Monday, July 08, 2019

Blind Item #12

If you were wondering the identity of the actor that the three named actress was describing, he is a permanent A list mostly movie actor. This movie was not within the last two decades.


  1. James Caan makes sense, but she goes on to say that she had enough power at the time to put her on equal footing. Wouldn't it have been SATC related?

  2. Just for shits I'll say John Lithgow. Cheeky bastard.

  3. This incident happened on the set of SATC, according to the US article, so it could not have been James Caan.

    1. In the original NPR interview, she doesn't indicate it was on the SATC set. I remember at the time he did an interview and made a lewd comment about her body but he wasn't allowed to touch her.

  4. @dotell

    actually it didnt say that

  5. yep, james caan
    honeymoon in vegas (1992)

  6. It was someone on the SATC TV show, who was on for recurring part and then left

    Kyle MacLachlan, Mikhail Baryshnikov are the two big names I could dig up, maybe Ron Livingstone, but he's not super major

  7. @notthisagain, actually, it did say that. It's in Us Weekly's headline. I wasn't talking about how this blind was written.

  8. McConnaughey and Vince Vaughn also appeared in SATC episodes that took place in Los Angeles.

    1. That’s the two I narrowed down. Matt was really gross on the LA episodes but it’s the only time a voice over appeared. Sarah m gellar whispers a name to sjp,It looks like she said Vince vohn, but dubbed in Matt mc.

  9. Most of the articles are saying it was on SATC, but her interview did NOT say that. She also said he was a conservative who voted for Bush. Almost definitely James Caan.

  10. Can somebody please clue in this hapless foreign born bastard?

    Did someone make a pass at SJP?

    If so, my guess? Secretariat.

  11. @Do Tell, i also thought McConaghey, not so much Vaughn... That scene where they have the pitch meeting and MM is being a hyper weirdo always made me uncomfortable. By that time, I think MM was already A-list.

  12. Can't believe I'm the first to guess Alan Young, lead actor on Mr. Ed.

  13. I believe this was on the SATC set because she says she was in a different position and that she was as powerful. She was an exec producer on SATC which would have given her that power. Maybe one of the SATC movies if not the show?


  15. In what interview did she say he was a Bush voting conservative? Haven't seen that.

  16. How many accusers have made it a point to publicly state that the alleged abuser was a liberal who voted for Clinton (Bill) or Obama, despite the fact that the overwhelming number of the #metoo abusers have been Dems? Sorry SJP, if you make it political in your accusation, I don't care about your story.

  17. Oh, I see. She actually was speaking in general, describing how she would cope with uncomfortable situations:

    “Sometimes it was making deals, trying to be witty and cleaver and use information that I had about this other party,” she said. “Maybe their politics. Maybe making a joke, ‘If you continue doing that I’ll tell everybody that you’re voting for George Bush in the next election.’ “

  18. Hurrah for freedom of political expression!!
    Hollywood's got your back, democracy lovers.

    Hurrah for cheap saddlery and bridles!!
    Hollywood with ride on your back, SJP lovers.

  19. SJP says shed have her agent “fly her home” if the behavior didn’t change so my belief is that it was a movie co-star so it could still be mcconnahay but I’m gonna guess Hugh Grant.

  20. Can't be Caan. He's a jerk, but it is almost certainly not him. She didn't have a lot of power at the time of Honeymoon In Vegas.

  21. The incident happened on a movie from before 1999, according to the blind item. So it's not SATC, and SJP did not have as much power then. Not Grant, McConaughey, or Vaughn. James Caan it is.

  22. I bet it's Caan, Honeymoon in Vegas, with "the city" being Vegas.

  23. According to SJP, it happened at a time when she DID have the power to do something, and most of the news sources say it happened on a SATC set where she was a producer. It can't be Caan, even if you think it happened on a non SATC movie set.

  24. I vote Mikhail Baryshnikov - they filmed on location and him being inappropriate - i mean, is it even a stretch?
    And what does inappropriate mean, really? He slapped her ass?

  25. Best guess: Miami Rhapsody/Antonio Banderas

  26. I pulled up the list of guest stars on SATC and had three likely suspects - David Duchovny (not a “major” movie star, but was definitely much bigger in the 90s, plus he was a perv), mcconaughey (but he doesn’t really seem the type (and BRADLEY COOPER lol).

  27. SJP has been abused by many trainers and jockeys in her time.

  28. Well if it wasn’t on SATC then you can pretty much rule out anyone on the show since she’d never agree to work with them again.

