Monday, July 22, 2019

Blind Item #12

The infamous celebrity who recently journeyed back to the scene of the crime thought she could sell her wedding as a reality show or a one off. Nope. No one is interested. She still has a big budget though and doesn't want to spend any of her own cash. So, she wants fans to put up the money.


  1. Anonymous11:45 AM

    amanda knox

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The girl accused of killing her roommate in Italy

  3. how in the hell does she have fans?

  4. Why would she even step inside Italy??? They'd follow her every move. This chick is 100% stupid. At first I thought she was innocent, but she acts just like OJ, and that other chick, the yachting child killer...they all act smug and do stupid shit. They think they're above it all since they aced it the first time...GUILTY.

  5. Get a job not a penny of my money.

  6. Replies
    1. I know it’s a 🤦‍♀️Situation

  7. Honestly.. why would anyone care about her wedding?
    Like.. why even bother? Either you did it and our government helped you get away with murder, or you didn't and Italy dragged you through the mud, which happens also.
    I'm over her.

  8. Yep. Saw her pic in the DM. She looks completely batshit, even before you hear the wonderful idea for donations

    1. thought she was like Casey and sought after by customers..

  9. Yeah, I don't care about her wedding. What is mysterious, though, is how she has so many very determined enemies. She was railroaded by the entire Italian government, from the police, to the prosecutor, to the judge(s), to the government, all of whom were looking for someone to blame to take the heat off themselves. The murder was committed by an undocumented drifter. Is the virulent lack of humanity toward this woman due to the fact that she's somewhat hot?

    1. Oh, wow! 😱 I had no idea you witnessed this undocumented drifter committing the murder! 🤔

  10. All murderers have fans, especially if they're young. Amanda will find out quickly that trying to monetize that won't get her as far as she thinks it will. Ask Jodi Arias, lol.

    1. Her box looked like someone stuck an M-80 in a log of bologna.

    2. Still would though.

  11. Yes, it was a frame. Italy and their courts were(are?) so corrupt.

  12. She looks like the type that would only give you blowjobs on your birthday and Christmas, don't even ask for butt stuff

  13. wow, totally depraved personality. ONE, don't ever set foot in that country again. two, change your name and your life along with it... UNLESS you still want to capitalize slash cash in on your infamy like Casey Anthony. Rumors abound here and elsewhere that she 'yachts' with freaks. I mean, I'd believe and not even blame her given a lack of options once your life is ruined but so change your look, move to another city, change your name. because she was ultimately found NOT guilty and garnered a lot of sympathy she isn't the same as a quote KILLER. Casey Anthony was SO hated for partying after her baby was born and lying to her own parents. NOT the case with AK. then again why marry when you have a few more marketable years to be the ice queen yacht bitch? I mean, seriously? I can't even imagine what life after this kind of thing (guilty OR innocent) is even like.

  14. Sick to death of Knox. Not very bright, no talents, no redeeming qualities, yet she desperately keeps trying to milk her 15 minutes of fame! Sit DOWN, stupid girl. The one I think about and feel badly for is the victim and her family. Knox will just keep hanging around trying to be ‘relevant’ and never move on. Ugh. Shallow, incapable of moving on.

  15. I never thought she killed her roommate, but she is very clearly bat shit crazy, so .. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  16. @ Freebird - Google “Rudy Guede”.

  17. I'm pretty certain she was guilty. The US media were right behind her though. Shocking.

  18. Amanda framed someone for it herself, let's not forget THAT.

  19. I'd get my rox by putting cox in the Knox box, I'd risk the pox to try the Knox by the chox.

  20. I'm with Armatel; the Italians railroaded her, and the victim's family couldn't accept the immigrant drifter/criminal as the killer.
    Supposedly the Knox family spent everything they had, plus mortgaged the house, and some of the siblings had to forego college to pay for all the legal defenses. Ms. Knox is doing her best to pay back her parents, and make things right for her siblings.
    She didn't kill anything or anyone.

  21. This bitch has fans?!

  22. If anyone who has worked with forensics in the US/ read homicide reports or looked into authorization and verification of evidence in court would under how.ITALY is so far behind on forensics it is terrifying. That investigation was HORRENDOUS.

    I did the whole study abroad in college thing and I will never forget in Italy seeing 10 men who worked for the "police" carrying around machine guns...and, I am not talking handguns.

    I do not think she killed anyone. I am with others....she is bathshit crazy and weird, but, I do not think she was a murderer and I have watched about 3 crime documentaries on her and read a book on the investigation.

    People who love TV/Movie crime movies and Law and Order and CSI and that is col, but, it is so far from reality of legal jurisprudence and investigation It is baffling to me. Seriously, basic understanding of forensic and how the investigation was conducted...shows how she was basically framed.

