Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Blind Item #11

Speaking of celebrity chefs, this guy is not really a chef, but likes to pretend he knows all things cooking on various shows in which he has starred, including some really big ones. He has been caught up with business partners in some really bad things the past few years. Luckily for him he has been able to keep quiet the fact he got at least five waitresses pregnant over the past decade. I'm guessing his wife didn't know. Whoops. She does now.


  1. I was gonna say Guy Fieri but he's not switch hitting right?

  2. Replies
    1. First thought was Tom Colicchio but he is absolutely a Chef

  3. Gordon Ramsay didn’t go to culinary school?

  4. Replies
    1. Do NOT ruin Alton Brown for me! He's the only one I can stand!

    2. Alton is single

  5. Andrew Zimmern? Adam Richman?

    Alton Brown? That other bespectacled guy who hosts various cooking challenges on Food Network? Think his name is Ted something or other.

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Robert Irvine.


  7. Was gonna say Guy, as one of my friends used to work at Food Network and said that there is heavy editing with the females as Guy can’t not look at their boobies. But that person also told me stories about Robert Irvine and his WWE wife so imma co-sign Robert

  8. Jamie Oliver is the chef with recent bad business the last few years

  9. Speaking of gay....Gordon Ramsey is too. Likes to hit on the younger runners and assistants on his shows and makes promises. Surprised he never got caught up in the metoo stuff

  10. Oh lord if it’s Irvine the pedo conspiracists are going to lose their shit - his restaurant is at the Tropicana in Vegas.

  11. Guy reminds me of an ex-boy-bander who got chubby and became a foodie after the band broke up. I think it's the hair.

    1. @Low Key, Guy Fieri LEGIT looks like he stepped out of his house on a spring evening in 1999, and made a wrong turn into a black hole time warp while driving to a Barenaked Ladies concert, never to be seen or heard from again...until he mysteriously reappeared in 2006 of course - RIGHT IN TIME to audition for Food Network Star and MIRACULOUSLY against all odds to find UBER success. It's almost TOO PECULIAR...to ignore! ๐Ÿง๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ (I'm onto you, Fee-eddie! ๐Ÿ˜ก)

      Even now...in 2019...Guy STILL looks a walking personification of a Smashmouth tune... or like an extra from the "My Own Worst Enemy" music video by Lit. Proof that perhaps his maturity and fashion sense is stunted, having been frozen in time to JUST BEFORE he and his Camaro smashed into the clock tower in the town square?!?

      (Whats that you say? Oh...you think I oughtta go into fanfic writing? But what if I'm NOT actually a "fan"? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚)

    2. Even better. No sycophancy.

  12. A chef is generally understood to be a person who went to culinary school and/or trained with a skilled chef, and who has been in charge of a restaurant/hotel kitchen. By that definition Jamie Oliver, Robert Irvine and Guy Fieri are all chefs, but Alton Brown is not. Alton is divorced, though.

  13. Gordon Ramsay is a bona fide chef, too.
    Not that Enty knows what he's talking about, of course!

  14. @Low Key He look reminds me of Joey Patone too.

  15. FIVE waitresses? Then he’ll be surprised when he gets an std and his wife leaves him. Id say Guy but does he really have that much game?!

  16. NOT Alton Brown. I’m not buying it.

  17. Guy Fieri... key word "guy." He is a trained chef, but has not worked as a chef for decades. Instead, has created/starred in several FoodNetwork show; and has partnered with many to build his restaurant holdings.

  18. It's got to be Joe from Master Chef. Had a partnership with the Chef Mario and has had to close down several restaurants with him.

    1. Yep, Bastianich. First, he and MB stole their servers' tips, then the huge MB scandal. He's a pig.

  19. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I guessed Irvine because he's lied about his credentials, and the waitressea could be from his show Restaurant: Impossible. He doesn't just have his own waitresses, but could have a stable all around the country.

