Monday, June 10, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Thoughts Out Loud

THIS is what I have been upset about for the past 6 months. This is what really got to me. I’ve never felt more betrayed by anyone in my entire life and I will never forgive them and I will never forgive myself.

I’m jumping back into so many things, I don’t have a “plan” per se, just getting back to what I was doing before I was rudely interrupted, tbh I was actually approached first last year to revive _________, I asked them if they could please wait a year until I was out of my c-ship, they said absolutely but instead went to _________ behind my back and that’s what actually put me over the edge. I’ve never felt more betrayed in my entire life by anyone in the world. That will come out soon though.

Instead, __________ approached ___________ and asked HIM to run the show instead. I had to hear about it in the press.

They screwed me out of a $2million dollar project & lied to me.

I’m hoping a movement similar to #FreeBritney will spark some concern with my situation. I have not received a dime from my parents in 5 months which is highly illegal because it is court ordered. My mother tried to fight my early release and tried to fight with my doctors to get my discharge annulled. Most of my income comes from a beautiful house that I purchased in 2011, I just do not have direct access to MY own money and it’s starting to take a toll on me again. My mother is getting ready to have my c-ship extended FAR BEYOND 2020 and she is going to use my recent stay at the facility the main reason for the extension. My mother refuses to give me funds for school or daily necessities but had no issue buying a new home in Leander TX with MY money. I literally just have one semester to finish and I will officially be a FIDM graduate. This is absolutely insane and something needs to happen. MOST things aren’t always as they appear. I cannot afford anymore negative PR but I have no other choice. It’s been extremely hard to move on and move forward with the limited resources that are being made available to me. I cannot even afford the school supplies that I desperately need for my last semester. My mother wants nothing more than to see me fail and I’m scared that she might succeed, permanently.

I’m just VERY upset with what ___________ did to me.

I was literally PRAYING for that job with  ___________. I’ve never prayed so much in my entire life. I just wanted them to wait a year until my conservatorship was over and was free, and I feel I would have looked MY BEST EVER considering the amount of work I would have put into myself and into my talent and craft, + countless hours in the gym, etc especially knowing that I could have been the face & name of a show that I helped become a hit success. I literally thought that ___________ would have waited & gave me that opportunity, I was skeptical but they assured me that they would wait, but instead I had to heard about it in the press, like most things. I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. But hey, time is money I guess and they wanted to rush something that should have definitely not been rushed. I'm not even sure if _________ is aware of what they did to me and what we had planned, but I met with ___________ last year and there are photos of me leaving one of our meetings with them.

THIS was the actual reason for everything. This was what caused me to just sort of give up and felt that I may have needed professional help. It sounded SO ridiculous when people were told that it was “the stress from my ________ photoshoot.” Huh? WHAT STRESS? I loved the _______ shoot so much, and it was shot over the summer, I just don’t understand TA!


  1. I guess Amanda Bynes from what little I can make of this

  2. FYI, I AM NOT in a lockdown rehab facility, I repeat I AM NOT in a lockdown rehab facility!

    This is all apart of my mother’s elaborate plan to have me committed against my will (AGAIN) and to strategically railroad my amazing progress and have my conservatorship extended ANOTHER 3 years! My mother is spending large amounts of MY money and I was officially financially cut off at the beginning of this year.

    My mother forced my previous sobriety coach to quit and that’s what started ALL of this.

    My mother stopped paying my sobriety coach, my mother stopped providing me with my biweekly payments to survive, my mother stopped paying my rent and my mother also stopped paying for my medications, and at the end of January my mother lied to my doctors and they forced me into multiple facilities.

    But one thing is for certain, I did not “relapse” on drugs because I do not use drugs and I am definitely not crazy.

    My mother is the crazy one and I have proof that she has plans to purchase another house in Leander TX with MY money.

    Amanda Bynes

    Mother: Lynn Organ

  3. Stress from the shoot? Is that the Paper Magazine shoot from last year?

  4. are Amanda bynes and tokio toni on the same drugs?? LOL

  5. Obvi Amanda’s Bynes, but we gotta full in the blanks...
    Revive the Amanda show or All That
    Went to her parents behind her back
    Nickelodeon went to Keenan instead screwing her out of $2mil
    Not sure abt photoshoot


  6. Blind Items Revealed #5

    March 16, 2019

  7. Man, this is super sad. I always thought she was very talented. The things parents will do to their children amaze me....

