Monday, July 01, 2019

Blind Item #12

Apparently the alliterate former actress turned royal now wants an annual salary for the work she is doing. She wants a cut from that real estate empire to the tune of about $400K per year.


  1. Replies
    1. Pay that Yankee! She works hard for the money providing us entertainment lolz

  2. These fucking bullshit blinds for your page views are getting more ridiculous by the day.

    1. You seem to always be front and center to belittle any royal blinds sandybrook, as if they are so beneath you. One notices that you're always sniffing around the PH/MM gossip more than most and rolling your righteous eyes to try and dictate what is acceptable to discuss. MM gossip is no different from any other celebrity/actor gossip. It's quite tiresome. You must truly consider yourself the cdan content police. What's your thing?

    2. bluestar you can go to the English rags and spout off. such hatred for one annoying bitch and tax money wasted on Pedo Prince fat Arse Andrew. now lets talk about Yachts...or what Brit is in the closet..

    3. Auntie you know very well that at least 50% of these blinds originate at the DM.

  3. These fucking bullshit blinds for your page views are getting more ridiculous by the day.

  4. Try growing some hair on your fat balding head,, maybe you can be more successful at that than being a smart-ass Jeffy.

  5. I'm sure sitting by the phone waiting for it to ring for "consulting work" is quite the frustrating day and night for you.

  6. Be careful with Sandy. He's a dangerous guy.

  7. *yawn* when I care what a fat, balding, unemployed loser like you thinks of me I'll "consult" with you pally. Keep your extremely low self-esteem problems to yourself because they aren't getting cured with me.

  8. Hahahhahaha that’s just ridiculous who does she think she is and why are they putting up with this behavior?

  9. Sandy is unhinged. He's the Michael Moore of CDAN, fat, obnoxious and with a hypocritical smart mouth. Wish this site had an ignore button.

  10. If Sandybrook really got rid of BlowJob/Derek then he's aces in my book.

  11. Nobody forces just me to be here do they @just me?

  12. I don't have any problem with Sandy, but he's got some huge problem with me, which I find amusing.

    Not sure why, but internet spazzes can be entertaining as hell.

  13. You're not the least bit entertaining don't flatter yourself

  14. Sandy, tell me again what you're gonna do when you get your hands on me, how you're gonna rip me limb from limb!

  15. I like when you talk tough and butch. You must LOVE gladiator movies!

  16. Fire her with real fire.

  17. No one forces you to be here either, Sandy...but on you trot to all of these threads to bore everyone with your tedious, irrelevant remarks.

  18. Bluestar just ignore and do not engage with Sandy. He is happy being a MM stan. Anyway, is anyone surprised by this? Who knew?

  19. What work is she doing, exactly? Going to baseball games with her husband? Or is firing nannies considered hard work now.

  20. The alliterate former A-/B+ actress turned celebrity has just been papped in a zoo. It's no coincidence. She's actually close to signing a deal with this debt-ridden almost television streaming service. This fall, when they lose that big NBC show, the replacement will be live porn involving her and various animals. That's right, bestiality. She claims that no royal so far has done it, so it would have the catch of novelty. And she even plans to get pregnant by the time the live shows will start, allowing her to get paid something in the $350M area.
    And now, we're not focusing an inappropriate amount of time on the mixed ethnicity celebrity because we're racist. It's just that we cater to that crowd.

  21. This isn't even hard to believe,she feels she would make more acting. @sandybrook,too many weird things going with the Sussexes for none of them to be true. We always have to wade through the muck.

  22. There are thousands of web pages which publish things I think are stupid.

    But never in a million years would it cross my mind to go to one of them every day and bitch about that fact.

    Kind of a weird obsession.

  23. Angela....why must people like you always bring up race? Why are you so obsessed by it? There’s a name for people like you...begins with an R and ends with “ist”. Shame on you. Take your bigotry elsewhere,

  24. Awwww look at all of the Sandybrook haters. He's right though, so much hate for MM so enty posts about her to get the page views. I think most are bullshit too.

