Friday, June 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

June 10, 2019

The paps are editing the photos of the A list "singer" just to get a reaction out of her. It means more clicks for the tabloids they sell to. So far, it is working.

Britney Spears


  1. Poor Britney so very sad.

  2. In her prime, Britney was the only person that looked better in person than in pics or video, I was impressed. Usually celebs turn out to be some fraggle rock creatures IRL.

  3. That's a long long long time ago Brayson.

    All that's left is the mania.

  4. Dont take the bait, Brit!

  5. So, we can't believe any pics of her are actually of her, since Enty also revealed pics on her IG are of one of her back up dancers.

    I saw the pics she was making a fuss over & her IG pics. She just had a food baby in the pap pics & was sucking in her gut in her IG pics.

  6. JEEZ it's hard enough getting old. I can't imagine this level of scrutiny while it's happening. I remember I always thought I was fat when I was in high school and college and honestly there wasn't a bit of fat on me. I lived on Tab and Doritos literally and later gin and cocaine. I just had a warped sense of myself because I knew models and they were all anorexic. ANYWHO FUCK FASHION magazines and all this body shaming bullshit. It almost makes me like what's her face for having her picture taken in her hospital underwear... lo.l

    I guess Brit can't read here because they won't let her have a phone? If I thought she did I would tell her to dis a fucking pear in Kentwood and relax. It's all downhill after 40 for most of us mere mortal women.

    1. ✊👊. LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! For real.

  7. Who gives af whether Brit is fat? She could have kept her mouth shut knowing she's not, but instead decided to be all "ewwww I'm not a FAT! How gross!" Like, at least half her fans must be overweight by now...

  8. She’s not fat, by any means. But, she does have a short girl’s gymnast body. It’s not the long & lean look that most women aim for. She works incredibly hard to keep herself in shape. I wish I had some of her motivation!
