Saturday, June 29, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

June 19, 2019

He might be out now, but they are still using his script and this three named actress agreed to star in the movie knowing it was his script and knowing everything he was accused of.

Max Landis/Chloe Grace Moretz


  1. Cash Flow is low at the Chloe Grace Moretz house?

  2. Considering she is the breadwinner for her mom and older brothers she has to keep working.

  3. If he’s no longer involved in the project I don’t see the problem.

  4. Last year at this time Enty was telling us nobody wanted to hire her because she bombed all her movies, so she takes a job and now this. You take what you can get when you are supposed to be desperate for work.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Besides, given the sausage factory that Hollywood actually is, it's very likely that the script has gone through major rewrites by other people, credited or not, and that there won't be many lines from the original script by Landis. That's what already happened to him on Bright, and he tried to complain about it.

    That's one of the dozens of reasons why the blind item about Dan Harmon being invited to direct voice sessions for "Monster House" (on which he cowrote the original script) and taking advantage of them to have young girls sit on his lap (with two of them being scarred for life by the trauma) was utter bullshit. In Hollywood's food chain, being a writer is barely a step up from being a fluffer on porn sets. If even somebody like Landis, who had some degree of fame through his parents' name and his previous works, must face that his screenplay will be radically transformed without him having a word in the matter or in the rest of the production, it's a hundred times worse for a nobody like Dan Harmon in 2005-2006.

  7. Chloë Grace Moretz supports Hillary Clinton, she might as well support Max Landis



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