  25. Unknown don't take the bait. Allegedly The blog leader that keeps feeding these blinds and has a few people here that comment for her/him has just been outed on another site in private chat as not being a Journalist with a love of the Monarchy but a Moscow based Russian with other ideas and confirmed links to a certain Floridian blogger that was outed in a spectacular way as a troll. The other site has the goods. It is manufactured drama for clicks. Just take it for what it is. Bullshit made up that sometimes inserts a racial aspect that is used to pit opposing sides against each other for higher view counts. It sucks but that is what it is. Its a pity because I just come for the gossip lol

  26. And I am not talking about this site and Enty just to make it clear.

  27. Unknown (not the smart one, one of the others), why the fuck are you such a gullible moron?

    May I remind you that your own country spent years discussing rumors that Barack Obama had no rights being president as his birth certificate was a forgery? A rather large share of the US population embraced them, and it was actually one of the factors that set your current president on the political scene, contributing to his own election. If, according to polls, a quarter of the American population assumed in 2010 Obama was not eligible, despite the release of the short-form birth certificate at the time, there was never such a dispute about John McCain (born in Panama), or Ted Cruz (born in Canada). But the black guy with a Kenyan father born in Hawaii? There's definitely something fishy about him.
    So, it's anything but far-fetched to consider that race and the fear of miscegenation among the formerly all-white British family would be a factor into some Amuhricans (or Brits) hating Meghan Markle, even if they then invoke some bullshit reason (she's a "gold-digger") to make it look unrelated to race.

    So, yes, it's fair mentioning race as a factor for Meghan Markle blind items being so popular here that "Enty" can't make them fast enough to keep you satisfied. Remember that, a while ago, Meghan Markle was supposed to be selling the secrets of the Royal Family for a book that would be a huge hit when published by someone else. Now, she's only fighting for a mere $400K per year? You don't notice anything contradictory among those claims? Thanks God, racist cunts are such a dumb crowd that you can sell them anything and they'll buy it...

  28. The dude from France named Angela has been offended.


  29. wow, multiple taking this site/blind item really seriously even when they claim to hate this site, branding it bullshit. 🥴🥴🥴

  30. Enty can print fifteen blinds a day which are complete bullshit. That's completely his choice. If I don't like that, or if I don't find all the blinds interesting (I certainly don't), I have the marvelous ability to stop coming to this website.

    I feel bad for Sandy, who apparently is compelled somehow to come here every day and bitch about the blinds he doesn't like. Maybe someone has a gun to his head and there's a way to rescue him.

  31. @J it is the resident buzzkill. People need to get off Sandy’s jock. If he wants to talk smack about the blinds or the website or both, let him. It is no skin off anyone’s back. You don’t like it, like Aquagirl says, scroll past.

  32. Looks like the Harkles PR is busy like little beavers..

  33. I feel bad for you who is taking your misplaced anger of buying into total BS out on Sandy instead of just ignoring him. do you. HA!

    I find it truly funny that you defend a site that makes up shit about people, yet, hate on people that question it. Oh well.

  34. The salary she will be demanding will be from the Soho House empire. Look how busy she's been trying to sell £5000 copper baths, recently.

  35. Weekitty, I totally agree. Ignored Sandy for years. Then he went totally off on me with threatening bluster. I just don't want him to pulverize me!

  36. Ooooh that smell
    Can't you smell that smell?
    The smell of shills surrounds you...

    So there is only three or four sparkles sockpuppets here....

    @Angela - guess what? We are still discussing the eligibility of certain people to be President....
    I won't bore you with who isn't eligible...

  37. Everything is a conspiracy, lmao...MM is not being victimized in any way. If you don't want certain reactions, don't behave in certain ways. It's such a simple concept even ------ could understand it, but probably not.

  38. On another note....did everyone see that MEagain has lost another nanny?

    They are really gonna have to move soon to keep finding help.

  39. These Markle blind comments can be a real shit show sometimes lol.

    Hey if they're putting her to work then she deserves a salary, she's not like one of Andy's trafficked victims, she expects to get paid for her trouble. Plus as a future single mother it helps to not have too much gap time on the CV.

  40. Brayson, I think "gap time" is what made her career in the first place.

  41. J lets start an e-mail relationship, you wanna be brave here, be brave there where only I can see what a fucking stupid little pussy you are, whaddya say hotshot?? Put the fuck up or shut it down you fucking loser. I'll be waiting but not holding my fucking breath because you live to try and castigate (look it up) people who cant stand you on this board and fail miserably every time you try to boost yourself up from the rancid pile of stinking shit you truly are. Got any smart comebacks for that you fucking moron? Well you're not in any way "smart" so lets try comeback.

