia, most of these blinds I don't know so it's nice to be able to find the answer right away. Instead of being crazy jealous that I don't do it fast enough lol

  55. Could LP be Dario Argento? Maybe John Carpenter? Argento always struck me as a real weirdo.

  56. Umm even if she DID invite him wtf is it to you? I have invited someone to visit if they are ever in this part if FL. My business. Tricia's business. One of my best and closest friends I have never met IRL but she can come hang with me anytime
    You are the one that is unhinged. Do YOU not have a life??
    I also look for Tricia on most posts as she always has great guesses.

  57. Is the entire site moderated now?

  58. Looks like everyone has given up on guessing and instead trashing/defending Tricia.

  59. Derek. Go choke on a dick.

  60. @akbar Harsh...but you're not exactly wrong.

    Also, somebody REALLY needs to get Derek to the doctor to have his meds recalibrated.

  61. "This blog does not allow anonymous comments.

    Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."

    The above appears below the comment box. And it's ridiculous. ALL of Derek's bile got through, so the author is moderating what, exactly?

  62. All I took from this is there's a film called Poultrygeist and I must find it now.

    Also, Derek is a cunt but that's not news.

  63. What an asshole!

  64. For the love of God - how can this crazy fool be permitted to continue on this site that so many of us love? I adore Tricia and love her comments and insight. Count is laugh out loud funny and Flashy Vic adds royal posh. Thanks to all of you! And the rest of you except for Derek Fucking Batshit Crazy Harvey.

  65. For the love of God - how can this crazy fool be permitted to continue on this site that so many of us love? I adore Tricia and love her comments and insight. Count is laugh out loud funny and Flashy Vic adds royal posh. Thanks to all of you! And the rest of you except for Derek Fucking Batshit Crazy Harvey.

    1. I don’t know. It’s true no one should be doxxed. Him (her?) OR Tricia. But it seems like mutually assured destruction has taken place in that regard. But from time to time he gets a chuckle out of me. Mostly because it just seems so crazy so as to be unreal. Like, you guys have been fighting about the same things for six YEARS? I really do think DQYDJ is just mad Trisha guesses first every day. Bizarre little corner of the internet here.

  66. Team Tricia over here as well!!! Tricia, you are basically HBIC around here, you are so adored. ❤❤ Keep being you, and lets ALL keep ignoring the schizoaffective trolls accounts (all manned by ONE SERIOUSLY PATHETIC INDIVIDUAL) who keep begging for our attention.✌๐Ÿ˜˜

  67. Um, yeah, so...I thought Aqua Girl presented a great (and dare I say, gracious and straight-forward) suggestion in an earlier post and I'm not quite sure why there is so much hate. I love that people keep moving on, not paying attention, but seriously, life is too short for the baggage. Thank you, Enty and Himmmm (may be too many mms) for this site. I do believe it has brought a lot of things to the forefront and provided some much-needed discussion, so please continue. I saw your Comments section and please know this individual is an aberration, the majority are here to support each other and you.

  68. Between Lloyd Kaufman and Ed Buck, I’ve become very suspicious of bow-tie wearing men.

  69. Team Tricia. I enjoy and look forward to her comments along
    Ng with other long time commenters. Sandy, Count and Brayson rock. Keep commenting and thank you for sharing your insights. Really enjoy this site.

  70. Team Tricia. I enjoy and look forward to her comments along
    Ng with other long time commenters. Sandy, Count and Brayson rock. Keep commenting and thank you for sharing your insights. Really enjoy this site.

  71. @Count,seems that way,so far only seems to be looking for doxxing,but who knows? Everyone still be fighting.

  72. Should point out whenever Enty gets proven right,a lot of people show up to defend the undefendable.

  73. LP = three films produced in 2019 = David DeCoteau?

    1. My Mother's Stalker (2019)
    2. The Wrong Tutor (2019)
    3. The Wrong Stepmother (2019)

    He has four more are set to be released this year, but right now those are in post-production.

  74. No idea who this (these) could be, but thank you, Mr. Ent Lawyer, for doing these pieces.

    This makes me incredibly angry and frustrated that this type of thing goes on and on and on.

    People preying on working class folk and destroying people's dreams.


    Can't they all be rocketed to some rocky barren planet and left there?

