Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

May 31, 2019

The essentially banned from this country because of his underage sex exploits here A list royal has already made plans to ask for the ban to be lifted when he meets one on one next week with the person that can make that happen.

Prince Andrew/Donald Trump


  1. Maybe he planned to flip on his old pal Epstein.

  2. He aint flipping and there is no need to flip. Mossad/CIA agent Epstein has tapes on Andrew with little girls for control, not so they can put him in prison

  3. Wouldn’t it include little boys to ?

  4. Why isn't anybody talking here about George Nader? He's a notorious pedophile, who's been convicted twice, in Czech Republic and in the US, yet it didn't bother Donald Jr. who met him in August 2016 at Trump Tower. And it didn't bother Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn and Steve Bannon, who met him in December 2016. In both cases, it was about making deals with the UAE, Saudi Arabia or Russia. He was arrested a few days ago due to the Mueller investigation, once again for child pornography charges.

    Oh, shoot, it doesn't serve the narrative here...

  5. Oh, right, the key witness for Robert Mueller who didn't mention he was also being investigated for kiddie porn. That guy.

  6. Yeah, unfortunately there's a lot of MAGAts with their TDS (as in, you'd have to be deranged to support Trump) who study these blinds and use them to throw their alt-right, neo-Nazi narratives around. So they'll likely ignore the Nader stuff the same way they ignore that Trump's talked about his close friendship with Epstein, outed him as a pedo in the past multiple times and that Trump himself has creeped over his own daughters (especially Ivanka, admitting he'd fuck her if she let him on numerous interviews).

  7. (Phone rings)

    hi Donald can Andrew stay in your country ?

    Well when myself and Melania came to your country we were told oh you can't stay here as a guest because it's under renovation

    (Google search)

    Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms, that includes 52 guest bedrooms

  8. INION
    George Nader’s abuse of kids is disgusting. His abuse of U.S. democracy should alarm us all | Will Bunch
    Updated: June 9, 2019 - 1:10 PM
    by Will Bunch

  9. @Lucky13
    These claims are well known, yet they didn't prevent him from getting elected. Even if some of them are true (and they're likely true), his supporters will still trust him. I'm not American, and I'm not well suited in some details of your political system, but the key issue for 2020 won't be impeachment, or the documented lies, or the incompetence, or anything in the list you've made. It will be about the Democrats being able to present a compelling candidate (something Hillary was definitely not).

    Regarding the site, it's definitely written to accommodate the tastes of Trump supporters. In the summer of 2016, there were some blinds about him being addicted to speed, his affair with Hope Hicks or Melania being an escort offered by the mob that he ultimately fell in love with. They're all archived at AGC Web Pages (the July 2016 page is a gold mine, it even mentions him being the "Nazi type"), but the originals were all quietly deleted, along with the reveals.
    Sure, most of these blinds were about as bullshit as the current ones, but the site has never done it for anybody else. Even the cringe-inducing blind that told a totally fake story about Jayme Closs hasn't been scrubbed. The content of the site is now clearly written to please and comfort Trump supporters.

  10. @Angela
    Maybe one of Dick for Brains brought this site. I would not be surprised if this site was owned by Pecker.

  11. You fragile fucks are in for some shit when he wins a second term and the gloves come off..

  12. @Angela, Yeah, sure it had nothing to do with him becoming a sitting president after 2016, maybe Enty just didn't want to piss off a current prez.

  13. He's not "banned" from the US. And he's close with the Clintons and Democrats so I'm not sure why so many people are commenting as if he is buddy-buddy with President Trump.

    And WTF is up with that weird comment about Trump supporters and neo-Nazi bs? Where do these freaks come up with this irrelevant bulls*$*t?

  14. It's a disease, they can't help themselves...

  15. @akbar johnson
    Sure Jan. You are just a Trump Cultist. The evidence is all there but you turned a blind eye to it. Just a simple cache search and you can see all the Trump blinds are indeed deleted. Trumptards are trumptards. You just can't help yourself.

  16. Can't help myself? I'm not the one who turns every conversation into ORANGE MAN BAD!!, that's you, and I know you can't help yourself, that's why it's a disease..

  17. @Brayson

    Are you kidding?

    Is it the same Enty who routinely reports the horrors of Hollywood major players who had people killed to keep their child molestation secrets safe? And yet boldly prints all about their misdeeds?

    Or the same Enty who published a blind on the various male lovers of Barack Obama, including the ones who were killed to keep his chances for the presidency?

    And this brave Enty has redacted 2016 material as offensive as the ones that implied that Trump is a philanderer, even if there's a ton of commonly available evidence, including audio recordings, that he's had affairs. How neat of him! Someone has to draw the line somewhere! You need courtesy in politics, not stories about a former president and his wife using a pill that gives brain cancer on their political opponents. Well, oops...

    Not only this, but Enty has done a 180, for instance on Omarosa. And there aren't even blinds about the staff at the White House, while there were some during the Obama administration. And it's not as if secrecy was tight there, given the number of tell-all books that have been published in the last two years. Nope. Let's do instead an umpteenth blind about Cory Booker using Rosario Dawson as a beard.

    And you can't even see this?
