Friday, June 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 10, 2019

In the next movie this permanent A list mostly movie actor/sometime director directs, look for the alliterate former actress to make an appearance. More than a cameo, less than a supporting role. She has argued her husband and brother-in-law were in a movie, so she should also be able to.

George Clooney/Meghan Markle/Prince Harry and Prince William


  1. Cutting room floor, just so Clooney can tell her she got to shoot scenes for it.

  2. I knew the other day there was similar bullshit to that blind recently, here it is.

  3. Suspect this came from the comments in the DM, trolls are speculating why Cloney would be nice to her, what does he have to gain from it, so he must want something.

  4. I just don’t know why she would care to do an appearance in a movie when she’s now leading the charmed life. What’s in it for her?

  5. Did her husband play the half-blood Prince?

  6. So now Meghan is the new royal version of I Love Lucy? Always trying to get in on Ricky's act?

  7. It’s not like she can act, and no one is going to see a movie just because she’s in it.

  8. My film/TV show editor friend told me once that when they say: they will "Fix it in editing" they are actually saying it will be cut from the Film/TV show.

  9. Better film it quickly, that marriage is tanking faster than a lead balloon. A Weight Watchers commercial will be more in keeping with her brand by next year.

  10. Seems Nutty isn't here yet so I will take the helm -

    George Clooney is rumored to be amongst the shady cabal of "supporters" who are apparently behind this weird coup to force the BRF's hand into ... something (?) which is the whole reason MM was deployed to infiltrate the system. I know I know, it sounds weird and shady. Serena Williams and Priyanka Chopra are also running with this same crowd and yeah it's weird.

    It is rumored whatever this "cabal" wanted, she delivered and the marriage/wedding thing was her going rogue and strong-arming the Queen with some salacious blackmail gotten from a drunken or drugged Harry, this is the internet's working assumption.

    From CDAN, we know some things about Clooney's extracurricular activities. Meghan Markle also has a long and colorful history with Brett Ratner and the "RatPack" of whom James Packer of the giant face was his partner. During that time she was also secured by one Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin as a pay for play and was cast in one of Ratner's movies as a pizza delivery girl in Horrible Bosses.

    Goddammit I got off track. Whatever, yes there is a Clooney connection, also a GIANT EPSTEIN CONNECTION as she used to be one of the known entertainment providers at his events. You know Trump and Epstein (and Clinton) are old pals right? Yeah, it's all tawdry yet TRUE ha ha ha, ha.

    1. "from CDAN we know some things"


  11. The crux of the fuckery has yet to be determined but I'll take the chance to reiterate there is no baby.

  12. Thanks for the tea Hunter!! I respect your research.

  13. @hunter, What do you mean there's no baby? 😂😅

  14. Will she be dressed as a stormtrouper?

  15. Anonymous2:01 PM

    My God, she is soooo pathetic. No clue who she is; no clue what she wants . No values, ethics, morals.
    And the look she gave Catherine, in that carriage last week? Nightmare inducing.

    1. Link please? I can’t find a photo of it. Thx! ☺️

  16. "The Crux of the Fuckery Has Yet To Be Determined" ...completely brilliant and needs to be on this site's masthead!

    1. Lol! Agreed! I second the motion.

  17. The thing is she’s just not that good of an actress. I recently caught about 10 min of her in some hallmark movie and she was awful - wooden and affected. Really weird “acting” style. That is why she never made it beyond suits. She hit the jackpot with simple Harry.

  18. Oh Puh-leze, if Megs had the "colorful past" the trolls *cough* Nutty *cough* claims, she would have been a more successful actress. She was a replaceable supporting actor on a cable show no one watched, way past her prime, she was hustling hard core for a cooking book & show like Haylie Duff. If she were besties with Ratner and Clooney, etc...she would have had movie roles and not a life style blog.

  19. Nuttty must have had her library card taken away so she can no longer use the free computers.

  20. Anonymous5:08 PM

    that look at Catherine in the carriage. That was serious. I'm old, I've seen plenty of catty women and been on receiving end more than once. But that glare was much more than a competitive woman

  21. Hello again - regarding the Obama question, I got nothing on that. It is certainly apparent the Obamas are connected to all the power player Hollywood people, certainly including OPRAH but I just never really see any dirt on the Obamas so I don't know.