  75. So....I guess Enty’s blog post this morning got ZERO participation, even though everyone agreed not to fight & post bickering, stupid ass mother fucking juvenile comments at one another. Fucking hell. Can we please just stick to the fucking blind? Y’all are acting so fucking stupid. Seriously.

  76. I agree wit you there, I have the same name...Hahah not from Ohio though..but have recently came back here after many years away from reading. Sadly not much has changed. I like reading some of the blind items..but sometimes there too dark for me and I cant stand alot of the stupid banter back and forth. But at the same time I do enjoy alot of the comments from some people. Fuck the losers that are ass holes *ahem DQYDJ, Fake tricia, Derek...whomever you are.

  77. Instead of blocking those who dox....ENTY moderates what is appropriate?

    Officially a part of the problem, not the solution.

  78. How do people have the cojones to try to tell the owner of a free site how to run it? Or critique their stuff? We're lucky he's willing to go to this extra trouble just to keep comments available to us at all.


  79. Oh man Uncle Lloyd, say it ain't so.

    I've emailed Enty about starting a new outlet for the readers here. I don't know how skilled some of the readers are here. I am working on a chat room if anyone is interested.

  80. Please stop with this crap everyone....just stfu already. I am really sick of coming here for entertainment only to hear about bullshit between commenters that mean NOTHING....stop it, u are ruining this site. Did you ever think that someone who loves attention soo much would perhaps set this whole thing up so that no one talks about anything but them?? THINK and keep your mouths shut and stay on topic....we are here for Enty's gossip not this other BULLSHIT

  81. I would just like to chime in and say to Derek- every time my husband fills my car up, or changes the oil, or maybe empties the dishwasher, I love to say “ Shut up! You didn’t win Miss America.” I love making zero sense, like you.

  82. Love Tricia. I read most days. Enty- can you please get Rid of The Poxy Doxxing Queen? It seems diseased- It is a Plague

  83. I'd love a chat room! But... if it's this bad with participants tearing each other apart on a website, a chat room will be even worse, and takes even more energy/time to moderate.

  84. @EponymousAnonymoud
    I'd say it was TOTALLY fair game for Himmmm. The guy is a pathological liar, and an identity thief who lets people assume he's various Hollywood "celebrities". He has used the blog to boost his personal and professional profiles, not to speak of his own ego. When someone spreads a web of lies, they should expect others to untangle them.
    I'll never forget the time he tried to silence me for having doubts on one of his personas being the actual Paul Thomas Anderson. He told me a (totally generic and contradictory) story that Thomas Pynchon had shared with him. Anderson has actually adapted one of Pynchon's novels, Inherent Vice, but Pynchon is an extremely reclusive writer, and, during promo for the film, PTA's publicist warned that interviewers shouldn't ask if he had met Pynchon, as he wouldn't answer them. So, having "PTA" revealing that he had talked with Pynchon just for the sake of winning an argument with a nobody on the web was extremely delightful.
    But it's true that some people definitely crossed a line by involving his actual relatives.

    As for Tricia, she's basically harmless and she shouldn't be doxxed or stalked. I can't say I hold in high esteem someone whose idea of having a successful life is being the first to post five times a day that the "alliterate almost A list actress turned escort" is indeed Lindsay Lohan. And her lack of second thoughts about the content posted here is extremely disappointing. But compared to the hate speech spread by some, she's definitely harmless.
    Besides, what's the big deal about having a mugshot in Florida? Isn't that some kind of mandatory legal document there if you want to be a resident or do some stuff there, like the driver ID in other States?

    @Bonby Haud
    Speaking of harmless, you know who isn't? You or Enty. Anybody with half a brain has figured out that "infamous pedo James Gunn" was actually the victim of 4chan and Reddit activists along with other alt-right groups. The ton of blinds posted about him here last summer without any kind of confirmation (just "reveals" that proved nothing) was basically a targeted campaign against him or other celebrities who claimed that the accusations were bullshit (there was even a spinoff series here about Dave Bautista).
    And that sums up how this site (or the alt-right) operates. It targets some prominent liberal know-it-all, tries to find an area in their life that's not totally clear and connects this person to the pedo bandwagon. At this point, anybody who even disputes the accusations is regarded as a pedo supporter/enabler/shill and the accusations are regarded by the crowd as gospel truth.

