Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #11

After initially making lots of statements, this manager has gone radio silent when it comes to the source of funding for his investment.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Scooter Braun and Carlyle Group! You are welcome Enty!

  3. I thought his wife was running her mouth?

  4. @yep

    bingo, yep

    "A company that once took millions of dollars from a prominent Saudi Arabian family backed Scooter Braun's purchase of Taylor Swift's old record label"

  5. He is a little too emo about all of it.

  6. Will those older tracks be worth as much as $300 million if Taylor Swift came out of the closet?
    Makes me wonder about MJ and his catalog, and who owns it. And his final tour, and his untimely end.

    1. The $300 million actually was to buy the entire Big Machines label, which included the catalogs/masters of a butt-ton of other Nashville artists who rake in money hand over fist in the country music area ( Rascal Flatts, Reba McEntire, etc.). Taylor's inclusion of course seriously escalated the price for the label but that's not for her catalog alone.

  7. @Hush, I've wondered about the value if she comes out, will it go up or down?

    1. Probably not much difference if lipstick lesbian bi. Hard core butch scary dyke not so much

  8. @Bray, its all about the timing! If she came out 2 years ago, when she was red hot, it would have gone up exponentially! Her fans would have gone back to those songs to find some clues etc. But now, she is in a decline. Even after all the publicity she garnered during pride month her latest song didnt debut at #1 on the billboards chart! The no of views on her latest song on youtube is 1/3rd compared to the last time she dropped a song from a new album. Most of her fans have grown up and she doesnt seem to be making new ones fast enough to replace the old ones. So, if she came out tomorrow, her old songs might see an upward volume for a week and then everything will be back to normal!

  9. Fun Fact: Carlyle Group is a weapons seller featuring GHW Bush and other war mongers like the Bin Ladens

  10. I always find it hilarious when the absurd comment here that her catalog would increase in value if she came out. Have you all followed how things are going for Lil Nas x?
    No, not the white gay community that makes up .00000000001% of his fan base, but the black community. Not so good
    But people here are dumb as nails, so there's that.
    Gotta go turn on Teen Mom!

    1. gotta disagree with u @Unknown. his new song is hot and while some rappers feel uncomfortable...those tunes are great. who cares anyways...nobody has to watch. just shut up and rap.

  11. @Unknown, Pretty sure that Tay Tay's fans aren't anywhere near as homophobic as the average rap fan. Which is funny considering which genre has the majority of closeted male musicians and probably listeners.

  12. Problem is that the reason she is less and less popular is because instead of keeping with her fan base, the supposed "savior of country music" ditched the boots for booty shorts and left for pop...and now routinely spits in the eye of those who used to be her fans.
    Her "old fans' don't give a rats ass about taytay, no matter what happens to the old music.

    So her "fans" now number....whatever percentage of the population is that likes closeted lesbians with mediocre music.

    If she wanted the tapes...she should have taken some of that money and bought them.

  13. Taylor's from the everybody gets a trophy generation who will resonate with how it feels to be afraid to be who you are and all that. It won't affect her business.

  14. I bet Swift dont even munch the carpet. She probably allows a sterile strap on inside of her, and only reciprocates w/ a latex glove fingerbang. Outside shot she has 2 Sybians so she and a friend can have rides together.

    She just seems way to uptight to have a face full of cooter juice and her nose jammed into some broad's bunghole. Certainly no scissoring going on.

  15. So you're guessing she's a pillow princess then Count?

    1. Can someone please bathe count jerkoff in lime? Rampant anal stage tourettes motherfucker

    2. Suck a turd out of my asshole, cuntface

  16. Warmongers bought tay tays!

    What's next for the easy?

  17. I've always thought her songs were made for 15 year olds anyway lol

  18. Tay is what, 31 yo? How long can she continue to pretend she's 15? I think all those who latched onto her at 12yo have mooooved on.

  19. So, I don’t think I would recognize a TS song if I heard it. That music is obnoxious and annoying to me. I listened to her last two, couldn’t make it all the way to the end. Christ, her music is atrocious.

  20. Tay should collaborate with Lil Nas x...but Miley probably beat her to it...

  21. Somehow I would never trust a grown man named "Scooter".

    Might as well be named "Douche"

  22. LOL Debutante....smacks of privilege , about like Muffy in the old days. Carlyle Group not only makes weapons but owns Dunkin' Donut. They branched out. Cathy O'Brian ,in her book Trance:Formation of America is a MKultra presidential model. She stated in the book that Nashville was eaten up with CIA....or they control a lot of the artists. Seem to be intrinsically tied up with money makers everywhere. Sam Giacana , in the book, Double Cross , written by his brother was a poor Chicago boy who finished app. 8th grade. He rose to great heights in the mob for his love of murdering people.At the last of his "career" he was traveling the world meeting with heads of state. He stated, "Working with the CIA is just like the mob, in fact, it is the mob."Shows who is really in control. Vatican laundered mafia money for them......Now they are in trouble. I am Molly, a political junkie.

  23. Lesbians don't "scissor," @Count Jerkula. Porn isn't a reflection of actual lesbian sexual activity.

    1. Cause they are afraid their cunts will suction cup together?