    Again...trying to get a free wedding...weird...I would want to live in obscurity after said event and I would NEVER and EVER go back to Italy, but, I could see how some PR/ publisher hungry cow would convince her people still care.

  23. American arrogance and xenophobia strikes again..

    Maybe you should look up the evidence and facts of the case before dismissing the Italian investigation into AK's involvement in MK's murder?

  24. So she went back to Italy? WHY??? You cannot convince me that this creepy crazy bitch didn't knife her roomate.

  25. Stereotypical sociopath and yes, guilty as fucking sin.

    Why would she accuse and frame a completely innocent (black) man, who wasn't even at the murder scene?

    Poor Meredith deserved better than the Italians botching this case, and her goodness, her poor family. Anyone who has an ounce of humanity can see that Amanda Knox is a cold, heartless sociopath, only because she keeps publicly reminding that poor family that she's alive, while Meredith is not.

  26. The average cost of a wedding in the US in 2015 when I got married was $35k, so it's silly Enty's making it sound like $10k is Priyanka Chopra-style lavish.

    Based on articles I've seen online about Generation Z and younger millennials, the idea there's shame in asking guests to donate money as gifts is "outdated".

  27. She was invited back to Italy by their version of, "The innocence project". She was invited by them but had to pick up the airplane tab/fees etc. She said she thought it was important that she go, to represent women that were still in prisons, locked up and wrongly accused to give them hope. She was completed railroaded by the Italian prosecutor, a man with a really sick deviant mind straight out of 1750. It's actually incredibly brave of her to go over there.

  28. I have no idea who 'did it' all I can add is that I thought she was innocent - there was a guy just passing through who left a giant dookie in the apartment toilet and *never flushed, and I think had forensic ties to the victim? But was never really looked into?

    * I only mention this because it's a calling card many serial killers/rapists have left at the scene, it's a show of disrespect to the victim. They either poo in the room, or urinate, or leave 'something' in the toilet...

    However her behavior SINCE exoneration has reminded me a lot of OJ's.

  29. "not a libtard" - he was there, his left-behind poop testifies to that.

    (If you are referring to that guy.)

  30. SlimKeith - or foolhardy. It could be a trap.

    I think it would be wise not to risk it but some people genetically adore risk. (Risk taking personality is a genetic trait.)

  31. Bec said -

    "Based on articles I've seen online about Generation Z and younger millennials, the idea there's shame in asking guests to donate money as gifts is "outdated"."

    It seems to be the NORM with that age bracket or younger.

    It really shocked me. It was always considered declasse to even mention gifts or a registry on invitations...let alone tell people they want NO gifts, here is our CASH gifts site.

    Anyone who hasn't had that special experience yet: The engaged couple will literally set up a website with levels of cash gifts, and you have to pick one.

    $25 will buy us a cup of coffee on the Champs-Elysee

    $100 for new shoes to wear on our honeymoon

    Ridiculous stuff like that.

    "We also take checks."

    Get them a toaster or a towel or a blender or a sheet set and it's going right back.

    I'm not knocking cultures in which it's always been a thing to give cash to the bride and groom.

    But a checkout line?!

  32. I have no idea one way or another weather she's guilty or not of murder, but I do know she is guilty of being an insensitive crazy fuck. And I heard it all before,
    "Oh she was young & stupid"
    "People grieve in different ways"
    "She was in shock"
    Yadda yadda yadda...Being young & acting like a spoiled mindless idiot can then be blamed on her parents.
    Her roommate was just murdered, she's doing cart wheels in front of the police station. The excuse given was she was nervous & that's how she relaxed. BULL. She's a Sociopath
    Also, look at the eyes. That bitch has crazy eyes But not the good kind

    1. I agree. Just reading her statements and then the letter home (compounded by her behaviour at the station) demonstrates to me, that at a minimum, she has knowledge of what happened/was there. Why lie? Like *a lot*. Why keep changing your story and/or "facts", especially when LE poke holes in your timeline? She purposely accused an innocent man. (And was charged/did the time.) They called in a translator so no excuse for language barrier. She even lied about LE not allowing her a bio break, food/drink and if I recall correctly, accused them of assault. IMO, it's real simple to lay out the facts and state a reliable denial when you are innocent. IMO, going back to Italy was a very bold move. Understatement.

  33. Whether she did it or not is irrelevant and not something that can be proven now. She's going to use the mystery surrounding it and milk it for everything she can get. See also: OJ Simpson, Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman.

  34. She is guilty. I'm friends with a few guys that met her during one of the Innocence Project dinners. They all said that they haven't met a single person in prison that acts the way she does/talks the way she does and they were away for a long time so they know what they're talking about.
