Friday, July 26, 2019

Blind Item #11

By my count, there are now three former escorts running for Congress/Senate/already there.

#1 - A MN Republican.
#2 - A CA Democrat.

The third comes from a state where there are so few women serving, it would be too easy to guess. She actually did it during her college years. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why does it matter? We have a man living in the White House who sexually assaults women.

    1. Clinton has been out of office for years.

    2. Perfect!!!! Hahaha

    3. That was awesome Jeff!

    4. This isn't really a woman-friendly community. Enty knows what side his bread is buttered on, which is why he tries shit like this.

    5. Jeff, Trump and Clinton are both trash. Your boy edges Clinton out because of the white supremacists, the xenophobia, and the garbage policies on top of the sex crimes and personality.

    6. Trump is taking OUT the trash. The Clintons both know their days are numbered.
      And Honeybadger - if you can't watch TV without believing everything you hear on it, you should get rid of your TV.

      If you're here on CDAN you should have at least SOME awareness of who owns the entire media.
      There's a reason they hate Trump. You'll find out what it is very soon.

  3. Daniella Stella for 1

    1. Breaking News: Danielle Stella was just arrested for shoplifting. Based on her mugshot, she is #1

  4. Don't forget about our former escort/current First Lady Melanie.

    1. Or Kamala Harris sucking D for jobs.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. +1 for Honeybadger

    Who gives a fuck?

    1. becomes a problem because they can be extorted or blackmailed unless they come forward and are honest about their pasts. Also, these women crack me up that they claim to be feminists but they suck dick during college to make money? You can't have it both ways.

    2. Your take on feminism is a little dated.

  6. Stop being so goddamn judgmental about women and worry more about the men in power who TAKE sex from women. And you women who judge other women? F-you.

    1. Yep, for real... how about the congressmen buying sex on the side when they're married and want to preach about family values? That would be the more juicy tidbit.

    2. Not only that, but 1.) This may not even be true, which makes Enty and a lot of the people here SCUM, and 2.) Even if it is true, with all the little Abrahamic cray-crays and virginity bigots running amok in this and other countries, it should not be disclosed without the women's consent, which also makes Enty SCUM.

    3. Are you seriously trying to censure people for the crime of criticizing women who screw their way to the top? Men AND women who do that are capable of ANYTHING to get what they want. Witness what Pedowood is like now.
      They're part of that.
      They're amoral psychos.
      Their choice.

  7. And by the way Tricia - Harris isn't running for Congress/Senate/already there.

    1. It’s a hyphen...”Running/Or -already there “.

  8. Kamala Harris #2

  9. +1 on Daniella Stella and Kamala Harris
    Cindy, he said running or already there.
    Also, I don't have a problem with this. It's not like politics are squeaky clean anyway.

    1. Agree. How many congressmen have used escorts???

  10. Harris is already there so I think she’s 2

  11. @Cindy I read it as 3 different or 2 different categories, running for Congress, running for Senate or already in one of them.

  12. For as large as Georgia is, it only has one female in Congress. Lucy McBath.

  13. God bless whores. Since they dont have souls, they are really cut out for politics.

    1. Why haven't you run yet? This country would absolutely vote for an older, smellier, fatter version of Elliot Rodger, especially if you offered voters whatever drugs your grandparents have been feeding you since the 50s.

    2. I am neither Soulless nor an Egomaniac, so i have no reason to run for public office. Also, i would be so worried about being set up that i wouldnt take any bribes, and all my colleagues would hate me/not trust me.

      Since the 50s? How old do you think i am?

    3. I love you, Count. You’re 90% of the reason I even read the comments.

  14. Democrats have Epstein, Weinstein, Clinton and Hollywood yet Drumpf! Whose admin is busting all these sickos. Whatever.