  8. Bullshit. If this is truly from Amanda, then it's all her typical "I've been betrayed and abused" crap. Lather, rinse, repeat. You were betrayed by some show that was supposed to happen? Then show us the contracts that were breached. Your mom won't give you money for school supplies? Um, okay - so who's paying your tuition? You've got pictures of... something(?) Put up or shut up.
    On second thought, just do the second part.
    THIS is her career now - whining about being a victim of {insert literally anyone here]. Now, before you think I'm too harsh, I DO think she suffered some abuse at some time - but that's not what we're seeing the result of now. What we're seeing is mental illness, addiction and substance abuse that is under-treated and has all taken an irrevocable toll. She will never fully recover. Like Heather Locklear, this cycle is what we'll see for the rest of her life now.

  9. Nothing like your mother turning on you. Mine did that to me years ago because I quit taking SSRIs and started smoking weed, which worked like a charm on my appetite and sleep. I had a great job, two perfect children and she tried to have me committed. HER mistake was calling MY psychiatrist to try and enact it. He was furious because she is in medical field and knew damn well that was out of line. He knew the whole time that I was getting off of the meds, stepped me down and totally approved of the weed seeing that it worked for me. He told me not to worry if she called the coroner, because he would intervene and get me out. Frankly, I never trusted her after that. Sucks, given I am an only child, to have parents you can't trust. It's worse now for different reasons. I've been the bigger person too many times at this point to walk back into their BS.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Troy-- I think you are on it with Kenan for an All That reboot.
    Mom buying house, extending c-ship, denying funds

  12. Maybe its her Break the Internet Paper Mag cover from late 2018?

  13. Whoever this is, mental illness sucks.
    What's worse, is the mental health industry.
    Insurance doesn't want to cover any part of it.

    From this Blind, it sounds as if the Mom's only income is from siphoning money from the Conservator-ship.

    So sad.

  14. This makes me so angry and sad for her. Amanda looks amazing! I hope she can bounce back from all of this one way or another.

    According to DM, Brian Robbins is the one who tapped Kenan to run the show. Sounds like Robbins might be who betrayed her?


  15. If it's really her then hopefully she has some good legal representation.

  16. Minor children should never have to be responsible for their parent or parents’ economic well-being. In all ways.

  17. If indeed it is Amanda, I’m rooting for her. But it also sounds like she still needs access to her mental healthcare and perhaps a better team. Also a good lawyer. Amazing how even your nearest and dearest can turn on you when your mental health is suffering.

  18. amanda bynes, nickelodeon, and the all that reboot

  19. Amanda Bynes and it's the All That reboot, that they wanted her to be apart of.

  20. No property record for Ms.Organ in Leander Texas

    1. There wouldn’t be if it’s only a plan to buy the property just yet. Or if she plans to buy it through a corporation. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  21. She should try to taker her back to court. The mother is creepy, always smiling at inappropriate times.

  22. Last I'd read parents stopped being convertors and turned it over to lawyer. They said "they wanted to just be her parents."

  23. Yep. Amanda Bynes and the All That reboot. I genuinely feel bad that she’s been put through so much.

  24. isn't her mom still with her Dad? i'm near leander and will be on the lookout.ha

  25. The reports are that she has control of her money. That aspect of the c-ship already ended. Only the c-ship over the person remains, for decisions like medical treatment, etc. so this is dumb.

  26. I see property records for a Lynn and Richard Bynes in the same county as Leander.

  27. What I don't get about these people is I mean damn they are freaking famous and rich- Amanda Bynes could contact the best attorneys out there and get them on her case in lieu of pay on the agreement that they will get paid once she is free of her parents control and has control over her money. There is literally no reason for her to be stuck. She has power she just has to use it.
    @Momo I'm sorry you went through that, there are some really bad parents out there- that sucks. I'm glad you are free of it.



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