  42. See? Sandy thinks I'm an unbolted villain, and he plans to tread me into mortar, and daub the wall of a jakes with me.

    He's ferocious, an Achilles, Hercules in fury.

    Can you blame me for being scared? Now can you see why I try to type things he might say, in an attempt to please him?

  43. Hello DMers! Hello DMers! I type, hoping it will soothe Sandy's wrath.

  44. I told you what to do now do it or shut it the fuck down you stupid piece of shit, nobody is interested in boosting your lack of self-esteem here. You clearly have none and I cant say I blame you. You're an insipid, useless, talentless, humorless, fat, bald idiot. But I'm sure you don't need to be told any of that, do you?

  45. Sandy you're such a meanie. You're almost as bad as pumpa boo.

    Shame on you, bullying everyone around because you're so powerful and get laid so often.

  46. Well since you're so self loathing you spent all night trolling yourself and using the exact same wording 4 different times under 3 different alts, you would know wouldn't you you pathetic idiot?

  47. Nah, Sandy. Brayson got it right last go-round. I don't use alts; I want credit.

    Are you hoping like I am for a bunch more Markle blinds this month, Sandy?

    I'm totally eager, and ready to try to please you by saying Hello DMers!

    Hopefully that will calm you down and make you want to beat me up less.

  48. You're not worth my time.

  49. lol... but coming to every Markle blind to bitch is?

    Sandy, maybe you should cut back on the steroids. You're already a menacing hulk with babes drooling over you.

  50. You can take credit for being the most useless poster this board has ever had, you contribute absolutely nothing to it and waste our time 7 days a week. Congratulations you make history here. Put that on your resume along with my recommendation to your potential employer "consultant".

  51. Sandy, maybe if you said "Hallo DMers!" it would sound more British.

    Just trying to help.

  52. Maybe if you were out looking for a job instead of posting here all day "consultant" you might find one. Just trying to help.

  53. I think these Meghan blinds are interesting. No one is being forced to read them, nor even click onto this site if it so offends. People who can't stand these blinds and feel the need to whinge on about the matter can do what the rest of us do when confronted with their complaining comments--simply scroll past.

  54. Where does this consultant theory come from, Sandy?

    I have a job. Need one to pay the mortgage, keep gas in the car, take a few vacations.

    Not everyone has a line of willing sugarmamas out the door like you do, Sandy.

  55. Hang on... it's starting to make sense.

    There's gotta be some reason Sandy is so touchy about the Meghan blinds...

    ...maybe Sandy is Archie's father!

  56. Naah, Meghan's not hot enough for Sandy.

    Guy is nothing but twisted steel and sex appeal.

  57. You sure aren't, you can't even get a 400 lb fat pig, she'd be only twice your size, I've had better than MM but thank you for asking. I'll contact Mama June and hook you up, that's what you can get, so take it baldo

  58. Oh no, Sandy, please.

    I don't want you to share your "little black book" with me.

    No doubt it's a priceless document; like Codex Sinaiticus or the KFC recipe.

    You keep it.

  59. BTW people I'm still waiting for his e-mail but not holding my breath. He wants to try and be a big shot online while impressing absolutely nobody meanwhile he's a complete failure in the real world amirite Jeffy? You are hilarious in that way and that way only pally.

  60. Now go play it traffic "spazz" I remember being 6 the last time I heard that word.

  61. Sandy, why would I give my email to some internet psycho?

  62. I gave mine to one and knew exactly what I was doing, show some guts. Be a man, oh wait, you're balless aren't you pal.

  63. I mean, you get riled up because of the content some gossip website posts.

    You fume and froth and feel the blood boil and type These fucking bullshit blinds for your page views are getting more ridiculous by the day!

    While normal people just scroll past, or comment on the topic, or make jokes. You say These fucking bullshit blinds for your page views are getting more ridiculous by the day!

