Monday, July 08, 2019

Blind Item #10

Just when the disgraced news host/anchor not named Matt Lauer was about to get a gig again, all of this news popped off and everyone wants to know just how many times he visited Epstein's house. He is definitely in the black book and the younger the better for him.


  1. Replies
    1. Watching Allison grow up probably piqued his interest in tender young meat.

  2. Just Another Day in Hollywood.

  3. Going with Charlie Rose.

  4. Brian Williams sounds like a good guess, Count.

    He was going to be tapped to come back as the nightly news anchor, not that anyone under 65 cares about the evening news any more.

    1. I miss the days of local and evening news being the only news on TV, w/ the goal of informing, instead of ratings desperation. Then if you wanted to know more, you actually had to be smart enough to read a paper.

      Our society will never recover from the 1-2 punch of 24hr cable news and social media. I hate to think of the catastrophe needed to reunite a country as divided as ours. Depression, 9-11 or a storm wouldnt accomplish it. More likely take epidemic or invasion.

    2. Brian Williams has been back.

  5. Brian Williams already has his own show. I'm going with Charlie Rose.

  6. Rose was in the black book. I don't believe Williams was.

  7. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Billy Bush

  8. Just saw a talking head make an interesting point on the news: "If they've been investigating this case for years, why don't they have the victims they need, why do they have to publicly ask them to step forward?"

  9. @DoTell: The last I read they had the identity of 70 victims.

  10. Cronkite before he passed

  11. This may be the first and only time I concur with Jerkula.

  12. It might feel weird at first, because you are used to the opposite, but after a few times you will relax and start to enjoy it.

  13. Count0

    Don't worry the whole thing will collapse sooner or later-- mad max style. Stock up on lube, dirty magazines (no internet), smokes, liquor and toilet paper.

    1. After the junkies swipe all the benzos and opiates from pharmacies, i'm planning to head back through to get loony pills to trade for sex and blood pressure meds & morning after pills to barter with.

      I have enough porn on external hard drives and burned to dvds to satisfy my fapping needs for decades.

  14. @ Do tell I think many victims were abroad and those here could have been scared off, threatened, bought off. Look at Epstein's money, power, influence. If you were a young girl who fell prey what would you do against a juggernaut? I don't think it is at all strange to ask victims who may have deliberately disappeared or slunk away to come forth. with a huge indictment and potential evidence/law enforcement movement they feel they already have advocates when one alone perse probably felt powerless. And I have to say for every count against Epstein there are probably another 1000 victims. If a guy with his influence and ability to pay folks off is suspected of this many counts, how many others no doubt went away?

  15. Brian Williams comes to mind.

  16. Count, what happens if there's no power?

    I'd kind of like to see the world go through a Snake Plissken moment. Was it Escape From LA when the power grid was shut down? People would then have to talk to each other.

    I'm really hoping not Williams. I still like his pompous, lying ass. If it's Lauer - hooray!

    1. Generators can be powered by nat gas, propane, gas, diesel or orphans on a hamster wheel.

  17. Count said " I hate to think of the catastrophe needed to reunite a country as divided as ours. Depression, 9-11 or a storm wouldnt accomplish it. More likely take epidemic or invasion."

    Ronald Reagan said the same thing (42 sec video)

    sounds like Tavistock talk

    1. I think his speech writers stole that from me.

  18. Count: Pro-tip for you, doll. Save all your take-out little packets of hot mustard, plum sauce, ketchup in a giant bag in your prepper kit. It'll take regular old trash panda (racoon for you country folk) and jazz it up proper for sweet and sour grilled varmint for end days.


    After Epstein got out of jail, Prince Andrew visited Epstein. In return, Epstein threw a party for him. Incredibly Katie Couric, George Stephanoplous, and Charlie Rose attended the event at the home of a registered sex offender.

    1. I have a halloween candy bucket full. Lots of KFC bbq and honey mustard, along w/ tons of Taco Bell Fire sauce.

  19. Charlie Rose wasn't just in the "black book" like lots of others - he is on the flight logs as well. Multiple times, multiple trips.