  15. #2 is definitely Heels Up Harris. I can't wait til all the stories about her start circulating. I'm not even a CA resident and I've known about her for years

  16. Yeah, Kamala is in the business no doubt.

  17. Michelle Bachmann and legit hottie Kristi Noem.

  18. @MDAnderson - yea, I miss when people like Barney Frank's escort "boyfriend" Stephen Gobie turned tricks out of Frank's townhouse in DC, or Wayne Hays put a hooker on his payroll who when questioned, admitted she didn't know how to type, and was only there for the sex.

    Good times.

    1. Robert Menendez, David Vitter, Mark Foley, but thanks Moose for reminding me about good old Barney Frank

  19. That's a BIG NO on Harris!! Of this I'm certain! So Cal Native & I worked with Harris when she was the AG of CA. She is 100% ...All Business, All In, Run with the Big Dogs, Never Cry, Never Sweat, Don't Back Down, No Frills, No Bullshit. 100% certain on this one.

    1. Then did you know she was fuckin that married old guy to advance her career? Did you ever have to bang him for a job?

  20. Harris was only paid in jobs, not cash, so although she is definitely a whore, i dont think she qualifies as an escort.

    2 - Pelosi - life was hard in the depression, so i dont blame her.

  21. that Stella lady who has some stealing issues in her past. i guess never convicted and looks like an escort. she is s joke.

  22. A lot of girls strip and/or escort to pay for college. So what?

  23. Why assume they are all women? Only the third one states that explicitly. Just saying.....

  24. LOL @Count. That story is bull shit of the "epic-est" order. Strong powerful women make enemies of wannabe powerful men far too often & easily. Who do you think starts most of these rumors?

    "She made it, but on her back(knees)!", says the balding sweaty guy with the bad hair and cheap suit. The one who couldn't get laid in a whorehouse. Puh-leeze!

    I've never slept with anyone I didn't want to, certainly never for a job. Although one piece of shit tried to intimate it would be required in order for me to keep one. He quickly got shit canned based on a few water-cooler conversations with the right people. Yup - I screwed him... just not in the way he was hoping.

    Don't drink the Kool Aid!

  25. Kyrsten Sinema in AZ office.

    1. Agreed. She sets off my yachter radar

  26. Willie Brown is upfront about helping Harris.

    And she "helped" him in return.

    She used to have a pretty face. Lena Dunham body though.

  27. MultiMary - What is more feminist than Her Body, Her Choice? Those women owned their sexuality and used it to their advantage. They should be lauded for their bravery and the much needed services they provided, not slut shamed by the narrow minded who buy into the patriarchal nonsense that pussy should only be shared with a special man.

    Fuckin Fugazi Feminists, "Don't live your life how a MAN tells you, live it how I tell you."

  28. Dahling: Didn't they both admit the affair, or just he did?

  29. Dorthea Dix, Frances Perkins, Emma Goldman and Queen Beatrix.

  30. Marsha Blackburn for the third. She's from Mississippi but Reps TN. WV and MS have the least amount of women representation in Fed Gov. TN - Blackburn is the only woman. Door to Door salesgirl in college my ass!

    Ditto on Bachmann - but she's not in DC anymore.

    Totally wrong on Harris.

    Speier. Extremely beautiful in her day.

    Been around all 3 and what Harris won't say? Her mother would have torn her ass up. Black women (sorry folks but it's true) only get ahead when we are flawless and willing to knock someone out of her way.

    She's not some simpleton actress or starlet - all the women I named are fierce competitors and if I were one of the enty (entities) wouldn't cross them.

    But Harris? Don't doubt a lot of you have exposure to entertainment but you aren't at $5 a person fundraisers, attending one I'm throwing, or receiving wedding cards from former Generals and/or serving members of Fed Gov.

    Can we just say it like it REALLY is? All of them are prostitutes.

    Just wave a check under the nose and I'm telling you - they will do whatever you demand.

  31. Feminism: act like you're more than a collection of body parts for men to exploit.

    1. If they are making the money, then they arent being exploited, krab.

  32. At least they were doing something to earn the money and not stealing it or relying on handouts or defrauding the government for it.

    Who fucking cares?