    Dude, you've got some problems with controlling your emotions. It's funny as hell, no doubt, and I don't want you to change, but it seems fair play to point that out. [Adding my voice to a chorus of others who have told you the same thing.]

  64. Do you know how many years the posters have expressed outrage at the person who writes this blog about a lot of the shit they write and insult us with? Way before I started posting here, they called bullshit. There are still a few of us left, we call bullshit.

  65. When you think this blind is fucking bullshit, man! It's fucking bullshit! I figure you're all red and your eyes are puffy and maybe tears are already streaming down your cheeks.

    It's fucking bullshit man!

    Are you the "Leave Britney Alone" guy?

  66. lol, you're a cross between the Britney guy and Grampa Simpson.

    When I was your age we called bullshit and tied an onion to our belt. That was the style then.

  67. No I don't get that outraged😂but I am calling him out for this type of crap. You want that kind of outrage go listen to talk radio and deal with those assholes.

  68. You sure say some overwrought shit, Sandy.

    It's fucking bullshit, man! That thing you said about some airhead celebrity who wouldn't piss on me if I were on fire! It's fucking bullshit!


  69. Well he deserves it.. When he deserves it he gets it and when he deserves praise he gets it. Whether you wish to believe what I'm about to say or not I love Enty and the Enterns, especially when this site was really, really good and had good blinds, stories, photos and news items. They can do that site again if they stop being so lazy and mail it in every day. Try reading 2012-14 if you find that hard to believe. It's just he has done and can do so much better.

  70. Sandy, I don't spend time imagining what you're about. My preference is you stay off my back, scroll past, and I stay off yours. Up to you.

  71. Whatever. Your wish is my command kimo sabe. 💆

  72. Anonymous5:03 PM

    but seriously if @sandybrook really got rid of derek/dontquitblahblahblah then we all owe him a drink.

  73. I’m not a bandwagon girl. But I don’t like it he shitty name calling. Why take the bait Sandybook? I effing love it when I piss people off. Revel in the hysterical glory of it.

  74. Well, this thread certainly got stupid and stayed that way.

  75. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Didn't she realize before she married him that Harry was not rolling in the dough (or the pounds) to the extent that a yacht girl may require?

  76. I enjoy sandybrook and Tricia’s posts. I’m shocked at the haters of them. They at least contribute to this forum instead of spewing negativity. Wtf is wrong with you people?

  77. Two people have gone into a battle of the wits on this site, and one of them was unarmed.
    Thanks for the laughs!!

  78. Why does this site allow multiple names?

  79. Anyone else notice that Kneepads isn’t covering Will going out to talk to the people outside KP who were celebrating Diana with a vigil. Lord knows if Harry and Sparkles has done that it would be their top story!!!

  80. @WeeKittyLass. @TeaCup: Yep, if you don’t like it, scroll on by! I use that in my personal life too. My siblings and a few cousins and I have a group thread. We don’t use it everyday. It’s for more impt. things. For example, one of my cousins got married in Iceland the other day, and my sister posted a pic. We were all commenting on it & my brother made some derogatory comment about the # of comments, so I just said Scroll on by Brother! And someone else immediately created a new thread that didn’t include him. That’s all. (But then of course, he’ll complain when he’s left out of the loop. I have a cousin who lives in OR & was visiting the east coast with his wife. I set up a dinner but didn’t invite my brother, who was then like, uh, uh, uh, I didn’t even know he was coming.) 😊

  81. @Lauren: PW & PH should’ve done it together. It was a lovely gesture. Have seen so many pics of Diana this week. I loved it when she had that really short, slicked back hair after the divorce. Just so elegant.

  82. Snatch: Interesting theory about SoHo, but I think
    she still owes them money from when she was basically living there. Still, girls gotta merch! And the bathtubs are definitely more expensive than the tea pots!


  83. I could go into great detail about the RF's income and how it works but sufice to say that NO ONE is paid an income in the RF including the Queen.So Meghan has a fat change of making that work.

    All the Queen's income from the Crown Estates and Duchy of Lancaster which go to pay her EXPENSES related to public duties and the running of Royal estates. This includes the costs of the upkeep of the various royal residences (interiors), travel and state visits, public engagements, and official entertainment such as those garden parties, banquets, doplimatic dinners, and meet and greets at the palaces and ALL staffing for offices and the palaces including the gardeners. It cost $1.5million a year just to send out replies to letters and official correspondences. Any money left over after official expenses goes into the 'Sovereigng Grant Reserve' not the Queens pocket.

