Friday, June 21, 2019

Your Turn

Have you ever completed a Rubik's Cube?


  1. Wolfie asked if I’d like to go to the gun range. I said “I’ll give it a shot”.

  2. I would take them apart and put them back together.

  3. No. But a friend's uncle could do them in a couple of minutes, so all us kids got all of our cubes together and had him do it. We had necklace ones, keychains, all kinds!

  4. I had one as a kid, got close, but no banana.

    I just gave my Dad a Rubik's Cube as a joke Father's Day gift. (I sent the really good present to his house.) He gave me a dirty look, because he knows I know how well the jigsaw puzzle I gave him a few years agowent over. (Never finished.)

  5. No, but I have thrown several at the wall.

  6. Fuck a Rubik's cube. NO never bothered. I was a reader. Though I did get addicted to that Simon thing when I was in my babysitting days. One day I got up past a HUNDRED re: remembering the patterns. I am sure it was the music/tones that assisted.

    That's probably when the MIC identified me as a danger/. lol. I was also psychic as F at Mastermind. would guess in two tries.. oh no I've said too much!!!

  7. Momo-- I LOVED Simon! Also, had a Fabulous Fred that looked kind of like a big calculator, but had a variation of Simon and several other games. Loved that stuff!

    I never solved a Rubiks cube on my own, but a friend got the cheat book, and taught us at recess. All I remember now was that i think you had to create an X pattern on each side, and then it was only a few more turns from there.

  8. Nope never really tried, seemed more like a stress reliever.

  9. If I had one I would have broken it. I am an only child and a really bad loser. lol REALLY BAD LIKE flip the chess board over bad. I can't help it. If I can't win I don't play. I quit playing tennis at 14 because Tracy Austin won Wimbledon and she was my age. To say not a team player, too, doesn't even scratch the surface. I don't know why, but I know it's why I really don't play games anymore - except if I see a ping pong table. I can beat guys that have been in mental hospitals and jail at ping pong. Really really good...
    Look I have an adrenaline rush just thinking about it?~! WTF!!!
    I even tried to beat my children at board games and gloated about it when they were young! Candy land, you name it. Pretty sure that is why they are so smart and successful!

  10. Yes my brother showed me how to beat it.

  11. @momo - loved the rant.

    If it is any consolation, David Foster Wallace wrote a fantastic piece about Tracy Austin, and seems she is about as deep as one ply toilet paper. It's in his collection of essays entitled "Consider The Lobster".

  12. Yep, repeatedly....Pops used to bet me money that I couldn't beat my previous time. I cleaned up!

  13. Hahahahahahaha. Nope. Didn’t even try. I peeled all the stickers off mine though because the clicky turning was soothing, but the colors drove me nuts.

  14. Yes, it was all the rage in grade 6. Hungary like the wolf was playing on repeat in my (shared) walkman. Then we got a rubics cube with even more sides.
    I miss the 80's, life was simpler, and the world easier to understand.

  15. Wtaf the ads on this site are a nightmare 😟

  16. No way. My ADHD prevents me from being patient. 😂

  17. Of course! But not as fast as those kids in the videos. Phenomenal!

  18. Moose: LOL!! I'm going to use that "deep as one-layer toliet paper."

  19. Look for EQ to include more Train Hard quotes ...

  20. When I was young I could do it over and over, once you positioned everything in such a way that within a few moves you got it. Don't ask me what those moves are, I'm fried.
