Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

June 7, 2019

The tabloids are all reporting on the new girlfriend, but have their collective heads buried in the sand when it comes to the fact that the A list actor from an acting family did what he always does. Cheats. He cheated on his long time girlfriend who thought they were going to get engaged.

Dennis Quaid


  1. Guess the man isn't made for monogamy.

  2. She's 26 he's about 62,she ain't there for love.

  3. I've seen some shocking things in my day, but nothing like this.

  4. @Bray, exactly, we were meant to be hunters and gatherers! Live a life filled with glorious VIOLENCE and by the age of 30, boom you are dead! No worrying whether you have enough saved for retirement, diseases, or any othrt stuff. If you didnt agree with someone, just fight them. Either you are gone or they are! Ahh, the simpler times!

  5. It is kind of shocking how younger women go for older men so much. Like however old you are, you can always get a women in her 20s.

  6. He's a chronic smoker who looks like an old used handbag. But, he still gets parts.

  7. I HATE those esurance commercials so much! If I had any respect for Dennis from back in the day ("Breaking Away") it is gone now with those horridly cutesy and unfunny commercials.

  8. @Brayson87 An older guy can always get a young woman if he is rich. That is the draw. He has to be rich. It is not love- it is a transaction.

  9. Women will always be attracted to a man with a big, fat, wallet.

  10. Money or become a porn star...

  11. Snuggz-- Breaking Away is an excellent movie! Love it!😍

    This girl is his son's peer...it's just odd.

  12. @Snuggz, Nope, no transaction necessary unless one is shopping for models and gold diggers but that's always a transaction regardless of the ages.

  13. Don't get married again Dennis, good luck with your mid life crisis
