Thursday, June 20, 2019

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like to be included with a trying to stay sober Bobby Brown, then email your photo to
Ciara is in London and looks like she called the pap for this series.
Jeff Goldblum raided Spike Lee's wardrobe again.
An original friend of the blog, Jill-Michele Melean at a comedy event.
Kendall Jenner in NYC looking out for that stalker of hers.
Karreuche Tran and Victor Cruz at the Louis Vuitton show in Paris.
The Pratt family minus the nice Pratt was at The Hills premiere with
Natasha Bedingfield and Mischa Barton.
Paris Hilton will still be posing like this when she is 50.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Shonda Rhimes in Cannes talking about Kerry Washington and Tony Goldwyn's chemistry.


  1. Is number 5 Tricia's husband?

    1. Oh fuck, like we haven't all been to jail at least once. Big woooo

    2. I thought it was you.

  2. Coochie Train and the Pratts look plastic as usual. Paris looks almost human.

  3. @dont

    lol if Im correct (tho it would have been from my earliest days visiting CDAN), it looks like your (Derek's) original profile picture's head photoshopped on an inmates body....

  4. Hi Readers! #2 has been here before, #4 looks familiar as well and #5 makes movies for a living. If he wants to unmask, but congrats.
    Looks like The Hills premiere had a compete cast of D-listers.

  5. Dude, give it a rest already. You're clearly obsessed, likely delusional, and probably a danger to yourself and society. Maybe consider that professional help that's been offered a few times before you really get yourself in trouble.

  6. Hiya Readers!
    #4-sisters or besties -or both?
    I guess the nice Pratt is Stephanie-his sister?
    Must say while Paris’ pose is older than dirt and more predictable than a Leo D/BCoop beard during Oscar season..I quite like the 👗

  7. but thanks for showing such a keen interest in me-notthisagain.

  8. My bad #5 is an author... Anyway good luck selling the book.

  9. How about this pic, Blow Job? This you?

  10. Pretty sure they don't let you wear sunglasses in jail.

  11. Looking good readers!
    I bet the farm #3 is our resident count.
    The others not so sure, but everyone looking good as usual!

  12. Hello, creative and fab Readers!

  13. Reader #1 is girls gone wild after the tequila shots kick in.
    Reader #2 is our regular fashionista, love elephants.
    Reader #3 recognizes the value of a safety helmet.
    Reader #4 is doubling the fun in B&W.
    Reader #5 doesn't make much sense, is Enty just adding fake pics now?

  14. Christ, Enty buyin pocs out of the bargain bin.

    P - Kendall - prolly been rentong tha thing since she 12, but all the carper munchin keeps the mileage low.

    M - Montag - she got a bucket mouth, so maybe she can fit my balls in too.

    B - Paris - still skinny enough that the ass prolly dont get much use and she could use the reminder of what it feels like to take a solid shit.

  15. All Bobby needs is a hat and a lantern, Ciara wearing stylish snow pants, Goldblum waiting outside a yoga studio, Melean starting to levitate, Kendall's leaf green camo not fooling paps, Tran and Cruz win the couples' fashion prize, The Pratts win a different prize, Natasha how could you remix Unwritten how could you, Mischa just wash it off, Paris always ready to go and having trouble standing up, and Shonda Rhimes making us think that Neflix is going to regret handing out CEO level money.

  16. Nat Bedingfield almost looking down the front of Mischa's dress.
    Unfortunately for Mischa all that Nat would see would be M's shoes.

  17. Gotta admit the Pratt kiddo is pretty cute at least. I must have missed them procreating due to not caring very much. Poor kid. I hope he’s got some level headed family members looking out for him.

  18. Naw, in my mind Count looks like Vince the ShamWow guy.

  19. Keep your fucking tounge in your mouth

  20. I'm definitely grooving on Reader #5

  21. Is Natasha Bedingfield still a thing?

  22. The Trash Buckets, or rather the Trash Bouquets:

    Karachi Tran and person
    Heidi and Spencer

    No, it's not normal for everyone to have been jailed at least once!

  23. Who doesn't long for, someone to hold, who knows how to love you, without being told? Somebody tell me, why i'm on my own, if there's a soulmate for everyone?

  24. Boots -not really. Sorry to break the news.

  25. I think Flashy said he was sending in a double exposure or something? I believe he posted last time under his other screen name which I’ve totally forgotten?! Since he hasn’t been using it.

  26. Not seeing any clearly double exposures yet.

  27. Hi Readers! Looking fabulous!

    Is that Flashy Vic / Damien Echols at 5?

    Do we know what Reveal Day means, yet?

  28. Flashy was/is a good add to this board; people should quit trying to dox them.

  29. Especially the self-appointed sperg monitor that I may or may not have ran their (ugly) mug through a program that recognizes ugly mugs.

  30. Damien Echols! That’s who #5 was reminding me of. Man, that trial was such a mess of Satanic Panic, it scarred the entire goth and Wiccan communities for a good decade. Glad at least partial justice finally came out of it.

  31. Thot: Okay so I learned a new word today in “sperg” (cool - always happy to add new words to the mental dictionary!)

    Can I ask what “sperg monitor” means in this case? Is it someone who spergs out monitoring others or comes down on others for sperging out or something else? Genuinely curious and unashamed of admitting it.

  32. I'm the brunette in no 4, i made it last year with the very large Tanqueray bottle....and we're besties of 25 years

  33. Cute picture Minxy!

    Tink, me? Wrong sex!

    I want to know what a Sperg Monitor is too, and who is doxxing?

    Hanniam, yeah, that's Damien Echols with some Snapchat extras, I'm sure, lol.

  34. @snatch: LOL! I’m not saying it is Damien Echols. I said the pic reminded me of him.

    My first thought was “someone involved in making a movie about.... damn, what was that guy’s name?”

  35. Haha, I get you.

    I'm not sure I get myself, though! lol

  36. @snatch To be fair, I’m STILL amusing myself imagining the Actual Damien Echols on CDAN using Snapchat filters scenario.

  37. LMAO @ Hanniam, me too, now. Who knows, lol. Stranger things have happened, haha.
