Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Blind Item #10

The press is finally catching on that when the streaming service spends a ridiculous amount of money on one thing, it is more than just making a film or tv show, but about lining pockets and laundering money. Very dirty money.


  1. Still hoping to make your fucking short sale huh Enty? Keep trying though.

  2. There have been a lot of articles talking about Netflix's gravy train stopping soon with losing all its shows.

  3. netflix and the obamas along with susan rice and valerie jarret. none of them know a damn thing about film production yet there thet are on the board.

  4. They are losing their old network shows and Disney/Marvel they still make their own stuff. And they have stuff from international markets. It's like HBO and Showtime used to be movies 24/7 then they started producing better shows than networks did and gained customers.

  5. No wonder the Obamas are onboard.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Well, of course the Obamas would be involved. They were big on promoting healthy lifestyles and know that the younger generation are the ones mostly watching Netflix, so they get on board with producing content (producing meaning they put the money into it, rather than making it themselves) aimed at that audience.

    If you want to make it about alt-right politics, how about we ask Trump how to bankrupt multiple casinos and pay off sexual assault victims to keep them quiet? Or have Hannity and Alex Jones not allowed you to accept that reality just yet?

    1. Anonymous11:55 AM

      We taking about rapists? Cool. The story begins and ends with Bill Clinton. Know why he likes to bite? Because those ladies were using their hands to cover themselves. When he bites, they reflexively raise their hands. Then he can penetrate them with his tiny, misshapen penis

      I love how he almost shit his pants at the debate when some of his victims were front and center.

  8. Aren't they sinking 200+ million dollars into that Scorsese movie starring Pacino and De Niro? This can't be the most tenable business model.

  9. I wouldn't say that just yet..he met with terry richardson at whitehouse in 2007

  10. Is this about the Rock's movie?

  11. Ladies and gents, can we leave politics out of this blind please? Go on Twitter if you wanna argue about Clinton being a rapist.

  12. I'm not alt-right, Lucky.

    Just have a hard time understanding why the Obamas are so huggy-huggy with George W. Bush after he killed half-a-million people. And why Barack implemented Mitt Romney's half-assed healthcare plan. And why Barack told Wall Street he'd protect their thieves from the pitchfork crowd.

    Maybe you know the reasons? If so please share.

  13. Really?? This ain't politics..its patterns and six degrees of seperation... all the talk enty does of this richardson? Netflix going down the teen porn road...and obama and his cronies at helm of Netflix? Smdh

  14. Everything is about politics. The nuts just can't stop mentioning Trump and skreeing about the alt-right even though they absolutely cannot understand what that actually means.

  15. I'm really happy that Lucky13 explained the Obama relationship with Netflix is all about the Obamas giving their money to produce nonprofit salubrious content and that they won't make a single dime out of it.

    It's so refreshing to encounter informed, level-headed, savvy political observers like Lucky13. I am so happy when they take all their expertise and insight to the voting booths.

  16. LOL @ J. :) What's funny is that everyone I know from 35+ has Netflix to include my mother's friends who are 60-80 years old. Lucky13 is an idiot.

  17. Like Slutty Teenage Bounty Hunters.
    So salubrious!

  18. @Thia: My circle of friends are 55-81. NONE of us have Netflix. We can't afford it. Glad those you know though can.

  19. 20 comments. 8 of them focused on the Obamas, while none of the shows they're involved with has even been released.

    The big piece of news from a few days ago about Netflix had nothing to do with Obama. It was about Netflix changing their movie production strategy after a few high profiles flops, the most prominent being Triple Frontier, starring Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam and Ben Affleck, produced for $115m then watched by very few people. That production was puzzling to say the least, as the director was an auteur who had previously made some quite brainy and contemplative mid budget pieces. Some shows, such as Marco Polo and The Get Down, were also singled out for being too expensive and failing to get the audience (and the subscriptions) their business model is based on.

    So, we had a piece about Netflix executives considering toning it down on budgets, rather than giving directors and show runners a free hand, and the site turns it into nefarious plans for blowing budgets to launder money. The press has actually caught on the opposite of what this blind item claims. Triple Frontier flopping was something people had heard about, but the effect it has on new productions was the real news.

  20. Why would the Obamas hook up with such sleaze promoters, Mr. Angela?

  21. Hi, Astra! How is the new alias going?

  22. I won’t pretend to understand any of this, but I will say that the business model of creating new content with a shelf life of 3 seasons is frustrating. I’ve read the articles about the cost to produce any more seasons, of say, Santa Clarita Diet being exorbitant, but wouldn’t the consumer loyalty offset that?

  23. One thing Netflix did right was Stranger Things. They are making a killing from all the 80's stuff they are promoting. In exchange for being in the show, they get a cut. Sold-out dresses at Target, Nike shoes, and even New Coke. I bet they start making this a regular thing.

  24. Why does everything have to be about politics? Americans are weird.

  25. Glad that honest, respectful racist Trump isn't involved. Wouldn't want people to think he's a complete cunt.

  26. The item makes no sense inasmuch as Netflix raises all it's capital in public markets and therefore has no "dirty money" to launder. An independent movie producer, getting their funding from who knows where, is the way to launder "dirty cash".

  27. orangesoda i heart fizzgig

  28. Wake up, netflix is a tool for normalizing pedophilia and other perversion, and Stranger Things is the speartip.

  29. what was the name of the tv show on Netflix that was condemned as borderline child porn ?

    days later De Niro said netflix were "taking risks"