  33. the thing about Harris and Willie Brown isnt even a blind, he's talked about it openly in the main stream media.

  34. What a laugh that someone is trying to convince us that "heels up" is just a vindictive nickname for Harris. Please--

    Common knowledge for years--on both coasts and everywhere in between. Long before web-shaming and shill defenses were just a click away


  35. Kamala Harris is a thirsty, selfish, sleep with anyone to advance her career harlot. It's her.

  36. Sorry, but the whole Willie Brown & Kamala Harris thing is a smear campaign. Willie's just bringing it up is a desperate ploy to become relevant again. I grew up here & had cases going up against her office when when Harris was the SF DA. Overall, she was a good DA and a vast improvement on Hallinan (who was subsequently suspended from practicing law).

    Harris & Brown openly dated in the 90's, they weren't having some clandestine affair. She was already considered a rising star on the Alameda DA's office when they started dating. Harris dumped Brown. Probably when she realized, along with the rest of SF, he was a complete weasel. He appointed her to those commissions to help them negotiate contracts, & with regard to the insurance commission to provide some perspective about insurance/financial fraud. By the time Harris was running for SF DA, the people of SF were not happy with Brown, so their dating history was a political liability. We all have that person we regret dating.

  37. If your ads/pix are still floating around the net, then it diminishes your ability to get lots of jobs. Plenty of broads fired from teaching and hospital gigs when they were found to be former porn whores.

    Good facial recognition software utilized by employers will open up quite the can of worms.

  38. You say it is a smear campaign, then you say they dated and he appointed her for jobs.

    Seems to me you verified the allegations pretty nicely. The married guy she was fucking gave her work. Case closed.

    1. Mic 🎤 drop

    2. It was like someone put a ladder next to the hoop, handed me the ball and asked me to dunk on them.

    3. You are a pro dude, that is established and non refuted (despite your crassness 👀😂). I don’t offend easily at all ,and am quick to laugh so I’m not a typical” audience member “to the works stage ,these days.

  39. Our present flotus was a working girl too.

  40. Remember reading sheand lingerie we’re fans of “ key parties” when she was with Willie Eva with the basketball-player first husband

  41. I have a person or two I regret dating. They never hired me into jobs because we were sex partners.

    lol @ someone who doesn't have the judgment to know Willie Brown is a weasel and now wants to be president.

  42. This is a deceptive post. (Ya sneaky bastard)
    It's not three but four whores who are very expensive Blackmail honey pots.
    The Four Congresswhores of the Apocalypse, AKA the Squad.
    The darling's of the Socialist Democrat National Committee.
    ~ Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota
    ~ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York
    ~ Rashida Tlaib of Michigan
    ~ Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts

    1. I consider calling them broads "whores" to be stolen valor. AOC the only one someone would pay for and her bartender status leads me to believe she could have been had for a $60 gram of mid level coke. The crazy eyes lead me to believe she throws amazing puss.

      I read somewhere Omar just split from her hubby and got a penthouse in some swanky for MN building. AOC cryin bout rent in Georgetown but this other 1st term rep livin like a baller. She probably be driving a Bentley soon.

  43. @Collateral Justice -- got proof of any of that or is it just your fear of strong women speaking?

  44. Kamala. Although after the debate i thought it looked like she was on the rise, she’s back down to like 4th place now. But gave her a temporary boost. Since it did, look for the others to all pile on Biden now, lol.

    1. It’s like darts 🎯 on a board of irrelevance.
      One will stick, and that person gonna need an inordinate amount of luck.

  45. Welcome to the Harris 2020 Committee today. Where the truth is a smear campaign and deny, deny, deny.

  46. It sure as hell looks like Ilhan Omar married her brother. That's some kinky and disgusting shit.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. @VRWC you've mixed up Harris with Trump. He's called everything that doesn't agree with him a smear campaign and deny, deny, deny is his war cry

  48. @J - no proof though, right? Just your opinion?

  49. Why on earth would I have an "opinion" on whether someone I've never met married her brother?

    She won't answer the question directly, and there is sure a lot of sketchy stuff going on.

