Thursday, July 11, 2019

Blind Item #10

This disgraced actor is teaching acting classes again and is focusing on barely legal men to teach. It seems as if nothing has changed from several years ago other than the fact the men probably know to expect they are going to be hit on with or without their consent.


  1. +1 he needs money for his legal bills. I doubt they are pto Bono out of the goodness of anyone's heart.

  2. What we have learned over the last few years....Spacey was not acting in half the roles he ever played.

    House of Cards, indeed.

  3. initially I thought of james franco

    but I guess kevin spacey works. pure evil...

  4. Listen, if you're showing up to a Kevin Spacey class at this point, it's to get your junk handled.

    1. Omg that’s so true ?! Why else-discounted”Master classes” with Keiser Sosa?!Before we knew he was a total dick..(though it was always known ,really)

  5. Spacey he is as sick as they come

  6. I thought THIS was the Franco blind, but Spacey is a much better fit.

  7. Is Franco into men? I don't recall that.

    Very sick and disturbing. :/

  8. I think the word on Franco is that his garden gate swings both ways.

    1. It does. He was papped with “a mystery brunette” the other day-probably his assistant ,but why I guessed him

  9. I just remember all the scandals about women and then rumors about them being possibly underage. Not that it matters if he's into both, just thinking that Spacey fits this better, IMO.

  10. Franco is definitely a stick in anywhere for the sake of" love, art, humanity, beauty kind of guy".....I get the same vibes from a few of these other "closeted" men on this site.

    Reality: it is not art. It is convenience. But, hey, this is just one gal's interpretation.

    Hedonism is the name of the game in the entertainment world.

  11. This is either James Franco or Kevin Spacey. I think this is Franco his press is not as bad as Spacey. Also many people do not believe Franco is bisexual he never confirmed it. Franco also had a weird acting school I believe he is the blind item. Spacey just got out of legal trouble he would not risk it.

  12. Shouldn't this be "pay Kevin Spacey to abuse you" rather than "acting classes"...kind of like reverse prostitution?

  13. I'm a bit old, but where can I take this class?

  14. Who in hell would take acting classes from either Spacey or Franco? Unless, I guess, they hope to be paid for their "acting".

  15. he's probably a good acting teacher.

  16. Why won't he just go away. Spacey makes me sick.

  17. Spacey fits for me, I recall that whole farrago of excuses and retractions he gave when he got “mugged” in the early hours on Hampstead Heath (park by day, gay hookup site by night). He was a big Hollywood star the new Artistic Director of the Old Vic back then and was notorious for trying to give one-on-one “acting lessons” to the young male talent.

  18. Didn't they know who would be teaching? Is so, their problem.

  19. spacey is teaching classes for one $90 :)

  20. Really hope it is not Spacey but per others here, it seems to be.

    He apparently has no shame whatsoever.

    I've read his brother's book. It's muddled, it needed an editor, but he's a brave person if even half of what he alluded to went on. I do not think Kevin escaped that environment unharmed though, and the brother keeps harping on "Kevin got away unharmed because I offered myself in his stead." The sister (per the book) was also abused, and abusers don't keep that type of "promise" to anyone.

    I also think that in that type of an environment everyone (except the predator, obviously) is an abuse victim. Witnessing it -- hearing, or seeing -- is also abuse by proxy, especially for children.

    Janice Dickinson is a prime example. She witnessed her sister's abuse and it impacted her deeply.

    In the book, the brother (Randy) said Kevin was always "sent outside to play" but he presumably would've witnessed something at some point. Randy said he screamed -- an average suburban house, that would carry outdoors.

    As to the acting lessons -- wtf. Can't the unions do anything, if nothing else?

  21. Spacey is a sick f**k, I remember him getting a waiter fired for telling him he had to extinguish his cigarette in Newport, RI, the state had just passed extremely strict no smoking laws and the manager required wait staff to enforce it.. unfortunately the manager folded like a cheap suit and fired the poor kid

  22. knowing now what we didn't know then there is a scene in 'The Negotiator' that is extremely creepy

    its just after sam jackson gets shot and Ron Rifkin is making a deal with spacey . Spacey stares at him and says Hmmm, whatta you think ?

    his expression and the tone of his voice when he says that OMFG

  23. Unless "hitting on" has taken on a new meaning, since when does one need consent to do so? Hitting on someone isn't exactly a sexual assault.
