Sunday, June 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

May 23, 2019

This A list talk show host just signed a new lucrative deal. The thing is though, the deal allows for guest hosts up to half the time.



  1. 100% guest hosts would be better.

  2. Now she's come out accusing her step-father as her abuser, when she was a kid. This feels like Oprah's accusations that were really a ratings, and publicity ploy.

  3. Do you really think being sexually abused by anyone raises ratings? Seems similar to false memory syndrome. ...protect the perps.Much more common than people can fathom.

  4. When Oprah made her allegations, she was just another day time host in a crowded field. She broke out of that pack, it gave her gravitas.

  5. Nice work if you can get it.

  6. When you bring in the ratings, you get the perks. Back in the day Johnny Carson had the Tonight show moved To CA, shortened the hours, got more vacation time etc. Get yours Ellen...

  7. Great more guest hosts. Frankly Ellen is tired old and sucks. Not digging at her age but her tiresome schtick and lack of any real personality and care behind her dead step ford eyes. I wish America would see through her. I think she as mainstream LBGT personality has been good for the cause but she is SO EMPTY and why does no one see it. So many rumors abound about how awful she is to her staff, audiences, even guests. Out with her!


  8. Did anyone see Steadman has a book out? Yikes.

  9. idk... seems a good way to test out new replacements.

  10. When will single mothers with daughters realize why their new husbands married them? If he wanted to be a real father, he'd marry a woman with sons. If necessary, marry a fag who needs a long term beard. Or a Mormon widower who wont go near any woman given the Mormon marriage thing is eternal or some shit. Vibrators are cheap and abundant.
    Butch dykes are first and foremost man haters because of shit like this Ellen complains about with a step father. Why would she appear like a man unless there was some deep seated need to control male aggression by sort of becoming one?
    I'll wager there is an 80/20 split in gay dudes regarding women. 80% hate women but the 20% that love them are some of the best people alive. None of the 20% work in the fashion industry.
    The solution is obvious: Ellen should have an IVF boy with a woman loving fag. That will even her out, toot sweet!

  11. Let the ELLEN Guest Host Lottery games begin!! There will be blood as comics and actors vie for guest host spots.Letterman or Leno never did what Carson did with guest hosts. They were too paranoid. But Ellen's made her zillions, so she can take it easy. GENIUS.

  12. I thought Ellen's story about her stepfather was very believable, and sick, especially that he exploited her mother's breast cancer for his launchpad.

    Guest hosts 50% of the time is massive. Unless some of these guest hosts would be during what would be normal hiatus periods, that could get jarring. Carson had a stable fill-in host, and one or two days of repeats. It was novel when Letterman had rotating hosts, bc everyone was hoping for his return, and the guests hosts were enjoying doing a one-off favor. Will these guest hosts be clinging to Ellen's format and games, etc? Might not be an easy endeavor for 50%.

  13. Ohhhhh..... I do wish ellen would just go away. The whole "Be kind to one another" BS - she has never been genuinely kind to anyone. She's also mean and vindictive. I don't think a lot of people like her - I think they live in fear of her. I think the celebrities 'bend the knee' to her out of fear because I think she would do any and everything in her power to blacklist any one of them if she even felt the least bit slighted. I have noticed that since about mid April she's had mostly 'civilians' (non-hollywood) types with a few celebrities thrown in, but it's basically become a one-hour 'what is Ellen' doing or an infomercial for her other endeavors - game night, clothing line, gorilla sanctuary, etc.

  14. I believe her about her stepfather.

  15. Ellen purchased Adam Levine's house for 45 million. It will be interesting to see what kind of improvemts she'll make to up the next price to, what, 65 million?

  16. I feel very very sorry for you Substance D. You live in a world where every single man is a pedophile. That' must be torturous.

    You are too mentally ill to acknowledge that pedophiles also abuse young boys, hence your accusation that men only marry women with young daughter to abuse them, is empty.

    I was raised by a loving, caring stepfather. He did everything for me and never ever, not once, insinuated that I wasn't his child. I call him 'dad' and he's my father. And I'm not the only one out there who was lucky enough to have had a wonderful man in her life, so I wouldn't end up a bitter, twisted, nasty and mentally ill shrew like you seem to be.

    You fucking suck.

  17. Why not just hire Howdy Doody to fill in? He's got as much life as she does.

  18. Thank you for the warm testimony "Unknown". I'm sure when daddy took your cherry right after his honeymoon, he was oh so tender and I'll bet you hardly bled at all.

  19. There's something wrong with your head substance d.

  20. I will not argue with that, Turdtella, tho'my war with the nazification of political correctness cannot avoid a certain amount of collateral damage. Also, my step father was an absolute shit, so there's that.
