Friday, June 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 18, 2019

The Groupons are out in force now for this A list everything in her mind concerts. People told her in advance it would be a tough sell, but she thought she could sell shows out. No one is all that excited to see her. Even at 75% off, tickets are a tough sell.

Jennifer Lopez


  1. You mean people didn’t like her bringing up an old guy on stage and giving him a lap dance? And dancing like a stripper throughout the rest of her show?

  2. She and Combs should be in jail for bringing guns to a nightclub.

  3. Welp I just looked at the ticket availability for the show she's gonna do in Orlando in 3 weeks. Looks like the best seats available on the secondary market and are not floor seats are going for $1,300.00 to $300.00 on the first of six pages. Half the arena is either sold out or behind the stage and unavailable.

  4. Are there really Groupons for her concerts? I've never seen one. Though T-Mobile is advertising the hell out of Ariana Grande tickets and there's no disclaimer about what will happen if she "gets sick" on the day of the show...

  5. @ Aquagirl
    That's her show? Who WOULDN'T like that? I'm not big on concerts, but I'll have to check that out. I wonder which is cheaper, a pop concert or a strip club ...

  6. Groupon has 6 pages of her perfume marked up to 75% off, looked for Jennifer Lopez concert tickets and search came up empty.

  7. @Huckle: Yep, that’s her show. But a strip club is probably cheaper. The strange thing is that during this show, she brings her daughter out to sing with her. Her daughter actually has a good voice but it’s a weird transition.

    @Pearl: my cousin’s daughter graduated HS & she took her to see Ariana at Madison Square Garden last week. (And they came from out of state.) If I recall, there was a separate charge for ‘insurance’ besides all of the usual service charges.

  8. I'm going to see her for free. (I wouldn't pay $$ to see her 'live' but hey, dinner and drinks with friends and a free concert? Sure.) A friend of ours works at one of the venues and they gave a group of employees a block of tickets each to give away! I think it depends on the city. I haven't seen any on Groupon either, but I know there are a lot of freebies out there.

  9. Yeah, let's be honest, nobody is surprised that JLo is selling out in Florida. Otherwise across the nation the audience is mostly mommies reliving their youth. Honestly it's a lot of work to find the time to watch a has-been singer lip synch to her old music, never mind the money.

  10. I doubt anyone does concerts in Iowa but bullshit on. I also doubt JLo knows where the fuck Iowa is, or how to fucking fish and hunt baby.

  11. @Bray.

    Police around the UK said the most trouble they had from gig goers was after the last Take That reunion tour.

    Forty something slags ripped to their sagging tits on lambrusco and E failing to achieve their early nineties glory, dispelling their abject failure by going at each other false nails first in an orgy of hair pulling and eye scratching and pantyhose.

    I would be a liar if I said I wasn't more than a little aroused on reading that.

  12. uh yeah I can't find any groupon deals on google for JLo...

  13. JLo Groupon tickets were here in DC. Really cheap. I was surprised to see them. But not really.

  14. not surprised, she can't sing and she always steals other peoples songs and says she wrote them