  29. She was in LA Story with Steve Martin over 20 years ago. Hopefully it isn't him.

    1. He probably forced her to listen to him on the banjo

  30. Well Craig T Nelson and V Vaughn are both allegedly republicans but that movie is ‘05 so I give up.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I refuse to partake in this guessing game. What's the point of women not only telling these stories decades after the alleged abuse/harrassment took place, but without naming names? Every male actor she ever worked with will be a suspect from now on.

    Either say who it was, or (if that's not possible for legal reasons or whatever, but you still want to tell your story), keep it so vague that the lack of clues doesn't invite people to start speculating. Don't talk about a 'big movie star', just say that it was a powerful male.

  33. Jack Nicholson - Mars Attacks?

  34. I don't think it was someone like Mikhail, bc not only did he have an extensive arc on the series, but wasnt he also brought back for one of the movies? If she hated the guy, I doubt she'd reward him with more work

  35. @Do Tell: The actual interview, not any of the articles about the interview that are all full of shit.

    Start at around minute 26:

  36. (It's like a 5 minute clip of the interview. Even for online "news," this was super shitty reporting from all kinds of sources.)

  37. I love how people sometimes have to announce they’re refusing to participate in something, yet they go on talking about it, instead of just - you know- not participating.

  38. Mikhail nor Kyle are what I would consider "Big Movie Stars". Don't movie stars open movies?

    1. mikhail baryshnikov was nominated for an Oscar for The Turning Point and starred in another dance film (White Nights) with Isabella Rosellini, Helen Mirren, and Gregory Hines. That does not include his work off screen for films. He is definitely A list and fits.

  39. I thought it might be a blind actor

  40. Anonymous6:33 PM


    Two days after this News Blip, she appears in a bikini in the Hamptons. Posing for the paps.
    So, all Sarah really wanted was to Increase Interest, and get her brand into a Headline this week.
    So, so sick of the mental manipulation.

    1. I was thinking this was a ploy for publicity. Her career is in the toilet (let’s be real, all she’s got in her is Carrie Bradshaw), and every time it gets quiet, she starts in with the accusations that there would’ve been an SATC3 if not for Kim Cattrell. Please. No one wanted that movie anyhow after the mess of SATC2. But she’s still holding tight to that one role, cuz that’s all she’s got. Since that dead horse has been beaten, this must be a new way to stay relevant.

  41. One of Misha's exes said he was rude, and emotionally tormenting. But I think on set or at work, he is professional.

    Some online stories say it happened on the set of SATC, some make it sound like it was an ongoing problem throughout her career that she's only now thinking about seriously, and some don't really specify when or where. Things are so sloppily written it's hard to tell.

    If on a movie seem like I vaguely remember complaints about one of the male actor being a jerk on the Vegas movie. I don't remember if it was Cage or Caan. Neither would shock me.

    I've heard complaints of male actors making comments pro and con and generally openly judging their female co star's "attributes" as well as directing her, from more than one female actor (in interviews given) over the past years. I've also heard about it in real life. It's a thing. No wonder SJP just shrugged it off at the time (other than asking her agent to get him to stop.)

    Jeremy Irons and Juliette Binoche on the set of "Damage" is one that comes to mind. He admitted it too. He wouldn't do their first scene until she unwrapped her coat and let him look at her body.

  42. Is she still ok with her husband getting away with murder? Yes? Then fuck her.

  43. On how she handled working with a big movie star who was behaving inappropriately

    I didn't feel entirely in a position — no matter what my role was on set — I didn't feel as powerful as the man who was behaving inappropriately, which ... strikes me as just stunning to say out loud, because there were plenty of occasions where it was happening and I was in a different position and I was as powerful.

    I think no matter how evolved or how modern I thought I was ... I didn't feel entirely in a position — no matter what my role was on set — I didn't feel as powerful as the man who was behaving inappropriately, which ... strikes me as just stunning to say out loud, because there were plenty of occasions where it was happening and I was in a different position and I was as powerful. I mean, I had every right to say, "This is inappropriate." I could have felt safe in going to a superior.

    And, in fact, I will say, when there was a situation with somebody and I did go to my agent — because I felt I was no longer able to convey how uncomfortable this was making me, how inappropriate it was ... within hours everything had changed. ... He said to them, "If this continues, I have sent her a ticket, a one-way ticket out of this city" — where I was shooting — "and she will not be returning."