    The Duchy of Lancaster income ($26million)goes to official expenses for the Queen and Prince Philip. It also pays the cost of public duties for several other members of the family. Such as the Dukes of Kent and Gloucester, Anne, Andrew and Edward/Sophie , there are two full time overseers who control the budget of Lancaster so no fudging the books there for Meghan, she legally can not be paid an income from either of these funds and the Queen would certainly not be dipping her hand into her pocket to pay her a $400k a year when she doesn’t do that for her own children.

    people think that the government pay for all this but they don't it all comes out of the Queen's and Charles' allowences. The government only pays directly for security and structural upkeep of the Royal buildings, a pretty hefty bill but certainly not the day to day running of the Palaces and RF.

    The only other source of payment for Meghan would be Charles. He gets around $28million a year from the Duchy of Cornwall estates. From this money he has to pay the official expenses for Himself and Camilla, Harry and William. Expenses related to all their public duties, travel, all entertainment, dinners, official receptions at Clarence House and all the office and household staff of Charles, Camilla and Princes Harry and William as well as clothing allowances for Kate and Megs. $28million is not really a great deal to cover all this. There is less detailed oversight the Duchy of Cornwall but it also is also governed by public oversite, the Cornwall accounts are published every year. $400k a year in cash to Meghan could not be hidden.

    Then of course William would get wind of it and make a huge fuss. The whole family would be livid that an upstart was being paid cash to do her job when they have been doing the same for generations with only their expenses being covered.

    Now it might be that Megs could grift her way into persuading Charles to give her cash in hand out of his own pocket each year, but that would open a whole can of worms. Any money that doesn’t go on official duties and expenses is taxed so if Charles were to just give Meghan money she would have to pay tax on it and as she is still a US citizen the IRS would want a share too. William would of course want the same deal.

    If Meghan is trying this on (debatable), believing she should be paid the same wage she earned as an actress for doing basically nothing, while at the sametime having all her expenses met it could very well be the last nail in her coffin. She obviously thought she was going to be rolling in it when she married into the Family, but the facts of the matter are very different.

    1. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Doris's net worth went from $30K to $500K to now a cool $9Mil in less than 4 yrs!!!!!! Meghan funneled money to mama??? RF have halted her merching and press, they have limited her income source(s). Her rental home &expenses are free. Her personal assistant and bodyguard is free; however, MM does not have an income. Although the RF are unofficially worth 400Trillion and Queen is #1 landlord of prison planet Earth, they try to show modesty for the public but it's all bullshit. MM has been on lockdown since April and she is trying to claw her way out of this situation. BUT everyone already knows this...

    2. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Sorry for typos...

  84. LOL usually I find the egos here really tiresome ...and J really misogynistic but J is hysterical today. Sandy, sorry but you sound like an old guy screaming Get off my lawn!! good grief calm down.

  85. Oh and Enty, bring on more blinds about the RF and Markle Sparkle... many of us love them and they are most entertaining and not just for the blind itself. win win !!

  86. MM trolls are intense! I get them attacking me at the slightest critical comment. Not really helping the MM PR cause if you are going to aggressively attack EVERY SINGE person out there who has a less than ideal opinion/blind about MM.

  87. Wow if Meghan Debarkles on the payroll trolls take this site so seriously, perhaps there is a grain of truth to these blinds? The queen of england gets accused of being a lizard from outta space with blue blood, but never seen her and her loyal subjects get triggered. If this is not true, move on..

  88. @Blue Margarita, Thank You so much for the love, I have so looked forward to a day such as this when I receive so much attention for, well, anything at all actually! I can't quite be sure of your gender, but did you know that I did indeed once date a female? Yes, yes, I know. She was INCREDIBLE. I am curious to know your relationship status/gender preference/income level at your earliest convenience. Prefer M4M.

  89. I actually needed a good laugh and this blog post delivered.

    Oh, and MM is just plain awful. And, NO. It is not because she half black, but because she is a fame seeking c u n bag. We all know damn well she never would have seemed out Harry if not for his bloodline.

