Saturday, June 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 29, 2019

Ask yourself this. If the permanent A list "singer" has no unsupervised access to a smart phone or laptop how would she post her own videos?

Britney Spears


  1. Poor girl. Have you seen the video with the bad lighting that "she" posted about 4 days ago? Is that actually Britney?

  2. She is not a dancer. Every move goes into the other as she is a soldier. No flow, no passion. It's sad to watch whomever is dancing.

  3. Thia it was so dark that nobody could actually tell if it was her or somebody else, probably done that way on purpose. And I don't think it was her.

  4. I keep asking myself whether Aliens are real or not? Are we the aliens in reality and Mars was/is our real home? So many questions, so few reveals!

  5. @Unknown - totally agree with your comments. @Sandy - yeah, I don't think it is either. The dancer's body just seems not quite right and it's the only IG post of hers that is that badly lit. Very curious.

  6. This saddens me. Sometimes I believe it is too late to free Britney and she will be suicided.

  7. I definitely don’t believe it’s her in the video with the stuffed snake. This is getting beyond sad.
