Thursday, June 13, 2019

Your Turn

Do you believe aliens have visited Earth?


  1. I think I recently dated one.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well we are the galaxy's number one supplier of t-shirts right?

  4. I believe they have. I doubt we are the only civilization in the entire universe and I hope they were lizard aliens not humanoid aliens.

  5. I don't know. I would think there would be some solid evidence by now.

    For a long time I have thought the phenomena was real but imaginary, or ultra terrestrial as John Keel put it.

    I've also thought it might be occult or demonic since the whole modern UFO era seems to have kicked off after Jack Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard performed the Moonchild ritual and then I think things got weird and they abandoned it.

  6. Possibly but I’m not convinced. I do think other life forms exist; they just may not have visited earth.

    1. Look at how many life forms there are on Earth alone. 90% could be alien forms and humans -- at best -- would not give a flying fuck and totally ignore their coexistence.

  7. Candy-- the puns get me every time!😂

    Aquagirl-- LOL -- tell us more!

    Brayson-- Im going to get "I traveled 37 Light Years to Earth, and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt" printed up, and wait in the nearest cornfield. I'll share the profits, if they pay in US currency!

    Sandybrook-- both scare the crap out of me! I can handle ET and a diverse population a la Star Wars/MIB/etc...but the other scenarios terrify me

  8. This 10 min. video convinced me that the technology is real, but the aliens aren't.

  9. According to my dad, who moved from MN to MT because there were “too many black people in MN” all black people, brown people, and Asians are aliens. I presribe to the theory that ALL humans came from another planet ala the movie Prometheus

  10. Look around you. If you see anyone who is a member of a religious cult, you have your answer right there.

  11. Troy-- there was just someone on the morning news talking about how we are all descendants of alien astronauts

    1. I KNEW Prometheus was a documentary!!!

  12. All the creepy creatures written about on this site walking the Earth? Why wouldn't they have.

  13. Well we do have Tricia and Sandyhook and Rosie on this, yes, there are aliens here.

  14. We are the Whos not Horton.

  15. Ever seen Sam Cassell? They are here and breeding.

  16. Only to trailer parks in New know, for inter-species breeding with the top notch, whisky-drinking most vulnerable.

  17. no earth is probably the ghetto to them lol

  18. Question? What is reveal day? And why is it on July 4?

  19. Of course! 👽

  20. Well Jon we know you're dumber than a fucking animal and pretend to be a human being, so I bet you're from another planet. You fucking piece of shit idiot.

  21. Try again you stupid fucking troll, you never fucking learn do you, you useless gutless fucking idiot, with a single digit IQ and no means to make money except from checks I pay for with my taxes? Do this planet a favor and blow your fucking brain out, but it's so fucking tiny you'd probably miss the target anyway.

  22. And before you try that, have a bowl of skyline chili and try playing with your dick to see if you can get it to work "Jon" I doubt it does so that should keep you busy for at least a week before you wear yourself out.

  23. And you probably stink like one that's been dead for a month Jonny boy. You fucking idiot.

  24. Alien agnostic (Alienostic?) - maybe, maybe not. I do believe that the vastness of the universe means there is life beyond us but we're really not that old, neither physically nor technologically, so whatever sentient life that exists outside of our known aspects may be too far beyond us for us to comprehend. There are people still alive in 2019 who believe the earth is flat, so yeah, the aliens are probably thinking we are not to be bothered with yet.

    1. (re visiting, not actual existence)

  25. Or maybe that's yeast infection, never can tell with you little balless trolls.

  26. We are their Lab Rats

  27. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Undoubtedly, yes.
    Recommended: Richard Dolan's podcast and books. Dr David Jacobs.
    Two Navy pilots just reported to the
    NY Times , on May 26, that they watched UFOs every week for months over N Carolina coast.
    Astronaut Gordon Cooper's testimony.
    Defense Minister(Canada) Paul Hellyer's testimony and book.

  28. I think they've already come down, looked around and said, like, basically, "Fuck it."

  29. Yes. They are waiting to take over Earth when our "leaders" finally and totally fuck it up with all their shenanigans to make $$$ at the Earth's expense.

  30. We are all aliens to somebody.

    Yes I do think we have been visited, never seen one (that I know of) so will keep an open mind.

    Inclining to wards the idea of humanity being an experiment that's running wild and may be on the edge of shut down .

  31. Came and went RIP BOWIE

  32. build that space wall

  33. Absolutely not.
    Is there a correlation between those who believe/don't believe in aliens and those who believe/don't believe in a religion?
    Aliens don't frighten me, ghosts do.

  34. yup!! and i have seen one. cant wait to see another.

  35. Next time I want some high octane insults I'm going to lob one at Sandybrook and wait for him to let 'er rip

  36. I think they'd tried, just took a wrong turn at Jupiter.

  37. @rednoir: let me think what spring is like on Jupiter & Mars...

  38. I think we are the aliens. The US Government's current release of UFO-related data is a direct result of something the future humans (who use the UFOs to time travel back to now) have revealed that's going to happen and how to fix it or avoid it.

    I don't believe 'grey's' are homosapiens of the future; I think they're more like the disfigured or deformed humanoids.

  39. I’m pretty sure dachshunds are aliens come to rule us from below. We stoop, they conquer.