  50. @J so in your world, if I don't answer a question, you get to decide the answer?

  51. That’s one of the lesser noxious things about her...(Omar)
    Lets allow her numerous interviews (sans irony or apology) , speak for themselves.)
    That she marries her brother to gain rights to a country she so clearly-disdains-is just another day that ends in Y .
    I can think of another one-buh by

  52. Well, Cindy, I wouldn't ask you that question because (I'll assume) your brother's name isn't on a marriage license and you didn't file tax returns with your "real" husband while married to someone with your brother's name and birthdate and this fellow who seems like your brother didn't refer to your child as his niece/nephew.

    So there's a conditionality here, you know?

  53. Never stops amusing me that known rapist Bill Clinton is brought up by alt-right morons in relation to Epstein, while ignoring known rapist Trump being on of Jeff's closest friends for decades, and spending more time with him than Clinton ever did.

    The willing ignorance and projection are palpable.

    1. We stopped listening at “Clinton”.
      Most with a modicum of intelligence, character and cognitive abilities, do.

  54. If i am the Israel lobby, i throw a bunch of money to Omar via 3rd parties and PACs. She has driven more people to supporting Israel/Jews than anything since the Munich Massacre.

  55. "got proof of any of that or is it just your fear of strong women speaking?" @Cindy
    Proof that whores are strong? Hell yeah child. All the "high" priced whores can tighten their money makers like a gymnast in heat.

    Yet you demand proof on an adult oriented gossip site? Ouch.
    Just like a spoiled child who interrupts adult humor only to be butt hurt at the icky and gross joke.

  56. I am just glad that we as a group can look past race and argue about Harris' whore status. Society has come a long way under President Trump.

  57. And yet, you idiots believe this site like it was written by God himself. Especially believe the first person to guess the answer. So f-ing stupid. This site was actually fun for the first few years -- now the extremists have taken over and it's just sad. You have no qualms at spreading this shit, no matter who it involves, no matter if that it's just made up to bring clicks to the site to make whoever's running it now money.

  58. Cindy, which are your favorite blinds, rape, incest or molestation?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Again, you have to laugh at poster who think everyone that disagrees with them are "f-king stupid". Or the ones that "know" what someone is like from standing next to them for five minutes.

    And @Count that is my fave comment on this post!
    (looking past Heels Up's race; I can't reply direct anymore for some reason)

  60. Count, we've come so far that you are still trotting out a woman's dating history to suggest that she slept with a man to get ahead? I guess the most effective smears are the ones that take a fact and completely twist into misogynist narrative. Dating someone you meet through work does not mean you're sleeping with them to get ahead. Willie Brown appointed a lot of his friends to posts, but no one bats one a man appoints another man. Harris actually knew how to negotiate contracts as opposed to the other old semi-retired dudes on the commission.

    It's one thing if you disagree with her policies, but I'm disappointed to see women signing on to this.

    @Dahling - that was my experience in dealing with her too. That's probably why she made that bad call with the school truancy thing.

    1. You told me that the guy she was fucking appointed her to positions. There is no spin or smear to that.

      Dating someone at work? She was a nothing county prosecutor and he was speaker of the state assembly, their cubicles were next to each other?

      Playing the vag card trying to shame women who disagree with you is pathetic, as is the statement you attempted to make about a man appointing a man. IF THE MEN ARE FUCKING IT IS A BIG DEAL! Jim McGreevey appointing his male cock socket to a Homeland Security Position in NJ lead directly to his resignation as Governor of the Great Garden State.

      Your posts have been littered with contradictions, misrepresentations and outright lies. You must be Kamala's cousin or a pr/campaign worker, to care so little about the credbility of your statements.


  61. Kamala, she does her best work on her knees. But, these whores telling people how to live their lives and giving away free shit, nothing is free btw. Who cares, really? All the pedos in DC are just too many to count. Its quite terrifying, no? I don't think that we shall see any real justice for the countless victims. I'm all for bringing back the guillotine.

