Monday, June 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

May 23, 2019

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner was in a hotel this past week and ordered a dozen strippers/hookers. Apparently he passed out before any could arrive so there was this parade of them all entering the lobby of the hotel going to his suite and knocking on his door. This went on for a good 90 minutes.

Nicolas Cage


  1. He's got to be the coolest alcoholic father ever.

  2. I love the *idea* of Nic Cage. He's rarely boring.

    I think, though, that I probably couldn't handle the ACTUAL Nic Cage for more than like- a minute. He's probably exhausting.

  3. So many potential wives!

  4. Am i the only one who thinks this is kinda cool?

  5. I wish I had the cash for a dozen strippers

  6. It would certainly be cooler than making fake pizza orders to someone's house. Just wait until they're having a family reunion or celebrating some grandparents' anniversary and order a bunch of hookers to their door. Throw in a male one for grandma.

  7. Zebra Seasoning -- i hear ya! There is something comicly over the top about many of his antics (not referring to anything violent of course)

  8. He is LIVING his Leaving Las Vegas role

  9. Or even a dozen eggs.

  10. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Examples like this explain how he can be dead broke and yet worked his entire career as an actor.

  11. He'd better hope he doesn't aspirate his own vomit or marry another hooker.

  12. He must of done another straight to video movie to pay for them.

  13. He was so flipping funny in Honeymoon In Vegas.

  14. Nicolas Cage last 5 great movies
    2018 Mandy
    2017 Mom and Dad
    2016 The Trust
    2013 Joe
    2013 The Frozen Ground

  15. CDAN claimed Cage allegedly has a brothel on the outskirts of LA's Koreatown, so why does he need to hire prostitute strippers? Maybe LAPD or the Feds can help Cage find his sex workers ...then send him to jail to save him.

  16. @Karma Variety is the spice of life and sex addicts need all the spice. He could've also been looking for recruits/hirelings for his sexual sabotage shenanigans

  17. cage is so gross and completely talentless.