  22. Do Not Lie-- Interesting thought regarding using the Obama girls as an emotional shield...we DID have that one blind about her wanting to share her Wimbledon box (it was about a different reason, but could be a two birds with one stone situation)

  23. She gave Kate a wicked look? The wench needs to go.

  24. Nothing wrong with her ending up on the cutting room floor, just like William and Harry’s Storm Trooper scene.

  25. As Nutty said on the Nutty blog, these people are friends with others only to do and get favors, nothing more, nothing less. The Clooneys got invited to a "big" wedding, Markle got the name of Amal's surrogate. Amal gets invited to the shower, and lots of publicity, Markle gets a lawyer to handle the surrogate. Markle ain't getting a role in any movie. She's box office poison.

  26. Ugh. I guess I'll have to widen my "you people are idiots" to more than the two virginal characters up top.
    for fuck sake
    Get your heads checked

    1. agree. very scary too. reminds me of Hinckley...

    2. And yet.. Here you are... Again... Didn't J or someone shut you down long ago?! Lol! Ok, I'll bite, bc obviously you're craving some attention.. I'm not here as often but it seems you are maybe bipolar?! Probably why you're the one telling people to get their heads checked, bc who would know more about that than one that's been there. Seems to me, tho, one day you're all into it, then the next it's the old tired "eVerYonEs a ViRGiN, hur dur" nonsense... Bc YA, that MUST be it... Aren't you a little old for that anyway?? You have no better insults than calling people incels bc YOU disagree? Bc, that's basically what you're saying, right? Anyone you disagree with MUST be virginal incels, lol, bc being a virgin is suddenly equal to being stupid or "deranged"?? Lol, please, enlighten me, bc I don't see the correlation....

    3. You're not here much? Then fucking pay attention and come back when you have a bit more info to go on.
      A man that comes on here to only make comments regarding to women and how much he hates them due to things like sexually deviant behavior and questionable parentage is most certainly a sign of someone who is at very BEST stunted emotionally with deep rooted anger towards females, highly likely very little experience. It's disgusting. And the winky face bullshit is nauseating.
      This place used to be decent. Now we have disgusting behavior with all these nasty hens clucking about THERZ NO BABEH I SWEARS THERES NONE!
      It's fucking disrespectful and gross.
      Childish, stunted, inexperienced, lacking worldly knowledge. Is that a better definition for you?
      Your use of lolz jk obvs Bc wasn't probably worth responding since you're also (and self admitted) new.
      Take a seat.

  27. ok, so 2 things come to mind after reading these comments:

    1. can somebody pls post 'the look' Sparkles gave Kate? I have to see that..

    2. George fucking Clooney is the worst person to choose by some underground society to orchestrate or manipulate anything. He's a washed up has-been, who is unable to impact the general public, even though everyone used to be enamoured by him 15 years ago. The mask has fallen off, and what stand in front of the public is an uneducated, leftie liberal simpleton hypocrite, the world laughs at. Marrying that hideous terrorist-connected, camera-thirsty, attention-seeking she-male only cemented the notion of GC being unable to read the general public and being completely unaware of how he comes across. Not to mention shockingly devoid of common sense and integrity.

    I think way too much credit is being given here, I adhere to Occam's razor. MM is a shit actress, with several mental issues, who managed to snag herself the dumbest member oft he BRF, and GC sensing he's a washed-up has-been, is jumping on a train to nowhere, because he's staying true to his lack of common sense, simple-mindedness, not being able to read a room, and bubble-living environment.

  28. Can someone link to the 'look'? Thank you in advance!

  29. The entire charade of harry getting married to a light brown actress is hilarious. Meghan could only coerce a few celebrities to the bridal shower she gave herself.Gayle King doesn't count with her ties to Oprah / Harvey Weinstein and that whole pedophile loving crowd.People know what the deal is . Obomba is certainly in with ordering in pizza to the WH at a cost of $65,000.00. Code words for their evil.Very tied in as well with the vatican .....all the hundreds of pedophile priests who were not punished by the justice dept. or their higher ups is in the mix. George clooney has a family member who was a jesuit. Seems to carry a lot of weight in families....not positive either.Entire system is now crumbling , so the fireworks are in the beginning stage.Grab the popcorn.


  30. Princess Diana was murdered and to this day people won't discuss why the tunnel CCTV was turned off that night

  31. I wondered if MM had blackmail on Prince Andrew. Apparently he was hostile to her right away, and he was another player on Epstein’s island. He’s supposedly the queen’s favorite, so that would be a strong card to play. I dont care for MM, I think she has eyes of a serial killer, but her hustle will be legendary someday.

  32. Boomom22 - Interesting, i always thought she had someone over Harry but i didn't even think of Andrew - not out of the realms of possibility since his shady connections are well known