  62. I need costs please. What are the costs...asking for a friend.

  63. Not a woman friendly community.
    Not a Black friendly community.
    Not a Brown friendly community.
    Not a Jewish friendly community.
    Not a Trans friendly community.
    Not a gay friendly community.

    If you aren't an anti-American Trump supporter who believes only white people (Mostly men) matter, you will be shouted down in this community. I would pay for someone to just redo this site with guesses only.

    1. Betty, are delusional irl or just on thr interwebs?

  64. @Dahling. You worked with Kamala AFTER she had reached a place of prominence(AG of CA). Your experience with her wasn't during those periods when she was moving up and making her way up the political spectrum. At the very least, there were conflicts of interest to be appointed to paying positions by your affair partner. The married guy(Willie Brown) she was having an affair with while he was appointing her to various political positions wrote an essay admitting how he placed her in various positions while they were having an affair. His own words were 'We dated.', 'I influenced her career'.
    Willie Brown was/is a big player in California politics and sort of a kingmaker of sorts. Post marital affair, he also supported her Senate bid over another Democrat candidate essentially dooming the other candidate's bid. It doesn't mean that Kamala Harris isn't a hard worker. She knows what she wants and goes for it regardless of how inappropriate it may look to outsiders

  65. It's gotta be that batshit crazy woman who wants to run against Ilhan Omar.

  66. + Honeybadger, Vee and Cindy

    Interesting that it’s largely women of color being brought up here. I’m sure Omar being Muslim has something to do with at least one regular’s opinions here.

    And the women on this thread doing the shaming - you should be more outraged by “grab em by the pussy” is still sitting in the White House.

  67. And +1 Betty31.

    There’s a massive amount of posters on this thread who need to take a long, hard drink of the shut the fuck up

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Thank you Betty31. It's a good thing this site isn't the voting academy for anything.

  69. PS: Thank you J. Michelle Bachmann is also a welfare cheat. Big time.

  70. @TwoDots - you're spot on with both your posts

  71. Give us a break with this "woman of color" rhetoric.

    People who don't like Omar feel that way due to HER use of hate speech against Jewish people and America. That's it

  72. I hope late next friday we get a tulsi gabbard blind so we can kick that crazy around for her and her family hating the gays. Will go far in changing batshitbetty's opinion of this community.

  73. Posters SHOULD do blah blah and NEED to do blah...ooookay sure.

  74. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Could we please not insult escorts by calling Kamala Harris one?

  75. A few other contestants: #2 Katie Hill-CA; #3 Kyrsten Sinema-AZ. No evidence, but they seem to have some unusual histories, and missing years....Conversely, I could be talking crap

  76. I welcome the likes of Omar and AOC. People like Cindy are too stupid to realise that they drive masses of voters to support Trump. Scraping the bottom of the human barrel for token women, who have no integrity, no experience, no intelligence, no common sense and no loyalty, is backfiring on an astonishing level, yet they're the last ones to see this trend.
    It's as if the dems are going out of their way to choose the worst of the worst, as long as they're female.
    If this is really the best democrat women you can get, then Trump2020 will be a walk in the park.

    It's highly amusing to watch.

  77. White supremacy is alive and well on this site.

    1. This betty broad is a shitty troll. This isnt about race, it is about being a whore.

  78. I love how Trump has been in the public eye for what, over 3 decades? He's mentioned in over 260 rap and hip hop songs, as an idol, as a blueprint for success. He has had celebrities and contestants of all colours, religions and ethnicities on his Apprentice show, and nobody, ever, never ever, in all those years, accused him of being racist, a white supremacist or Hitler.

    Suddenly he's all of the above. Because they have nothing else. They tried to pin shit on him, but nothing stuck. So baseless smears and libels have become their ammunition.

    The problem with this: it doesn't work anymore. Nobody with half a brain is buying it. You have to be mentally slow, really slow, Beyonce-slow, to actually believe that Trump is a racist, a 'white supremacists' or Hitler. His approval ratings are through the roof in the Hispanic communities, Asian communities, Jewish communities, and yes, even Black communities! And LGBT ones too.

