Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #12

I am hoping for a true Kathleen Turner style tell all. It won't happen though. The singer is not going to talk about how certain people came to live in her home as a teen. She won't talk about her numerous affairs. She won't talk about the drug abuse in the family. It will be boring and basic with a story or two about an ex to make you think that you are getting something, but you really won't.


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    2. Sister was a hooker dope addict with aids i think

    3. Yes... she also doesn’t talk about her so i thought maybe that’s what Enty meant by really talking

    4. I can remember stuff from 30 years ago but recent stuff not so great lol

  3. plus one on Jessica Simpson just because it was an article in the DM today saying she is releasing a book next year and will talk about Nick Lachey.

  4. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Mariah? But we’ve already seen glitter.

  5. Mariah "communicates with dolphins" Carey? That chick could hit notes beyond the range of humans in her mid-90s heyday.

  6. Definitely Jessica Simpson. Didn't she cheat on Nick?

  7. @TeeHee@U Lane Garrison also lived with her family when she was a teen; I remember there was a huge kerfuffle about that back in the day.

  8. cher. she married her pedophile.

  9. Nuthing exciting about Mariah. but Cher, if she told the truth,would be a good read. Except she'd be in jail according to Enty ("It Was a Different Time") as she should be, if true..

  10. Chyna Phillips? Daughter of Mamas and Papas John Phillips / MAcKenzie Phillips sister

  11. Would still be boring even with that extra info.

  12. Oh and I think this is Jessica Simpson.

  13. Im betting this is Jessica Simpson

  14. Happy Birthday BI if this is you Jessica!

  15. Is Jessica going to admit she lied about being virginal until marriage? No way in hell she made Nick wait. He was like 29 years old when they married, haha.

    I guess there's always been suspicion she was engaging in butt stuff to keep Nick until the wedding night (but still not sure I'd buy that, either....preparing for back door activity is such a chore, lol).

    1. I've heard from multiple sources that Jessica is really into the butt stuff tho

    2. @LowKey, if the backdoor was Jessica's first means of sexual penetration, then I suppose she may retain a certain degree of fondness for it, LOL.

      Wasn't there a Ted Casablanca or Lainey blind from a few years back that insinuated a certain ex-pop star was having a hard time conceiving because she kept getting e coli bacterial vaginosis from letting her man "switch lanes" during sex without cleaning his schlong off first? I feel like Jessica was the popular guess on that one.

      If true, then (as @HeatherBee stated) it certainly lends credence to how someone as deviant as John Mayer would refer to Jess as "sexual napalm". She must be an "anything goes" type if she brought something shocking to the Mayer table. A willingness to walk around enduring stinky toe smelling, cheese curd BV discharge from constant "lane switching" could meet the bill, I guess 😂😂

  16. I don't think this is Chynna. MacKenzie has already aired all the family dirty secrets. I can see all this happening to Simpson and the ex part as well as the announcement she is doing a memoir.

  17. Jessica Simpson —- she’s going to talk about papa Joe cheating with men and living a double life

  18. No one gives a shit what Jessica Simpson has to say, Papa Joe details or no.

  19. If Jessica humiliates Nick in any way...grrr

  20. @ Low Key- now that you mention it, I’ve heard it too. Wasn’t there someone who spoke of that here, knowing a friend who worked for her? I think it gives a certain twist to John Mayer calling her “ sexual napalm”.

    1. @HeatherBee, I just remembered...wasn't there a rumor that Jessica felt "degraded" after being with Mayer? I feel like there was a rumor going around he pushed her to the limit, sexually. People were speculating he either pulled an R. Kelly on her with bodily fluids, or was making her use the bathroom (no. 2) on him. Nasssssty stuff. None of this was confirmed, obv.

  21. lotsa Johnny Knoxville blinds with Jessica and their butt play back in the day. Ted.

  22. a lot of super religious girls maintain their virginity by doing the backdoor method