  20. Dena

    Alt.on brown. Not a chef. Majored in theatre at UGA.

  21. Jon Favreau - Movie - Chef, show - The Chef Show

  22. @Rosemary. Alton Brown went to the N.E. Culinary institute.

  23. Alton also remarried within the last year or so.

  24. OOOh the Joe Bastianich guess is great, fits everything in the blind.
    His mom is the chef not him, starred in cooking shows, caught up with Batali in the tip skimming scandal, owns mad restaurants and he's married.

  25. Joe Bastianich.

  26. I have several friends that worked on Good Eats. From what I've heard, Alton Brown is an incredible boss and generally very nice person.

  27. Guy he’s a hound dog

  28. AngelSleuth, I thought of Jon Favreau as well.

  29. Guy Fieri and Jackson Galaxy (not a chef) both look like those painted hen's eggs children make at Easter.

  30. Guy Fieri is the Garth Brooks of cooking.

  31. Douchebag Fieri graduated UNLV with a Hospitality degree, if I remember correctly. But could be Joe Bastianich...who's mother, Lidia, is a treasure!

  32. Curtis Stone to be different

  33. This ^^^^^^^^!!! Totally Joe.

  34. Robert Irvine does seem to make sense,

  35. Alton Brown got married for the 3rd (or is it 4th) time last year.

  36. Bs! There’s no way this blind is true! Clickbait! So many chef blinds! Ugh! You guys! CLICKBAIT!

  37. My first thought was Joe Bastianich. Seemed to fit all the clues.

  38. The only good guesses on here are Favreau and Joe B. There are likely other good guesses not on here I'm sure.

    Ramsay didn't go to culinary school? He was on the faculty at Cordon Bleu!

  39. Robert Irvine is gay.

  40. Not Alton Brown. I refuse to believe it.

    Guy Fieri (or Guy Ferry as he was named at birth). I always cringed when he put his bare hands, with those huge goombah rings, into ground beef or some other food. Bleh. So unsanitary.

  41. Gordon Ramsay studied in France and has racked up a considerable number of Michelin Stars. Whatever you think of him personally does not detract from the fact that he is indeed a highly qualified chef.

  42. I miss Anthony Bourdain. ๐Ÿ˜ข

  43. @YummyBoogers I love you

    1. @tipple aww love you too, darling! ❤๐Ÿค—

  44. I'm so happy to see so much love for Alton Brown. He's great!

  45. AB wouldn't be trolling waitresses. This is someone who is actually in food service.

  46. Joe never pretend to be a chef, though. He does Top Chef with Ramsay and Sanchez (both trained chefs) and no one ever refers to him as chef. Gordon calls him "top restaurateur", which is like being a CEO of a law firm but not being a lawyer.

    Possibly goat balls Irvine but if it's Guy Ferry, how in the world did five waitresses get enough past the greasy egg white slick on his head to sleep with him? Ew.

  47. While he hasn't worked in a kitchen for years, Fieri did spend his pre-Food Network days as a working chef.

    Irvine? Thinking about it, I guess it could be him. AB doesn't fit for many reasons.

  48. Please don't let it be Fieri, especially if he's also a kiddy botherer.

    The thought of him with anyone...

    He didn't seem so repulsive at first but now he's like that monster that popped out in Weird Science.

  49. @yummyboogers lol. Your comment wins.

  50. Someone mentioned Zimmern??? Really??? I know he's married and has kids....but so does JAMES CORDEN!

  51. I can see Guy Fieri. The Great Man, the Big Celebrity, waddles into a Bugtussle nowhereville restaurant and the waitresses are so impressed they spread their oegs for him. (what is it with dumbass waitresses who are such pushovers? I have a friend whose father impregnated three different waitresses in 20 years, half-sisters showing up all over.) . Now, I guess, with DNA testing and the courts, the dumbasses could at least get child support.

  52. How is chef rob irvine gay?