    But I didn't hear a beep from non-racist, cuddle tolerant Dems when Hillary R Clinton called Robert Byrd her 'GREAT FRIEND AND MENTOR'! You can google it, videos, everything.

    How's that for 'white supremacy'?

    1. Dems are kool with the kkk, since southern democrats wanted to keep slavery, were against letting blacks vote and made up the majority of the kkk's membership.

  79. Cindy Hyde-Smith from Mississippi. When she takes them dentures out whooooo-weeeee can she gum a dick

    1. Have her contact info? I dont know what she looks like, but Gumjob is on my bucket list.

  80. pretty boy Duncan Hunter has been getting around lately so that's my vote.

  81. not a libtard - You win 'Greatest Moron of the Comment Section'... Congratulations!

  82. Love that Kamala reads CDAN, but she is definitely in this blind. She definitely did not make it on her intellectual acumen. Well over a thousand convictions were overturned because of her incompetence as DA. We in the Bay Area would have thought her career was over, but actual ability matters not to Dems. Kamala looks "black", although she really is of Indian heritage and thus the dark skin. Her father was the son of a white Englishman, so she suffers from the Warren cultural appropriation deception. She "dated" Willie. Yeah, right. The man was like a hundred years older than him. No woman goes down on that for free.

  83. Whoops, meant "her". Freudian slip.

  84. not a libtard, The Central Park 5 would like a word with you. As would the number of people who filed lawsuits for housing discrimination.

    Just admit you like him because he hates all the same people you do.

  85. isn't kamala jamacian and indian passing as black?

  86. Seriously. Voting for somebody just because they are a woman and ethnic is not "woke", it's just as racist / sexist as voting for somebody just because they are white.

  87. @I'm outraged - what a great retort and intelligently argued point. You gone screech 'waycist' at me next?
    this is why you imbeciles are losing: you got nothing but empty and meaningless, weak and mealy mouthed insults.

    betty31: the only people I hate are hypocritical imbeciles, no matter the gender, colour or ethnicity. I don't discriminate on that basis.
    Democrats, the inventors of the KKK, the fighters for keeping slavery, the alliances of Islam in all its' women-oppressing, child-mutilating, pedo-legalizing glory. You are, generally speaking, the dregs of humanity, you defend the worst of the worst and stand shoulder to shoulder with the likes who call for sharia law, forced marriage for little girls, oppression of women, ethnic cleansing, while pretending to be tolerant and open minded. The creed of envy and an adherence to parasitism, you are only tolerant to the most intolerant of all. The racism of low expectations, the ghetto keeper.
    You are as a Neo-movement what Stalin called 'useful idiots'.

    And yes, as a group I detest you, because you are just so easily detestable. Again, no matter the colour, religion or ethnicity. You're just a bunch of goose-stepping followers, with 3 braincells between you all.

  88. Whew! You keep showing your racist true colors. No wonder people are leaving this site like it's on fire.

    Like I said earlier, I'd pay for someone to remake this site with just guesses only.

  89. @count - you will never hear a democrat Trump-hater talk about the KKK or Hillary and Byrd or slavery.

    Because they either didn't know (they're ignorant, stupid and clueless) or they like to pretend nobody said anything or act it didn't happen. Cowards and morons.

    The truth is hate for those who hate the truth.

  90. Betty31 the democrat has never been this pissed, like since when Republicans abolished slavery, right non-racist Betty?

    Hey, you know where slavery exists TODAY? Only in most Muslim countries!

    You know, the same countries, that have numbers of tolerant non-racist multiculturalism as high as 0.1%, because they either killed off all non-muslims or chased them all out. Such lovely tolerant, open minded and all inclusive non racist they are....

  91. America has for-profit prisons that use human beings for nearly free labor paying as little as 10 cents per hour. THAT is slavery. Especially since they only target Black people, which is why you're fine with it.