    And as far as anyone saying "why couldn't they find...why do they need to ask for victims"....y'all know some of them, hundreds of them are foreigners and unknown children who simply in dead.

    I hear jokes all the time about being arkancided….Epstein is way scarier than the Clintons.

  20. @Meliticus Bee. I wonder the same thing. If, as rumoured, the Haiti charity (along with the Clinton Foundation) was used as a pipeline for recruiting children. And more likely, third world parents selling their children into sex slavery. I hope there isn't a Dexter like dumping ground off the coast of the USVI. Is it far fetched?
    I bet most people here would be curious to see the inside of Epstein's townhouse, said to be the largest home in NYC, as well as his island and wouldn't turn down an invite- picture Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut.

  21. With Comey's daughter doing the prosecution in this case Epstein will walk away with an apology and an FBI honorary agent badge ala Elvis.
    I would not turn down getting to see the house though but I would pass on the Island.

  22. @.robert I thought the same thing when I heard Comney's daughter was involved. Now tell me America doesn't have a ruling class.
    The island kind of scares me too. Reminds me of The man with the Golden Gun, or The Most Dangerous Game.
    I hope it gets sold off, with the proceeds going to his victims.

  23. This will be BURIED by all the media.

  24. during today's news conference they made a point to say that when they (the FBI) raided his home they found tons of pictures of nude underage girls. now they will try to match the pictures up to victims that come forward. would that be considered possession of child pornography?

  25. Anonymous6:39 PM


    No it won't. -----> Bill Clinton just issued a statement tonight.
    "I only rode on the plane four times," he says.

    A raid by a dozen officers, in the heart of Manhattan, is not going to 'disappear in the media'.
    Photographic evidence is not going to 'disappear in the media.'

  26. Reading the 14 page indictment, they have three victims. The DA wants to help more.

  27. I was bummed when all this first came out about Rose. I had thought he was a class act.

  28. BTW "Just about to get a gig again."

    I haven't noticed all the spotlight on SA and harassment doing much of anything. The women are the ones who aren't working again.

    Weinstein still seems to be dancing around this.

    It took decades before anything stuck to Cosby. Then not much of a punishment for all the damage caused imo.

    This seems more to me like someone heard about #metoo and thought "hey what better way to get rid of some expensive codgers we don't want to pay any more."

    Why else did no one listen the first time the Cosby victims spoke out. Why else did most of this stuff go unchanged as long as it did. Why is it still going on. Why are almost all of these guys still working and still rich.

    People blame women for speaking out but I think it's more like some business decisions made using this as a weapon, when the dust cleared a bit, the women were blamed, #metoo was (and is) belittled, and imo it still is status quo.

    I think Weinstein was let go because it was a way for other men to profit. If people really cared why isn't anything being done to help his (alleged?!) victims, and why is he still walking around free. Why doesn't Misty Upham have justice yet.

    May all these guys stay unhired.

  29. The Cosby case seemed personal but why after all those years? He finally touched the wrong person's daughter imo.

    1. Cosby paid off the accusers first time around. The crazy lookin broad who this last case was based around was compelled to testify by the court, because she didnt want to break the NDA in her settlement.

      Most of the time when an old case is brought up again, it is because a prosecutor wants to make a name for themselves and launch a political career. That was allegedly the reason for the recent attempt to prosecute Superfly Snuka for killing that cokey ring rat back in the 80s.

  30. People so often cannot see the obvious because it is brand new. Trump first wrote an executive order that all assets of sex traffickers can be confiscated. After that Rothschildren got out of the lending biz and sold off their family compound in GB. David Rockefella finally died and his household high end assets were sold at Sothbys by auction. Why the hurry to sell of assets ? Hide the money of course.This is globalist stuff/ filthy rich guys going on, not strictly US.Even UK and US are having problems in their "relationship" . The recent confiscated oil tanker by Brits under a ruse about sanctions is war of a different kind. Trump not getting along with Brits ........bigger than we can even realize.