  90. What's up with sandybrooks

  91. Come on guys, please stop the in-fighting. Its been going on for too long. Just ignore each other, it really isn't that deep. This is a gossip site. Fake blinds/real blinds. Accept it. If Enty is running this site as a business, he has to make his coin somehow You want this site to shut down? I don't. Don't like the blind, then don't read it. Move on. I hate the Housewives, Kardashians, and MTV crap, so when I see it, I pull out of the page. Simple. The vibe on these threads with in-fighting just gets so sour reading non-stop arguments that lead NOWHERE. You're both wasting time with each other. Please stop. Ignore each other and let the other CDANers enjoy some peace. I've been here a very long time, nearly the beginning and I've read some fights over the years, but this is the worst.

    Sandy, I like you, but you're better than this. When you get triggered you're like the Hulk with non-stop expletives. I'm not clutching my pearls, but you can get your point across without the constant swear words that make you sound unhinged. The intensity of your anger is felt and a bit scary. I worry more about your health and blood pressure. This in-fighting is just not worth your time like you said, but yet you continued on. You have nothing to prove, the majority of peeps here already like and respect you.

    J, I don't know enough about you to make a solid observation, but I have enjoyed some of your posts. I hope to learn more about you but if you're Derek, sigh man, I don't know what to say. You're nothing but endless trouble. Stop egging Sandy on, Its old, tiresome, and annoying. Let us "adult" in peace and be able to discuss the goss and have some fun with it. We don't have to agree, but we also need to calm the fuck down. Please stop acting like children, both of you. Simply avoid each other, interact with people you like, Problem solved. Let's have some peace man. Its my get away from the crazy world. Although the blinds are crazy too, so lol, I guess you can never escape it. :) Thank you.

  92. @Brayson 87 funny how single fathers who dump the kids on female relatives/friends (usually Mothers themselves) or babysitters are praised while single Mothers are treated like shit, huh? They're single because of DV or controlling behaviour, or because they were dumped for another woman (or man, in some cases), or because the father didn't want to know etc. They didn't choose to be single and it's not single mothers committing crimes or terrorist attacks. The millennial "male's" hatred and scapegoating of mothers because you don't cut it as men is disgusting.

  93. 10 thumbs-up to all the sandybrook resisters!

  94. Sad Fake J.

    The internet is full of desperation, no doubt... but pretending you're me???


  95. Hey whatever happened to Boo Hearne? She seemed very knowledgeable about all things Royal Fam related. Does she still post? I feel like its been about a year since I've seen her post anything here.

  96. Boo Hearne died in November or so. Her daughter came on her mothers account to let everyone know. There was a rumour that someone was posting somewhere as Boo Hearne on Blind Gossip a month or two ago, which is messed up, but I think it's a clone, and she has passed.

  97. Is sandy the "Leave Britney Alone!" guy?

  98. Anonymous3:48 AM

    @Do Not Lie

    Markle brings out venom in people.
    That is the Media's goal.
    The media...owned by the Elite.. wants to keep Western culture in a low vibration.

    The Cartels don't want anyone to know that there are other cultures in our universe.
    Sources of energy, which will make the petrodollar obsolete one day.
    So, they continue to sell these images that keep people angry and focused in another direction.

    Cancel your subscription to those publications.
    Close your eyes and breathe, the next time those headlines or pictures of Henry and Markle are pointed at you. Refuse to participate.
    It's all up to us.

  99. @viking
    though there are exceptions, single dads don't usually "dump the kids"
    In most cases, mothers will fight tooth and nail to keep the kids and walk through glass to get them back if they lose.
    Dads walk away because they can't stomach the fight and it is easier for men just to pretend like it didn't happen...not because they don't care but because they can't handle the pain.

    and....few people, single dads or no...become terrorists.

    That's how it works in the US anyway.

  100. Well, there's a petition being done to ask they receive no public funds. We're pissed off, especially after the renovation and the photos of it. I've never heard of a petition against the BRF before and the Queen will be not amused the firm's rep is getting sullied by some Yank tart

  101. another entitled black female golddigger! well consider me shocked! Not. she's dragging down the whole british establishment. but then, the brits are so cucked at this point i doubt they care