    Why do Republicans mention the KKK being associated with Democrats 80 years ago but won't mention that TODAY the KKK is associated with Republicans.

    If you have to go back 80 years to find a single non-racist thing about your party, you're in the party of racists.

    Whew Lord, white supremacist are so fragile.

  92. typical: deflect deflect deflect, defend criminals, deflect some more, no mention that TODAY Hillary Clinton called KKK Byrd her 'great friend and mentor', no mention of their satanic allegiance with a 'religion' that worships a pedophile, that is the cause for 99% of all wars and armed conflicts worldwide, that is the biggest and greatest slave-driver in the world today, that enslaves minorities, children, women, buy then thens of millions, and more deflect, deflect and finally insult.

    keep it coming libtard, this time Trump is gonna stroll into the White House like the motherfucking queen of England strolls into the Chelsea Flower Show.

    Thank you all for making sure it's gonna happen again. we couldn't have done it better.

    p.s.: I'm actually an ethnic minority, not technically a 'white supremacist' at all, also a woman, but hey, I wouldn't want your tiny brain to implode

  93. Anonymous10:15 AM

    If people want to guess blind items in a "Safe Space" I would suggest D-Listed. The pearl-clutching grannies over there who believe they are the edgiest bitches on the planet will welcome you with open arms. You can Orange Man Bad all you want and be rewarded with praise for how brave you are.
    I love the comments here being on the bawdy side.

    1. Missdavie: they moderate comments there? I could use some fresh marks. I was gonna start posting at Jezebel, but i think they still moderate everything.

  94. "Not technically" in front of white supremacist does mean you agree that you have white supremacist beliefs just covered in whatever you're calling "Ethnic minority" - something I've never heard any minority ever say but sure, why not.

    Racists losing their shit over someone saying, just guess the damn blind, would be those in need of the "Safe space" no?

    Ugh, I don't know why I've even entertained your moronic, immoral stance. You may continue unimpeded. There isn't even a point to arguing with people who see violence and bigotry as positive personality traits.

  95. Loons like betty call trump racist because the donald is for true equality, not one group being pandered to and treated differently than the rest. Trumps goal os a great America for all its citizens, not just the whites or blacks or brown or broads or whoever. If you are a woman or white or black or gay before you are an American, then you are part of the problem and dragging down the best nation on Earth.

  96. Notice how its all the women crying about "racism"..... and thats why women shouldnt be in charge of a single thing, far too emotional

    1. Ubervation makes a solid point. If this can get some traction, hopefully we can repeal the 19th amendment, then free women of the matriarchal chains and legalize prostitution.

  97. Emotional women.... sigh

  98. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Betty the Babbler. Like I said, they would love you over on D-listed.

  99. The shills are THICK up in here. I love it, I saw 140 comments and dived right in.

    As a woman, don't lump ME into your feminazi bullspit. I was raised by one and reject it 1000%. That propoganda has done more to bring down this country than most anything I've seen.

    It's quite two faced, as well. Do as I say, not as I do. Strong woman, blah blah blah. Eff that noise.

    Trad Life For Evah.

  100. There is a serial, violent sexual predator living in the WH along with his wife, the First Escort.

    I don't care who these women are.

    1. Aiofe, Hillary didnt win, so Bill isnt living in the White House again. Who are you talking about?

  101. @Betty31 - The way libtard uses the term ethnic minority usually means a) I am not a white anglo saxon protestant(WASP); b) I hate all other minorities, especially non white minorities and; c) I love, worship and identify with WASPs and wish I was one.

  102. I too am more concerned about rapists in government than about former escorts.

    1. You should be very happy we narrowly missed having a rapist First Hubby in the White House then.

  103. The fucking to pay for college excuse is so stupid. Take out a loan or get a job in a restaurant like every other college student. You don’t need a Birkin or Louboutins on a college campus.

    1. Why go into debt when they could bang a couple paying customers each week instead of banging randoms at frat parties for free?
