Thursday, June 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

June 16, 2019

A celebrity CEO with a huge social media following steals memes without crediting the artist. When the CEO was called out for doing this, he joked about his theft, and said that he purposely refuses to credit the artists.

Elon Musk


  1. What, he was stealing memes, is that a thing? I thought everyone just shared them with everyone.

  2. If we're copyrighting memes that's it, we just need to shut the internet down right now, it's completely f*cked.

  3. If he crops out watermarks, it is a douche move, but who cares?

  4. I'm fucked I never credit memes either (because most of them don't have created by... included). I'm sure George Takei is in even more trouble than we are.

  5. @Low Key.

    As long as I don't end up in a cell with the Count, I'm cool with that.
    I'm too pretty for Jerkula jail.

  6. He done goofed. Somebody call the cyber police! Backtrace him! Consequences will never be the same Elon!

  7. I see what you did there, Jimbonius.

    Vic, you'll make a lovely bride.

  8. So this is the worse thing Elon’s done?

  9. Raise your hand if you think the UST between Vic and the Count is getting ridiculous...

  10. It’s actually a dick move to steal memes and pass them off as your own when you’re a billionaire and have the media following that Musk does. All you people thinking it’s the same as when nobodies like you steal memes are deluded

    1. You talkin like not giving someone a retweet, just saving pic & uploadung yerself?

      Still dont care. Fuck twitter. They banned me because Stern or his people alerted on a tweet making fun of his wig.

    2. @Count: wait, wait, this is the best blind right here. Are we taking Howard Stern’s people got you banned from Twitter over his HAIR? This is the most pathetic reason for a Twitter ban I’ve ever heard. If Shatner and Reynolds could put up with the mockery for decades with their toupees held high, I’d expect a “shock jock” to ignore the comment entirely.

      Even if it was made in your inimitable style.

    3. Someone postes a pic of him and i said something like" that wig with that gray stubble is as much a sign of broken toy as a bimbo w/ kool aid colored hair".

      I got a 12hr ban for hateful conduct, which doesnt start until i delete the tweet, but i cant because i am locked out of all accts until i give them my phone #. That will never happen, unless i get a burner phone.

      I asked multiple times what part of my tweet broke their rules, and received no response.

    4. That’s tragically oversensitive. And I speak as an individual with kool aid colored hair.*

      But what a great story for How the Count Lost At Twitter, eh? Of all the things you coulda been banned for, the mind boggles it was that one.

      *Never did manage the bimbo thing, tho. Just vaguely antisocial punk.

    5. I know. Now i will have to resort to using Howard Stern, Beth Stern and Racist Pedophiles in the same sentences around the net, to taint Google listings.

  11. @Miss, Was he taking credit for creating memes?

    But just to be clear, it's still totally cool to steal original content like photos or video clips, write your own sh!t on them, label them memes, then pass them off as an original creation that should be protected by law?

  12. @count UST= Unresolved Sexual Tension.

    @Low Key: Do NOT make me fear the possible existence of CDAN RPF. I wouldn’t be surprised at this point. But I would be afraid. Very afraid.

    1. It is nothing compared to the sexual tension Lola and I had. She was the right kind of feisty to bring out the best in me, but anymore than the occasional weekend encounter would certainly devolve into hate

    2. Damn. And here I don’t remember Lola. But I’m seized with an intense compulsion to ask if she was a showgirl.

  13. I know I'm a man and so's Lola.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Count, it was probably the "a sign of broken toy as a bimbo w/ kool aid colored hair" part of it, seen as hateful toward women with colorful hair, who are often sensitive to comments from men.

    1. Brayson: so you think it was a broken toy who alerted on me?

    2. @Brayson: doubt a random user would have the clout to get him busted that hard for that little. And Stern makes for the much more humorous story.

    3. Blue Check Marks must not be butthurted. If "learn to code" was tweeted out to random coal miners, no one would have been banned, but Blue Check Marks are more important than riff raff.

  16. I think Brayson is referring to the feminazis with blue hair phenomenon.

    Speak more of this "taint Google listings". How does one do that? I get bored sometimes. Lookin for some fun.

    1. Mrs Lib: I’ll have you know my hair is green, not bl-

      Um, I mean: hey look over there, everybody! Mandy Moore!

      I’ll leave Google tainting tutorial to the good Count.

  17. Go on random sites that are google searched and leave fucked up/negative comments. Stern was stupid enough to say on air that his wofe checks her google alerts each night before bed, so a few of us would leave horrible comments about her and their relationship on messageboards and websites, so she would complain to him while he was trying to sleep.

    Then, allegedly, Sirius exec Scott Greenstein said he didnt want his name used on the show anymore because of the google results. We worked that until Scott Greenstein Pedophile was one of google's suggestions when you started to type his name in the search box

  18. Bad Count, naughty Count!

  19. How can you copyright or claim ownership of an image you pulled off the internet in the first place just because you added a funny line to it? I hate millennials.

  20. Count Jerkula clearly has too much time on his hands..

  21. Viking, better than having too much jizz on my hands.

  22. My lord, there's a website called "Mick Jagger's Wig", so far nobody's been banned for that. And it's hilarious.

  23. Back trace this mofo and send the interwebs police after him.
    Meme thievery will NOT stand.
