Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Blind Item #10

The parental unit of this foreign born A lister in his corner of the music world made his closest statement to date that he is starting to break from the party line the foreign government wants told as it relates to the death of the A lister.


  1. Replies
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  2. Dude got murdered for probably trying to speak out about human trafficking. You tour the world and meet the people he did along the way it is inevitable.

  3. Avicii showed no signs of planning suicide, his father says

    BOOM. You can kill as many of your serfs I mean citizens as you wish but leave our f*cking djs alone.

  4. Honestly, suicide by broken wine bottle? Makes suicide by belt hanging look like rocket science in comparison.

  5. Looking at the interview with Avicii's dad, he's not exactly dropping any bombs with what he has said, and he doesn't seem to be disputing the party line. "Party Line" does seem to be a good indicator that this would be Avicii, however. But, yeah, his dad's interview seems to be primarily about mental and physical health issues and raising awareness, rather than hinting at foul play.

  6. so many middle eastern countries that shouldnt exist, but oil keeps them around. too bad we cant just level Oman & friends. without oil, they would be nothing.

  7. @notthis, By the time Iran and Israel get through nuking each other it should all be an irradiated wasteland anyway. Sure it'll look the same, but any water they had will be worthless.

  8. @brayson

    dont forget climate change! tho rich middle eastern people just hop on their private jets to go to another house somewhere or shopping at Harrods (the silver mercedes lined up w/the security, if youve seen it in london...). its the average ppl that will suffer and die :( not the corrupt ones that deserve to. ugh

  9. So many eastern European countries shouldn't exist.
