Monday, July 01, 2019

Blind Item #1 - Mr. X

Which cable news network head is about to be the next casualty of the #MeToo/#TimesUp movement? There's a series of women set to come forward in the next few months or so and their stories about him are very disturbing and graphic. Since his network's ratings continue to circle the drain, I won't be surprised if he steps down by year's end. 


  1. Must be CNN. Their ratings are terrible.

    1. Please baby jesus make this zucker

  2. Oh, my. This must be zucker. He and lauer peas in a pod

  3. Whatever came of the ‘Don Henley, one girl escapes, starts a new life, marries a politician and is going to publicly name him’ blind?

  4. So all these victims just sit on their stories waiting for some sign from above that "now's the time?"

    When my bike got stolen some years back I called the cops right away. In fact, I did so knowing full well it probably wouldn't make a difference.

  5. But but CNN? Progressive to its very rainbow colored core?! Surely not?!

    It's almost as if these people are....and I know this sounds preposterous....hypocrites!

  6. Fake news gets old fast.

  7. Motorhead nothing came of it. Take everything on this site with a grain of salt. Most of it is High school banter about loser no talent meth head celebs nobody cares about cheating on their crack addicted wives. Serious crimes have been, and are being perpetrated in Hollywood by very powerful people, but no one has been exposed of any significance.

    1. You mean household names like harvey monster, kevin spacey, woody allen, Matt Lauer, Charlie rose, garrison keilor, louis ck , aziz ansari etc

  8. Flashy Vic.......there are no progressives on US MSM media. Phil Donahue, anti war, was fired from his show for low ratings.As it turned out, his ratings were the highest. Bernie Sanders had the largest rallies of any 2016 candidates by far, and he was rarely even on MSM. And when he was, he was treated like an enemy combatant. The 2016 dem. primaries were rigged for hillary. Would not vote for Bernie though, as he referred to Castro and Chavez as evil dictators....demonized Russia. If our election system were fair, he would be president and we would still be bombing oil rich countries and MSM would not see fit to mention it.

    1. Are you being sarcastic? Because of not, you are the epitome of fake news.

  9. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Gotta be the Zuckster. Fat bald guys need to rely on power, money and corruption to get laid.

  10. Thank you Molly.
    Aside, this is soooooooo obviously Don Lemon. He was corning the women to use a dildo on him

  11. What became of the Henley blind? Geffen wrote a big cheque. CNN is a laughing stock of a news organisation, even Fox news has more genuine reporting than that garbage, or MSNBC for that matter.

    1. The Henley blind? It blew open last may, was all over the news. Himmmm said it would, so of course it did.

  12. Lol. Forget Don Henley. I'm still waiting for that A-List actor the whole world knows to be accused of sexual assault. enty very wisely never revealed that blind.

  13. I thought Dan Schneider was going down last year.... oh well...

  14. wait a minute, is molly implying that Castro and Chavez AREN'T evil dictators?????????

    Fucking retards, they're just everywhere, except in the socialist shithole countries they so much admire...

    Flashy Vic +1

  15. Anonymous12:23 PM

    It's Matt Lauer's buddy, Jeff Zucker. I know one of the accusers is Natalie Morales. A couple of of months after Lauer got busted she started following a lot of journalists who reported on Lauer. The Variety writer who brought him down Elizabeth (can't spell her last name) and Natalie started following each other. I've heard Lauer and Zucker were Eskimo twins and bragged about sex with co-workers white at NBC.

  16. I remember when it was called the Clinton News Network (CNN). Never thought the day would come when even MSNBC would be kicking the sh!t out of it every night of the week. But just remember, if you pay for basic cable you are still sending money to CNN every month.

  17. Wow. Does anyone recall entry saying that after house on St Charles blind came out that a lot of politicians stepped down? You really should check date of that blind and check date in news...a lot of folks stepped out...just sayin

  18. Anonymous5:16 PM

    This is CNN.
    I have boycotted them since 2014.
    "Pings Heard! Debris Found!"
    The absolutely disgusting coverage of flight MH370's disappearance.
    Flat out Lies, written in bold face type every day.
    Anything to sell a click. Frauds.

  19. Horny dick has no political slant or bent.

  20. @Motorhead, it has been buried beneath the Getty Museum