    1. By him, I actually meant DQYDJ. I think he’s kind of funny. But then again, he’s not attacking me. But your other points are appreciated.

  85. I wish Entward could move the site to whatever platform Dlisted uses so the comment section would be Disqus. It may suck ass sometimes, but you can block trolls.

  86. FYI one of my fave reader photos ever was of Tricia and kids going by the Island and giving Epstein the only salute he deserves to

  87. Tricia is pretty obnoxious tbh

    1. So much so that you have names yourself after me?
      I’m flattered,doll....๐Ÿ˜‰

  88. If anyone needs Xanax I'm here.

  89. So are there going to be any blinds today? (Friday)

  90. Wow, so Derek is back. Interesting. Anyway, Tricia, you’re great and I hope you continue to ignore him. Akbar, I agree with you ๐Ÿ˜†

  91. I need some abused teen content STAT! My testicles need purging and this pornhub video of naked squats is only doing so much for me.

  92. Tricia,

    I just want to say that I really enjoy your comments and insights. I have not idea why anyone would attack or disparage someone on this site. Its a HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP site, a momentary escape from the world.

    Please keep doing what you are doing.

  93. Are we on punishment now?

  94. so... why aren't there anew new items this morning?

  95. Man, it truly does just take one person to freakin blow it for everybody! I hope all is well, and I wish everyone the best. ๐ŸŒŸ

  96. Tricia-you were the one caught doxxing. Entys specifically said "people exposing where others WORK" You know how you did with Kristin??? God knows you dont work. You have no shame. And how insecure are you? changing your use pic 5 times a day? Pathetic.

  97. You seem so interested in this-Kristen person? I barely remember her . Very forgettable, if I recall.. went as Wiglet years ago? That’s all I know of her till I saw people who apparently (and unfortunately)do know her post here.
    As for the pic-definitely not insecure.
    Just trying to capture my best Carlton Gebbia shot ๐Ÿฅด
    Keep Unwell.

  98. Great work moderator! Keep it up!

  99. I find it funny "this blog does not allow anonymous comments" as if Count Jerkula is my gubment name and the email i use isnt a throw away.

  100. Holy moly. Yesterday, I was backtracking to read an older blind and got caught up reading this original blind from last year. Crazy coincidence. Anyway, it has to be Lloyd Kaufman or some of the info provided is being obscured/changed. I spent an embarrassing amount of time in my haze of insomnia researching this. He is the only one who could fit the YouTube thing from the previous blind unless the YouTube channel has since gone the way of Elsagate. When YouTube finally did something about Elsagate tons of videos were pulled down and there seemed to be more monitoring afterwards (that has since fallen by the wayside), but that happened months before the original blind was posted. I went through videos on the Troma channel and many of them do have a weird fetish-y vibe without being explicit about it. The way he makes them is very trashy, cheap porno meets John Waters type of tacky. For comparison, you can find obvious fetish videos on YouTube if you search the correct keywords. I saw one video on the Troma channel featuring very young looking girls as "virgins" and the comments were very creepy/pedo-ish, leading me to believe this is what the original blind was taking about regarding the comment section. The there's the James Gunn connection. The only problem is, I can't find a connection to the PNW really. Troma has their own film festival. All of the recent film festivals he's received awards in are on the east coast.

    I also found this in relation to EG, which would tie back into the references to the PNW in the original blind:

    He was living in Carlsbad, so a coastal city in the southern part of CA.

  101. @AngryLiberalKTS If you want to send some my way, it would be much appreciated! ;)

  102. It's too bad this site needs a fucking babysitter. It's always been a bit toxic here, but lately...
    RIP comments.

  103. They're looking for young, unpaid interns.
    Someone should look into that internship sh!t in general.

    In my 20's (late 70's - good times, I changed jobs when the windows got dirty) in NYC I remember seeing Troma written vertically on the side of a building (9th Ave? or further west?) I said to myself chuck your boring job a few blocks away, march in there and work for peanuts. Exciting, right? Never did, just as well. Probably not their type, anyway. How do these pervs get away with it, decade after decade?

    Looked them up on Glassdoor. Two reviews, neither good. Screaming at people is not managing.

  104. WT actual F. I came in here excited to see the high comment count and it's nothing but that complete freak Derek in here making the usual ass out of hisself. BOOOOOO!
