Saturday, June 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

May 29, 2019

Of course this former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee hired a private investigator to trail his recent ex. He is fully prepared to confront her in court with how she earns her money. The thing is, she doesn't care if people know, so that will backfire.

Nicolas Cage


  1. He’d benefit so much more from hiring someone to closely observe him and offer a professional opinion, but that won’t happen until he leaves denial land.

  2. She probably thought he still has $$$$ to burn. Spoiler alert he burned most of it already.

  3. What is Nic Cage in denial about? Dont tell me he is also closeted!

    1. @yep: he’s in denial that he clearly needs professional help for many, many issues.

  4. She's another waitress/wh0re, like wife number 3...the DM has published pics of her leaving the resturant she works at & meeting up with her jons.

  5. I dont think he is in denial about it, he has clearly accepted his situation and has made up his mind about living in the moment rather than plan for the future! I guess there is freedom in it!

  6. How does this backfire? Enty aint a lawyer
    Her yachting will get milage with the judge so it is irrelevant if she cares or not

    1. enty knows the law @unknown. listen to his podcast..

  7. @unknown um, enty is literally his nickname for being an Entertainment Lawyer. That’s his schtick. Whether it is/was true. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  8. Nicholas Cage lost money because he kept buying houses.
    He lost them to foreclosure.

    If he had bought income producing CRE properties instead, the chances are he'd be making lots of monthly income.

    BTW: in Las Vegas there's (currently) an off market NNN property for sale asking +/-$5 Million that earns about $22,000 Net per month.

  9. Do actors not earn money from movies once its released? Like Conair, comes on some cahnnel every week or so, FaceOff is on Netflix, do the actors earn nothing from it?

  10. Nick, you pay a whore to go away that's the whole point, it's not a signing bonus to join the future ex-wife team.

  11. Cage lost money because he was a spendthrift, it wasn't just houses, though he certainly didn't need 15 of them. He also threw so many high end parties, giving out pricey party favors to his guests, that even Hugh Hefner was impressed. This article is pretty interesting, detailing his spending ways:

  12. I dont' have 5 million to buy an income-producing property.
    How low can you go?

  13. I feel badly for Nicolas Cage

  14. I like Nick. However, no one has ever accused actors of being smart.

  15. I only feel bad that he didn't listen to the people trying to tell him to keep track of his nickles 10-15 years ago. I remember hearing "crazy spending" stories about him for a long time now. You only get to live in the land of the naive or stupid for so long before you start to deserve being called a fool and not just playing one on tv.....

  16. Nicolas Cage is a grotesque arse. never met a single person who wants to see a film because cage is in it....quite the opposite. that speaks volumes.
